Voracious (East Coast Bratva #4) 13. Dima 24%
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13. Dima



M y jaw throbs but my chest is worse watching Ana shut down. I just wanted her to have a damn birthday cake, it didn’t need to turn into whatever the fuck this is. She doesn’t move as I loosen my hold on her wrists, and I continue stroking her cheek. Those fake eyes are fixed somewhere else, she’s not even in reality, as I reassure her yet again.

“I’m not going to hurt you. You’re safe.”

Tires roll over the gravel and she blinks, turning alert. Fuck. If any of the fucking guards open their mouths I’m killing each and every one of them. Fucking perverted cunts. They’re all bullies, picking who they think is an easy target because she controls herself. My hellion should let loose, let them see exactly what she’s capable of so they realize how lucky they are to be breathing.

Valentin stops beside me and makes a dumbass joke.

“It’s a good job we don’t have neighbors, or you’d be putting on a show.”

He needs to learn when to shut the fuck up and I pull Ana to stand with me. I can’t control my anger as I snap, “Keys. You can walk back and think of ways not to be a disrespectful fuck.”

His brows go up, but he does as he’s told, hands the keys over and steps the fuck back.

Ana is still dazed as I get her into the car, and she doesn’t look at me. She’s not the most talkative person on a normal day, unless she’s talking to herself, but that desolation is back in her features. If she didn’t have her contacts in, it would be clear for everyone to see and the guards keep their eyes fixed ahead as I drive through the gates.

She comes back to life as soon as the house is in view and fidgets while muttering, “People only do things because they want something.”

She’s repeating some fucking bullshit that she was taught. The gears grind from the force of me coming to a stop and I grab her jaw, turning her to face me.

“Everyone in there chose to be here for you. They don’t want shit from you.”

The concept goes straight over her head and the next words out of her mouth have me confused as fuck.

“Make deals, don’t beg,” she says absentmindedly.

I’ve heard that phrase before.

Her face jolts in my hold as I struggle to temper myself.

“Where have you heard that?”

If it’s that cunt, I’ll bring him back from the fucking dead just to kill him again. He doesn’t even have a face since Vlad decided to let out his rage, but I’ll find a way around it.

“Marlo?” she says as a question instead of an answer.

I push out the car with more force than required. All this fucking time she’s been here under the roof of the bastard’s fucking kids.

Ana doesn’t wait for me to open her door and gets out, standing with the car between us. Rounding the hood, I stop in front of her and lower my voice, not knowing what fucking shit storm is going to be unleashed.

“Do you trust me?”

Her little snort/laugh comes out and she shakes her head. Clever girl . I change my question as Val gets closer, pouting like a child because I made him walk.

“Can you trust me right now?”

She nods and I stop any further conversation with my instruction.

“Be honest, I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

I gave my life to Vlad, no one else’s. I won’t be the hand that’s used to hurt Ana when she’s already had too much. He’s usually fair and I’m banking on it carrying through today as I grab her hand and pull her with me to his office. Everyone in the living room stares at her and she scowls back. Before she can start fighting anyone, I pull her closer to my side and tilt my body to block sight of them.

Vlad’s staring at the wall, fingers steepled together like a fucking villain behind his desk when we push through the door. His eyes slowly lift, he looks in a line from Ana to me and then to her hand I’m still fucking holding.

“It’s Len,” I offer so he doesn’t focus on our joined hands.

His father was a cunt, even from the grave he manages to knock himself out of top place on the cunt leaderboard.

Ana’s anger is a default, and I don’t react to it as I sit her down in the seat opposite his desk. Vlad stares at her when I’m the one who spoke and I bring his attention back to me.

“Make deals, don’t beg.”

He finally flicks his eyes up, seeing the conviction on my face as I nod, and he turns back to my hellion. The deadly tone pisses me off as he asks, “How did you know my father?”

I move to her side automatically and he scrutinizes me as my allegiance shifts.She has no one and there’s no harm she could cause any of his brothers, apart from smacking them in the mouth but they deserve it at times.

The hellion doesn’t try and temper her voice as she rolls her eyes. “I don’t. I’m sure he was as disappointing as you.”

Vlad’s lips lift on one side, and he pulls out a passport from his desk drawer. It lands with a heavy thud as he throws it across the desk and the weight of the truth is within those pages. I fucking know I’m right, Len is the only person I’ve ever heard say that shit, and the only one sick enough to pull off whatever fucked up version of a childhood Ana had.

She doesn’t move and I take the seat beside her, trying to get her attention. It doesn’t come, she’s staring at the closed booklet with her brows together as she chews on the inside of her lip. I grab the passport and open it to his photo. She blinks, trying to make sense of the world as I hold it in front of her and softly ask, “Is this Marlo?”

She doesn’t even need to answer. As soon as her eyes have processed the image she hardens and pushes back with so much force the chair slams against the ground.She’s two seconds away from killing us both and her chest heaves from the force of her attempting to maintain control.

“You sick fuckers. Where’s Nina?”

Vlad doesn’t help the situation with his order. “Lower your fucking voice.” Looking at the floor, he adds, “And pick the chair up.”

Grabbing her from behind before she can do any damage, I band both arms around her. All that fucking rage is pulling me forward as she thrashes.

He doesn’t see any threat and calmly walks over to her. When his hand comes up, going to the collar of her t-shirt, I take a step back. No one will hurt her. I won’t let him. The way she shuts down is haunting and I can’t bear the thought of her pain. He sighs like this is an inconvenience and drops his hand, but Ana’s boot keeps connecting with my shins, making me nearly drop her as I lift her higher to stop her pulling me forward.

“How long have you all known?” She whips her head to the side, pain lacing every syllable of her accusations. “Did you think it was fucking funny watching me search for her?”

I lift her higher and she slams her foot into my knee when I’m doing it for her benefit. If he decides to lay a finger on her, I’ll be able to drop her before it connects in this position. He notices the movement and takes a step back, silently confirming he’s not going to hurt her as he clues her into history.

“I killed the cunt, don’t think I’m my father’s son.”

The conversational tone isn’t helping the hellion and she’s even more rage filled than usual.

Ana screams murder and it attracts an audience as everyone stands at the threshold of the office. Dani looks like she’s about to cry and Inessa is confused as Val and Tali stand in front of them. Stasya manages to push through and she’s the only one brave enough to come within reach of Ana as she tries to calm her down.

“You’re going to hurt yourself, copy my breathing, okay?”

The bitchy side of her personality has dropped away and she’s actually caring, that’s how fucked up the situation is.

Her attempts are futile and I’m going to be covered in bruises as Ana knocks her temple into my jaw at the same time as her feet kicking into any parts of my legs she can reach. I’m losing my grip and Val steps forward with a syringe. There’s fear in his eyes as he pushes the needle into her neck, and she continues screaming. It’s not threats, sheer anguish rolls off her and her screams silence everyone. I’m the one getting beat to shit but everyone else is fucking fearful. Whatever sedative he’s using is expired because it barely dulls her movements.

My hands twitch to rip his head off when he takes out another vial and administers more.Ana’s violence starts to wean and her face crumples with betrayal as she loses the fight with unconsciousness. That last look on her face is going to haunt me.

Her limp body tries to fall through my arms, and I hold her tighter as I lift her in a bridal carry. Fuck everyone else, they have each other. She has no one and the few people she barely allows into her life are people she thinks hurt her.No one tries to stop me as I take her out of the house and none of the guards look in my direction. Good, they better extend that fear to the one who deserves it.

I gently lay her on the back seat and pull the belts over her body, so she’s kept in place. I don’t give a fuck about the audience, they all just fucking watched on, scared for themselves when she was breaking. Cunts. She didn’t even get to have her fucking cake.The more I’m around the hellion, the more I understand why she’s so violent, but the less I understand her . Or myself.

I make it home in a third of the time as I break every speed limit and Ana still hasn’t woken up. She’s put on a little weight but not enough to be sedated this heavily and for it to be safe. He didn’t even convert for her body weight, he just jabbed her neck like she’s not important. I carefully remove the belts from around her and cradle her to my chest, her head is on my shoulder, so I don’t do any more damage, and she’s too lifeless.

There’s no sound or murmur from her as I walk in the house. She’s silent and limp as I carry her up the stairs and I don’t even think of putting her on that shitty fucking air mattress as I walk into my room. I’ll give her my card and she can buy a proper bed, all the pillows and shit that Katya used to collect for decoration and candles or whatever the fuck else will make her more comfortable.She’ll most likely use them to burn the place down, but I’d prefer her psychotic rage over the silence.

Gently setting her down on the side of the bed furthest away from the door, I have to leave her to wash my hands. The contacts will be irritating her eyes and I’m sure they can’t be slept in. I wash my hands four times, ensuring there’s no dirt that could get in her eyes and go back to her side. The thought of touching her eyeball is freaky as fuck and I have to force my hands to move and carefully pull her eyelids open. Fuck me, her eyes are beautiful. They’re so unique, so full of life despite her current state. There’s something familiar about them too, but I can’t place it as I remove her contacts.

I pile every object that could be used as a weapon in the bathroom. As soon as those stunning eyes open, the rage will come back and she’s deadly enough without any weapons. I don’t want her to be uncomfortable and take her boots off. Her sock gets caught, being dragged with it and all the air is sucked out of my lungs. Deep scarring, pinks and whites mix together covering the sole of her foot. There’s a mix of fully healed slashes and ones that are rough and irritated from the constant pressure.

What the fuck did they do to her? From the amount of physical and mental scars it seems like everything. No part of Ana’s body, mind, or soul was safe, but she always says she was protected. It’s said with a laugh each time too as though the thought of anyone hurting her is ridiculous when the proof is on her body. Pulling her sock back up so she’s covered, I’m gentler with her other boot, so I don’t disturb her scar tissue or her secrets. She’s still dressed, and I don’t remove anything else. I’d rather her be uncomfortable while she’s passed out than wake up feeling violated, again.

I’m watching her lay unconscious like a creep, waiting for the first flutter of her lashes to reveal those captivating eyes when there’s a knock on the door that forces me away from her. No one comes out here without calling first. If it’s some religious nut trying to convince me to follow their god, I’ll kill them for taking me away from my position. Calling Ana’s phone, I leave it by her head and use it as a makeshift monitor in case she wakes while I’m getting rid of whoever is disturbing us. If she decides to set the house on fire, at least I’ll have a warning and I’ll be able to drag her out before she gets hurt. I pause on the stairs at that being my first thought, it wasn’t to stop her doing it but to make sure she’s safe.

Shaking it away, I continue my journey and keep my gun tucked to my thigh on the other side of the door before opening it. The puppy stands there holding a cake and Tali isn’t the surprise, it’s the fact there’s not even a crumb missing from the huge thing, and he scrubs a hand over his head before saying, “I’ve got a theory.”

For fuck’s sake, I thought he grew out of finding theories for everything when he was a teenager.

Opening the door wider so he doesn’t ramble outside, he steps in and doesn’t eat anything. He sets the cake down and pulls out a padded envelope. The twitchy behavior has me on alert, when he’s not a hesitant person, he’ll talk shit for the entire planet and then start it all over again. He keeps his voice low and acts like a kid, wanting me onboard whatever scheme he’s got.

“I think she’s my sister. We can check, I just need to swab her cheek.”

Fuck no.

The idea is laughable. Len wouldn’t have a daughter; he was a misogynistic piece of shit. The type who shouted about women being less than anything else. But he treated her worse than shit which is exactly what someone like Len would do because of his skewed perspective and his loathing for his own children.

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