T he person Gerard had least expected to see at the wedding was his uncle. Lord Astor had not so much as written a note to him since he’d returned to Irondale. He had not even known that Erasmus intended to attend the wedding.
As Gerard walked into the Larson’s lush gardens, however, he spotted his uncle sitting at one of the tables next to a very animated gentleman that seemed to be explaining something in great detail to him.
Gerard came to a dead stop, causing Seraphina to stumble and make a sound of surprise.
“Beg your pardon,” Gerard said absently, still frowning at his uncle.
“Do you know him?” Seraphina whispered in his ear, making him shiver.
Slowly Gerard shook his head. “I’ve never seen my uncle smile that wide either,” he murmured.
“Should we go and greet him? I would hate for the smile to fall off his face because of me,” Seraphina whispered.
Gerard huffed in amusement. “Come. Might as well get it over with.”
They walked over to Gerard’s uncle. He did not see them coming until they were almost upon them, but when he did, instead of his expression darkening, he beamed.
“Your Graces, how lovely to see you. As you can see, we were almost the first ones here to the reception,” he said, “my friend Pierre was hungry.” He gestured to his companion.
Gerard looked at him expectantly.
“Allow me to introduce you,” Lord Astor said, “This is Mr. Pierre Perrineau, a friend of mine from my days at Université de Paris. He sought me out at Irondale as he means to move to England and settle down.”
Gerard gave an elegant bow. “Welcome to our country. I trust my uncle has adequately seen to your comfort.”
“Oh oui, mon chér . He has been most accommodating, and I am most grateful. He has told me much of you and your lovely duchess. I have look forward to meeting you.”
Seraphina smiled at his eccentric way of speaking. “Well, we are pleased to meet you as well.”
“Excellent!” Pierre gesticulated, a huge smile on his face. “I love weddings. I love, love. I love to be here.” He grabbed Lord Astor by the ears and kissed his cheek. The earl blushed, grinning from ear to ear.
Seraphina’s smile widened as she gazed in wonder at Erasmus’ beaming face. “Yes, I think we all do.”
“Sit. Sit,” Pierre said, “Break bread wiz us.”
Gerard and Seraphina exchanged bemused glances before they both sat. Seraphina smiled. “So, do tell us more, Mr. Perrineau. How are you finding England so far?”
They sat talking while Gerard watched his uncle in awe. Seeing the man this happy was certainly something new.
The bride and groom arrived, and the party began.
Rosalind and Seraphina embraced while William shook Gerard’s hand conspiratorially.
He leaned close. “How did your offering go over?” William asked sotto-voce.
Gerard laughed, shaking his head and pursing his lips. “A gentleman never tells.”
“Ah!” William’s eyebrows rose and he grinned, looking pleased. “Very well then. I shan’t press you,” he said with a wink.
Gerard tried not to smile back as he turned to greet Rosalind.
“Oh, my lands!” Rosalind said, “I almost forgot. Did you hear what happened to Peggy?”
Seraphina shook her head, her face flushed. “What happened?”
“She ran off to the New World to escape her debts, or so I hear. Though I suspect she was trying to escape the consequences from what she did to you two as well.” She indicated Seraphina and Gerard with her glass of wine before taking a sip.
Seraphina cocked her head to the side. “Her debts were…debilitating?” she asked, “I did not know.”
“Oh, Lord Stanton left her a mountain of debt. I would pity her if she weren’t so…” she waved her glass about eloquently.
William smirked. “Bothersome?”
“Mmm. Let’s go with that word,” Rosalind said.
Gerard kept his eyes on Seraphina who seemed extremely thoughtful.
“Are you all right, my dear?” he asked, leaning forward and towards her.
She nodded slowly, “I am. I just…gobsmacked that she would do what she did, knowing fully well she was risking her reputation on top of being in debt.”
“Well I suppose if she had succeeded, she would have gotten everything she wanted—the Duke and his money.” William smiled at Gerard.
Gerard shivered. “A fate worse than death. I wish her well in her endeavors though, just as long as they remain far and away from here.”
“Drink to that,” Seraphina said, toasting him with her glass.
The topic turned to other subjects as other guests came up to them. Gerard asked Seraphina to take a turn with him around the garden as it was well landscaped. Seraphina agreed and they took leave of Rosalind and William and headed for the bottom of the garden.
“This is quite a peaceful place. Will your sister live here with Mr. Larson?”
“Yes. I understand they are to take the Dowager’s cottage before finding somewhere of their own.”
Gerard squinted up at the house. “Why? The main house seems big enough.”
“Yes, but apparently Tessa and Benji wanted some privacy and time alone. I have to tell you that I was very encouraging of this course of action. Every couple should have somewhere where they do not have to share their accommodations with others and are free to be themselves.”
“What of us?” Gerard looked at Seraphina, “Do you wish we had the same?”
“Yes, I do.” She gave him a coquettish look filled. “Don’t you?”
Gerard didn’t answer. Just turned to look down the garden. He stopped short, startled, making Seraphina almost stumble.
“Wha…?” she said loudly causing the lip-locked couple at the bottom of the garden to jump away from each other.
“Oh…” she whispered catching sight of them.
She gave an awkward wave and turned Gerard back to head back the way they came. Lord Ruebridge gave an acknowledging nod even as he adjusted his breeches.
Gerard held his laughter until they were out of ear shot but was surprised when Seraphina laughed too.
“Well…it is a time for love to be on the forefront of people’s minds,” Seraphina shrugged.
“Begging your pardon,” Gerard wheezed, “I do not think that was love. That was lust.”
Seraphina snorted. “And you thought I might be in love with that! Honestly, Gerard!”
He lifted his hands in supplication. “I have said that I was wrong, and I will never make up for it. I must have lost my mind.” He shook his head.
“Yes, you must have,” Seraphina agreed with aplomb.
Gerard looked back in the direction they had come shaking his head. “Did you recognize her? The woman?”
“Yes. She is a staple of ton parties. Chaperones her niece.”
“Is she married?”
Seraphina shrugged one-shouldered. “She came back from the Indies with her tale of loss. Her husband was apparently lost at sea. It was all very sad.”
Seraphina and Gerard exchanged glances again before bursting out laughing.
“I’m sure she garnered a whole lot of sympathy from everyone.”
“Yes, what a tragic tale. To go all that way to find a husband only to lose him on your way back.”
Gerard shook his head in amusement. “I see why you enjoy these parties so much. So much drama.”
“Well, even the drama can get boring at times. I wouldn’t mind some time away from it.”
Gerard gave her an affectionate glance. “Is that your way of saying you would like to come home to Irondale with me?”
“Only if you wish me to.”
Gerard stopped walking, taking her by the arms so she would stop as well, and turned her to face him. “I should like nothing more. I have thought of nothing, but how we might stay together always since you gave me another chance. I love you, Seraphina.”
Her eyes lit up, “I love you too, Gerard.”
He smiled. “Good.” He nodded firmly. “And just in case it was not obvious, I would love for you to come to Irondale with me. However, before that, I think a little travel is in order. Where would you like to go?”
Seraphina laughed in surprise, “Are you serious?”
“Of course I am. Were you not serious about me wooing you?”
“Of course I was. I just didn’t expect you to be very good at it.”
Gerard threw back his head and laughed long and hard. He shook his head slowly giving her an admonishing look. “Well, I live to prove you wrong.”
They walked together in silence, smiling.
“You didn’t say where you want to go,” Gerard reminded her.
“Oh. Well, Paris is always nice. What do you think?”
“I think that your wish is my command. Perhaps Uncle Erasmus’s friend can tell us where to visit.”
Seraphina gasped. “Did you see your uncle smiling? I could barely believe my eyes.”
Gerard laughed. “Yes, it is rare that he finds something that pleases him enough to lighten up. This friend must be really special to him.”
“Yes,” Seraphina agreed thoughtfully, “he must.”
Seraphina watched her father from across the lawn as he spoke with Tessa and her new husband. His smile was wide and smug, though Tessa’s wary glance and Benjamin’s polite nods suggested the conversation was less than comfortable.
Whatever they were saying, it wasn’t an argument, but it certainly wasn’t warm.
She considered joining them, but the strained truce between her and her father had held over the last few weeks, and she wasn’t about to break it now.
With a deep breath, she tried to look away, but when Lord Northwick grabbed a glass of wine from a passing waiter and downed it in one gulp, she frowned. An internal sigh escaped her as she marched toward him.
“Father,” she said quietly, trying to keep her tone neutral. “I am glad to see that you enjoyed the day.”
He rolled his eyes, barely bothering to turn toward her. “I suppose you expect me to thank you for this farce?”
She shook her head, keeping her voice even. “I would never presume to expect thanks from you.”
“Good,” he sneered. “Because you’ll never get it.”
He grabbed another glass from the tray and downed it just as quickly. Seraphina’s stomach churned, but she held her ground.
“Do me one favor, Father,” she said, her voice barely containing her frustration. “Please wait until Tessa and her groom have left before you make a scene and embarrass her at her own wedding breakfast.”
Lord Northwick snorted in contempt. “I’ve been holding my liquor longer than you’ve been alive, girl. Don’t you dare lecture me like some sanctimonious harpy.”
“Is everything all right here?”
The deep voice sent a shiver down Seraphina’s spine, and she turned to see Gerard approaching, his eyes dark with concern—and something much more dangerous as they shifted toward her father.
She forced a smile. “Everything’s fine,” she said lightly, though her words sounded hollow even to her own ears. “I was just…taking my leave of this man.”
Gerard’s gaze flicked to Lord Northwick, a sharp, cold warning in his eyes. “ This man , hmm?” he said quietly, his voice lethal. “I trust he hasn’t forgotten his place.”
Lord Northwick opened his mouth to retort, but one glance at Gerard’s expression and he thought better of it.
Gerard didn’t move, but his presence alone was enough to silence any further insults.
“Well, Tessa and Benjamin are about to leave,” Gerard said, turning his attention fully to Seraphina. His voice softened, but there was still an edge of protectiveness beneath the surface. “We should take our leave of them as well.”
He extended his arm to her, and Seraphina nodded gratefully, slipping her hand into his. “Yes, let’s.”
As they turned and walked away, Gerard’s grip on her hand tightened slightly, reassuring her that she was no longer alone in facing her father’s cruelty. When they reached Tessa and Benjamin, Seraphina blinked back tears, managing a smile as she embraced her sister.
“I will miss you,” she said softly, her voice catching. “Be happy.”
“Oh, thank you. And you, as well. Tell that husband of yours to treat you properly, or he’ll have to answer to me,” Tessa replied holding Seraphina tightly.
They let go, looking in each other’s eyes before hugging again.
“All right, all right,” Rosalind said pulling them apart, “enough of that. Tessa, your groom is getting impatient. Seraphina, your husband is waiting for you.”
With a last kiss on the cheek the sisters separated. Tessa got into the carriage while Seraphina stepped back into her husband’s arms. He squeezed her tight around the waist to comfort her.
It was no different than seeing her future daughter going off with a husband.
She sniffed, wiping away a tear, before turning to burrow into Gerard’s neck. He murmured soothing words into her ear, as he led her off to their own carriage.
“I am excited about this day for more than one reason,” Gerard said.
Seraphina turned and smiled at him. “I did not know you were excited about Tessa getting married.”
“I was. She’s a very sweet girl and was clearly in love with the Larson boy. Of course I wished her to be happily married.”
“And of course now that she is married, I can come home,” Seraphina finished for him.
Gerard grinned at her. “Exactly. These have been three of the longest weeks of my life. I am happy to put them behind me.”
“Well then…” Seraphina took a deep and shaky breath. While she was happy that she was finally returning to her marital home, she was also scared and nervous.
She felt as if she too had gotten remarried on this day, but unlike the first time, the stakes were very apparent to her. She did not want to ruin this by saying or doing the wrong thing.
They arrived at their London townhouse, where the entire staff was waiting for them, beaming from ear to ear. Leticia had packed their things the night before, and this morning, as Seraphina had taken care of any last-minute arrangements for the wedding, she had come back home and unpacked. She stood in line with the other staff members, looking very pleased with herself.
Seraphina greeted each staff member as they welcomed her back to her home, her heart full of warmth and gratitude. She had been aware that the staff were fond of her as she was of them, but this blatant display of happiness was moving.
Gerard walked behind her hands clasped behind his back, smiling gently. He did not seem surprised that the staff had decided to do this.
Once she had greeted everyone, they scattered except for the butler.
“We have prepared refreshments for you in the parlor. Just something light to settle your stomach after a long day. We await your instructions as to whether you will be needing a bath, and whether you will eat your dinner in the dining hall or would you like it served in your chambers.”
Gerard laughed but Seraphina found that she was blushing with mortification. “Howard, I do hope you’re not implying that we would be up to anything nefarious this evening?”
“Of course not, Your Grace. I simply know what a tiring day you must have had.”
“Howard is correct,” Gerard said, “it has been a long tiring day, and we shall have our dinner in my chambers.”
“What of your uncle? Will he not be joining us?”
“I’m not aware of where he is staying, but it isn’t here. In any case he is welcome to make himself at home should he decide to make an appearance. But I doubt it. I think he mentioned something about taking up rooms at the club.”
Seraphina nodded. “Well then, in that case, I concur with the Duke,” she said to Howard, “We shall eat dinner in his rooms. Can we get some hot water to bathe as well?”
“Of course, Your Grace. It shall be taken up presently.”
“Thank you, Howard.”
The butler bowed and left. Gerard and Seraphina exchanged amused glances before bursting out laughing.
“It seems the staff want to ensure that we have a very… enjoyable… evening,” Gerard said.
“Yes, how mortifying. I shall spend the evening imagining them listening keenly at the keyhole.”
Gerard grinned. “Then we must make sure to be exceptionally loud, so that their curiosity is satisfied.”
Seraphina tapped his knee admonishingly. “You are so terrible.”
He bowed to her. “You inspire me, my dear.”
“Slide your strap off your shoulders,” Gerard ordered, his voice low and full of gravel.
Seraphina reached for the strap of her nightgown and pushed it down slowly, her eyes never leaving his.
They sat across from each other in Gerard’s sitting room, the remains of their supper on the table before them.
Seraphina’s hair cascaded down to the middle of her back, in untidy brown waves. Her nightgown left nothing to the imagination. Especially since the firelight lit her up, making the thin white cotton transparent.
Gerard was dressed in his banyan, with nothing but tented breeches underneath. He had proposed a game of cards and every time one lost, they were to take off or shift an item of clothing.
Seraphina had so far lost her slippers, her bonnet and her shawl. Gerard had lost his slippers, stockings and his shirt.
His eyes traveled hotly down her body. He was impatient to touch her, but that impatience only fueled his desire to delay gratification. He was certain that when he finally did touch her, the payback would be worth the sacrifice.
She leaned forward, the soft creamy mounds of her breasts on full display.
“One more game?” she asked, her voice low and sultry.
His member twitched, shouting for progress but he tamped down his lust and leaned back.
“One more game,” he agreed.
She shuffled the cards all the while keeping her eyes on his. The gentle caress of her fingers as she moved the cards around made his skin itch with the need to be touched as well.
He leaned forward and picked up his cards barely looking at them, before picking one and dropping it on the table. Her lashes swept downward as she surveyed the card, before turning her eyes to her own cards and picking one.
“I shall have you naked in no time if you continue to play like that,” she murmured.
He smiled, “And what will you do with me once I’m naked?”
“Oh, I expect I shall think of something.”
He threw down all his cards. “I fold,” he declared.
To hell with patience.
She smiled, leaning back against the sofa she was sitting in. Her gown dropped even lower, exposing a nipple.
“Strip then,” she said.
He got to his feet, taking off his banyan slowly, exposing the tent in his breeches. He pulled out the ties, and let his breeches fall to the ground.
She touched him with her eyes, leaving not an inch of him unobserved. She got to her feet, letting her gown fall to the ground.
Now they were both naked.
They stared at each other, bosoms heaving, skin getting flushed with feeling. His eyes dropped to her center, noting the shine on her thighs, and knowing she was dripping, for him.
Suddenly he was as hard as diamonds and the thought of waiting one more minute was unbearable.
“Come here,” he ordered.
She seemed to glide around the table and into his arms. Her peaked nipples brushed against his chest, awakening nerves and spurring his need to possess her.
She lifted her head to him, lips gently parted and he took it as an invitation to plunder her mouth.
Their tongues clashed together tangling in a dance as old as time. She clung to his shoulders, fingernails digging into his flesh. He cupped her bottom, squeezing hard before lifting her up. She wrapped her legs around his waist, and he groaned.
His need was so urgent that his hips canted forward without his permission, seeking to penetrate her as fast as possible. He dug his fingers into the crack between her buttocks, pulling them apart, so as to give him more room to find her hot sweet passage.
Her lips pulled away from his for a moment.
“Bed,” she breathed urgently.
“No,” he said and walked instead to the wall, leaning her against it and then pulling back so he could take her thighs more securely in his hands.
He pushed them up and back, looking down for just a moment as his engorged member nestled against her wetness, before pushing into her without any help from his hands.
“Look what I’m doing to you,” he ordered as he pushed into her and out again. “ Look .”
She dropped her eyes to watch him penetrate her, her breath hot and loud, like the bellows.
The more he moved inside her, the harder he got. He drove into her harder faster deeper, her cries getting louder and more inarticulate with every thrust.
If the servants are indeed listening, they’re getting their money’s worth , Gerard thought incoherently, feeling laughter bubbling up in his chest.
He did not think he had ever been so happy in his life.
Adjusting his grip, he ploughed deeper into her, mouth open as he panted, his hips snapping, sweat dripping everywhere.
“Gerard!” Seraphina cried. She said his name again, louder, more urgently. “I’m…I’m…” she whined, head thrown back, body shaking.
He felt her clamp down on him, milking him frantically as she panted, shivered and shook.
He closed his eyes, the pleasure almost too much to bear and bit down against her neck as he let himself go, pouring into her like a fountain.
“God…” he whispered, his legs trembling.
He was forced to let go of her as his hands were trembling too much and so he lowered her gently to the floor before leaning into her.
They panted hard into each other’s skin, holding each other lightly. Gerard drew back with a smile.
“Welcome home, Duchess,” he said and planted another kiss on her lips.
The End?