The bell above the door jingles, and I perk up immediately. Recent phenomenon aside, it’s rare that we get new faces around here, so when the door swings open, I can’t help but feel a surge of excitement. It’s been the same old regulars for weeks now – truckers, locals who need a break from their routine, and the occasional traveller who gets lost on the way to somewhere else.
But this? This is something different. I can feel it.
I glance up from the ledger I’ve been pretending to work on, my fingers drumming on the desk in anticipation.
I have to blink a couple of times to make sure I’m not dreaming. It’s a woman who just walked in and she’s…she’s…
She’s stunning, with golden hair that catches the light in a way that makes it seem like it’s glowing, and striking violet eyes that seem to pull me in, making everything else fade into the background.
For a moment, all I can do is stare, my brain short-circuiting as if it’s been hit by a lightning bolt. It’s an effort to pull air into my lungs. She’s that breath-stealing.
Magic flickers at the edge of my senses, something subtle but undeniable, like the way the air feels right before a storm. It’s like my magic has suddenly sprung to life, crackling around me in a way it hasn’t in… well, forever.
The sensation makes me dizzy with anticipation and a bit unsteady on my feet, like I’ve had too much coffee – or maybe not enough.
And then it hits me, her sweet cherry scent, and clear as day I know. I’m gonna marry this girl. I don’t know her name yet, but that’s a minor detail. My brothers are never going to believe this. Hell, I don’t believe this, but here we are.
I take a deep breath, trying to regain some semblance of control. Focus, Kel. Don’t scare her off. You’re a grown-ass man, not a lovesick puppy. Though, honestly, the puppy part isn’t too far off. My magic and my energy is bubbling over, the urge to leap over the counter and introduce myself barely restrained.
As she approaches the desk, I straighten up, my best smile firmly in place. She looks around the lobby, and for a second, I’m worried she’s going to walk right back out. But she doesn’t. Instead, she heads straight towards me, and I feel a weird mix of relief and excitement.
“Hi there!” I say, a little too loudly. Tone it down, Kel. I clear my throat and try again. “Welcome to our little slice of paradise. Looking for a room?”
She nods, and I can’t help but notice the way her eyes flicker with curiosity as she takes in the surroundings. I want to tell her that the motel’s nicer on the inside than it looks from the outside – that we’ve put a lot of effort into making it comfortable, even if it’s not exactly five-star. But before I can, she speaks.
“Just for the night,” she says, her voice soft and melodic and definitely not from around here. It sends a shiver up my spine, making all the hairs on my arms stand on end, and I have to resist the urge to offer her a permanent stay.
You know, just in case she’s into that sort of thing.
When we wed, will we stay here on the outskirts of Spells Hollow? Or will she expect me to follow her back from wherever she came from? I’d follow her to the ends of the earth, so I guess it’s a moot point anyway – even if I will miss my brothers when we go.
“No problem!” I chirp, already grabbing the key for the best room we have. “You’ll love it here. Best bed this side of the pond.” I flash her a wink, because why not? Might as well lay on the charm. And I caught that cute accent, she’s definitely not from round these parts.
Her lips quirk up in a small smile, and I swear, it’s like the sun just came out from behind the clouds.
I’m in trouble. So much trouble.
“You can tell I’m from across the pond just from those four words I said?” she asks with a wry smile.
I shrug and throw her a wink. “What can I say? It’s one of my many gifts.”
As I hand her the key, our fingers brush, and my magic surges again, a spark zipping up my arm like an electric current. I try to play it cool, but I’m pretty sure I just flinched like I’ve been hit by a bolt of lightning. She doesn’t seem to notice, but I can tell she felt something too, by the way her breath hitches ever so slightly.
Fuck. Is it too soon to propose? Maybe I could kiss her at least. A welcome hug perhaps? Does she have luggage I can offer to carry to her room? I’m not ready to say goodbye to her. And there’s no way she’s leaving tomorrow. I need to get to know her better. She has to stay.
“Room’s down the hall, third door on the right,” I manage to say, my voice thankfully steady. “It’s the nicest one. But if you need anything – anything at all – I’m your guy. I can show you around town, recommend places to eat, maybe even give you the grand tour. Trust me, you don’t want to miss out on the local flavour, Vi.”
I’m laying it on thick, but I can’t help it. There’s something about her that makes me want to be close, to learn everything there is to know. Plus, I’m not exactly subtle when it comes to flirting. It’s kind of my thing. Sol always says I’m too much, that I come on too strong, but hey, it’s worked for me so far.
Not that I have any intention of flirting with anyone else ever again. Not now that I’ve found her. She’s it for me. The one. I’ve never felt this way before. It’s like being struck by lightning.
“Vi?” She raises a brow.
“Because of your beautiful violet eyes.” I wink. “So how about it?”
She hesitates for a second, and I can’t help but lean in, just a little, like I’m trying to draw her into my orbit.
“I’d like that,” she says finally, and I have to fight the urge to fist pump the air. Instead, I flash her another grin, trying to keep my cool. “I’m Swyn by the way.”
“Awesome! I’m Kel. And I get off in about an hour – maybe I could swing by your room and we can head out? There’s a diner just across the road that makes the best pancakes you’ve ever had. I guarantee it.” I’m already planning the date in my head, making sure we hit all the best local spots as I show her around afterwards, staying well away from the abandoned town that no one ventures too closely to.
She smiles again, this time a bit wider, and I swear I’m floating. “Sounds good, but maybe tomorrow? I’m beat,” she says, and with that, she takes the key and heads toward her room.
I watch her go, my eyes glued to her until she disappears down the hallway. The second she’s out of sight, I let out my held breath and lean against the counter, my heart racing. Holy shit. This is happening.
Magic still crackles in the air around me, reacting to her presence in a way I’ve never experienced before. It’s like everything in me is attuned to her, pulled in her direction by some invisible force. I shake my head, trying to clear it, but the feeling doesn’t fade. If anything, it’s getting stronger. I feel like a dog that’s compelled to follow its master.
“Well,” I murmur to myself, a grin spreading across my face. “This just got interesting.”
I’m definitely telling Sol and Ri about this tomorrow. They’re going to flip when they hear I’ve met someone – someone who makes my magic go haywire and sets my nerves on edge in the best possible way.
And I’m not even going to mention the “I’m gonna marry that girl” thought until after they meet her. I want to see the looks on their faces when they realise what’s happening.
For now, though, I’ve got a nightshift to kill, and I’m already counting down the hours until morning. I can’t wait to see her again, to spend time with her, to figure out what the hell is going on here.
But one thing’s for sure – I’m not letting this girl slip away. Not if I can help it.