Wedded to the Duke of Lust (Dukes of Passion #1) Chapter 2 97%
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Chapter 2


“ M y goodness, is that her?” Juliet heard the woman who stood beside her father exclaim as she stepped out of the carriage.

The woman glanced at Juliet and Leila with interest.

“She looks well, I must say,” Juliet’s father, Algernon Wycliffe, Earl of Campton said, stroking his beard.

“This should be easy,” she heard him mutter under his breath.

What should be easy? she thought.

Her legs ached from travelling all week, and her muscles were sore from the long journey. She took a deep breath and stopped to take in the home she had left at a tender age.

Nothing much had changed. The glamorous and exquisite building was as she’d remembered it.

Her father had aged a little, and his beard was grey and shorter than before. She sighed as the rich aroma of polished wood and fresh flowers filled her nostrils. It was so different from the Abbey’s air.

As she approached the entrance to her father’s townhouse, Juliet slowed down her pace. Leila fell in step beside her.

“It’s Juliet, all right,” the woman beside him announced sharply, making no effort to mask her disapproval.

Lord Campton stepped forward with his arms wide open. “Ah, is that you, Juliet?” He pulled Leila into a warm embrace. “I am glad that you have returned home.”

Juliet frowned.

The woman choked back a chuckle, clearing her throat to hide the mirth in her eyes.

A bewildered Leila tried to pull out of Lord Campton’s embrace. “My Lord, there’s been a mistake.”

Lord Campton released her, confusion written on his face. “Is something wrong?”

Juliet, whose nerves were frayed by the journey and the awkwardness of the situation, could only force a smile. “Yes, Father. I am…I am Juliet.”

Algernon stuttered, looking between the ladies. “Oh, I thought…”

“It has been years since you have laid eyes upon her.” The woman next to him excused his mistake with a shrug of her shoulders. “Has it not been a decade? I could barely recognize her myself. I suppose she couldn’t recognize me either.”

“It’s been eleven years and four months,” Juliet corrected. “And I suppose you are the Countess. Word of my father’s remarriage had reached the ears of those in my nunnery.”

The woman fanned herself for a moment before she replied with a nod. Beside them, Algernon cleared his throat and made a formal introduction.

“Juliet, meet my wife, Dinah Wycliffe, the Countess of Campton. My Lady, this is Juliet, my daughter.”

Juliet curtsied to her stepmother with a strained smile, not surprised when she received another nod of acknowledgement. It was almost comical how they both took a step back, as though they were both eager to be out of each other’s way.

Finally, Algernon extended his arms to his daughter. “Juliet, I…I’m glad you could come.”

“I wasn’t left with much of a choice,” countered Juliet as she stepped away from his attempted embrace.

“I trust your journey was pleasant. Perhaps you would like to freshen up before we discuss the purpose of your visit,” Dinah added, affectionately linking arms with her husband.

Juliet followed the movement with a schooled look. Her stepmother had passed along a subtle message which had not been lost on her.

“Thank you, Lady Campton. I would appreciate that.”

“Leila, if you would assist Juliet with her belongings?” Dinah’s tone instantly became authoritative.

As she turned to her chaperone, Juliet had no doubt about just how much power her stepmother held. The young lady had entertained her all throughout the journey back home. Juliet was glad to have had her company.

She nodded as Leila wordlessly moved towards the entrance with her bags. They followed the Countess towards the stairs, noting how she clung to her husband, inadvertently causing him to accompany them.

As they ascended, Juliet couldn’t shake the feeling of being a stranger in her own home.

“I do have siblings, I suppose?” Juliet turned to the Countess.

“Of course, three. Isabella, Colin, and Thomas,” replied the Countess with a haughty smile.

“Oh. They sound lovely. How old are they?”

The Earl cleared his throat and quickly replied. “Isabella is twelve. Colin is ten, and Thomas is eight years old.”

“When shall I get to meet them?” Juliet asked.

She’d half expected that the children would have been present to welcome her alongside her father and stepmother.

“Oh, much later, dear. They are currently occupied with their studies and will join us for lunch. I suggest you wash away the stress of the journey and make yourself comfortable,” Dinah quickly replied, gesturing to the man waiting for them at the top of the stairs. “Luke will show you to your room.”

Juliet nodded absently, feeling strangely dismissed, and wondered why the Countess failed to expand upon the topic of her children.

The butler bowed and led her to an exquisite room at the far end of the hallway.

It wasn’t her old room, and something in her twisted painfully at the glaring proof that her father’s life had indeed progressed without her.

He had left nothing around to remember her at all.

With a deep sigh, Juliet walked into the room they had prepared, relieved that she wouldn’t need to climb too many stairs for the short period she would be staying there.

After unpacking her few toiletries, Juliet quickly washed away the grime of travel in the bath that had been prepared in anticipation of her arrival. Her mind was preoccupied with questioning thoughts about her family and the disquieting atmosphere that pervaded the air around her.

Leila had dropped her bag moments earlier and told her with a kind smile, “Welcome back, Lady Juliet. I hope you enjoy your stay.”

Juliet couldn’t help but wonder if she was truly welcome here.

After soaking for a few minutes, the bath did ease some of her nerves, and she sighed in contentment. At the convent, something as basic as a warm bath had been an unreachable luxury.

Whoever had run the bath had added some scented oil and rose petals to the water. Juliet took a deep breath, letting the pleasant aroma drive away whatever discomfort still lingered in her mind.

It wasn’t long until she leaned back, closed her eyes, and let the warmth envelop her completely.

The longer she stayed there, the more the memories of her time at the convent flooded her mind. The poor conditions and the endless duties had taken a toll on her body and spirit. She had grown used to the constant struggle, the meager portions of food, and the lack of comfort.

Although she had been reluctant to leave the others behind, she harbored a tiny twinkle of hope that she had left that life of struggle behind for good.

Once the water cooled, she knew it was time to get out, take some rest, and then prepare herself for her meeting with the family.

She reluctantly got out of the bath and quickly dried off before slipping into a nightgown that had been left for her by Leila.

Exhausted from the journey and the awkward meeting with her father and his wife, the soft, cozy bed was quite appealing, and she did not think twice before slipping beneath its covers.

It had been a long time since she had felt this comfortable, and it didn’t take long for her eyes to slip shut.

“I’ll just close my eyes for a second,” she mumbled.

With a final sigh, Juliet succumbed to the embrace of sleep, hoping the next day would bring clarity and peace.

“Look who finally decided to join us,” Lady Campton said sarcastically as Juliet entered the dining room.

Juliet offered a polite smile. “I apologize. I was quite exhausted from the trip and slept longer than I intended. Perhaps someone should have woken me up.”

Lord Campton quickly stood and pulled out a chair for her. “It matters not, Juliet. Please, join us.”

Juliet sat, feeling her father’s and stepmother’s eyes upon her.

With its elegant decor and lavish spread, the dining room felt worlds apart from the simplicity she was used to. She felt like a misplaced oddity amid the splendor.

For some reason, she was tiptoeing along the line of irritation and was annoyed about the weak attempts at normalcy. While her father seemed perfectly content to ignore broaching the topic of her prolonged absence, she could never forget how he had abandoned her all those years ago, and she doubted anything he could say or do would relieve how she felt.

She took a deep breath and willed herself to remain calm. However, as they began to eat, Lord Campton peppered her with questions.

“How was the journey? I trust it was not too burdensome?” he began in an overly cheerful tone.

“It was tolerable,” Juliet replied as she filled her mouth with food.

“And the Abbey? How were the conditions there? Did you find it…comfortable?” Algernon pressed, clearly not deterred by Juliet’s nonchalant response.

“It was cold, damp, and everything other than comfortable,” She shrugged, resisting the urge to snap at her father.

Surely, he had heard all about what had taken place at St. Catherine’s. There was no one who hadn’t. And yet, rather than asking about her well-being more empathetically, he was questioning her as though he was merely inquiring out of necessity.

Algernon nodded, though his eyes betrayed his discomfort. Dinah remained silent, her eyes flicking between her husband and stepdaughter.

“And the Mother Super…”

Juliet set her cutlery down with a loud clink. “Father, why have you taken me from the convent? There must be a reason beyond mere concern for my comfort.”

Lord Campton stammered as his facade began to crack. “Well, as the conditions there were quite poor, we felt it was best for you to return back home where you belong.”

Juliet’s eyes narrowed, seeing through his poorly disguised explanation. “Where I belong? Why did you suddenly decide that my well-being mattered after abandoning me for all those years?”

“Juliet, my darling…I mean, your father is trying to be…” Dinah tried to calm the storm, but Juliet stopped her.

“Excuse me, Lady Campton, but I am talking to my father,” she replied then turned to the Earl. “I do not believe that is why you brought me back. Surely, you can now reveal to me what your true motivations were.”

Juliet wasn’t sure what she expected to hear, but she was certain some sort of scheme was afoot because no one would suddenly crave to provide for the child they had abandoned.

Not after eleven years.

What was he planning to do with her?

“Oh, it appears we are done with breakfast, so perhaps we should have the table cleared, so you two can talk,” the Countess interrupted.

She waved over the staff, and they immediately began picking up the trays and plates.

Juliet drummed her fingers on the table, her gaze darting everywhere but at her father.

She continued the instant they had the room to themselves. “I want to hear it.”

Lord Campton began to fold and unfold his napkin, a nervous habit Juliet was familiar with.

“Well, the truth is, our businesses are not doing as well as they once were. Times are hard, and giving you out in marriage seems the most sensible thing to do for the family’s future well-being.”

“There it is.” Juliet stared at him incredulously. “So, you plan to sell me off like some livestock? After you discarded me more than a decade ago, the family has a dire need to trade me to ensure its continued financial stability?”

Algernon’s face flushed. “It is not like that. We have no other choice.”

Juliet’s voice rose with her mounting anger. “No other choice? What if I decide to refuse this marriage? What happens then?”

Algernon’s shoulders slumped. “It is too late, Juliet. The arrangements have already been made.”

“You cannot be serious. Who is the misguided man that has agreed to be a party to this madness and take a lady raised in a nunnery as his wife?” she shouted, throwing her hands in the air. “To whom am I getting married?”

Juliet stopped and swung her head around as the dining room door abruptly swung open.

An irresistibly tall, handsome man walked into the room. His exceptional height and commanding presence made her feel as though the air she breathed had purified. Juliet was held captive by his striking blue grey eyes; they were the very color of a stormy sea.

“You are to marry me,” he declared in a voice that brooked no argument.

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