A t some point while we watched baseball, she fell asleep leaned on my chest and I couldn’t bring myself to move her until the end of the game, at which point I carefully stood out from under her. “Hannah?”
No answer. I bent, lifting her under the arms and knees. She stirred, then settled back into my chest, murmuring, “Deck.” The single syllable made me smile, and I carried her to bed, laying her down and pulling the blanket up over her. I was pulling off my shirt when she sat up, her eyes fluttering open for a moment but not landing on anything in particular. She pulled off her T-shirt and unclasped the bra she still wore. Her pale breasts were large and heavy, drawing my eye as she laid down under the covers in just a pair of lacy panties. Desire coursed through me, but I wasn’t the kind of asshole who would wake her up. Instead, I grabbed her phone and made sure her alarm was still on, which it was.
As I began to unbutton my pants, I heard Truman ring the bell that hung on the doorknob, asking to go outside. Hannah stirred again, but I smoothed her hair, “I’ve got it. Rest, my love.” She was asleep, really, but the words felt dangerous, as if she might hear them and know the truth of my feelings. She didn’t, though. She lay utterly unconscious, and I wanted to say it again, but I didn’t. I tugged the shirt back over my head and buttoned up my pants, then grabbed Truman’s leash and Hannah’s keys from beside the door before heading out.
The weather was warm, and Truman and I strolled amongst people enjoying the summery change. My thoughts were of Hannah, but Truman seemed entirely preoccupied by fire hydrants and whatever odiferous secrets they shared with him. We lost track of time, walking for a half hour before I felt sleepy and we headed back to Hannah’s apartment.
Back inside, I stripped down to just my boxer briefs and crawled into bed, pulling Hannah close, craving the feel of her warm curves. Her eyes fluttered open once more, but this time she spoke. “I was dreaming of you, but you woke me up before I got to the good parts.” Her voice was husky with sleep, her eyes falling shut again, but she was smiling softly at me, and I felt my chest squeeze.
“You should sleep, Hannah,” I said. She drifted off almost immediately, and I settled my nose into her hair, inhaling her clean, floral scent. When I told her earlier she was the best thing that’d ever happened to me, I’d been dead serious. Now, as her breathing turned slow and even and I held her close, I was awake and thinking about our future. Would Hannah want to live in New York with me? I wasn’t sure, but I hoped she would consider it, because I was becoming increasingly certain I needed her in my life.
June in Chicago was glorious. Finally the constant freeze and thaw of overnight frost had passed, and each day was warm and breezy. As schools let out, the streets were even more filled, and the games had a new energy to them.
It was a Saturday, and I was off for the day while Hannah worked. I attempted to sleep in, but my body stubbornly woke before eight, my tired mind feeling overfilled. I decided to change into my running clothes and take a jog out on the lakefront to appreciate the weather. I figured I needed to fit in more jogs anyway, what with all the park food I’d been eating.
I headed east down one of the side streets, finding myself at the driving range where Hannah and I shared our second date. I wasn’t looking to golf today, and I turned north, running along the lake. I had a lot on my mind and needed an opportunity to clear it.
By all accounts, my relationship with Hannah was spectacular. She was smart, beautiful, talented, and funny, and I looked forward to every day I got to spend with her, whether we were venturing to new sites or curled up on the couch watching television.Besides that, our sex life was mind-blowing. Had this woman shown up in my life a year ago, I would have only one dilemma, but as it was now, I had two. Problem number one: I was in love with Hannah Jackson. This in itself was not a problem, the problem came more in telling her. I’d been pretty sure I loved Hannah within a couple of weeks of knowing her—maybe even on our very first date. I hadn’t believed in something as ridiculous as love at first sight, but here I was, and how I came to love her mattered much less than that I did. That didn’t mean I should expect Hannah to have the same fast-track feelings I was, but I was beginning to lose perspective. When was the right time to tell her—the magical time that was neither too early or too late? Not so early that she would deem me a creep, but neither so late that she felt unappreciated—I didn’t know.
I took a deep breath, clearing my head and looking out to the blue expanse of lake, which was calm and peaceful today. My feet hit the pavement with a more urgent pace, trying to quell the building stress I felt.
Problem number two: Chicago was temporary for me. My life, my home, my career was nearly a thousand miles away. This assignment wouldn’t last the entire season—surely not past August. The All-Star game was in July, and I could very well be done after that. Even if I ended up lucky enough to spend every last day of the season here in Chicago, by October I would be back in New York, and if Hannah was in Chicago, I wouldn’t know what to do with myself.
Unfortunately, these problems seemed dangerously intertwined. If I told her I loved her and couldn’t live without her and she thought it was too soon, she’d never come back with me to New York, but if we didn’t start having these conversations soon, she wouldn’t be in a position to upend her life, which was clearly what I’d be asking her to do.
Besides that, was it fair of me to ask her to leave her life in Chicago? She was talented, respected, and loved by her coworkers here. Could I ask her to give up her professional life and move away?
I’d been sprinting with all my might, but now I slowed, bending over with my hands on my knees and my head hung while I caught my breath. My heart felt like it was going to explode, maybe from the running, maybe from the stress, but all the running in the world wasn’t clearing the thoughts populating my head.
I sat down on a nearby bench, running a hand through my hair, bent forward with my forearms resting on my knees as I pulled out my phone. I didn’t know what to do, and lacking any other reasonable strategy I looked to Google. Turning the search window to private, I typed is it too early to say I love you in the search bar. The screen gave me a quick overview of the first article, which clearly suggested the best window was three to six months. Hannah and I had been seeing each other for just over two months. I clicked the article. Most of it was good news for me, but one part suggested that “love” prior to six months may be infatuation. I didn’t think I was infatuated, but maybe the article knew better.
I went back to the google search and chose the next article, one from Men’s Active magazine. This article was about all the questions you should be able to answer about your loved one before sharing your feelings. I read the questions. I knew this whole idea was oversimplified and foolish, but I needed simple right now, and the article took root in my brain, tempting and insidious. There were many questions I knew the answer to, but there were also answers I couldn’t even begin to guess. I took a deep breath, ran my hand through my hair, and took them one by one .
What is her birthdate, middle name, the color of her eyes, and the state where she was born?
These were easy. August second, Isabelle, the most beautiful brown I’d ever seen, and Arizona. I moved on to the next question.
What is her relationship with her parents and brothers and sisters? What’s her birth order amongst her siblings?
This one was far more complicated, but I knew the answer. Hannah had not spoken to her mother in over a year, as her mother was not permitted to talk to outsiders in the religious community she lived in. To hear Hannah’s description, which was relatively vague, she’d had a fine relationship with her mother, but it was not particularly close, and Hannah had felt like the adult in the house long before she’d turned seventeen and left for college.
Her mother never had children after Hannah’s birth, a fact always attributed to Hannah’s difficult home labor. Hannah was unsure who her father was, although she had a few guesses, and she likely had a number of siblings within her community, although she couldn’t be sure. It was a strange and messy story, but I couldn’t judge. After all, I had what would be considered an idyllic upbringing, and my relationship with my parents felt almost as messy.
Is what she’s doing now what she dreamed of doing as a child?
I smiled as I remembered Hannah sharing this tidbit while she built the arrangement. She’d never planned to be a florist, but had fallen into the work while she went to school for environmental science—I liked that about her, that she was the kind of woman who stumbled upon what made her truly happy rather than lived her life by a rigid to do list.
Can you list her three favorite movies, books, or songs ?
What’s her idea of a perfect vacation?
If a genie granted her three wishes right now, what would she wish for?
I ran my hand through my hair, considering the last three questions. It occurred to me that, while I could hazard guesses to her favorite books, television, music, and vacation spot, I couldn’t say with confidence. I tried not to think about the fact that, if her dream vacation was not New York, and “moving to New York” wasn’t one of her three wishes, I was probably fucked.
Irritably, I pushed the phone back into my pocket and began the run back, this time taking less time to traverse the same distance. My feet pounded against the pavement in a frantic rhythm until I was back at the hotel, bent over and gasping for air. Feeling no better than I had an hour earlier, I headed inside to shower, knowing I still needed to make some decisions.
Did I love Hannah? Absolutely. Did she love me? I wasn’t sure, but I had every reason to believe her feelings toward me were headed in the direction of love, whether or not she was sure yet. The real question became: did she love me enough to give up her entire life in Chicago and move to New York?
Or, did I love her enough to do the same?
I swallowed hard. Could I give everything up—MLB, the brownstone, my life? I didn’t know, but I knew I was too selfish to give up Hannah. I had to have her with me. All the running in the world wouldn’t solve that conundrum.
I showered back at the hotel and walked to Hannah’s to pick her up. The two of us walked down the road leisurely, settling on a local tapas bar for dinner. The food was divine, the sangria tangy and delicious, but I was thinking about the questions, my brain clinging to them as if they were the last hope for my future with Hannah.
Hannah smiled at me, cocking her head. “You okay?”
“I’m fine,” I said a bit too quickly. “Why do you ask?”
The angle of her head deepened as she considered me. “You’re being a bit weird, is all.” She reached forward and clasped my hand, smiling warmly at me again. I flexed my shoulders back, making an effort to soften my features. “What’d you do without me today?” she asked.
I shrugged. “Not much. Did some work, went for a run, considered buying event flowers.” I grinned. “The usual.” I took another liberal swig of sangria. She chuckled, biting into a bacon-wrapped fig and moaning in delight.
I could ask about the three wishes. Or her favorite songs. Right now. I could find this out.
I picked up a fig of my own and took a bite. The sweet of the fig and the savory goodness of bacon melted together in my mouth and I closed my eyes, enjoying the taste as Hannah had a moment earlier.
And I felt stupid.
If I loved this woman, I needed to face this problem head on. I decided I would talk to her tonight. Tell her how I felt, see if she felt the same, and then we’d figure out what the fuck we were going to do about it.