T he next morning found Gerard deep in the annals of Cheapside in search of illicit book shops, where he might purchase an offering to his wife.
He held on tightly to his cane, beginning to deeply regret coming here on his own. As he looked behind him wondering if the two shabbily dressed men walking behind him while following him, he bumped into someone.
“Oh sorry!” The person said and then gasped as Gerard turned to face them. “Your Grace! What are you doing here?”
Gerard blinked at the person, “I could ask you the same question.”
William, the Earl of Portswick, laughed. “I suppose you could.” He looked around, “There’s a tea shop just around the corner, if you would care to have a drink with me.”
Gerard hesitated but then he remembered that Seraphina had said that she obtained her novels from this man’s wife. It was possible that the earl could help him in his search.
“Very well then. Lead the way.”
Gerard followed Lord Portswick, still keeping an eye out for the two men behind him and any number of vagabonds that they passed.
He was quite surprised at the tea shop that William took him to. For an establishment on Cheapside it was quite well appointed, with tables and chairs scattered across the room, and the heady scent of coffee beans permeating the air, drowning out even the stale scent of sweat or urine that’s one might expect.
William led him to the corner of the room, pulling out a chair for him, before taking his own seat.
“Thank you,” Gerard murmured as he sat down, hoping that the seat was clean.
William leaned forward towards him putting his elbows on the table. Before he could say a word, a waiter appeared, setting down two cups of coffee.
“Will you require anything else?” He looked from one to the other inquiringly.
William shook his head. “This is fine, thank you.”
The waiter nodded and left, after taking the proffered coins from William.
The earl turned to Gerard with an expectant look. “So, what brings you to this side of town?” he asked breezily.
“Ah,” Gerard said uncomfortably, “I was just… shopping for my wife.”
William’s brow rose. “And what could you possibly be buying her from here?”
“Ah…some books. You know. The type she gets from your wife.”
William’s frown cleared. “ Oh , I see. Well then, you’re in luck because I can show you just where you need to go.”
Gerard nodded in gratitude before eyeing the other man. “What of you? What are you doing here?”
William laughed nervously. “Oh, I was shopping as well. For my wife.”
“More books?” Gerard asked.
“Not quite.” William said and Gerard was sure he was not mistaken: the other man was blushing.
His curiosity peaked, he had to press the man. “If not books, then what?”
William coughed, looking away from Gerard. “Well… we sometimes… well, if you’ve read some of the books your wife reads you know. Sometimes we enjoy reenacting those, with requisite costumes and equipment.”
Gerard gawped at him. He had certainly heard of such things but had never come across actual practitioners. Having his own interests in such matters, he had always kept his ear to the ground, but he was too fond of control and afraid for his reputation to ever enact those urges with strangers.
“That is an interesting to confess to a man you hardly know,” he said to William.
The other man nodded. “Indeed, it is. But our wives are bosom friends, and sooner or later, I’m sure you would hear of it.”
Gerard narrowed his eyes at the other man. “Surely you must know that Seraphina and I are not living together at the moment.”
William smiled. “But you are buying her books, from this place which is clearly not something you’re comfortable with. One does not do that for a wife they do not want. Whatever you’re going through, clearly, you’re taking steps to remedy it.”
Gerard nodded. “I am.” He quirked his eyebrow at the other man, “Do you have any advice that you would care to share?”
William cocked his head to the side, “Women are quite simple really. They simply wish you to show your heart. If you do that, half the battle is won.”
Gerard smiled and nodded. “That’s wise.”
William grinned. “I’m a wise man. Now drink your coffee so I can show you where to get those books.”
Seraphina woke up to find that Gerard had sent a carriage for her with an accompanying note inviting her to have breakfast with him.
“Oh dear, what shall I wear?” she wailed as she dashed about the room trying to get ready as Tessa sat on her bed, laughing merrily.
“It’s only breakfast, Seraphina. Surely, you’ve had it every morning since the two of you were married. Just pick any gown.”
Seraphina paused to glare at Tessa. “If you’re not going to be helpful—” she began but Tessa held her hands up in surrender.
“Fine. How about the bronze day dress? It’s quite beautiful but not too ostentatious for a simple breakfast.”
Seraphina blinked at her, still panting with agitation. “That is a good idea. And it brings out my hair quite nicely.”
“Your eyes too,” Tessa agreed, nodding. “And the bustier really outlines your figure to best advantage. Gerard will not be able to look away.”
Seraphina took a deep breath. “Good. That’s what we’ll do then.”
Tessa clapped her hands. “Hurry up! Your carriage awaits you.”
“I’m hurrying. I’m hurrying,” Seraphina said, promptly presuming rushing around the room while Leticia chased her with a hairbrush.
Thirty minutes later she was in the carriage, watching the sidewalks pass by as they clip-clopped towards their destination. Gerard was standing at the door, awaiting her arrival and he promptly stepped down to the sidewalk in order to open the carriage door for her.
He smiled at her. “Good morning.”
She gave him her hand and let him help her down from the carriage. “Good morning.”
He led her to the house, past the butler who bowed low, several maids who curtsied at her, looking quite pleased to see her, and to the dining hall.
“I thought we might break our fasts together and then I have a gift for you,” he said.
“Oh? What’s the gift?”
He gave her a sly smile. “You shall just have to wait and see.”
She took a shaky breath and smiled at him, her heart beating hard. She could not recall her husband ever giving her a gift. She really appreciated that he was trying to woo her as she asked. She felt that she should put in just as much effort and so put herself out to be entertaining at breakfast.
She told Gerard all about her trials in trying to make sure Tessa’s wedding went off without a hitch but refrained from airing her troubles with her father.
“Do you need any help with that? I am at your disposal,” Gerard offered.
“Hmm, I shall keep that in mind,” Seraphina said. “You should know that both brothers are involved in the planning though we tend to divide duties, so I do not have to meet Lord Ruebridge.”
Gerard shook his head and waved his hand. “Don’t worry yourself about it. I know that relationship is completely innocent.”
Seraphina gave a half smile. “Thank you.”
“No, thank you .”
Seraphina gave him a sidelong glance as she finished reading the passage aloud. They were sitting on the balcony at the back of the house, facing the park. All they could see from their vantage were trees, but it was also impossible for anyone to see them.
A very suitable place indeed to read the sort of smut contained in The Secret Chamber: A Forbidden Romance , or indeed in the more salacious, Scandalous Seduction, Royal Intrigues . They’d been reading all morning, taking turns to go through the texts. If Gerard were honest, he was feeling quite hot and bothered by it all.
Paragraphs such as the poor maid, chained in a corner, left to contemplate the return of her master. What he would do to her when he had her in hand, her fantasies about his member, how he would touch her, how she simultaneously craved it and was shamed by her desires.
He could see how flushed Seraphina was, she stopped just short of fanning herself and he too, was not in the best shape. He would not be able to get to his feet without Seraphina seeing the effects of the book on his body.
“How did you get these books?” she asked.
He smiled. “I looked.”
“I’m very impressed, I’ll have you know. Also, uncommonly flushed. I don’t suppose we could adjourn to your chambers and…cool down a little?”
Their eyes caught and held. “That sounds like an excellent idea.”
Simultaneously, they got to their feet, and linked arms. Gerard led the way to his chambers which were just across the hall, closing the door behind him.
They turned, facing each other, waiting to see what the other would do.
Seraphina reached out and ran a hand down Gerard’s silky shirt. “Very soft,” she said quietly.
He slid his arms around her waist. “Not as soft as your skin.” He pulled her close.
She gave a small gasp, tentatively putting her hands on his shoulders as she looked up into his face.
She smiled shyly. “I want to kiss you,” she whispered, lashes fluttering as she struggled not to look away from his intent gaze.
“Your wish is my command,” he replied before slowly leaning down to gently press his lips to hers.
His tongue flicked out, tasting her bottom lip before begging for permission to enter her mouth.
She pressed her lips tighter against his, and then parted them so he could lick into her mouth. They kissed for some time, asking gentle questions with their tongues and receiving encouraging answers.
His hands trailed down her back, trailing patterns along the silky length of her back. His fingers began to fumble with her laces and the next thing she knew, her dress was loose and hanging off her waist. He cupped her breasts, groaning as if the very touch hurt him. She arched her back, pushing herself close to him, her nipples peaked.
“You’re so beautiful,” he murmured.
“Thank you—oh!” she cried out as he put his mouth on her nipple, suckling gently.
She began to sway back and forth, canting her hips in needy circles. She pushed her dress down and off, and then stepped closer to him so they were flush against each other.
“Yes,” she threw her head back and groaned.
He continued to suckle softly, driving her wild with wanting. She swayed closer, hips swinging in tandem with his suckling as she pushed his head closer, groaning in encouragement.
Her hands scrabbled against the soft silk of his shirt, trying to push it off. Once he understood what she was trying to do, he pulled back and tore off his shirt, before tongue darting forward, he licked a stripe around her left nipple before resuming his soft suckling.
He was going to drive her mad if he didn’t stop teasing but she didn’t know how to make him.
Digging her nails into his shoulders she threw back her head. “Please.”
The word was drawn from her like pulling a tooth, the agony of wanting making it difficult to articulate her needs.
His hands cupped her bottom, and he lifted her up. She squealed in surprise and then cried out as he threw her on the bed. Before she could react further, he was looming over her, his eyes dark and glittering with desire.
“Ask and you shall receive,” he growled before swooping down and latching onto her neck.
He suckled it hard as her hips buckled. She spread her legs wide, in invitation though he seemed to want to resist any egging on, on her part. Still, he lowered himself slowly so that his groin was nestled cozily between her legs.
They both moaned.
She moved her hips rubbing against him, as she mewled hopefully into his mouth.
“Seraphina,” he groaned as his hips canted, his hardness poking at her thigh like a piece of iron encased in silk.
“Please. Now. I cannot wait any longer,” she whispered into his ear and with a roar, he surged into her to the hilt.
Her throat made a clicking sound as though she wanted to scream but couldn’t. She drew her knees further up in order to widen the space between her legs and he took it as invitation, pounding into her relentlessly.
Her cries of encouragement and need filled the room, both of them uncaring whether they were heard or not. His thrusts grew faster and more erratic by the minute, while his hot breath ghosted on the skin of her face and sweat dripped on her chest.
She arched upwards, pulling him deeper into her, whimpering with desire as her fingers scratched grooves into his back. He reached down between their bodies, his relentless push into her never ceasing and pushed the knuckle of his thumb against her sensitive nub hard. He flexed, driving deeper into Seraphina and causing sparks to ignite in every nerve of her body.
Seraphina sucked in a gasping breath, her teeth snapping together as she threw back her head, her eyes wide. A burst of pleasure shot through her body, making her tremble with its intensity; wracking her frame like an earthquake, making her feel as if she might disintegrate into a thousand pieces.
Her eyes squeezed shut as she writhed beneath him, skin jolting and jumping in reaction to his accelerated rhythm, his persistent pounding, breath coming fast and hard.
A kaleidoscope of color exploded behind her shut eyes as her orgasm bore down on her. She shook and convulsed as Gerard snapped his hips, increasing his tempo to wring out every last bit of sensation from her body.
She was so consumed that she barely noticed when he stiffened and stuttered, his body canting forward to drive ever deeper into her, eyes rolled back in his head as his erect member pulsed convulsively, pumping his seed into her receptive channels and making her spark again with pleasure.
His hot mouth fastened onto hers, as he moaned into her mouth, hands grasping for each other. His mouth moved away from hers, and he buried his face in her collarbone before licking a stripe and then sinking his teeth into the delicate hollow. His fingers dug a bruise into her pelvic bone, making her spine arch, her breath freeze.
They both gave rushing exhalations before he collapsed onto her, their bodies sliding, slick with sweat and fitting together as if they were two halves of a whole.
Gerard’s chest rose and fell. She put her hand on his chest and could feel the staccato rhythm of his heartbeat as they lay together, bodies intertwined as they tried to recover their breath.
Seraphina felt a sudden need to be gone from there. Their intimacy before had been primal in pleasure but what they had just done transcended that into something more intent. More sentient. She did not know what to do with the aftermath of all that emotion swirling in her breath.
It was almost too much to bear.
She thought about making an excuse, getting dressed and leaving but one look at Gerard’s face made her realize that she could not.
“Stay,” he whispered as though he could read her mind.
She nodded. “All right.” Before curling into him, her hand around his arm and closed her eyes.
Might as well sleep it off, she thought hopefully.