S eraphina spent the hours in which Tessa was at the Larson house curled up by the fire in a shawl, reading one of Rosalind's books.
She hoped that her absence from the festivities would not be specifically noted. She did not wish to start any speculation or gossip. She had instructed Rosalind to inform anyone who asked that she was under the weather.
She was finding that the excuse she had made-up to get out of attending the soiree was indeed coming true. She felt alternately hot and cold, and her stomach was unsettled wanting to cast up her accounts at the merest whiff of cooking.
She sat sipping from her hot cup of ginger tea and tried to will her stomach into submission. Normally, the book would have provided sufficient distraction from her discomfort, but she couldn’t seem to settle or focus.
It had been almost five days since she left home, and Gerard was yet to do anything. He did not send word, or come to see her.
Surely you still cannot be annoyed with me. He must have come to his senses by now and realized that to the whole huge misunderstanding.
Unfortunately, wishing it did not make it so. She had heard hide nor hair of Gerard.
Leticia did report that apparently Lord Astor had returned to Irondale. Seraphina would have liked more details. Why did he return to Irondale? Did Gerard send him away? Or was there some other reason?
Unfortunately, Leticia could answer none of her questions.
Seraphina returned her gaze to the book. She had previously found the story quite titillating but now she could barely focus on the words for five minutes.
“What are you doing to me, Gerard?” she cried out in frustration.
She wished so hard that she could stop thinking about him. Every night Tessa tried to persuade her to go back home and speak with Gerard.
“Make him listen to you,” she insisted.
But Seraphina did not think that she had the strength for more disappointment. She would wait until Gerard came to her and then she would explain. At least she would know that he was willing to listen.
Tessa said that she was sulking, but Seraphina did not view it that way. She had done nothing wrong, yet all that Gerard wanted from her was an apology for wrongdoing. Was she simply to give it to him? Accept the blame and carry the stigma of doing something she was completely innocent of?
That did not seem sensible to her.
Her father shuffled into the room and stopped short when he saw her.
Although she heard him come in, she did not lift her head or acknowledge him in any way. Yesterday, she took every bottle of alcohol in the house and smashed it, throwing away the pieces of glass while her father was out at his club.
It had been immensely satisfying to smash the bottle, even as the scent of alcohol permeated everything, stinging her nostrils and causing her to feel a bit light headed.
“Papa will not be happy,” Tessa said anxiously.
Seraphina huffed, “Well, we’re not happy either, so I suppose it’s about time he also felt the same discomfort.”
Tessa rubbed her hands anxiously but made no further objection.
Lord Northwick had come home and realized what she had done.
“What fool has dared to touch my property like this?” he roared from the parlor as Tessa hunched in on herself giving Seraphina an ‘I told you so’ look.
Seraphina took a deep breath, nodded once and marched to the parlor from the kitchen where they had been taking inventory. She walked into the parlor, head held high and crossed her arms as she faced her father.
“You called,” she said her voice only shaking a little.
Her father glared. “What have you done with my tipple?”
“I have disposed of it, Father. It was doing you no good and we cannot afford it.”
“We cannot afford to throw it out,” he yelled.
“Yes, we can because your decision making is worse while you are drunk.”
“How dare you?” he growled.
She took an involuntary step back but then stood her ground. “Somebody had to.”
Lord Northwick shouted and roared, he yelled and screamed incoherently. He threw such an epic tantrum that Tessa ran off and locked herself in her chambers.
Seraphina had let him scream and shout, watching him impassively. He demanded that she return his drinks to him.
“One cannot gather up spilt milk. The same with your whiskey, Father. It is gone.”
“How dare you? You come into my house and destroy my property? Get out!”
She had merely looked at him. “You are a pathetic old man. Is that the best you can do? Your house was on its last legs before I came back. Your daughter had nothing to eat. All your servants had left. I am the one who rehired two footmen and two maids-”
“Nobody asked you to do all that.”
“Perhaps not. But I did it. I bought food for your kitchens and candles to light your way at night. So, you don’t get to stand there and tell me to get out. I have been more the man of this house than you ever were.”
He was taken aback by her bold assertion. If she was honest with herself, she was quite taken aback by it too.
His mouth fell open, and he gawped at her. Then he had turned and left her, stomping up the stairs and going to bed.
This was the first time they had been in the same room since then. She waited to see what he would do. To her surprise, he turned and shuffled right back out of the parlor.
She cocked her head listening to his footsteps. He seemed to be heading in the direction of the study. She wondered if she should send the footman to light a fire for him but then shrugged. He was an adult—if he wanted a fire lit, he could ask for one himself.
She heard the front door bang open and then running footsteps and went to the door to see what was afoot. Tessa, her face alight, was approaching fast.
“What has happened?” Seraphina asked.
“He asked me! He asked me!” She clutched Seraphina’s arms and began jumping up and down.
Seraphina grinned, imitating her. “Who has asked you what?”
Tessa’s face fell and she stopped jumping. “Silly girl. Benjamin of course. He asked me to be his wife.”
Seraphina clapped her hands in delight. “Oh, that is wonderful news. Congratulations, sister!”
Tessa resumed jumping. “Thank you. I’m so happy.”
“I’m happy for you as well. Will he ask Father for your hand?”
Rosalind stepped in the house, swaying casually towards them. “I took the liberty of inviting them here for dinner tomorrow. He can ask your father then, and you all can make plans for the wedding.” She came to a stop in front of the two sisters, beaming.
“Thank you so much, Rosalind. I should have been there.” She turned to face Tessa. “I’m sorry that I wasn’t.”
“Don’t feel bad. Benjamin told me that he had Nicholas arrange the soiree so that he could ask me. He took me to the garden and as we walked amongst the roses, he took my hand in his and told me that he is the most fortunate man in the world because he has fallen in love.” She sighed dreamily, hand over her heart. “It was ever so romantic. I said yes at once.”
“How endearing,” Seraphina said. “Now we do not have much time, if we are to host them for dinner tomorrow with such limited staff.”
“Don’t worry. I shall send my French chef to cook dinner and my maids to help you with cleaning the house and polishing the good silver. We shall manage, I promise you,” Rosalind soothed her.
Seraphina kissed her cheek. “What would I ever do without you?”