Wedded to the Duke of Lust (Dukes of Passion #1) Chapter 20 54%
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Chapter 20


S eraphina slept late the next day, exhausted from hosting the musicale and the late night she and Gerard had kept.

Gerard had left the house early, “I have an appointment with a shipwright. Should everything go as planned with the exchequer, I will need a new ship,” he’d told her.

She had bidden him a sleepy good luck and gone back to sleep.

The soft rain pattering against her window provided a peaceful backdrop to her rest.

Just as she was thinking about getting up, due to her growling stomach, Leticia knocked and came in bearing a tray.

“Good morning, Your Grace. I thought you might like something to eat.”

Seraphina gave her a grateful smile, surveying the contents of the tray. It was laden with a steaming kettle of tea and piled high with sandwiches and cake.

“Thank you, Leticia.”

Leticia smiled, looking pleased. “Shall I prepare your bath?” she asked.

After the previous night’s activities she felt quite sticky and sweaty, so she nodded. “In an hour or so, please.”

“Of course, Your Grace,” she said with a nod.

Seraphina sat up, picking up the cup of tea that Leticia had poured for her, as she watched the lady’s maid walk out the room.

She sighed with contentment.

There is surely nothing more that I could want. Everything is perfect.

Taking a sip of her tea, she stared out of the window, enjoying the gloominess outside since she was warm and dry inside of her house.

Leticia seemed to time it perfectly, bringing in pails of hot water just as Seraphina finished her breakfast. She lowered herself into the tub with a sigh enjoying the sting of the hot water on her flesh.

She ached in places that she had not been previously aware could ache. Letting the hot water soothe and soften her muscles was just the balm she needed.

After she got dressed, she decided to head to the library where she could drink coffee and read a book, as she waited for Gerard’s return.

She had barely settled in when the butler knocked and entered.

“You have a visitor,” he said.

She looked up with a frown wondering who had the bad manners to interrupt her rest today. “Who is it?”

“It is your sister, Miss Pennington.”

Seraphina nodded. “Send her in then.”

Tessa breezed into the room, a smile on her face. “Oh Seraphina, I am so sorry for this disturbing you. I just could not stand to be at home for a minute longer.”

Seraphina shook her head reassuringly, “You’re not disturbing me. What’s the matter?”

Tessa sighed, “Just more of the same; Father is being tiresome. He has fired the cook because she failed to serve meat, without acknowledging that it is because the butcher won’t sell to us anymore if we don’t pay our debts.”.”

Seraphina frowned. “Why did you not tell me? I would have paid it.”

Tessa gave her a look, “You do so much for us already. It would not be fair to ask you to shoulder more.”

Seraphina’s expression hardened, her protective instincts flaring. “I am your sister, Tessa. It is my responsibility to help, especially now,” she paused, then asked softly, “What will you do?”

Tessa huffed, leaning back in her chair and snatching a biscuit from the tray. “We’ll manage without meat. And soon Benji will ask me to marry him.”

“Are you certain?” Seraphina asked, concern filling her voice.

Tessa nodded, popping another biscuit in her mouth. “I was thinking of selling one of Mama’s jewels to pay the butcher?—”

Seraphina swiftly cut her off, “You mustn’t. Mama’s jewels are all we have of her.”

“I know,” Tessa said, avoiding her gaze. “But what choice do we have?”

Seraphina’s jaw tightened. “I don’t have much left in my jewelry box, but if it comes to it, I’ll sell my things before you touch Mama’s.”

Tessa shook her head, raising her hands to stop her. “No, Seraphina. You’ve given enough. Papa got us into this mess—he’ll have to find a way out.”

A thought occurred to Seraphina. “Tessa, you’re not entertaining Mr. Larson’s suit only because you wish to leave the house as soon as possible, are you?”

Tessa gave her a look. “Benji is not the only man who wishes to be my suitor. Were I so inclined, I could have my pick of suitors.” She lifted her chin defiantly. “With Benji, it’s different than other people. I think I might love him.”

Seraphina gasped, “I did not know your feelings went so deep. That’s wonderful, Tessa. I must congratulate you for finally meeting someone that makes you feel this way. And do not fret about the money, I shall speak with Gerard about it and we’ll take care of everything.”

Tessa sighed in relief, “Thank you sister. You are our guardian angel,” after that, she giggled. “And do not congratulate me; Benji hasn’t yet asked me for my hand. We shall wait and see.”

“I hadn’t pinned you down for such a heedful lady,” Seraphina teased.

“I learned it from you,” Tessa gave her a prim look and Seraphina laughed.

“I suppose you have me there.”

Gerard stood at the foot of the bed, staring down at Seraphina.

She was still fast asleep, her limbs star-fished on the bed, taking up all the space. He snorted to himself shaking his head. For a moment, he considered letting her continue her slumber, but then shook his head. As adorable as she looked, she also had much to do, and it was almost noon.

Her tiresome widow friend was scheduled to call this afternoon, and Gerard knew that Seraphina would appreciate some time to prepare. He personally did not see why Seraphina gave the dowager viscountess the time of day.

“Seraphina?” he said softly.

She did not so much as twitch in response.

So, he slid his hand under the blanket, snaking up her nightdress, and reaching between her legs.

“Mmm,” she let out a sleepy moan as his fingers found the center of her pleasure.

He started to stroke it slowly, his eyes fixed on her to see her reaction.

Seraphina grunted softly and shifted, yet her eyes remained closed.

It looks like we’ve got a heavy sleeper here , he thought to himself.

Thus, he lowered his hand, finding her entrance.

He cursed under his breath, for she was already very, very wet.

Gingerly, he slid a finger inside, pumping it in and out in a languid rhythm.

Seraphina gasped, lifting her head up, her eyes flying open.

“Good morning,” he said with amusement.

She turned her head blinking at him as if she wasn’t sure who he was.

“It’s almost noon my dear. You need to get up,” he added, continuing his ministrations.

“I…” she spoke hoarsely but spread her legs wider for him.

Gerard clenched his jaw as another part of him clenched with need. God, how easily she aroused him…

Then, he plunged his finger deeply, placing the heel of his palm against her swollen nub, which coaxed another gasp out of her.

“Gerard…” she moaned, her eyes rolling back in her head, and his manhood twitched, aching to replace his finger.

But he was in a rather teasing mood today.

He pulled out his finger, which was now soaked with her wetness.

Seraphina opened her eyes rapidly and gawked at him.

“W-why’d you stop?” she whined.

He bent over her. “My apologies. I did try to wake you gently first, but you wouldn’t stir. Now, get up and get ready. Your widow friend will arrive any moment.”

“But—” she protested but he took her chin in his hand.

“Now, do good girls talk back?” he asked, his thumb going over her lower lip.

“No. But you cannot just?—”

“Are you defying me, wife? Or shall I remind you exactly how I deal with defiance?”

Seraphina gulped, her eyes still burning with lust. She was thinking of all the ways he could punish her, no doubt. Just as he was.

She shook her head, “No.”

“Good girl. Now, get up. I believe you’ve much to do,” he released her and slid off the bed.

Right before he left, he cast a final glance at her, “We shall discuss your punishment after dinner.”

“Yes sir,” she said excitedly.

And with that, he turned and left the room. He could feel her eyes on the back of his neck the entire way to the door and couldn’t help smiling.

He just knew that Seraphina would be plotting her revenge for the rest of the day, and he could not wait to see what she came up with. If only so that he could remind her who was in charge.

He went out into the veranda picking up a newspaper on the way. He sat in the chair, making himself comfortable.

He was waiting for a letter from his steward, who was currently in Scotland, negotiating the purchase of whiskey barrels. He could have commissioned a carpenter to make him some, but he had discovered that barrels which had previously held whiskey added depth to the flavor.

Mr. Stevens had promised to apprise him by mail as soon as he finished with the negotiations.

He buried his face in the newspaper, noting that the exchequer had issued a new tax decree that would undercut profits from Chinese merchants. He smirked, nodding in approval as those were his holdings’ direct competitors.

“Excuse me, Your Grace.” He looked up to see one of the maids curtsying nervously before him.


“A Lady Stanton is here to see Her Grace, but the duchess is in the bath. What should I do with her, sir?”

Gerard bit his bottom lip so as not to laugh. “Put her in the parlor and bring some tea. I suppose I can entertain her for a time,” he sighed in resignation.

Seraphina would surely pay for this.

He got up and went back into the house, entering the parlor just after the maid had ushered Lady Stanton in there. Pinning a smile on his face, he made an elegant leg.

“Lady Stanton, good morning,” he greeted.

She beamed. “Your Grace. How wonderful to see you. I was hoping that I would catch you.”

He quirked an eyebrow. “Is that so?”

“Yes,” she took a step towards him. “I wished to speak with you on a…private matter.”

He gave her a look, bidding her continue.

To his surprise, she made a move to take his hand, which he quickly evaded but stepping back.

“Shall we sit?” she urged.

He gestured for her to do so before moving to the armchair and lowering himself into it.

“What did you wish to say to me?” he asked, noting her disappointment but ignoring it.

“I…” she cleared her throat. “Your Grace, you must know what impact you have upon all ladies.”

He frowned. “Impact?”

“Yes,” she hesitated, “I know that your marriage with Seraphina hasn’t been…ideal.”

Gerard held up his hand. “Let me stop you there. You are encroaching in matters that are none of your business. Were it up to me, I would ask you to leave my house immediately. But you are my wife’s guest, so I will let her deal with you.”

She snorted derisively.

“Your wife?” she sneered, “The same one making cow eyes at Lord Ruebridge?”

Gerard merely rolled his eyes and got to his feet.

“Goodbye, Lady Stanton. I do hope I don’t see you again.”

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