Chapter Forty-Six
My stomach growled. “You know what I’m craving? A big ol’ yellow tree dick.”
Valpar paused while he was carrying me in his arms to the kitchen table. He slowly looked down at me, but I wiggled for him to put me down.
“Wow, and I see some on the table! Do they grow here? Oh, and you’ve got muffins, too?”
Valpar let me down, reluctantly, and he stood there with his half-hard shaft wobbling against his leg.
“Yellow tree dick?” He drawled and I pulled a big banana out of the crate on the table. “Yeah! Don’t they look like dicks? I chuckled, peeled it and took a massive bite. I moaned and rubbed my bare stomach.
I was starving, and, apparently, I slept for four whole days while I was reliving memories and had my brains fudged into oblivion. My lady parts were still tingly and sore, so, I walked a little funny. I really needed some ice cubes, or maybe a frozen dildo, I could shove up my lady bits, but I doubted Valpar had any of those things in the cabin.
I peeled the rest of the banana and stuck it into my mouth. I moaned as I chewed, and Valpar huffed and shook his head. He went to the oversized chair at the table and slapped his leg for me to go sit with him.
“That is not a dick. It’s a banana. Where do you come up with these weird names?”
I hopped onto his lap and swallowed the gigantic piece, and before I could speak Valpar already had a cup of cool water to my lips. “It’s the shock factor, and let’s face it, you looked pretty shocked.”
Valpar pinched his nose and smiled. “You will run circles around me.”
“That’s the plan.” I took another bite, and let out a long, erotic moan as I put as much banana in my mouth as I could.
Valpar watched, and his hand tightened around my thigh.
“You are enjoying that banana far too much,” he growled in my ear.
Hmm, indeed I was. He was gripping the cup too tightly and watching me with eyes like he was going to pounce again.
This was fun.
“Mmm, it is so good though. And you know what, I think yellow might be my favorite color now.”
Valpar slammed the cup on the counter, sloshing water on the table. “What?”
“Yeah, yellow. Such a bright happy color. Don’t you think?”
Valpar pulled the banana away from me. “Green should be your favorite color and the only thing you should have in your mouth is my green shaft.” He whispered dangerously in my ear.
“Where’s Simon?” I asked, changing the subject and ignoring his constipated face. “He’s probably not used to this place, and I want to make sure he’s okay.” I reached over the table to grab another banana, giving my mate a perfect view of my naked butt. I could feel Valpar’s vibrations from his chest run down my legs while he palmed my butt.
“Little fairy, I have some news about Simon.”
My brows furrowed when I heard his voice go serious.
“Is he okay? He didn’t get hurt when that potion spilled on him, did he? He didn’t die?” Panic rose in my throat and Valpar placed his hand on my chest.
“No, Simon is fine. It’s just—he isn’t the same Simon you remember.”
I tilted my head and stared out the window at the front of the cabin. How could Simon not be the same Simon?
“When the potion fell on your skin, Simon panicked and jumped after Karma. The potion got into his fur. Normally, this should not have affected him, but Simon was under a spell that no one knew about.”
I thought for a moment, running my fingers through Valpar’s hair. If he isn’t the same fainting Simon, maybe…
“Does he not faint anymore? That’s... that’s wonderful!”
Valpar winced. “No, that isn’t what happened.”
I tilted my head in confusion.
“He—changed. He isn’t a goat. He’s human on the top part of his body and goat on the other half. Your mother said he was called— a faun.” Valpar scratched his head.
He continued to speak but my smile grew so wide I could hardly contain myself. “Where is he! I want to see! He sounds amazing!” I tried to jump off Valpar’s lap, but he held me in place.
“He isn’t here. He ran off.” He grunted.
I frowned, still holding the banana in my one hand. “But why? Why would he run?”
Valpar shook his head. “I don’t know. Maybe because he was embarrassed? Afraid? His scent didn’t change, and I think I' smelled him around the cabin.”
I tapped my lips with my finger. This was good. Simon wasn’t far. He was still hanging around. He was just waiting for me to wake up. I will coax him to come out and talk to me.
Having a conversation with my best friend was going to be great; it wouldn’t be one-sided anymore, and I could still be with him if he fainted. Yes, this going to be flippin’ awesome. I couldn’t wait to see him and ask him so many questions. What was his life before me? What was it like to have two legs? To talk? Is he really always hungry?
Valpar grabbed my chin and pulled it toward his face. “What are you thinking so hard for?”
I bit my lip. “Just thinking about Simon. He’s going to be talking now. It’s gonna be great, we can all live as a family. Do you have an extra bedroom? He’s gonna have to sleep in a bed now.”
Valpar’s eyes widened and he took a sharp intake of breath. “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. He didn’t want to have anything to do with us after he changed.”
“But I’m his best friend. He will come to me.” I placed my hand over his chest. “I’m his human support companion. You’ll see.”
Valpar nodded and patted my thighs. “Whatever my miresa wants, she gets. Now eat more besides your yellow tree dicks. In fact, I’m banning them. No more of those things in the cabin.” He narrowed his eyes. “You need meat.”
I nodded my head. “Yes, I need some meat. Like yours?” I winked at him and looked between his legs. He was already hard, but let’s face it, he was always hard.
He growled at me, put my naked back to his chest and pulled more food out of the crate. “You will eat, and then I will take you on every surface in this cabin, but not before. You are small and I do not need you to waste away.”
I leaned my head back and stared up at him. “Ooo, is that a promise?”
He snorted and cupped my tiny breast. “My words are law, little fairy.”
As we ate, Valpar grumbled how he would feed me food he prepared from now on. I ignored him and ate happily. I didn’t care if the food was prepared by him. I just liked that he fed me. Right now, I had an enormous appetite and was eating triple what I normally would.
He said my parents were around the wood somewhere. They were waiting for me to wake up and refused to listen to his telling them to leave. Valpar complained more, and I had to take my thumb and iron out the wrinkle between his eyes, so it didn’t get stuck that way. I smiled at him and urged him to eat, himself, but he just continued to call them ridiculous. I know my parents trusted him, it was just—they loved me, too. They wanted to see me happy.
Because they were my family.
My parents and aunt and uncle trusted Valpar, but they were my family and Valpar didn’t understand they weren’t going anywhere for a while. My heart warmed at that.
Karma and Ivy were so wrong.
I was disappointed to learn that my orc didn’t sit and squish Karma with his magnificent butt. To be nearly squeezed to death and then squashed by his big toe will have to do.
Too bad I missed it.
Valpar cleared his throat several times and with my back leaning up against his chest I could feel the concern in his body. It was weird, also still overwhelming. I could feel all his emotions inside him, and it was upsetting not to know what it was. I finally had to pinch his nipple and ask what the heck was wrong with him, that I could feel his worry.
“I want to know what happened to you, but I do not want to cause you distress.”
My sweet orc shone love through this bond we had. It had covered me in a giant blanket. He was angry at what I went through, and his concern was to know what happened, so he did nothing to trigger me and cause me issues later.
That would never happen. Not with Valpar.
I gently explained my story. I didn’t provide him with gritty details, but I softly explained my story of being kept in a basement with limited food, facing numerous mental challenges of feeling unloved, and constantly seeking friendships that I never felt deserving of. My pain was more mental I felt. Had I not lived with that woman for so many years, I think my personality would be just the same as it is now.
Osirus and the sorceress didn’t change me at all. They just wiped the terrible memories away, so I could thrive like I should have from the beginning. I became who I was always meant to be. Happy. A little bit quirky.
I liked me. I liked me more when I was with Valpar, though.
Valpar’s arms wrapped around me, and he rocked me—his favorite position to have me in. He made me feel like a giant baby and I couldn’t lie—I really liked it. I liked how big he was, how over-protective he could be, because when I grew up I didn’t have that.
I liked how he fussed over me, how he bathed me and how he never let me out of his sight. It was going to be worse now, and I couldn’t wait to be a sassy little brat about it!
I beamed up at him, and using his claw, he brushed the dark locks away from my face. “And how did you get away?” Valpar murmured. “You said it was hard to sneak out.”
I played with Valpar’s hair that cascaded around us and started to braid it. “Birch came to the rescue.” I chuckled. “Birch burst through the front door; I heard it. There was a party upstairs and everyone was screaming. I heard glass break, people running out, the woman who kept me was screaming Theresa’s name and telling her she was going to call the cops.”
Valpar’s grip tightened.
“Cops are people who are supposed to help you. The cops in the town I lived in were—bad. Anyway, Mom—Theresa —held her down and Birch burst through the basement. It was at the end of summer, and I was weak because I couldn’t get food as much as I could during the school year. Mom did her best to sneak it through the window in the basement, but somehow the woman upstairs always knew.
“But Birch came in like a knight. He had his ears showing and I remember he had this cool outfit on. It felt like a dream. His sword was strapped to his side. I thought I was getting sucked into a fairy tale. He carried me upstairs and Theresa was there, and she held my hand while that woman just screamed. I worried about Theresa, but she told me not to worry that I would never see that woman ever again.”
Valpar growled low and buried his face into my neck. “She’s gone. That female. She’s dead.”
My eyebrows shot up in surprise. “Dead? Like dead-dead?”
Valpar huffed and kissed my bruised shoulder. “Your uncle went to finish her. When he got to her home, she was dead. From those drugs she used.”
Sick satisfaction flooded me. Good.
I tried to see the good in people, give them the benefit of the doubt that maybe they were having a bad day, or an awful life. That was no excuse to make other people suffer. I’d never understand why people could be so cruel and want to see other people unhappy.
Kindness is free. Just a smile at someone from a distance can make that person’s day a little brighter. It isn’t hard.
Being angry, plotting, scheming, putting other people down, just to be mean, it seems like so much effort.
Valpar leaned over me, placing his hand over my chest. “Does my female need a happy memory to erase the sadness she is feeling?”
I squeezed my thighs together and I swear I felt my lady parts trying to suck up his thigh.
My pussy is turning into a vacuum and I’m gonna leave a hickey on his leg.
Valpar groaned when I rubbed my pussy against his thick muscle. “Female, I don’t want to take you if you are sore.”
He turned me around and my chest lined up against his. The cool air in the cabin cooled my back while my breasts were warmed by the heat of his body. A shiver ran down my spine at the different temperatures.
“Rub that wet cunt on my leg. I can feel your wet pussy coating me already.”
I whimpered, holding onto his arms. My body felt different down there, like I was seeking his cock. It was the weirdest feeling. My breathing grew heavy, and I moved my pussy against his leg.
“That’s it, my greedy little fairy. I’m going to let you ride me until you come. Only when you get off on my leg, will I give you my cock.”
Oh, Dommy Valpar is a hot Valpar.