L ast night was both the best and worst sleep. The best because I’d used Kellen’s thigh for a pillow. The worst because we had a few more tremors that were worrying. Still, I managed a few hours, which was probably the longest stretch I’ve had in days. What I wouldn’t give for an actual bed, though. I’d even share with Kellen.
He’s sitting at a picnic table, absently eating a protein bar and frowning as he listens to Dan speak in a low tone. Aaron, Hope, Elise, and Wayne are also sitting with them. I’m slightly annoyed they let me sleep in rather than pulling me in for their strategy session.
Jesse barks out a laugh, drawing my attention. He’s animatedly telling a story to Judy, Hailey, and Silas. Pretzel is snugly sleeping in Jesse’s hoodie, his tiny head poking out of one side of the long front pocket.
I saved that dog and the thanks I get is betrayal.
I fight a smile. I’m not mad at all. It feels like Jesse is finally getting the dog he always wanted. Even if the end of the world was the only way he could get it.
Sound behind me catches my attention. Kyle coughs, his back to me, and pisses against a tree. Hopefully, he’ll be in a better mood today. Losing his friend was hard on him, but we need everyone to be on their toes if we have any hope of making our way to a FEMA camp or shelter.
Kellen’s smooth, deep voice dances in the air, earning my attention once more. I can hear him suggesting the best route to potential safe locations and why he thinks they’re an option. I’m about to join him to offer my own two cents when I hear tires screeching.
The entirety of our group turns to watch the road where the sound came from in the distance. Within seconds, two jacked-up Chevy pickups come hauling toward the campground parking lot in front of the office and two cabins.
More people!
Maybe they’ll be able to tell us where to go.
The two trucks squeal to a halt and almost immediately, three burly men step out of the vehicles. All three are carrying weapons—two shotguns and a heavy-duty rifle, an AK-47 perhaps. Relief at finding other survivors is snuffed out as unease settles in my gut.
“Hello, fellas,” Dan greets, coming to stand beside me. “Nice to see other faces around here.”
The three men approach but keep about fifteen feet distance between us. They’re red-faced, wearing pinched, angry scowls clearly meant to intimidate. I stiffen my spine and clench my teeth, careful to let them say their piece before I pop off rudely at the mouth. I’m not Jesse after all.
The older of the three, a blond man with a scruffy beard and potbelly, spits a wad of something disgusting to the ground at our feet. It takes everything in me not to react or step away.
“Nice shirt,” the man states, gesturing at me. “What else did ya steal?”
I bristle at his acerbic tone.
Dan lifts both hands in a placating manner. “Sir, we’ve come a long way—”
The youngest of the three—they’re all identical aside from slight age differences, so they must be brothers—says, “Sir? Gunter ain’t a sir. He’s not fancy enough for that.”
The older man, or Gunter, spits another wad of what I’m now assuming is chewing tobacco at my feet. “Mike,” Gunter warns. “Keep his trap shut.”
Mike, the middle of the two, elbows the younger man. “Cut the shit, Nicky.”
“I asked you a question,” Gunter growls, eyes narrowing on Dan. “What else did you steal from our daddy’s store?”
“We’re grateful,” Dan says in a diplomatic tone, “for the supplies and food, which is why I left my credit card and a note—”
“He’s eighty-two years old,” Gunter interrupts. “An old fucking man. You feel right stealing from the elderly?”
Dan, bless him, doesn’t lose his cool. I’m seconds from planting my boot in this asshole’s junk.
“I understand your frustration,” Dan says, “and you have every right to be unhappy with us. However, we’re hoping you’ll extend kindness our way as we’ve lost people and are barely surviving. My credit card should more than be enough to cover the—”
“Your credit card means shit when there’s no electricity,” Gunter snarls, his grip on his shotgun tightening. “You’ll pay for what you took some way or another.”
Dread coils inside me. With my back to our group, I’m not sure how they’re handling the situation. So far, everyone is quiet, clearly intimidated by these three pissed-off pricks with guns.
“I have a Rolex,” Dan says, shoving his sleeve up to reveal the expensive timepiece. “It’s yours. Even if you pawn it, it’ll earn you a pretty penny.” He looks over his shoulder. “Judy. Your jewelry?”
She walks over to Dan and slides off her massive diamond wedding ring. “This is worth a lot as well. We don’t want any trouble, sir.”
Nicky snorts again, clearly amused at his older brother getting called sir.
“That your daughter?” Gunter asks, nodding past us. “The young ‘en?”
Dan stiffens, ignoring the question. “I’m sure between all of us, we can come up with some sort of payment with our jewelry—”
The booming sound of the shotgun going off makes several people scream in surprise. Gunter smirks at us as leaves from the tree above us flutter around our heads.
“Answer the damn question, man,” Gunter growls.
“Or what?” Jesse demands, voice hot with anger.
He storms over to Judy’s side, standing slightly in front of her. I can hear Hailey whimpering from behind her and Silas is quietly crying. Pretzel quivers from inside Jesse’s pocket, ducking his head inside to hide from the tense situation.
Gunter laughs and then his two brothers join in. After a beat, he shakes his head and says, “We’ll take the girl as trade.”
Silence befalls us aside from the wind sending leaves scattering past us.
“No,” Dan clips out, quickly losing his cool. “She’s a child , you animal. Not a piece of property.”
“Small price to pay,” Mike says as he peers past us to look at Hailey. “One less mouth for you all to feed. I don’t see the problem.”
Jesse steps forward until he’s a few feet away from the trio. His shoulders are tense as he hisses, “You heard the man. Not happening. Get back in your redneck trucks and leave us the fuck alone.”
“Jesse,” I warn under my breath.
Leave it to my brother to add fuel to a flame rather than trying to put it out.
“Jesse,” Gunter mimics, poking the business end of his shotgun at my little brother. “Listen to your buddy there. Your mouth’s writing checks your ass can’t cash.”
Jesse sneers at him. “I don’t know what the fuck that means, but I’m not scared of you.”
Gunter lifts the end of his gun and points the barrel in Jesse’s face. My heart stops pumping blood as I try to suck in air.
I did not just get my brothers back to lose one of them to stupidity.
“In case you folks hadn’t noticed,” Gunter says, tobacco-tinged spittle flying over Jesse, “the old world’s over. In this new world, we’re all doing what we can to survive. Thieving fuckers like you aren’t going to last long.” He nods to Mike. “Go get our payment.”
These monsters aren’t seriously going to kidnap a teenage girl, are they? With no weapons against their three, we’re outgunned and in a losing position here.
“Please,” Dan begs, “don’t do this. She’s only fifteen.”
Gunter chuckles. “Always did like ’em young. Why the wife left me, too.”
Mike stalks over to where Hailey is holding on to her little brother. Wayne, Gerry, and Kyle are all gaping, wide-eyed, and appalled, but making no moves to intervene. However, they’ve strategically put themselves in front of Elise and Hope, hiding them. Aaron and Kellen are gone.
What the hell?
“Man, you can’t just take her,” I grit out, finding my voice. “We’ll give you your shit back. Happy?”
Jesse is tense, ready to fight, but he’s not as stupid as he seems. Knowing he has a shotgun in his face, he keeps quiet, even as Hailey screams at Mike to stay away.
Dan starts for them, but then Nicky is on him, swinging his rifle and nailing him in the back of the head. He crumples to the ground with a pained groan. Judy begins sobbing and begging, torn between helping her husband and rescuing her daughter.
We have to do something.
But what?
Mike wrestles with Hailey, dragging her past her parents and Jesse and me to where his brothers stand. He playfully kisses her neck like this is all some big fucking game.
Jesse curses up a storm but remains in place.
“Like I said,” Gunter bites out to anyone who’ll listen. “New world. New rules. In this town, there ain’t many people left, which means we’re in charge. Women are the new currency around here.”
Bile creeps up my stomach. Is this guy for real right now? We have a tsunami and a few sinkholes around the world and suddenly it’s a lawless free for all?
“Please,” Hailey begs, fat tears streaming down her cheeks. “Mom! Dad! Help me!”
Nicky discharges his weapon at the earth beside Dan’s head, making everyone jump. “Don’t fight it, pretty girl, or your daddy’s gonna pay the price.”
Hailey freezes, mouth gaping in horror. She doesn’t fight her captor, aside from a full-bodied tremble, even when he crudely gropes her over her shirt. Jesse is tense, ready to charge at Mike, but if he tries, I’m certain Gunter will spray the forest with his brain.
What the hell do we do?
We can’t let them take her. They’ll rape her and God only knows what else. But I can’t let my brother eat buckshot for breakfast for her either.
It’s then I see movement behind the men.
Someone darts past the trucks, crouched low. Another someone follows after. I know the two someones. It’s Aaron and Kellen. Do they have a plan? Will it result in Jesse getting his head blown off?
“Here’s what’s gonna happen,” Gunter says, glowering at my little brother, but speaking to all of us. “This sweet girl is gonna pay the price for your theft. And because I’m gentleman as fuck, I’m not going to defile her in front of y’all. Consider this the ‘kindness’ you think you’re owed.” He tilts his head to the left. “We’re going to get into the trucks and leave with our prize. But if you follow us or steal from us again, we’ll put you all down like dogs.”
Hailey, resigned to her fate, sobs and drops her head. Mike grins, nuzzling his nose into her hair. I’m disgusted and powerless to do anything to help her.
“You sure we shouldn’t make them watch?” Mike asks and then laughs when Hailey shrieks. “Five bucks says she’s a virgin. I fuckin’ love virgins.”
“No one wants to see your baby dick,” Gunter says with a smirk. “Put her in the truck with you and Nicky. There’s rope in the bed of mine.”
As Mike begins manhandling Hailey toward the trucks and Nicky backs away from us to go with him, Aaron and Kellen snap into action.
I keep my stare on Hailey as Kellen smacks Mike in the head with a large stick. Surprised, Mike bellows, releasing Hailey in order to face off with Kellen. But, shockingly, Kellen is quicker and tackles Mike to the ground. Aaron knocks Nicky off his feet. The blur of both Kellen and Aaron attacking two of these dickheads zaps me into doing the same. I rush Gunter, grab hold of his shotgun, and shove with all my might.
The shotgun blasts, vibrating my hand that’s wrapped around it as me and Gunter crash to the ground.
I can only hope I was quick enough to save Jesse from the discharge of the weapon.
Please, God, let me have been quick enough.