Wedded to the Duke of Lust (Dukes of Passion #1) Chapter 28 76%
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Chapter 28


G erard woke up with a throbbing headache. He squinted, blinking painfully as the sunlight hit his eyes.

Wanting to glare at his valet for drawing the curtains, he settled for grumbling resentfully under his blanket.

“Good morning Your Grace,” he said.

Gerard frowned even more. “Go away,” he grumbled.

“Yes, Your Grace. Shall I have cook make you some tea for your headache?” his valet asked calmly.

Gerard gritted his teeth in annoyance but had to concede that he needed it. “Yes,” he hissed.

“Very good, sir. Your chamber pot is just beside the bed should you need it.”

He heard footsteps as the valet walked away and closed the door. Immediately, he flung off the blankets and leaned to the side so he could cast up his accounts into the chamber pot.

He hated that his valet knew him well, but he also felt a little better after vomiting. There was a jug of water and a glass by his bedside, and he rinsed out his mouth and washed his face.

Perhaps it was a good thing that his valet knew him so well.

Finally feeling a little human, he contemplated getting out of bed. The prospect held no joy for him. He did not want to face the world just yet, if at all.

The door opened, and the valet, preceded by a laden tray walked in. there was a steaming kettle of tea, a tea cup as well as hard biscuits, freshly baked bread generously buttered and slices of cheese.

“Start with the biscuits sir,” the valet said, “it’ll settle your stomach and then you can have the rest of the food.”

“Thank you, Stanwick,” Gerard said wearily.

“Let’s go for a walk,” Tessa cajoled.

Seraphina was already shaking her head before Tessa finished speaking.

All she wanted to do was remain curled up in her armchair, staring at nothing. She felt exhausted; everything was dark, and she could not see a way out.

“Come on Seraphina, please?”

But her sister would not let her have some peace.

“It’s fine if you want to go and see Benji. Take a lady’s maid; that’s enough of a chaperone.”

“I don’t want to go and see Benji—not at the moment anyway. I want to walk with you.”

“Why?” Seraphina asked resentfully.

“Because I do,” Tessa shrugged, giving Seraphina a pleading look.

Seraphina shook her head in defeat. “What if I don’t want to?”

“Too bad,” Tessa declared, taking her hand and pulling her to her feet. “I shan’t let you wallow in self-pity.”

“I’m not wallowing in self-pity!”

“Yes. You are,” Tessa continued to pull until Seraphina had no choice but to stand up or fall over. “And I do not blame you darling sister, but I can’t just sit here and watch you drown in despair. You should know that I’ve spoken to Benji already. He has agreed with me that you can come and live with us should your dispute with the duke not get resolved.”

Seraphina froze, staring at her sister with wide eyes. “I beg your pardon?”

“You heard me.”

“I cannot possibly?—”

“Nuh-uh! I won’t hear of it. You cannot stay here. I heard you fighting with Papa. You will come with me.”

“Tessa Pennington, you cannot, as a newly married woman, bring your sister to live with you. That is ridiculous, and I absolutely refuse.”

Tessa waved a dismissive hand. “We shall discuss it later. For now, let us walk.”

Seraphina allowed her sister to drag her to the door, drape a coat over her shoulders, and change her indoor slippers to walking shoes.

She was not looking forward to smiling and waving or talking to other people. She didn’t have the energy for it. But she also did not have the energy to communicate that to Tessa.

To her surprise, they did not head to Hyde Park. Instead Tessa took her down to the mews, where they trundled among the horses, dodging piles of dung and mud.

Strangely enough it was exactly what Seraphina needed to get her out of the megrims. It also helped when a horse reached out snuffling against her neck looking for treats. She couldn’t help but laugh, pushing its muzzle away until a groom took pity on her and handed her an apple to feed the horse with.

By the time they returned home laughing, their hems muddy, Seraphina was feeling much better. Everything was still bleak, and nothing was resolved, however, she felt rejuvenated and hopeful that she would find a way.

“Thank you,” she said to Tessa sincerely.

“Don’t be silly,” Tessa replied, “after everything you’ve done for me, the least that I could do was cheer you up.”

“Well… I thank you anyway. I cannot lie. This is a difficult time for me, and sometimes I just want to give in to despair.”

Tessa’s eyes filled with moisture, “You don’t have to carry everything alone, sister. When I was young perhaps, but now I can help you. I can listen. I can help you with anything that you need doing. Just ask.”

Seraphina squeezed her hand. “I appreciate it, my darling Tessa. I do. But it’s hard to teach an old dog new tricks. Don’t be too disappointed if I still try to do everything on my own.”

Tessa laughed wetly, wiping her eyes. “You’re hardly old . But definitely set in your ways. I shall just have to keep reminding you that I am here.”

Seraphina grasped Tessa’s hands and squeezed before pulling her in for an embrace.

Her heart was full, and she wished that she could properly enunciate what Tessa’s support meant to her. But for now, she just held her sister as tight as she could.

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