Wedded to the Duke of Lust (Dukes of Passion #1) Chapter 12 32%
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Chapter 12


S eraphina was grateful for the garden party she had to attend with Tessa the next day. It gave her something else to focus on that wasn’t her aborted tryst with Gerard.

Wearing a sunshine yellow gown, in an effort to lift her mood, she left the house without speaking to anyone and went to pick up her sister from their family home.

She found Tessa waiting for her outside the door and frowned. Her sister lit up at the sight of the carriage and came running towards her.

Seraphina frowned. “Why were you waiting outside?” she asked.

“Good afternoon to you too,” Tessa replied.

Seraphina shook her head as if dislodging a fly. “I’m sorry. How are you today, Tessa? Everything all right?”

Tessa gave her a look. “Everything is fine, Seraphina. I am fine. Father is fine. He was just in a bad mood this morning. He had ordered a delivery of wine, but it was refused due to non-payment of bills.”

Seraphina’s frown deepened. “Oh.” She gave Tessa a hard look, “How bad is it, really? Are you eating? Do you have food?”

“Of course we do. Don’t be ridiculous. You know Mrs. Haversham is adept at making miracles from what little we have.”

I do know because I helped.

Seraphina sat back with a sigh making a note to slip Mrs. Haversham some money for food and wages when she returned Tessa to Pennington House. She peered into her reticule where she kept her pin money. It wasn’t much, but it was certainly enough to buy some basic things to eat for a week.

“I can hear you thinking from all the way over here,” Tessa said loudly. “Do stop. Everything is fine, I promise you.”

She gave her sister a wan smile. “I’m sorry. I cannot help worrying.”

Tessa reached out and squeezed her hand. “That is because you’re the most caring person I know. But all you should be thinking about is the garden party and how ever so enjoyable it’ll be.” She clapped her hands. “Benji promised to be there. He wants to introduce me to his friends.”

Seraphina gave her a pensive look. “It seems you have made your match.”

Tessa blushed. “Yes…I think I have. That is…” she trailed off uncertainly.

“What?” Seraphina prompted.

“That’s if he will have me,” she said shyly.

Seraphina snorted. “If? The man is practically salivating for you. You have nothing to worry about I do assure you.”

Tessa leaned into her confidentially, “I’m wearing some of that Love Potion perfume you bought to me. Can you smell it?” She offered Seraphina her neck.

Seraphina took a huge whiff of it. “Mmm. That is a tantalizing scent.” She nodded approvingly.

“Would you like some?” Tessa dug into her reticule without waiting for reply and removed a spray bottle.

She squeezed the rubber ball that would enable scent to spray out, aiming it at Seraphina’s neck and hair.

“All right, all right that’s enough,” Seraphina waved her away.

Tessa giggled as she put the perfume bottle back into her reticule. “Now you smell irresistible too.”

Seraphina snorted in amusement. “I have no one’s senses to beguile.”

“Well, there’s your husband,” Tessa pointed out.

Seraphina’s snort was more derisive this time.

She turned her head to look out the window. “I don’t think he would notice,” she murmured softly mostly to herself.

Tessa made no comment, so Seraphina assumed she hadn’t heard her.

They arrived to find the garden party in full swing. The hosts had gathered her guests into attention to make an announcement.

“Now that you are all comfortable and refreshed,” she began, “it is time to let the games begin. We shall start with pall mall, unless anyone has an objection.”

She looked around in exaggerated anticipation, as people laughed. Tessa jumped as someone appeared right next to her.

“You’re late,” Benjamin said, “I was beginning to despair.”

Tessa’s face lit up. “Oh, it’s you, ” she said excitedly, “I’m ever so glad to see you. I am no good at this game. I fear I shall make a fool of myself.”

Mr. Larson’s hand brushed against hers. “Never fear, my dear. I shall show you how to play.”

Seraphina watched them with indulgent amusement. She had to admit that they looked quite darling together.

“I can see you are growing accustomed to the idea that our families may become one,” someone murmured in her ear, and she turned her head to frown at Lord Ruebridge.

“Lord Ruebridge. Good afternoon.”

To Seraphina’s relief, Ruebridge took a step back. “Good afternoon, Your Grace. You smell divine by the way. Your husband is a lucky man.”

“I will thank you to stop saying such things,” she said irritably.

“Am I not allowed to compliment you?”

Seraphina pursed her lips. If only such words came from another mouth. Her husband’s.

“You have done so more than enough, my lord. To the point of excess,” she told Ruebridge.

“Very well then. I promise to exercise mediation from now on,” he said with a playful smile, “Shall we go and play the game?”

Seraphina turned to find that her sister and Benjamin were already in the thick of it, heads close together, Benjamin gesticulating as he explained something to her.

Seraphina sighed. “I should not be playing.”

“Whyever not?” Nicholas protested.

Seraphina smirked at him. “Nobody else would have a chance if I did.”

“Oh-ho!” Ruebridge leaned back looking impressed, “Do we have an expert on our hands?”

Seraphina shrugged nonchalantly.

“But now you’ve made such a claim, you must show the rest of us how it’s done.”

“Show what?” Peggy appeared unexpectedly, startling Seraphina.

Lord Ruebridge immediately turned to her for support. “Her Grace here tells me that she’s an expert pall mall player. Though it baffles me that she refuses to play,” he said in a scandalized voice.

Peggy gasped dramatically clutching her pearls. “Surely not! Why would she do that?”

“She fears that she might beat us all. You are her dear friend, so you must persuade her, Lady Stanton,” he said dramatically.

Seraphina rolled her eyes. “Fine. I will play on one condition—that you two will not weep when you lose.”

Lord Ruebridge raised his fist in triumph. “You have yourself an agreement, Your Grace.”

Seraphina just shook her head and made her way to the field. She attached herself to Tessa and Benjamin, trying to get away from Lord Ruebridge and Peggy. Still, both parties stayed close, much to her chagrin.

The games began with Tessa doing fairly well, despite her shyness. She was, however, no match for Seraphina, who hit her mark every time.

Seraphina did enjoy the game, mostly because it gave her something else to think about. Her mind desperately needed a reprieve from Gerard. They had come so close to consummation the night before… She could not help but dwell on their encounter.

Her face heated as she thought about what they had almost done.

And it wasn’t even at night, or in our bedchambers. How… naughty.

She bit her lip to stop herself from grinning at the thought.

“What are you so happy about?” Lord Ruebridge asked, startling her.

She quirked an eyebrow at him. “Happy? I wouldn’t say that.”

“What would you call it?”

“I am merely enjoying the game, Lord Ruebridge. That is all.”

Another lord hailed him, and he wandered off, much to Seraphina’s relief.

She concentrated on the putt she was making.

It’d be so good if Gerard were here to see me.

“He’s a handsome fool, is he not?” Peggy said.

“Yes, he is,” Seraphina said absently, wondering idly how Peggy had known what she was thinking about.

Peggy stepped closer, her mouth to Seraphina’s ear. “Are you thinking of letting him seduce you?”

Seraphina turned sharply to look at Peggy with a frown. “I beg your pardon?”

“Lord Ruebridge,” Peggy prompted.

Seraphina snorted derisively, shaking her head.

“I cannot imagine why you’d think such a thing, Peggy. I am a married woman,” she said, “I should thank you never to make such an insulting suggestion ever again.”

“Oh, I did not mean?—”

“I do not care what you mean. We shall not speak of this again. Now, if you wouldn’t mind, I’d like to return to the game.”

Before Peggy could respond, Seraphina turned her attention to the putt and hit it again.

To her satisfaction, that hit marked her as the victor.

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