A na will be mine as soon as she’s finished planning Nina’s funeral and I pace at the end of the stables for Viktor to hurry up with his lesson so I can get my woman. He narrows his eyes as he leads his horse through and I’ve never rushed him before, now I want to pick him up so I can take him inside like I was tasked to.
Thankfully, he’s quick and he falls in step with me. “Are we meant to be training?”
“No,” I say, placing my hand in my pocket to make sure I still have her ring. “I’ve got somewhere I need to be.”
“Where?” He jogs to keep up with me.
I can’t tell him that I’m going to officially be his uncle because I’m not entirely sure on what Ana’s answer will be, I know what I want to hear her say but knowing my woman, she’ll most likely say ‘probably not’ when I ask her if she’ll be my wife.
Viktor is too much like Tali and he jogs backwards, facing me as he smiles, “Is Ana your girlfriend?”
“She’s mine,” I correct him.
“Well, if you give me your knife, I’ll tell you what my dad has planned with Tali.”
“If I give you a knife, Inessa and Dani will use it to chop my balls off. Your mom isn’t as nice as you think she is.”
His face pinches in disbelief and he shakes his head as I turn him by his shoulder so he doesn’t trip on the steps leading to the door. “My mom wouldn’t hurt anyone, she doesn’t like stuff like that, and Inessa isn’t very good at it.”
We both pause at the shouts echoing through the house and everyone else is frozen as they stare through the hallway leading to Vlad’s office. I keep Viktor behind me as I slowly enter the house and the screams aren’t dulled by the wood.
“You lying fucking bastard! Shut the fuck up!”
I can’t hear what Vlad says in response, it’s Ana’s voice ripping her vocal cords apart as she tells him to shut up. The door slams against the wood before I can make it to her, and she has the gut-wrenching mix of confused hurt on her face.
My feet carry me to her without a second fucking thought and I see red when the cunt puts his fucking hand on her.Stepping between Ana and Vlad, I keep her at my back with his hand easily dropping away from her wrist. There are red marks and blood all over his face, his nose is definitely broken, but his knuckles are unused and the blood on his lip looks to be his own. They likely won’t stay that way for long with the rage directed at me.
My hellion speaks before he can act out on his anger and her voice is deadly as she says, “Stay the fuck away from me, you lying bastard.”
I’ve seen a lot of reactions come from the devil, never pain. Until now.Inessa adds herself into the mix, giving me a tight-lipped smile as she steps in front of him to create a barrier. He moves back as though he’s been hit by a truck as she gently touches his chest and looks up at him as she calmly says, “Don’t make it worse, let her have time to think.”
I’m trying to work out what the fuck could have happened when Ana tugs on my arm to leave. I turn to face my life and wrap my arms around her, they barely have time to touch when there’s a shuffle behind me and Vlad’s threat weaves between his order.
“Get the fuck away from her.”
I look over my shoulder, even more confused, and Inessa plants her feet as she keeps him at her back. He continues issuing threats while she pushes her weight back into him and holds his forearms.
“I’m going to kill you,” he rages then looks down at my hand in Ana’s, “Take your fucking hands off her!”
Inessa’s smile is off and the tears slowly slipping down her cheeks don’t make sense as she nods, “Go, it’s okay.” Tilting her head to get Ana’s attention, she adds with a plea woven between each syllable, “He’s not lying, I swear it’s the truth. I’m so sorry.”
My sweet hellion pauses, her feet turning to lead, and she stares between the two of them, trying to make sense of their secret. Three words break the unbreakable.
“I don’t care,” Ana says emotionlessly.
I’m expecting rage but Vlad stills, and his wife keeps him standing. His brothers rush forward, grabbing his arms and taking the pressure off his pregnant wife. But my hellion stares at him with even more hate than usual as she uses words rather than her fists.
“You’re a liar, just like Marlo,” she scoffs, “you’re both the same person. He’s dead but you might as well be . ” She looks at Inessa, ignoring the anger in the air. “I thought you were nice and you helped me once, so I won’t kill him. If he comes anywhere near me, I will, I’ll make it hurt and I’ll set all the pieces of him on fire.”
He remains frozen. I don’t think he’s even breathing as his brothers keep him on his feet, holding each of his arms and Inessa tries to play mediator as she softly says to Ana, “You don’t mean that, you’re just angry right now. I promise we won’t do anything, okay? Vlad won’t try to speak to you and I won’t either, but you’re family.” Ana doesn’t agree, neither does Vlad as he tries to escape his wife and brothers without hurting them.
“You belong with us,” he looks at me, snarling, “not him.”
My hellion takes her knife from her boot and I grab her biceps, pulling her behind me, but she lets out her promise without her usual violent joy. “Come near me and I’ll fucking kill you! Like I should have killed Marlo. I hate you and your games, but I know things now!”
Inessa ignores everything, even the way she’s pushed forward and stumbles as she turns to her husband. “She’s safe with Dima, he’s family and he won’t let anyone hurt her.”
Val and Tali are struggling to keep him back, they push their shoulders into his chest but he’s fixated on Ana until the elevator pings and small footsteps run out. Viktor tries to call the little princess’ attention away as he softly says, “Vero? Shall we go in the pool?”
She runs around him, squealing, “Papa!”
Inessa’s breathing escalates and she pales as she forces her voice to be normal. “Go with Viktor, little wriggler, your papa is training.” She lowers her voice, and her chin, begging him, “Vlad, not now.”
He holds his hands up then brushes his brothers off him before he turns to pick up his daughter. There’s pen all over her face and dress that she holds out to him. “Papa fix?”
Ana threads her fingers through mine and tugs, needing to leave.
One fucking day that’s all I wanted. One day where she isn’t constantly dealt shit to navigate and try to make sense of. Where her feet are on the ground and her head isn’t trying to escape above the clouds.
Once we’re in the car, I press my lips against her knuckles and she blows out a shaky breath with her accusation.
“Did he tell you?”
“Tell me what, lisichka?”
She shakes the thoughts away and relaxes. “He’s such a lying prick, I knew that before, and I hate him. Val and Tali are better brothers and they’re both annoying.”
Her head slowly drops back as she closes her eyes, doing her meditation thing again on the drive. I need to hear her voice though and I press my thumb to her pulse point as I ask, “That’s because they’re both childish, so you don’t feel like you’ve missed out on anything.”
“No,” she snaps. “It’s because they’re not liars like that fucking dickhead. Marlo used to do the same thing, always lie to me, he’d wait until I wasn’t confused anymore then laugh, just like Vlad.”
I’m taking her away from the world, no one deserves her, and they keep making her life harder. She was happy earlier; she fucking hugged me and wouldn’t stop smiling. Now she’s reverting back into the psycho she needed to be in order to protect herself because she didn’t have anyone.
Her eyes are still closed when I pull up outside the house. They don’t open until I gently pick her up and they’re lost again. I’ll keep her with me like this, like I should have. I kiss her temple and don’t remove my lips as I walk us into the house. She doesn’t speak or smile as I sit her on the sofa and pull a blanket over her thighs because she’s colder.
Her blankness shows that I’m useless and I don’t know what will fix it, but her knuckles are bloody. The most haunting melody flows through the space as I go to get her water or anything I can think of to help. Ana doesn’t ever play the piano with her own emotions, it’s always someone else’s song sheet when she doesn’t know I can hear her in the gym, this is fucking heartbreaking.
Fitting myself around her on the bench, I wrap my arms around her middle and my lips on her crown. The tune comes to an abrupt end, and she whispers to herself. “I don’t know who I am again.”
Keeping my promise is easy when I’ll always know who she is.
“You are sweet, kind, and polite.” I press my lips to her shoulder before I continue. “You’re also murderous and a little psychotic.”
Her smile is slow but it’s there.
“You care so much about people that you hide it because it’s terrifying.” She looks up at me and hugs my forearms as I kiss her forehead. “You’re good and so fucking strong it inspires me. Everything that you are is pure good.” My voice drops with the emotion weighing it down as I stroke her cheek with the back of my knuckles. “You’re my everything, my woman, and the only thing I believe in.”
Leaning forward, I press a chaste kiss to the corner of her lips. “Zhizn moya,” and go to the other side, “dusha moya.”
My sweet hellion smiles and all is right in the world. Her hand comes up, cupping my cheek as she whispers her request. “Dima, can you make me forget, please?”
I don’t answer. I’m not going to fuck her when she’s vulnerable and it will only push her further into her head. At my hesitance she twists until she’s straddling my thighs and the gratitude in her voice is misplaced.
“You’re my lock, everything stays away when I’m with you.” Kissing my cheek, she fits her lips next to my ear, snapping at my control. “I want you to make me feel powerful again.”
She wants to get on her knees.I don’t hesitate due to my body, I’m always hard around her, it’s deeper because the thought of being the person who pushes her deeper into her psychotic tendencies is enough to have me breaking out in a sweat.
But one of the things I love about my woman is the fact she isn’t shy and that she tells me her thoughts. I know she loved having control over me and I’d tie myself up in knots, so she sees herself the way I do. She’s using her words more too. Fucking wrecking me at every chance she gets as she whispers, “You’re my favorite person, and I trust you.”
It’s the same mantra she always says randomly, as though she needs the reminder of me on her tongue.
The hard floor will bite into her knees, so I pick her up, taking her back to the sofa. But my hellion slinks down, missing the soft rug and sits with her hands on her thighs, waiting for me to try and move her. It’s not obedience or submissive, she’s pushing all her weight down to counteract me dragging her up. Stroking her jaw with my thumb, I tilt her face up and give her what we both want.
“Just a taste then I’m filling my pussy?”
Her eager nod makes my knees go weak.
It’s worse when her fingers pull on my belt and she swiftly gets my dick free. I pull my t-shirt over my head and tighten my hold on her jaw then flick down pointedly.
“Everything off, lisichka.”
Her little huff at having to let me go is cute as fuck, but she does what I asked, and sits back in position in her most beautiful state.
Ana wastes no time and wraps her lips around me. They’re stretched, creating an airtight ring as she flicks her tongue against my slit and moans. Those sounds travel through my body and fuck with my equilibrium.
“Fuck, you love sucking my dick, don’t you, beautiful?”
I don’t expect an answer, but she lets me go and caresses my length, answering a rhetorical question with the most exquisite words.
“Only yours.”
She knows it makes me snap and smiles around me as I grab the back of her head.
“This what you wanted? Knowing you fucking own me even when you’re on your knees?”
Her gags break up my monologue as she pushes her head forward and nods. One hand moves up my body as the other massages down my leg to hold my ankle. My hips take over as I hold the sides of her head and trace her brows with my thumbs while slowly fucking her face.
The position is perfect for me to see her clenching her thighs together and she knows what I want without asking for it. I groan at the sight of her slick inner thighs as I push deeper into her throat, and she spreads her legs. I need to taste her. I’d fucking combust if I had her on my tongue while she swallows me down. But my hellion doesn’t let me and wraps herself around my leg so I can’t get her off.
“I can feel how wet you are, fuucck.”
My head drops back as she buries her nose against my skin and fucking hums, I have just enough control to give a threat.
“If you make me come in your mouth, you’re taking the sleeve and me at the same time.”
Wrong fucking threat because she takes it as a challenge. She massages my balls from behind and her thumb makes circles on my taint. I can’t fucking hold back when she mumbles, “Yes please.”
We’re both working for my release. Ana has succeeded in her mission to ruin me, but she smiles as though my loss of control is an honor.
My dick throbs and the evil glint in her eye should be a warning sign. The hellion owns my fucking soul, and I don’t have any resistance as she holds my hips and pushes me back so I’m leaning against the armrest. My woman is fucking unreal, chasing me and bringing her ass up so she’s bent in half, staring into my eyes and all those negative emotions power her as she demands, “Tell me who I am.”
Pressing my thumbs to each side of her temples as she lightly sucks the tip of my dick like it’s soothing her, I groan, “Mine.”
Her eyes soften and she takes more of my dick in that beautiful mouth.
“My beautiful woman, crazy, violen— fuck!”
She takes more as her mesmerizing eyes remain locked on me.
“I’m going to come.”
My warning is rushed to give her enough time to move away.
Every muscle in my body shudders and I can’t control the sounds coming out of me as she slowly takes me into the back of her throat, catching all of my cum. That sparkle is still there, promising to wreck the ruins I’ve become as she torturously moves up my length with her lips sealed around me. My cum leaks through the sides as she relaxes her mouth and I’m even more fucked than I was originally. I hold the sides of her head as my dick pulses at the sight of more cum flowing out of her proud smile.
“It’s my turn to clean you up now,” she croaks before she licks every fucking drop off my sensitive dick.
“Fuck,” I moan like a little bitch. “I’m not going to come again, malyshka.”
She nods as she plants a soft kiss on the base of my dick. “I know, this is for me.”
I don’t have the energy to move properly, and my sweet hellion doesn’t make me drag her up as I grit, “Here. Now.”
My cum is on her chin, fucking perfect. Wiping it away with my thumb, she grabs my hand and cleans it off, humming around the digit. That hum powers me and my hand wraps around her neck, pulling her forward until our lips brush. But my silly woman tries to stop me.
“Give me your lips.”
My voice is rough, commanding. It does the trick, and she falls forward, allowing me to have my air back.Once my legs are steady enough, I pick her up without breaking our connection. I’m making good on my promise and she’s going to be fucking screaming my name all night. My sweet hellion giggles as I let her drop on the bed, but her eyes go wide, seeing me take out the sleeve. “Oh, you were serious?”
She’s adorable as fuck, thinking I’d ever fucking lie to her.There’s no fear on her face as she crosses her ankles, pretending to stretch. Standing at the edge of the bed, I stroke myself from base to tip, watching my beauty. She’s so fucking stunning and those eyes are on me.
“Open those pretty legs for me, show me what’s mine.”
Her voice is the huskiest I’ve ever heard it as she smirks. “I’d rather you taste it.”
I move forward faster than my lust addled mind should be able to. Her laugh is full of joy as I peel her thighs apart and it breaks off into a moan when my tongue touches my favorite place. I hold the backs of her thighs, so her knees are pressed against her chest and eat like a man starved. Her breathy moans aren’t helping me with my loss of control as she grips hair in both of her fists and tries to ride my face. I pull back, going against everything I want by not letting her come. Alternating between my mouth and fingers, I push two inside her, testing if she’s ready. She’s tight as fuck and clenches around me.
I love this woman frustrated, it’s erotic as fuck, and the way she moans my name has me ready to come again.
“Dima, please.”
My fingers have barely touched the rubber when it’s snatched away, and Ana throws it across the room. It hits the wall with a heavy thud, and I have to bite my cheek to stop from laughing. She looks up at me with the softest expression I’ve ever seen and even better words.
“Just you, only ever you.”