Running on pure adrenaline, I stand before the judge, feeling flayed open. Strangely, though I’m exposed and vulnerable, I’m wrapped in so much love I just might burst. The courtroom is packed. Each row behind us is lined by people who love Josie and want the best for her. Tyler’s teammates, my coworkers, our family, and our friends.
And my mom.
Thanks to Beckett, she flew in on a private jet overnight. No hug has ever been as healing as the one she gave me. Falling apart in my mother’s arms this morning, admitting that I’m lost and afraid, that I’m the one who needs help this time, gave me the strength to fight again.
Beside me, Tyler shakes with silent sobs, but his grip on my hand never wavers. Just like his love never wavers. This man, who loves with his whole heart, who willingly threw himself in front of the court and laid himself bare, gives me the strength to do the same.
I square my shoulders, raise my chin, and meet the judge’s narrowed gaze. “We would do anything for Josie. No one will ever love the way my husband loves his family. The way he loves her. I told him the night I proposed to him that you’d be crazy not to choose him to be Josie’s parent. I didn’t even like him then, but I loved the way he loved that little girl. He bought a house so she would have a home.” I shake my head as my eyes fill with tears. “Did you know he painted her bedroom pink with little birds because he knows she loves Taylor Swift? Or that he enrolled her in dance classes despite his ridiculous schedule because she wanted to learn ballet? He built her a dance studio and took her to Disney. He braids her hair every night, and when she’s scared of going to the doctor or the dentist, he’s the first one she turns to—her safe place. Her father. He’s deserving of the title of Dad all on his own. He doesn’t need me. But I’m so glad he married me so I could be her mom. That role has saved me. Like my husband said, I was made with a purpose, and without my sister, I’ve been a shell of my former self.” I shrug, suddenly exhausted. “Maybe that’s why I clung so hard to her through texts. Maybe it’s why my messages became less frequent once we got married. I don’t know. None of that really matters, though, right? Because I truly believe the moment I met Josie two years ago, I found my purpose again.”
Sniffling, I run a knuckle under one eye, then the other.
“Even if I’m nothing more than a friend, I’ll always be here for her. But please, don’t let our desperation to do all we could to keep her in a safe home, where she is loved and cherished, be the thing that makes you take her from us. We’ll do better, but I promise everything we’ve done up to this point has been with our love for her at the forefront.”
With nothing left to say, I force myself to remain standing, even though I could easily crumple to the floor.
Lowering her head, the judge gives it a shake and lifts the papers in front of her. She taps them against the surface of the bench, then sets them down again. “I appreciate your situation. It’s clear you both love Josie, and the reports from the guardian ad litem have all made it clear that she loves you too and wants to stay in your care.”
For a moment I allow myself to feel hopeful. I turn to look at Tyler, who’s grinning at me. He wraps an arm around my waist and squeezes me tight. It feels like we’ve finally made it. We’ve been honest and open, and the judge gets it. Loving her is enough.
But when the judge holds up her hand, I deflate.
“This is only a status conference. I’ll take what you’ve told me into consideration, and we’ll review the matter in April as scheduled. For the time being, Josie will remain in her current placement.” With that, she calls the next case.
A relieved breath whooshes from my lungs. The war may not be over, but we’ve won this battle.
“Oh god, did that really happen?” I murmur.
Tyler tucks his chin and blinks back tears. “I think it did.”
“Come on, guys. Let’s chat outside,” Madi says as she puts a hand to each of our backs and guides us past our shell-shocked friends and teammates.
The moment we make it to the hall and I spot Beckett, I let go of Tyler and throw myself into his arms. “Thank you so much.”
This man has the uncanny ability to be exactly where he needs to be. It’s rare, finding people like Beckett Langfield. People like Tyler Warren. Or maybe it’s not. As I pull back, I realize I’m surrounded by a sea of people who have shown up time and again for me, for Tyler, for our family.
Hannah, Sara, Brooks, Lennox, Aiden, Gavin, Fitz. Even Daniel.
I suck in a lungful of air, trying to steady my pounding heart, and meet my mother’s eyes. She’s standing behind Beckett, with tears staining her cheeks. She’s got the same red hair as me and the same green eyes. Andrea’s green eyes. Though hers are dull from the years of heartache she’s endured. Her face is heavily lined and so damn wary, like she’s not sure if she should insert herself in this moment.
“ Mommy. ” I crumple in her arms, unable to support myself under the weight of the last twenty-four hours. The excitement from Disney, the flight, the news from Beckett about naming the theater after my sister, the phone call that changed everything, Tyler’s heartbreak, my running, the desperation to figure out how to stand back up again and fight for our family that consumed me. Then there was the last half hour, where I sat and listened to the judge recount all my crimes and then watched as my husband stood up for me.
I release my mother and clutch my husband’s hand. “This is my mother,” I say. Then, turning back to my mom, I add, “Mommy, this is my husband.”
Tyler wraps his arm around me, as if he knows I need his strength. With a kiss to my forehead, he holds out his other hand. “Tyler Warren. It’s nice to meet you, ma’am.”
“Oh, I know your name,” my mother says, giving him a genuine smile. “You’re the boy who brought my girl back to life.” Then she wraps her arms around us both.
When she releases us, I peer up at Tyler. “Now what?”
Humming, he squeezes my hips. “I don’t know about you, but I really want to pick the kids up from school early and just hold them. And you.”
“I’m not sure how Bray will feel about that.”
Tyler chuckles. “Too bad. The kid’s going to have to deal with a man hug or two tonight. I’m all sorts of needy right now.”
“Aw, Tyler Warren, did you miss me?”
His eyes soften and the smile falls from his lips. Hands cupping my cheeks, he shakes his head, brushing his nose against mine. “You have no fucking idea, Vicious. Please don’t ever leave me again.”
His words sober me. “I’m so sorry I ran.”
“All that matters is that you came back.” He presses his lips to my forehead. “And you’re not leaving again.”
Blue eyes twinkle as his lips tip up. “Pinky promise?”
A rush of relief washes through me as he holds up that finger that has become such an important symbol for the both of us.
I loop mine through his and kiss our joined hands. “Pinky promise.”