I rode the train twice a day, five days a week to work, but I doubted I’d ever be able to sit on another train without remembering the pleasure of this ride. The car was mostly empty compared to the hustle of a weekday morning, so we were able to sit next to each other in forward-facing seats. It was a rare luxury for me, but nothing could compare to being with Declan. He put one arm around my waist to pull me closer to him as we rode, and his thumb traced gentle patterns along the soft skin of my side where it lay bare between shirt and jeans. The sensation radiated through my body, settling in my belly as intense longing and desire. It’d been so long—too long—since I’d been with a man, long enough that it felt like a forgotten whisper in the back of my brain—something Matty talked about, but which no longer felt real in my life.
This desire was real and thick and heavy. In my fantasy I wanted to turn until I straddled his lap, then run my hands down the muscles of his chest and arms. If you rode the train long enough—and I had—it was an image you’d seen before, two people so desperate for each other they lost sight of everything else. Declan was giving me that sort of tunnel vision.
I licked my lips and let my gaze shift away from Declan to look out the far windows. There was no way I was making out with this man on a train, tempting as it was. Back at my apartment, though? That was harder to say no to. I was depending on the walk home to calm my unexpectedly feisty libido.
It was a cool, crisp spring evening with a gentle breeze in the air, but the half-mile walk with Declan did little to change my mind regarding what I wanted tonight. In front of my apartment building, he leaned in to kiss me. Although his kiss was controlled, I could feel the hunger behind it, and he wasn’t alone. “I had a nice night.” His voice was rough as sandpaper, like he couldn’t catch his breath.
“Then don’t go. Come in,” I whispered, my voice matching his husky desire.
His eyebrows lowered. “Are you sure you want that?” The words came out as such a needy growl, I wasn’t sure whether he was checking with me or warning me. The latter made a shiver of desire run up my spine.
I slid my hands up his chest to either side of his face, pulling him in for another kiss. “I’m sure. Come in.”
The vestibule, a small mailroom barely big enough for a single person, felt crowded with him behind me, and my trembling hands couldn’t get the key into the lock to let us upstairs. I held up my keys, double-checking I held the right one. “Let me,” he whispered in my ear, one arm reaching for the keys while the other snaked around my torso, pulling me to him tightly enough I could feel his cock press into my back. My breath hitched and quickened, savoring each inch where our bodies were pressed together. Declan turned the key effortlessly and pushed open the door.
We walked through, and I felt his breath on my skin as he moved in and kissed where neck and shoulder met. At the same time, he slipped the key loose, dropping the jingly mass into my open palm and running his hands along my breasts and stomach.
I moaned, pulling us forward up the stairs, nearly falling inside my apartment when I finally unlocked the door. Declan’s hands were under my shirt, massaging my breasts, and my back arched as I ground my ass against him in a state of unconcealed lust .
But the moment he crossed the threshold he froze, his hands almost comically paused—one cupping a breast beneath my bra cup and the other snaking into my panties. The freeze was so sudden and unexpected, I jumped in surprise, and it wasn’t until that moment I heard what Declan had heard immediately—a low, steady growl issuing from Truman.
Like two teenagers caught making out, we detached from each other, smoothing our clothes down. Declan laced his fingers through mine, but remained slightly behind me. “Does he bite?”
Truman had never bitten anyone, but he also had never growled at a human. Usually, he saved his most menacing noises for the local squirrels. I didn’t believe he would hurt someone—squirrels included—but I wasn’t taking any chances. “Historically, no, but I’d like you two to meet. He doesn’t usually growl.” I wondered if I was supposed to make Declan leave. Was it true dogs had some sixth sense? I’d never brought a man back to my apartment, but I was at least ninety-seven percent certain Declan didn’t mean to murder me tonight. I glanced back at Deck where he remained rooted to the spot. I was looking for signs he was a serial killer, but he just looked nervous. “Are you uncomfortable around dogs?” I asked.
“A little,” he admitted.“I’ve never had one. My mom didn’t believe in pets.”
I clicked at Truman with my tongue against my teeth and the dog came, sitting directly in front of me but keeping his eyes on Deck. Erring on the side of caution,I shifted so I stood between the two. “Tru, this is Deck. He’s a friend.” If we were accosted on the street, I was almost certain Declan would have stood in front of me, ready to protect me at any cost, but here with Truman he was timid, and I had to smother my smile as I encouraged him out from behind me. “Make a fist and stick it out to him.”
Declan frowned down at the dog, but he curled the long fingers of one hand and shuffled close enough to hold it out. The dog sniffed him and did nothing, looking up at me. “Say hi, Truman,” I commanded, not sure what else I expected him to do. Truman looked equally flummoxed, but he sniffed again, this time licking Deck’s fingers once. Declan pulled back suddenly, surprised, but Truman, undeterred by this quick reversal, stood and padded closer. Deck froze, anxiously immobilized while Truman sniffed his legs.
Apparently satisfied, the dog sat down in front of Declan, rubbing his thick head under Deck’s hand.“Now what?” Declan asked.
I grinned. “He likes you. You can pet him.” I walked in close to Declan again. “ I also like you, but I need to take him out or he’ll be a pain in the ass all night. You can stay here if you want.”
Declan wrapped an arm around me. “I want to come.” There was one brief moment when we stood, stock still, not sure how to respond to his accidental double entendre.
I licked my lips and smiled. “Let’s make it a quick walk.”
I was speed walking around the block, mentally demanding Truman get this peeing and pooping thing done or God help him. He peed relatively quickly but took his time sniffing and considering where to poop. He didn’t even seem interested in the doorway of Urban Outside, his usual favorite. He was killing me tonight. “All right, bud,” I said through gritted teeth, “last chance, because we’re going home.” Finally, as we turned the last corner and approached the apartment, Truman squatted down. Declan made a face as I bent to scoop it up.
Back inside, I went to wash my hands, discouraged Deck had made no attempt to touch me.Maybe he was scared off by the whole Truman incident. Though I loved Truman with all my heart, I really, really wanted to have sex tonight. Deep in thought about my libido, I didn’t notice Deck until he had slipped in behind me and wrapped his arms around my middle once more. “Where were we?” His hands slid under my clothes and against my skin, returning to the spots they’d abandoned, one cupping a breast and the other dipped into my jeans, stroking through the soft lycra of my boy short panties. I moaned, leaning back into him, my eyes closing.
“Watch,” he whispered in my ear, and, following his command, I looked down my body at where he held me. He paused again. “Up here,” he murmured, and I found his gaze in the mirror. Satisfied I was now looking where he intended, his lips dropped to the tender spot where shoulder and neck met, laying an open mouth kiss on the flesh as he pulled the cups of my bra down. I watched his large hand as it cupped my breast, thumb sliding over one nipple, then let my gaze dip down to my underwear. His knuckles stood out through the material, bulging as he slipped inside of me.
Moaning, my back arched into him, my hands looping up to wrap around his neck, unable to look away from the show he provided in my mirror. His fingers thrust into me, and though the feeling made the breath catch in my throat, it wasn’t enough. I needed more—I needed him. I rolled my hips, once, twice, and a third time, feeling his cock grow impossibly harder against me as he seemed to forget what he was doing and his hands went momentarily slack.
Taking advantage of his distraction, I slipped free of his grasp, turning in his arms and unbuttoning his pants. My hand slipped inside his boxer briefs, and I rubbed against his bulging cock. “Christ, Hannah,” he growled, voice low and strained as he pressed his mouth to mine hungrily. “I don’t know where your bedroom is, but you should take us there.”
Slipping my hand out of his pants, I laced my fingers through his and led him through the tiny living room into the bedroom beyond. Declan paused inside the doorway, drawing me close. His hand was warm as it slid under my shirt and ran a path up and down my spine, pausing only to unhook my bra before continuing on its journey. I melted into his touch, the gentle pressure on my spine like a massage I wanted to arch into.
“Can I take this off?” he asked, his fingers resting at the hem of my shirt delicately. I nodded, and he turned the fabric inside-out, pulling it over my head and tossing it across the room. My bra still hung uselessly at my shoulders, and I let it drop to the floor in front of us while Declan reached behind his head and tugged his own shirt off. “You’re beautiful,” he murmured as his shirt hit the floor somewhere near the door.
“Thanks,” I replied awkwardly, pressing my teeth into my lower lip as I smoothed my hands over Declan’s torso. He moved slowly, as if I were a startled animal he didn’t want to scare off, but I didn’t feel a bit hesitant about this moment, and I wasn’t going anywhere. “Jesus,” I sighed, mesmerized by the number of visible muscles the man had. He was probably the kind of crazy person who never ate a single carb.
Declan’s lips quirked into a smile, and he slipped his fingers into my hairline, drawing me closer. The way his tongue tangled with mine while his thumb strummed at my nipple drew me out of my own thoughts, leaving my brain singularly focused on how he made me feel—and he made me feel amazing.When he set a trail of wet, hot kisses down my chest, I arched into him wantonly, and when his mouth found my nipples, flicking over each in turn, I fumbled at his zipper, wanting more.
He clearly had other things in mind, though, as he slid off my jeans and panties, kneeling down to continue his kisses over my abdomen, across a single hip, and to my slightly parted legs.He ran his hands along my inner thighs and I pulled in a ragged breath, looking down to watch his trail of kisses explore down one thigh and up the other. His breath was hot and his fingers were gentle, teasing over my skin and making my hips twitch involuntarily.
The movement drew a chuckle from Declan, a deep sound I instantly wanted to hear again. And then he drew closer, his thumbs opening me to his tongue. I grimaced, though thankfully he couldn’t see me, but I knew better. “Declan,” I murmured, placing my hands on either side of his head to still him.
“You don’t like it? You want me to stop?” he asked quickly, green eyes wide and curious.
“Yes—no. I mean, I don’t get off on oral sex. I never have.”
Declan’s perplexed frown deepened. “You don’t like it?”
Well, I wouldn’t go that far. “I like it. It feels amazing. I just know I won’t come, and I don’t want you to spend forever trying.”
Declan laughed. “Hardly a hardship,” he said lightly, but I knew better. I’d been with men who thought they would make me climax, only to grow irritated ten minutes in. Still, I said nothing and he continued, “Of course I’ll stop if you don’t like it, but I’m enjoying myself. Are you willing to indulge me a few minutes—even knowing you won’t come?”
I blinked down at him thoughtfully, trying to decide if he was genuine. Could he spend a few minutes pleasuring me without the very masculine need to “win” taking over? “I can indulge you,” I replied, a smile playing at the corner of my lips.
Without hesitation, Declan ran his tongue along me, and I closed my eyes, allowing myself to focus fully on the moment. For these minutes, there was only Declan—Declan’s hands gripping my thighs and Declan’s stubble against my skin and Declan’s tongue swirling around my clit, teasing it repeatedly. He dipped his fingers inside me, his body swaying to a rhythm I couldn’t help but lose myself in, and then I couldn’t think anymore.
My fingers curled in his hair and my hips bucked against him and for one second I thought Declan Andrews might be the only man to do the impossible.
But, true to his word, he stopped—kissing his way back up my body and leaning forward until we both tumbled into the bed behind me.
Growing restless for the orgasm that’d been so close, I ran my hands over him again, pushing at his pants, wanting them gone—wanting everything that stood between our bodies gone. Declan stood to pull a condom out of his pocket and then discarded the jeans and underwear, and I stared at the man in all of his glory, strong and lean with his cock outstretched in my direction.
He was marvelous to look at, and my hand traveled absentmindedly between my legs as he rolled the condom on. His eyes followed my movement and he issued a low, animalistic noise as he watched me. When he climbed back up the bed, he positioned himself between my legs, hovering above me. My hips strained upward, but he remained just out of my reach, running his length along my most sensitive parts. I moaned, needing more—I wanted Declan Andrews in a way I couldn’t remember ever wanting a man before.
He plunged into me in a single long stroke, his eyes closed and a soft moan escaping his lips. I canted my hips up, pulling my knees high and reaching for his firm ass, wanting to be closer—to eliminate every bit of space between our bodies.
For a moment he was still, his body pressed tightly to mine, breath heavy, eyes closed, and I couldn’t resist running a hand down his cheek, pulling his lips to mine until they, too, were pressed together. Declan’s eyes opened, looking bright and green even in the low light of my bedroom, and his hips set a punishing rhythm, pounding into me over and over.
I was attuned to every movement and sensation—the deep thrusts that filled me, the way his muscles flexed, his eyes as they locked onto mine. His hips stilled and his mouth crushed mine, then he sat up and looked down at the spot where we met. I followed his gaze, and the orgasm I’d craved took my body over fully. I reached for him, needing something to hold onto, but finding only his muscled thighs, and I grabbed the sheets instead, unable to speak or breath or move, tensing around him until he reached his own orgasm.
With heaving breaths, he fell forward and I pulled him closer, kissing him deeply.“Jesus, Hannah, you’re amazing,” he murmured as he pushed himself back up and then stood, pulling off the condom as he walked into the bathroom. When he came back I’d settled my naked self under my covers. “Do you want me to go?” he asked.
Alarm bells clanged noisy inside my head, and I was helpless to hide my frown. “Do you usually leave right after?” I asked cautiously.
Not waiting for an official answer, he climbed into my bed, laying down and pulling my body against his as he spoke softly into my ear. “Some women want men to leave right away, and, admittedly, sometimes I’d rather leave right away.”
I half-turned to face him, trying to keep my words cool and unaffected, though I was surely failing. “Do you want to leave now? You don’t have to stay.” Nope. Nothing about those words came across as unaffected. Tension rippled through me, and I was sure he could feel it.
“I’d rather stay, if you’re okay with that,” he murmured, giving a pinch to one of my nipples as he tucked his body next to mine.
I smiled, my body relaxing back into the post-sex bliss I’d felt minutes earlier. “I have to be at work in the morning in case any over-privileged guys come barging in while we’re closed to demand floral arrangements, but until then, I’m yours.”
He growled. “Woman, be careful what you offer me.”
I laughed, but he loosened his grip, propping himself up on one elbow and looking down at my face. For a moment we stayed just like that, but when I saw the seriousness of his expression, the laugh died on my lips.
“Hannah,” he said, his eyes locked on mine, “There’s something I should probably be honest about.”