Valpar (Under the Moon: Orc #2) 50. Chapter Fifty 96%
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50. Chapter Fifty

Chapter Fifty


We embarked on a journey that lasted half a day, surrounded by towering, jungle-like leaves. The radiant light sources filtered through the dense foliage, casting gentle rays that danced between the leaves. The cool shade provided by the leaves shielded us from the scorching heat, allowing us to travel comfortably. As we moved swiftly, Valpar and Azuk’s footsteps created a refreshing breeze that tickled my skin, keeping me pleasantly cool.

I shouldn’t say the name Azuk anymore, though. He told me I was to call him Orgamo and nothing else. He called me little daughter because Valpar said he could not call me by his nicknames. At this rate, I would have so many names, I may not answer because there were too many to remember.

I sighed happily as I sat on top of my mate’s shoulders. We were almost there, at least that was what they told me an hour ago. It felt like an hour, but he said it was only two minutes since the last time I asked.

I kept getting too excited as we traveled. Valpar would have to swat my leg while I sat on his shoulders, bouncing up and down happily.

Valpar said the smell was tempting him to take me behind a tree and rut me into the forest floor. He couldn’t do that though, because he didn’t want to take longer than he needed to, out here in the Wood. He said it wasn’t safe, there were a lot of animals that I didn’t know about.

I didn’t think that was the case. I think he was worried I would wander off.

Which was smart, because there were so many pretty flowers and plants, and I wanted to look at and smell them all.

“It’s just up ahead,” Orgamo pointed with the walking stick. We’ve been in the blanket of the wood and the shade was giving way to a brightness I hadn’t seen since we left the clearing of the cabin.

We couldn’t bring Valpar’s horse, because where we traveled the trail was small and the beasts that roamed manta would spook him.

As we entered the clearing, rustling grasses filled the air, surrounding us with their towering presence. In the center, an oasis emerged, its lush greenery and majestic trees resembling palm trees, adorned with peculiar pink coconuts. My jaw dropped in awe, as my eyes beheld creatures reminiscent of pictures I had seen of dinosaurs but adorned with fur, feathers and even hair.

“Woah.” I gaped and Orgamo chuckled, stepping into the light sources.

“Come, we must be swift. We must leave this place before nightfall. This area of the Monktona Wood is dangerous when there are no light sources. You are never to come here alone. Do you understand, little daughter?”

Orgamo looked up at me and glared. He actually glared, and I nodded frantically because I didn’t think I wanted to get on this male’s bad side.

Valpar and I followed Orgamo through the tall grasses, careful not to make any sudden movements that might startle the strange creatures around us. They reminded me of huge, long-horned steers back on Earth. These were a deep blue, with long manes around their necks and piercing yellow eyes. They continued eating, but I couldn’t help but stare at the creatures that Bergarian had yet to see.

As I gazed into the distance, the oasis was shimmering with beauty. A pond lay peacefully at its center, its waters glistening under the scorching rays of the sun. The sight of it was so inviting, its coolness would be a relief against the increasingly intense heat.

I wondered if we could go swimming.

As we approached the oasis, I could see colorful birds flitting between the trees, their calls different than anything I had heard before. The pink coconuts I kept eyeing swayed gently in the breeze, casting a rosy hue over the waters.

Pink was just the IT color.

Azuk cleared his throat. “I’m going to scout the east side. Make sure there aren’t any predators.”

I didn’t pay attention, too busy staring up into the stark difference between the forest trees to this oasis. “Valpar, why is it that—”

Valpar rapidly turned me from where I was sitting on his shoulders, so his mouth was between my thighs. I squeaked in surprise, but he forced his hand over my mouth.

My eyes went wide and while my legs rested on his shoulders, his other hand came up and pulled my underwear to the side. His thick tongue parted my lower lips, and my body leaned back into the large boulder.

Valpar’s tongue explored my folds with a hunger that took my breath away. I couldn’t believe this was happening in the middle of the oasis and without any dang warning. But I couldn’t deny the pleasure that coursed through my body, igniting a fire in my core that threatened to consume me.

I gripped Valpar’s hair, pulling him closer as he devoured me, using my nails to scratch through his scalp. He groaned, tasting me like I was his favorite dessert. His grip grew tighter around my body as his tongue flicked and swirled, driving me to the brink of madness. I could feel the orgasm building inside me, a tidal wave of pleasure that I knew would sweep me away.

“You are to come on my tongue, little fairy.” He spoke with a command I couldn’t ignore, and my back arched, coming into his mouth.

The soft licks of his tongue cleaned me as his fingers gently stroked my clit, sending me over the edge yet again. My body shook and a loud moan tried to escape my lips, but he muffled it with his hand.

Since bonding, our pleasure was tenfold.

Not complaining, no ma’am.

Valpar pulled back, a satisfied smile on his face as he wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. “You’re welcome,” he said, clearly pleased with himself. I felt flushed and exposed, but also incredibly turned on.

“What about—”

“Later,” he pressed a searing kiss to my cheek. “If I take you now, I will continue taking you many times over, and we cannot be left here in the dark when the night creatures come out,” he said.

Well, this intrigued me more, but I also didn’t want to get eaten…by a gigantic monster…like a monster to kill me, not to give me orgasms. I liked my big orc monster.

Orgamo pushed through the trees and stood with his walking stick, then let out a huff. “You didn’t do it right. She should be almost passed out from exhaustion.”

Valpar glared at Orgamo and shook his head. “You said not to rut her. She falls asleep faster with rutting.”

Are they seriously talking about my post-orgasm sleeping habits?

Orgamo shook his head, walked past us and held out a rope. “Tie her waist so she doesn’t get away while you climb the tree. Perhaps she will be too tired to untie it.” He narrowed his eyes at me then at Valpar. “See if you can do that knot I taught you last night.”

Wait a second, they had been working on new knots that I couldn’t untie?

Those sneaky orcs.

Valpar tied a rope around my waist and then to the base of another tree. I was in the shade, and he laid out a blanket with food, water, and a pillow for me to rest.

I suppose this could be barbaric for him to tie me to a tree, but I have run from him a couple times. Guess I deserved it. I shrugged my shoulders and stared up at the tree, containing the fruit to my new hair color and smiled.

“You stay. You will not leave this blanket.” Valpar put his hands on his hips, like a child wanting to get his way.

I crossed my fingers over my heart. “Promise. In fact, pinky swear!” I pulled his hand out and wrapped my pinky around his. “You cannot break a pinkie swear. I swear I will stay on the blanket.”

Valpar shook his head. “What is the difference in a pinky swear?”

“Pinky swears can’t be broken, duh.” I sat on my butt and leaned back in the shade.

Valpar scratched his chin. “Should I have been doing these pinky-swears all along to get you to stay in place?”

I shrugged my shoulders. “Well, you never brought it up. It wasn’t my fault.”

Valpar sighed as we hooked our pinkies together and then he turned his back to me and helped his orgamo as they prepared to climb the smooth trunk of the tree. While it was smooth like a palm tree, it was extra thick and climbing it would be a challenge.

They couldn’t just cut it down for the fruit, because it would be wasteful since we couldn’t carry the wood back to the cabin, and we didn’t waste things in Bergarian.

I hummed happily as I popped a piece of dried fruit into my mouth. I wiggled in my seat watching Valpar and Orgamo swear at each other, and Orgamo slapped his son’s thigh in anger while he tried to climb.

It’s really entertaining.

The bushes behind me rustled, and I jerked my head to look behind me. A quiet bleat that sounded very much like Simon came from inside the bush next to me.

I gasped, sat on my knees and parted the bushes. “Simon? Simon, is that you?”

Instead of seeing the white head and pretty eyes of my favorite animal, I was met back with a face nearly human. His nose was that of a goat, his eyes forward facing, and a goatee of facial hair. He had long white hair on his head, that was braided just like the orcs had done weeks ago.

“Oh, Simon, look how beautiful you are,” I whispered, and my hand slowly approached to cup his face.

He jerked back, his eyes widened and he fell over into the bushes.

I guess the spell did not take away his fainting issues.

I checked on Valpar and Orgamo. Valpar was still climbing the tree, his loincloth blowing in the wind, and I was getting a magnificent view of his butt. Unfortunately, I couldn’t pay attention to it, because I needed to check on Simon.

I leaned into the bush, making sure to keep my knees on the blanket.

I did not need to be breaking pinky promises. That would not be good for my butt, right now.

When I got down to pet Simon behind the ears, as he loved so much, he let out a small whine and I saw him coming to. “Hey bestie, it’s okay. Nothing to fear.”

He slowly came out of it, although, quicker than when he was in his goat form, and he looked up at me with such confusion, much like when he has fainted in the past.

“You fainted, it’s okay. How are you feeling? Can you talk yet?” I kept my voice low as a whisper not to alert my orcs. I didn’t think he was comfortable with them, yet. He kept looking at them funny, every few seconds.

Be bleated softly, his tongue lolling out of the side of his mouth.

“Can’t talk yet, huh? It’s okay, just keep practicing. Just know that they won’t hurt you. Valpar would never.”

Simon whined again and got back on his hands and knees to hide back further into the bushes. “Wait, are you just following us around? Why don’t you stay with us?” I tilted my head and leaned further into the bush.

He grunted and shook his head.

Maybe he was still too shy about his body.

“Are you still my bestie, though? Will you still come say hi to me when Valpar isn’t around? You know that isn’t a lot, right?”

Simon gave me a soft look and leaned forward. His horns, which were the same as when he was a tiny goat, tapped my forehead before he retreated again into the brush.

“Calliope! What are you doing!” Valpar’s voice cut through the silent moment Simon and I were sharing, and he scurried away.

I felt myself being lifted by my hips and soon I was hanging upside down. “I didn’t leave the blanket!” I giggled and saw Valpar scowling.

“No,” he mused and put me right-side up. “What were you doing? What is in the bushes?” he went over to look but I grabbed his face and gave him a kiss. “Just lookin’, I was getting bored.”

Orgamo stomped up beside us and held out the pink fruit in his hand. It was a cross between a dragon fruit and a coconut from Earth. It was soft, round and had a hint of fuzz on the outside. Orgamo took his two large hands and twisted, breaking it in half. On the inside there was a large seed, like you would see on an avocado and deep blue meat inside.

Valpar took his sharp claw and cut out a chunk of the meat, letting it sit on the tip of his claw. “Just a piece. That is all it will take. You ready?”

I nodded excitedly and reached out to pull it off his claw. Valpar frowned and pulled it away. “Have you already forgotten?” He lifted a brow.

Orgamo huffed. “You have not trained her well. You both need training.” He stomped off and we were both left alone. I was laughing while Valpar scowled.

“Perhaps he should meet Ogamie sooner than later if he is making comments like that. I know how to take care of you.”

“He’s trying to help. Leave him be. I think he secretly enjoys it.” I opened my mouth and Valpar placed the piece onto my tongue. “Besides,” I mumbled with the fruit in my cheek, “maybe I should try and turn his all his hair white. It’s a challenge I would take.”

As soon as I swallowed, I felt a tingling in my scalp and between my legs, then a zap of electricity tingled all the way down my spine.

“Ooph!” I gripped onto Valpar and blinked several times. “Did it work?”

His smile was wide, and it looked like it hurt the way his lips stretched over his two very large teeth.

“There is my little fairy.”

“Is it supposed to stand up like that?” Orgamo said from a distance. Like she got struck by lightning?

My eyes widened, and I put my hand on top of my head to feel my hair standing up. “Goddess, what happened?”

Valpar leaned his head back and laughed, then carried me to the refreshing pool. He sat me down and cupped the water in his hands. “It will calm down. I have oils in my bag.”

“A-are you sure?” I pulled my hair down to look at it, but it was all frizzy and not soft and smooth like it was before.

Valpar continued to chuckle as he leaned my head into the pool, washing it and doing his best not to get my body wet. He dragged his bag over, pulling out glass vials that held hair oils and brushed my hair.

It didn’t take long. He worked fast, and soon he had my hair braided in one long section, then put it over my shoulder. “We will leave it like this and let the oils work. Soon, it will be healthy and strong. Now we must hurry and return.”

Valpar stood and packed his things as I turned to him, wrapping my arms around his waist. “Thank you,” I said, rubbing my face into his chest. His arms wrapped around me, his cheek resting on my head. “Neither of you had to come all this way to do this—”

“It was our pleasure. You are family, part of the clan and tribe,” Orgamo said, holding onto his walking stick.

Vapar lifted my chin with his claw and petted my cheek with the other. “I know you didn’t need it, but I will do everything in my power to give you everything that you want, to make you happy. If that means turning your hair pink just to make you smile, I will cross mountains to make it so.”

I smiled and pressed a kiss to his chest. “Yes, it really made me smile. I will always find ways to make you smile, too.”

Valpar lifted me up and perched me on his arm. “As long as you listen to my rules, you will make me smile.”

I rolled my eyes. “You know you like it when I break them, though. Keeps you on your toes and then we get to play. Wink, wink.” I closed my left eye obviously several times.

Valpar’s face turned a deeper green and I swear I might’ve seen some pink on those cheeks.

Orgamo’s lips lifted into a smirk. “Hmm, maybe there is hope for the both of you.”

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