It’s incredible how one simple word manages to cut me down faster than Zeus’s lightning bolt. Especially when said word is uttered in agony by my friend, the sister of the man lying dead in my arms.
“No, no, no, no, no, no, no…” Scarlett mutters the syllable over and over. She leaps from the platform edge and rushes to my side, her trembling hands hovering over Nick’s lifeless body, like touching him will solidify the fact that he’s dead.
Finally, she places her tiny hands on Nick’s chest and shakes him, as if rousing him from sleep.
“Nick!” she screams. “Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!”
I do nothing except let the tears escape.
Scarlett finally looks at me, her hazel-eyes red rimmed, her tear-streaked cheeks matching mine.
Please, those eyes seem to say. Please tell me he’s ok.
I don’t answer her, because I can’t. Because he’s not. He’s dead, and none of this is ok.
A horrified gasp draws my attention to Zo. B has her palm pressed against her mouth, and Astrid stands beside Scar, bare fists clenched at her sides. Her grief-stricken face is devastated at more than just seeing Nick’s body. It’s the fact that she can’t even console her girlfriend, can’t pull her in and squeeze her tight, because her gloves are still missing.
Cicero and Talbot run towards the edge of the platform, feet screeching to a halt when they spot us. Cicero wipes a large hand down his face, his own eyes glassy, and Talbot falls to his knees. Their clothes are in shreds. Dirt and sweat cling to their skin, and Cicero turns around to fight off another demigod. Talbot continues to stay where he is, staring down at Nick’s lifeless body with shaking hands.
Scarlett finally screams. She turns from me and falls into Zo’s arms. Astrid moves closer to them, murmuring something about it being okay, and that we will all get through this.
Which is such bullshit.
I glance around, something akin to a numbing shock rippling through my body as it all just becomes too much . The crying. The fighting. The smell of blood and dust. The taste of copper and almonds. The feel of Nick’s body already turning cold beneath my fingertips.
Then, there’s Jesse, watching from afar, the bolt still in his grasp, and a sadistic, pleased smile on his still bloodied face.
It consumes me all at once. And while I’m used to panic swallowing me whole, used to the beat of my heart increasing from a canter to a gallop, this feels different. It’s still explosive, chaotic, and completely unmanageable, but in place of panic is something new, something I’ve been too afraid to unleash until now.
B crouches beside me and places a hand on my shoulder. “Rhi, are you ok?”
I shrug her off. “Don’t touch me.”
She backs away, hurt and surprise warring for dominance on her face. Astrid pauses her soothing of Scar to flit her gaze in my direction.
“Something’s not right,” she mutters, giving me a slow, intimidating perusal.
“I’m fine,” I snap.
But I’m not fine. My skin feels too tight. Even my bones feel too constricting. I’m itchy all over, and I’m ready to tear my skin from my body if it provides even a modicum of relief.
Except for Scar, who still sobs within Zo’s arms, all the girls stare at me in wide-eyed horror.
“There’s something wrong with your eyes, Rhi,” Zo says softly.
Shit. I blink, squeezing them shut, but I know when they open again, nothing has changed.
Because I don’t want it to.
Because the urge to destroy everything and everyone is overwhelming, and I want to indulge in my primal instinct, want to give into my base nature.
I want to give in to my rage.
I unfold my legs from sitting, placing Nick’s head gently on the floor. I turn my back on the girls, walking in the opposite direction, my eyes trained on the floor as I figure out how to navigate this.
A crunch of gravel sounds in my ear, my senses sharpened. “Rhi, is everything-”
I whirl, sharp teeth and claws on display, and a guttural inhuman voice answers, “Leave me alone.”
It’s Talbot who had tried to approach, fear and recognition flaring in his knowing gray eyes.
“We need to get out of here,” he calls behind him. “ Now. ”
The laugh that bubbles from my chest is more of a menacing growl. “Not sure how far you’ll get, Titan.”
Talbot pales, backing away. Beyond him, Cicero helps the girls get on top of the platform. My vision zeros in on three remaining demigods ready to attack, and he has no idea.
Neither do the demigods, as three of the snake-heads snap forward and decimate their bodies into dozens of pieces, bloody limbs flying across the platform.
Cicero snaps his attention to the chaos behind him before dropping his gaze to the space between me and Talbot.
“Fuck, Gene. Get out of there!”
Talbot swallows but doesn’t move. “Rhi. It’s ok. We’ve won. Just try to calm down.” His voice is smooth and steady, meant to coax me into submission, but that last sentence sends my already frayed nerves into a frenzy.
Calm down.
As if I don’t have a reason to explode, to unleash myself in the most destructive manner. The monster within me preens, salivating with the need to tear through my skin and show everyone what I’m capable of. My skin continues to prickle, itching uncontrollably. My blood is thrumming and burning to an uncomfortable temperature, as though liquid fire pumps through my veins.
A small part of me though, begs to reconsider. Knows that Talbot only worries for the safety of not even himself, but my friends. I shoot a furtive glance at them, and my heart caves in at the concern mixed with terror in their expressions. I’d never hurt them.
That tiny, rational spark is quelled upon seeing Nick’s lifeless body lying cold on the subway tracks, blood pooling beneath him like a grotesque scarlet rug.
My limbs shake as my bones break and my skin stretches to accommodate the change. I walk towards Nick, shooting Talbot a pointed glare.
He listens this time, not sparing me a second glance. The girls call my name in the distance, but their voices are inconsequential, flitting past my ears like traffic noises.
I kneel beside Nick, wincing as my bones break, welcoming the distraction from the devastating emotional pain. I kiss him again, screaming as joints pop from their sockets and my flesh tears away from my body.
“I’m so sorry.”
The last, rational piece of myself drifts further into the recesses of mind, making room for something else. Something without morals. Without doubt.
Without mercy.
Still, memories of Nick continue to float within my brain. I can hear his laughter, feel his hands on my skin. Fuck, I can even smell him.
All of this does nothing except finally snap the last of the tether I had on the monster, allowing it to bloom fully within my heart.
What starts off as a devastating scream of anguish turns into an unholy roar, the physical pain all encompassing as my body bends and breaks and tears itself to pieces. The room itself dwarfs as I come into my full height, my head nearly scraping the ceiling. I have to duck a bit to not force my way into the subway tracks above. My limbs unfurl - no, not limbs. Heads. Six of them. They curl themselves around the lab, heads poking, searching for anything and anyone they can rip to shreds.
My hands are the size of sedans, my claws long, dark and sharp enough to impale a Cyclops.
A slow clap draws my murderous gaze to a tiny man, a demigod, by the smell of him. Blood coats his face and arms, and within his hands he holds a dagger. I internally scoff at the thought of this insignificant creature trying to harm me. With a sewing pin, nonetheless.
“Very impressive. You are everything I hoped you would be, Rhi.”
A forked, black tongue slips from my mouth as I let out something that resembles a laugh. I bring my face close to the insect.
“Who is Rhi?”
His mouth falls open. Even though scarlet already coats his face, I see his skin drain of his own blood. The savory scent of fear emanates from him, filling my nostrils and drawing the attention of all six heads. He stiffens as they whip toward him, the little ant tightening his grip on the useless weapon in his palm.
“I am a thing of nightmares. The very beast known for eating men . You cannot fight me. You can only flee, and even then, there is no escape from my ferocity. My hunger. My wrath. ” The heads join me, crowding the demigod, and the smell of urine permeates the air.
“I. Am. Scylla.”