Valpar (Under the Moon: Orc #2) 48. Chapter Forty-Eight 92%
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48. Chapter Forty-Eight

Chapter Forty-Eight


My lady parts had superpowers . Superpowers I couldn’t control, but they had dick-gripping powers. I hope it didn’t do it all the time. I did like having Valpar be in control most of the time, but whatever the heck happened the last time we did it was freaking insane.

My vagina ate him!

Slurped him up like a person at a world champion hot dog eating contest.

I’d been awake for several minutes and I needed to pee, so badly. Valpar was still sleeping, and I was not convinced that orcs didn’t have to sleep often, because most of the time he was sleeping. At least, I thought he was sleeping, until he wiggled his finger inside me and I squeaked in surprise.

“I know you are awake, miresa.”

Oh, guess he was awake.

“Can you tell me why your fingers are stuck in my no-no place?”

His shaft slipped out of me at some point. My back was to his chest so we both must have shifted while we slept. However, he had two of his giant declawed fingers inside me, plugging up all his come.

“Making sure you didn’t run off while I slept. You are an escape artist.” He removed them and I groaned, feeling empty without his touch. Before I could protest more, the urge to use the restroom grew too strong.

“Gotta go!” I swiftly leapt off the soft bed, only to be halted by the sensation of a gentle, warm hand enveloping my arm, firmly tugging me back. I gazed up at him, my expression contorting into a scowl.

He shoved a tunic on top of my body, and as soon as my arms were in the sleeves I took off again.

“Miresa!” He yelled but I didn’t stop.

Yup, gonna start trouble already, but I was about to pop.

I dashed out the bedroom door and jumped over a mess. I felt like I was faster, and this was going to come in handy when I was running away from a spanking. But did I really want to run away? I snorted and kept running. Valpar was hot on my tail as I heard his feet hit the soft ground.


Cheese and crackers. He said my name.

“I have to pee! Where do I go?”

Valpar let out a bark of laughter and shot out some directions. Before I knew it, I was behind a tree and squatting in the most unlady-like fashion, but who cared? We were in the woods and there weren’t any pixies around here to make fun of me.

Once I let it go, I let out a sigh and could hear Valpar just behind the tree. He was covering his laughter with his hand, but I paid him no mind because this miresa had to go.

“Can you step back just a bit?” I said, still going.

He cleared his throat. “No, you don’t know my territory yet and I haven’t scouted to check for predators. You will not be out of my sight for long.”

Well, at least he wasn’t watching me go. That might be my hard limit.

Just then, I saw Valpar’s head come around the tree. “Hey! No peeking!” He laughed and ducked his head back around the tree. It was so good to hear him laugh. He did not seem so uptight, like there was a tree stuck up his butt, anymore.

Once I finished, I saw that there was a closed wooden crate. I opened and saw there were cleaning supplies to clean myself up with. I patted the tunic down and came around the tree. Valpar had his arms crossed, leaning up against the smooth bark, and smiled.

“Feel better, little fairy?”

I snorted. “My bladder is itty bitty. There will be frequent trips to the bathroom, you know. I’ll have to go by myself because I will not do number two in front of you.”

Valpar frowned. “Number two?”

“Yeah, tummy dumplings.”

Valpar made a face and shook his head. “I will construct our bathroom quickly. I have most of the supplies. I cannot have you coming out here at night. It isn’t safe. There are large animals, and even ogres, that still roam the territory.”

I shrugged my shoulders and when my eyes drifted from his, I noticed that he was very naked, and his dick did not look normal at all.

“Cheese and crackers!” I pointed to his shaft. “Valpar, I broke it!”

Valpar looked down and saw that his dick was no longer green with a purple tip, the entire thing was freaking purple!

I panicked and went to it, stroking it and cupping his balls. “Does it feel okay? Does it hurt? Do we need some ice? I can kiss it and make it better! Or I can massage it, to maybe get some blood flow back. I can’t believe it; I broke it and I haven’t had enough yet! Valpar, is it going to be okay!?”

Valpar looked as stunned as I was. He was looking at it not with despair or disappointment, though. His face morphed into that of pride?

“I think you branded me.” He held onto his slowly rising shaft.

Okay, this was good. It was still working and getting hard.

“Marked you? I marked your dick?” I squeaked.

Valpar nodded, picked me up by my hips and settled me in the crook of his arm. “Yes, you marked me! Your cunt made me yours.”

My lips parted as I tried to understand. This was totally weird and not anything like that of the Bergarians. There was biting and fudging. That was how you marked your mates over the wall.

With orc mates you just make the pussy big enough to take a dick, and then the women suck the dick hard enough with their lady parts to make it purple?

Alright, fair. Whatever.

“Okay?” I chuckled, as I placed both hands on the side of my mate’s face and gave him a kiss. “That’s weird. You really think that’s how it is?”

“If not, you can suck my cock with your cunt every night until it is so.” Valpar wiggled his eyebrows, and I felt my cheeks go pink.

“You can’t say stuff like that.” I swatted his shoulder. “People could—well, animals could hear. They would get so embarrassed.”

Valpar chuckled but a boisterous laugh overpowered the sound. We both swung our heads towards the noise and saw a large male just twenty feet away.

As another orc emerged, my eyes widened at his imposing size. A massive sword rested on his back, while bags dangled from his hips. Leather cuffs adorned his muscular arms. I noticed striking white streaks in his hair, contrasting with his dark locks, and a thick braid cascaded down his back. His weathered skin bore countless scars. Wrinkles traced the contours of his face, revealing the weight of his years. I tilted my head, observing him intently as he approached, his steps deliberate and measured.

“Valpar, what have I taught you about not watching your surroundings?” The friendly laugh turned more serious, and my head jumped back and forth between the two like an awkward ping-pong match.

“Is this your dad?” I whispered to Valpar, but his grip grew tighter on me.

Valpar snarled and stepped back. “Stay back, she’s mine.”

The face of the male in front of softened again, but he continued to come forward. “Figured you would be just as bad as Thorn. He’s going through the same. Now let me see my new daughter before I die of old age.”

I gasped and wiggled out of Valpar’s arms. He growled at me, but once my bare feet hit the ground, I ran up to the male and stood in front of him with my hands behind my back.

“Little fairy, you get back here!” Valpar stomped forward and I could feel the heat radiating on my back.

“Hi! I’m Calliope. Valpar calls me by my nicknames, though. Either Little Fairy or miresa. I’m surprised he hasn’t called me ‘little shit’ yet, though, because I’ve really been pushing his buttons, late—”

Valpar covers my mouth and groans. “Do not say such foul language, miresa, or I will correct it.”

The warning in his tone made me pinch my thighs together and Valpar’s dad— I believe his name was Azuk from when we talked about him weeks ago— snorted with amusement. Valpar’s nose flared, and he swiftly picked me up and settled me in the crook of his arm.

“She’s terribly small. Are you feeding her correctly?” Azuk asked, as he assessed me.

Valpar glared and covered me with his other arm. “She is fully grown and yes, I am feeding her. I have just branded her, and I need to feed her again.”

These guys were talking to each other like I was a freaking puppy.

Azuk gazed down at Valpar and smirked. “I see she has branded you, too. Congratulations. Two orcs in the tribe have now been claimed. This is a special time for the entire tribe.”

He isn’t seriously looking at Valpar’s thing, is he? That’s totally gross.

“Stop looking at it and stop looking at my miresa!” Valpar snapped at him and turned me away.

I leaned up close to Valpar’s ear and whispered, “He can still see your nice butt.”

“Female,” he growled, and his father chuckled deeply behind us.

Valpar wouldn’t allow his dad to come into the cabin. He had to explain, again, to me that males don’t appreciate other males in their territory, and Azuk coming into his territory alone was enough to set him off. Especially, since we had just solidified our bond.

I let him do his thing. Valpar was tense as he gathered the food from the floor of the cabin and kept one eye on me. He was serious. He wasn’t letting me out of his sight, and I would not push him right now.

I watched out the window while his dad was setting up a tent. It was enormous, just like the ones that scattered all over Uncle Osirus and Aunt Melina’s courtyard and I watched how similar the mannerisms that Valpar and Azuk had were.

Azuk and Valpar were exactly alike. He was meticulously unfolding the tent, pushing away rocks and debris and scanned the surroundings for any sort of predators. There was a fire pit outside and Azuk was already gathering wood, when Valpar had finished salvaging what food was left from the crate and motioned for me to follow him outside.

Valpar had a cloth on this time, covering the new eggplant he sported.

I snorted. Valpar had a purple dick.

“You’re staying overnight?” Valpar huffed and set the crate down. It was mostly bread, fruits and some veggies. There wasn’t any meat, thank goodness because I think that would have gone rotten.

“I’ve spent time with Thorn, I think it’s time to spend some with my seeded. Do you not want me here?”

Valpar was about to open his mouth, but I cut him off.

“We would love to have you! I want to hear all the stories about when Valpar was tiny!”

Azuk threw his head back, his belly— which was bigger than Valpar’s— shook and he sat on the log next to the, now, roaring fire. “Valpar was never a tiny orcling. I remember Lash having a time getting that round melon out of her. I believe I had to pull him out by his head. That’s probably why his face is stuck like that.”

I turned around to look at Valpar, and he had a scowl on his face.

I patted my mate’s cheek and snuggled closer into his lap. “Aw, his face isn’t always like that. He laughs, too.”

Valpar held me closer to his body and nuzzled his nose into my neck.

“Don’t worry about him, little fairy, he is just angry I am here. Being newly branded will do that to an orc. I remember it like it was yesterday. I am still going to sit here and enjoy my time with my seeded and his new female, whether he likes it or not.” Azuk pulled out an iron flask and took a big sip.

Valpar jutted out his chin, staring at his father intently. “Why are you so happy? Last time I saw you, you were ready to punch me in the face.”

My mouth dropped at the accusation. This guy was like the Santa Claus of orcs. Why would he want to punch his own son?

Azuk just chuckled, his belly shaking. “That I was, but now I have something to look forward to. You have a female, your miresa, and soon I will meet mine, once again.” He took another swig.

I darted my eyes back and forth, and Valpar’s arms stiffened around me. His mother was gone. She passed away into the stars. What could Azuk possibly mean? He wasn’t going to—

“Orgamo,” Valpar rasped, “what are you talking about?”

Azuk remained silent, causing a sense of anticipation to hang in the air. Suddenly, he unveiled a hefty slab of meat. As the raw chunk spilled out from the bag, a nauseating churn rumbled in my stomach. The sizzle of the iron grill echoed around us as the meat hissed against the metal. Despite the unsettling sight, I forced my focus to remain fixed on Azuk.

Azuk gave the meat a crooked grin, the white wisps of his hair tickling his jawline that fell from his braid. “Because, soon I will meet Lash amongst the stars.”

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