I stumble into the motel room, the door creaking shut behind me, and I lean against it for a moment, trying to shake off the heaviness that clings to me.
The shadows in the room feel deeper, the air thick with an unsettling energy. I glance at the bed, and fatigue washes over me like a tidal wave. I didn’t even realise how drained I was until now.
With a sigh, I let myself fall onto the bed, the rough sheets cool against my skin. I close my eyes, hoping for a moment of peace, but the darkness pulls at me, heavy and insistent.
I drift into a shallow sleep, plagued by restless dreams with visions of swirling shadows and whispers of the dark magic that beckons me.
When I finally wake, the light has shifted, casting long, golden rays through the curtains. I sit up, rubbing my eyes, the remnants of dreams fading, but leaving behind a gnawing sense of loneliness.
I look around the empty room, feeling the weight of isolation pressing down on me. There’s nothing to do, no one to talk to.
With a resigned huff, I pull on a jacket and head out. The diner just across the road is a small beacon of warmth and new familiarity in a world that feels increasingly foreign.
I guess it’s becoming a safe space for me. Or maybe it’s just that there’s literally nothing else to do and nowhere else to go. I don’t want to risk venturing to one of the other towns with my rental car acting up.
As I walk, the chill in the air bites at my skin, and I pull my jacket tighter around me, the sense of being watched lingering at the back of my mind.
Shake it off, Swyn. You’re being paranoid.
Inside the diner, the smell of coffee and fried food envelops me, a now comforting embrace. I slide into a booth, glancing around at the other patrons, feeling a little more at ease. I order a coffee and a slice of cherry pie, hoping to distract myself from the unease that’s settled in my chest.
Moments later, the door swings open, and in walks a familiar figure. Kel. As he approaches, I notice the concern in his eyes that makes my heart race. An unfamiliar but pleasant scent - vetiver - washes over me, making me feel safe and secure.
“Hey, Swyn,” he says softly, his voice laced with warmth. “Are you okay?”
I blink, a rush of embarrassment flooding me. “Oh, hey,” I admit, offering a weak smile. “I guess I’m just…a little out of it. I took a nap and now I don’t know which way is up.” I shrug at him.
He smiles back, putting me at ease. “May I join you?”
“Of course.” I smile back, wondering if I should mention last nights’ kiss.
He slides into the booth across from me, his expression softening to one of concern. “You look exhausted. Did you get any sleep last night?”
I shake my head, trying to brush off his concern. “I did, thanks. And, like I said, I’ve just taken a quick nap. I don’t know why I’m feeling so exhausted. Must be jet lag, I guess.”
He studies me for a moment, his brow furrowing. “It’s not just that. You seem… different. Is something bothering you?”
The weight of his gaze makes it hard to breathe, a mix of warmth and pressure. I shift uncomfortably, thinking of the dark magic, the shadowy figure. “It’s just…I’ve got a lot going on, you know?”
He nods, his expression serious. He wasn’t this…intense last night. We had a good time. A great time. But he was much more carefree and fun.
I must look really rough with the level of concern he’s showing me.
“I can’t imagine how overwhelming that must be. If you ever want to talk about it, I’m here.”
His sincere kindness catches me off guard, pushing back against the loneliness that’s been gnawing at me. “Thanks,” I say, with a tight smile, wanting to change the subject. “I appreciate it.”
He leans forward, resting his arms on the table, concern still etched in his features. “Just promise me you won’t try to handle everything alone. You have me, and I want to help you.”
Do I have him? What does he mean by that? Does he think we’re in some sort of relationship now because we shared a kiss? It was a hell of a kiss, granted, but he doesn’t suddenly owe me anything.
Despite my thoughts, I find myself nodding, feeling a flicker of hope amidst the shadows. “I will. I just…sometimes it feels like I’m a magnet for trouble.”
“Welcome to the club. We’re all a bit cursed, in our own way.” My heart freezes at his use of the word ‘curse’ but then he chuckles softly, and it feels like sunlight breaking through clouds.
It’s such a different sound from his deep belly laughs last night, but no less lovely to listen to.
For a moment, the tension in my chest eases. I find myself smiling back, a genuine smile that chases away the darkness, if only for a little while. “Guess we’re in this together then.”
“Exactly,” he replies. “Let’s figure it out as a team.”
As we sit there, the diner buzzing around us, I realise that maybe I don’t have to face this alone after all. I may have run from my family and friends, but there’s no reason why I can’t make new friends while I’m here.
And for whatever reason, Kel seems to want to get to know me better. I may not be ready to tell him everything, but maybe I can drop some hints and get some more information about that town that may be useful.
“Can I join you for dinner?” he asks, a hopeful glint in his eyes. “I promise I won’t bite.”
I laugh softly, the sound easing the last remaining tension that was still lingering. “Sure, why not? I could use the company.”
A relaxed smile spreads across his face. “Great. What are you having?”
“Cherry Pie. It’s amazing and my favourite,” I say, pointing to the dessert menu. “And the coffee is strong enough to keep me awake for days.”
He chuckles, ordering a slice of pie for himself. “Perfect. So, tell me about your life back home in…Wales, wasn’t it? What was it like?”
I pause, the question catching me off guard. We talked a lot about ourselves last night, but we didn’t really venture into this. Did I tell him I was from Wales? Maybe he just recognises my accent.
I haven’t talked about home in so long, the memories tangled with both warmth and sorrow. “It’s beautiful,” I say slowly, the words feeling bittersweet. “Mountains, valleys, and the sea. It has this wild, untamed energy that I love. Something about it suits me.”
“Sounds incredible,” he replies, leaning in with genuine interest. “What do you miss most about it?”
I take a moment to think, my mind drifting back to sunlit afternoons spent wandering the cliffs, the scent of salt and earth in the air. “The quiet moments, I guess. Just being able to walk outside and breathe in the fresh air. It’s different here. Everything feels off. There’s fresh air for days out here in the middle of nowhere, but it’s not the same.”
His gaze is soft, understanding. “I can imagine. It must be a big change.”
“It is,” I admit, feeling the weight of my journey. “I left because…well, things got complicated. I needed to find my own way.”
“Complicated how?” His voice is gentle, inviting me to share more.
I hesitate, weighing how much to reveal. “Family stuff. There were expectations, pressures. I felt like I was drowning in them.”
“Sounds tough,” he says quietly. “It’s brave of you to come here and start over.”
A small smile tugs at my lips. “Thanks. Sometimes I wonder if I made the right choice. I’m not sure how long I’ll be around for anyway, so I guess I can always go back or move on.”
He meets my gaze, sincerity etched in his features. “You did. Make the right choice I mean. You’re here now, and you’re figuring things out. That takes strength. I hope you stay a while longer.”
We share a moment, the connection deepening as I realise how much I appreciate his presence. The diner hums around us, but it feels like we’re in our own world.
“So, what about you?” I ask, eager to shift the focus back to him. Maybe it’s time to get a little more personal with the questions, beyond favourite movies and first concert ever watched. “What’s your life like here?”
He runs a hand through his hair, a boyish gesture that makes him even more endearing. “I help my brothers run the motel. It’s a lot of work, but it keeps us busy.”
“That sounds nice,” I say, picturing him in the cosy setting of the motel. “Do you enjoy it?”
“I do,” he replies, his eyes lighting up. “There’s something fulfilling about meeting people from all over, hearing their stories. But sometimes I feel the need for more—something beyond the routine.”
I nod, sensing a kindred spirit. “What are your brothers like? I can’t believe we didn’t talk about this before! I’m an only child, so the idea of siblings has always fascinated me.”
He leans back, a grin spreading across his face. “Well, one is the quintessential grumpy one. He’s practical and a bit of a perfectionist, but he means well. Then there’s the other—he’s the protective one. Always looking out for everyone. We also have an older brother but we’ve not seen him since we were kids. Barely remember him in fact.”
“Sounds like a good balance,” I say, intrigued about the older brother, but not wanting to ask. That would be nosey, right? “Do you all get along?”
“For the most part,” he replies, laughter in his eyes. “We have our moments, of course. But we’re a team. They keep me grounded.”
I smile at that, thinking of Kel’s exuberant energy he’s displayed at times. “Do they ever come into town?” I ask, curious about their dynamic. I find it odd that they all work at the motel, but Kel’s the only one I’ve seen around so far. And Mavis of course.
“Yeah, we live on site. One usually handles the business side of things, while the other helps with the guests. I do more of the hands-on work, fixing things and stuff,” he explains, making me frown slightly.
Hasn’t he been working at the desk the last few times I’ve seen him? Maybe his brother’s sick and he’s been filling in. “I guess you could say we all have our roles.”
“That’s really nice,” I say, feeling a sense of warmth at the thought of their close-knit family. “It sounds like you have a good support system.”
He nods, his expression growing serious. “We do. But I want to make sure you feel supported too, especially with everything you’re dealing with.”
His sincerity washes over me like a balm. He doesn’t know the full story, but he wants to help and support me anyway. How nice is that?
“Thanks, Kel. It really means a lot,” I say, and I catch a flash of surprise in his expression, as if he hadn’t quite anticipated my gratitude. It softens the moment even more, making it feel significant.
He hesitates for a moment, as if wanting to say more. “Swyn, I really want to be here for you. Whatever you’re facing, you’re not alone.”
I nod, feeling the connection deepen, even though I’m not quite ready to open up and tell him everything.
“I know.” As I take a bite of my pie, I can’t help but smile at him, feeling lighter than I have in a long time. “You know, I’m really glad I bumped into you again today.”
“Me too,” he says, his expression warm and sincere. “I think this is just the beginning for us, Swyn.”
After we finish our pie we continue to talk until we’re both feeling peckish again. We share some chips and finish off with some ice cream, staying in the diner until it’s closed.
Eventually the staff banging and crashing around us in a none-too-subtle way lets us know they want us to leave, but Kel pays them no mind, giving me his full attention.
He asks me about everything and anything, even repeating some of the questions from the last time we had dinner. I try not to dwell on it and calmly repeat myself.
The only thing he doesn’t ask, the elephant in the room, is what I’m actually doing out in the middle of nowhere in Spells Hollow.
It’s a little strange, but not as strange as my reasons for being here, so I don’t bring it up either. He seems quite intuitive and must get that it's something I don’t really want to open up about, but he seems happy enough to answer my ‘random’ questions about the history of the town.
Eventually, one of the waitresses gets fed up and kicks us out, and the next thing I know, we’re standing outside my motel door, trying to avoid saying goodnight.
I really want a repeat of yesterday’s kiss. Would it be too forward to initiate?
Kel seems reluctant to leave too, and I’m not ready to go to bed alone just yet, so I take a breath, summoning the courage to break the silence.
“Hey, do you want to come in for a bit? I mean, it’s still early. Ish.”
It’s not that early. The late-night diner has closed. But thankfully Kel doesn’t call me out on my lie.
He looks at me, surprise flickering in his eyes, then a slow smile spreads across his face. “Sure, I’d like that. If you’re sure.”
I unlock the door and step aside, letting him enter first. The room is small and simple, with a decent sized bed and a small desk, but it feels warmer with him here.
I close the door behind us and lean against it, watching as he takes in the space.
“Not exactly a five-star hotel,” he jokes, trying to lighten the mood.
I chuckle, glancing at him. “It’s cosy. I like it. Best room in the place you told me. Besides, it’s not the place that matters, right?”
His gaze locks onto mine, and for a moment, the world outside disappears.
“Right,” he replies softly.
Suddenly, I’m feeling the weight of everything unspoken between us.
We settle on the bed, sitting a little too close, the air thick with tension. Not the bad kind, even though my tummy is swirling with butterflies.
I want to ask him why he’s been so different again tonight, why the questions about my life seem to matter so much to him, but the words don’t come. Instead, he picks up a pillow and tosses it playfully at me.
“Okay, let’s play a game,” he suggests, grinning. “Two truths and a lie.”
I laugh, grateful for the distraction. “Alright. You go first.”
He thinks for a moment, then says, “I’ve never broken a bone, I once ate an entire pizza by myself, and I’m terrified of spiders.”
I raise an eyebrow, considering my options. “The pizza one is definitely the lie. No way you can eat an entire pizza by yourself. Everything here in the states is so much bigger than at home. I’ve seen the size of your pizzas!”
He shakes his head, laughing. “Wrong! I did it last week.”
I groan, feigning annoyance. “Okay, then it must be the spiders.”
“Nope. I’m a total wimp when it comes to them,” he says, and we both dissolve into laughter. It’s hard for me to picture him scared of anything though, so maybe he’s telling a white lie.
The game continues, but as we share stories, I can’t shake the feeling that the real game is the one happening between us, filled with glances that linger a little too long and moments that crackle with unspoken possibilities and lingering touches that aren’t quite innocent.
Eventually, the laughter fades, and the atmosphere shifts again. Kel’s expression turns serious, and he leans in closer. “Swyn, can I ask you something?”
I nod, my heart racing. “Sure.”
“Why are you really here? In Spells Hollow, I mean.”
I hesitate, the weight of my truth pressing down on me. It’s the one question I’ve been dreading, but as I look into his eyes, I realise I want to be honest with him.
“I’m here to… find something,” I finally say, my voice barely above a whisper as I try to hold back the truth that wants to spill free like a flooded river bursting its banks.
“What are you looking for?” he presses gently, his interest genuine.
I take a deep breath, feeling vulnerable but strangely safe with him.
He studies me for a moment, then leans in closer, his warmth radiating against my skin. “You can tell me. I’m here.”
And just like that, the walls I’ve built start to crumble. As I open my mouth to respond, something shifts again, a magnetic pull between us. Before I can think, I lean in, closing the gap, and our lips meet softly, tentative but full of promise.
For a heartbeat, everything else fades away. The tension that’s been simmering between us ignites, and a rush of warmth spreads through me.
His hands cup my face, making my stomach flutter, and his lips are gentle at first, exploring, as if he’s savouring the moment just as much as I am. I melt into him, and the kiss deepens, becoming more urgent, more alive.
I let my hands find their way to his dark hair, fingers tangling in the softest silkiest strands I’ve ever felt as I pull him closer, deepening the connection.
My heart races, each thump echoing in my ears, drowning out everything else. The heat radiates between us, drawing me in like gravity.
Kel responds to my movement, his hands sliding around my waist, pulling me against him. The warmth of his body ignites something inside me, a low thrum of desire that I hadn’t expected.
I can’t help but lean into him further, loving the hardness of his chest against the softness of mine, a tantalising reminder of how real this moment is as his heat grounds me.
I break the kiss for just a second, breathless. “What are we doing?” I whisper, my voice shaky with the thrill of it all.
“Something we both want,” he murmurs, his eyes dark with intensity. He leans in again, capturing my lips with a fierceness that sends a thrill through me.
The kiss deepens further, our mouths moving together with a hunger I can’t deny. Heat, desire, need, it’s all pooling in my stomach, a fluttering sensation that makes me dizzy with longing.
My body responds instinctively, arching into him, craving more.
His hands explore, sliding down to my hips and back up my curves again, tracing the outline of my body. I shiver at his touch, every nerve ending alight with sensation.
I want to melt into him, to lose myself in this moment, to forget everything outside these walls. Especially my husband and the curse.
As our lips part momentarily, I take a shaky breath, feeling emboldened.
“I want this,” I say, the words tumbling out in a breathy whisper, more to myself than to him.
“Me too,” he replies, his gaze searching mine.
But now I’m in uncharted territory.
Should I tell him? Put the brakes on for a moment just long enough to confess that this is my first time. Or should I just relax and go with it? I want this. I do. But is my virginity something I have to declare like I’m walking through customs?
No. No, it isn’t. It’s not like an STD where it’s best to be up front and honest with your partner. It’s one flimsy barrier that will be gone before either of us can blink.
I decide that I’m not going to say a word.
Instead, I pull him back to me, our lips crashing together again, as if the world outside doesn’t exist. I’m lost in the taste of him—warmth, sweetness, and a hint of danger that sends my heart racing and soaks my underwear.
Time stretches and bends, the kiss growing more urgent, our breaths mingling in the small space between us. His fingers slip under the hem of my dress, warm and tentative against my skin, igniting sparks and shivers wherever he touches.
“Kel…” I breathe, feeling a mix of exhilaration and apprehension. “What if?—”
“Shh,” he whispers against my lips, his breath warm and inviting. “Just be here with me. Right now.”
I want nothing more than to surrender to this moment, to the heat rising between us, to the intoxicating chemistry that feels like it could consume us whole.
I lean into him, lost in the kiss, my heart racing with a wild mix of desire and uncertainty. And guilt.
Which is stupid. But not stupid. Technically, I’m married. I’m cheating on my husband. But my husband is a stranger, someone I don’t know at all, someone I owe nothing to. I never asked for the marriage, we didn’t consummate it. Does it count? I have no love for him, nor he for me.
In the midst of our passion, the guilt fades, momentarily overshadowed by desire and urgency. We’re two people who have been drawn together by an unseen force, and right now, all that matters is the connection we’re sharing.
It feels so right.
As Kel deepens the kiss once more, a wave of euphoria washes over me. My reservations melt away in the face of this newfound connection, and I give myself over to his touch completely. His hands continue to trace the curves of my body, sending shivers of pleasure through me with every gentle caress as he slowly slides my dress higher and higher up my thighs.
I pull back slightly, just enough for our eyes to meet. His are filled with a mix of longing and adoration that takes my breath away. In that moment, I’m convinced that nothing else in the world could matter more than this connection we’ve found.
“I need you,” I whisper, my voice barely audible above the pounding of my lust. “I need you so much it hurts.”
He looks at me with a mixture of satisfaction and desperation. “I need you too,” he murmurs back, his voice ragged and low. “I need you more than I’ve ever needed anyone in my life.”
He pulls me closer, removing my dress completely and I shiver at the cool air against my skin. A sense of vulnerability and exposure washes over me, but it’s also intoxicating in its intensity.
His eyes never leave mine as he lowers me gently, laying me down with care. There’s a tremor of anticipation radiating through me as he hovers above me, the sensations in my body a thunderstorm of desire just waiting to break free.
His eyes lock onto mine, a silent plea for understanding and consent before he gives me a soft, tender kiss on the forehead. A shiver rolls through me.
Forehead kisses have always been my weakness. Nothing makes a girl feel more cherished than a forehead kiss.
But being cherished isn’t what I want or need right now.
He moves downwards, tracing kisses across my neck, my chest, and lower still. Each one sends a jolt of electric pleasure through me as if I’m being touched by every part of him all at once. His vetiver scent envelops me and cocoons me in safety, allowing me to relax and give myself over to the moment.
My fingers reach out to touch him, to guide him where I want him to be. His skin is warm and smooth under my touch, making me yearn for more of his touch everywhere. He responds to my urgings with a soft growl that makes me even more eager for what comes next.
“I want to see you too,” I pant.
He grins, a mixture of mischief and desire in his eyes. “Anything you wish, Clover,” he promises.
“Clover?” That’s new. I raise a brow at him as I try to hide my smile.
“It’s lucky.”
He knows my name means magic charm? I guess it’s better than ‘violet eyes’ or ‘vi’.
Then slowly, tantalisingly, he begins to remove his own clothing and I’m completely distracted. I can’t tear my eyes away, entranced by the sight of his toned body being revealed to me.
He’s a Greek god, a dream come true.
As his clothing hits the floor, my eyes linger on the evidence of his desire for me, standing erect and proud. My mouth waters. He’s long and thick, with veins pulsing along the length, the head pink, domed and glistening with a wetness that makes me long to taste him.
My heart races as I realise what we’re about to do, what we’re about to share. This is no longer just a kiss in the hallway; this is a connection of two souls, bound together by a chemistry that cannot be denied.
This could break the curse.
I push that thought aside. If having sex broke curses, my family would have been freed centuries ago. Besides, this moment isn’t about that. It’s about me, doing something for me, taking what I want for once.
Reaching out to touch him, I admire the warmth and weight and hardness of his perfect cock in my hand. He groans softly at my touch and I smile at the power I hold over him. It’s intoxicating, knowing that I have the ability to bring pleasure to another person in this way.
I could bring him to his knees with just a touch.
I lean in closer to him, our bodies almost touching. The heat radiating off of him is almost palpable; it’s as if we’re both on fire, burning with desire for each other.
He positions himself over me, our eyes locked together in a silent communication that speaks louder than words ever could.
“Can I taste you?” I ask, gazing up at him through my lashes. He swallows and nods, seemingly lost for words. “How do you want me?”
He tips his head back and groans.
“On your knees.”
A jolt of anticipation shoots through me, and I quickly obey his command. Maybe I got a thrill from thinking I could unman him, but following orders has my core clenching.
As I kneel, I marvel at the sight before me, and inhale the scent of him, a mixture of musk and that vetiver that sends my senses into overdrive.
His hands steady me as he stands before me. “Are you sure?” he asks, concern creeping into his voice. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to.”
“I want to,” I reply, my voice stronger than I feel. “I want to taste you.”
I don’t care if I’ve never done this before. Not all virgins are shy, timid, blushing, trembling waifs, who need a man to guide and teach them. I may never have had sex before but I know what I want.
I think I even know what I’ll like. And sucking dick is definitely going to be one of those things.
Thank god for smut, so I know what to do.
He nods, clearly grateful and relieved by my words. Was he scared I was going to back out? As I reach forward, my fingertips brush against his skin, setting off an explosion of sensation that radiates throughout my entire body.
He lets out a sharp breath as I take him in my hand again and guide him to my waiting mouth.
The first touch of him against my lips is intense, sending shockwaves throughout my body that seem to emanate from a central point just below my belly button.
It’s unlike anything I’ve ever experienced before - a potent mixture of pleasure and fear that makes my heart race with anticipation and excitement. This is new territory for me, a thrilling adventure that we’re embarking on together without knowing how it will end. And I love it.
As I take him deeper into my mouth, the velvety texture sliding effortlessly over my tongue, he moans softly above me. I love the taste of him, it’s addicting, and I want more.
His hands tangle in my hair gently as he moves with me, our bodies responding to each other in a way that is both primal and intimate. I savour every second of this experience, feeling the power and the vulnerability that comes with being so close to him.
As I begin to move my head, taking him even deeper, past the point of comfort, he groans my name in pleasure. It’s a sound that sends shivers down my spine, making my knees weak with desire. I want to please him, to make him feel as good as I possibly can. To make this as memorable for him as it is for me.
“Swyn, fuck, baby. Clover, you’re so fucking good at that.”
With every movement, every exploration of his body with mine, I feel as though we are forging a connection beyond just physical sensations. There’s an emotional bond that grows stronger with each passing moment, a bond that cannot be denied or ignored.
It feels…magical.
“You look magnificent on your knees, clover, taking me so deep. Good girl.”
Oh fuck. Those two words…
I whimper and push forward, desperate to hear them again. He hits the back of my throat and I swallow my mild panic, instinctively knowing that this is what I need to do.
He trembles above me, his eyes never leaving mine as he thrusts into my mouth, his movements becoming more urgent with each passing second. As much as I want to touch myself, it’s clear that he is nearing his breaking point, and I am determined to help him cross that line, so I focus on his pleasure not mine.
“You’re driving me crazy, clover. I’m close. You have to stop if you don’t want me to empty my balls down that pretty little throat.”
Another desperate whine escapes me at his dirty words.
As his breathing becomes ragged and irregular, I can sense that he is close to the edge. With renewed determination, I pick up the pace, taking him deeper into my mouth and moving faster than before.
His hands tighten in my hair as he cries out my name, the sound of it on his lips sending an electric charge through me.
“Clover! Fuck. Good girl. Like that. Take it, baby. Show me how deep you can go.”
And then, it happens. He surges forward one last time before crying out my name again, a hoarse roar of pleasure filling the room as he releases deep within me.
The heat of his release against the back of my throat sends a wave of warmth and satisfaction through me. I relish the taste of him, a mixture of salty and sweet that lingers on my tongue, even after I’ve swallowed him down.
It doesn’t taste as bad as I expected it to, though maybe it’s my flush of pride sweetening the moment.
As he begins to soften, he pulls away from me gently, his eyes never leaving mine. “You did it,” he whispers, awe in his voice. “You were so…so good at that.”
I smile up at him, feeling both proud and embarrassed in equal measure. “Well, there’s a first time for everything,” I say with a shrug, trying to play it off as if it was no big deal. “And now I guess we’ll just have to see if it’s mutual.”
He chuckles at my remark, pulling me up to my feet and wrapping me in his arms. “Oh, it’s mutual,” he assures me, his voice low and husky against my ear. “I think we’re both going to need a little recovery time before we try anything else.”
We stand there for a moment, just enjoying the feel of each other’s bodies pressed together. Then he pulls back slightly, his eyes sparkling with mischief. “What do you say we try out that bed?” he growls, a wicked grin tugging at the corner of his mouth as he leads me in the direction of the bedroom the bedroom. “Lie down. I need to taste you.”
I can’t help but giggle at his suggestive comment, but the look in his eyes tells me that there is no time for laughing or joking, he’s deadly serious.
Obviously I don’t move fast enough for his liking, because he lands a sharp slap on my backside, causing me to yelp and scramble up onto the mattress like my arse is on fire.
Which, thanks to his spank, it kinda feels like it is. But my clit is throbbing from it too, so I don’t protest or complain.
He quickly follows me onto the bed, his eyes devouring every inch of my body as I crawl up the covers and lie on my back. Moments later he’s stalking towards me.
His hands trace the curves of my hips, my waist, and then he grips the back of my neck to pull me into him. The intensity in his gaze makes me shiver with anticipation.
I close my eyes, overwhelmed, drowning in the heat of his body against mine. Every touch, every word from him, sends a thrill through me.
He leans in closer, his breath warm on my skin as he traces kisses down my throat, across my collarbone, taking his time to explore every inch of my skin.
“Your taste,” he murmurs against my lips, “it’s like the ripest summer fruit, sweet and addictive. I could spend hours tasting you.”
His fingers trace delicate patterns across my belly and lower, making me shiver with each touch.
“Look at you,” he growls against my skin as his fingers find their way into my underwear. “So wet for me already.”
His words send a jolt of desire straight to my core, making me moan softly beneath him as said wetness increases. He smirks at me, his eyes glinting with mischief and excitement.
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispers before capturing my lips in a passionate kiss that leaves us both breathless. “Now it’s time for me to see if you’re sweet all over.”
He settles between my legs, drawing my underwear down my thighs until they can’t go any further. I suck my bottom lip between my teeth wondering if I should move or…
His smile is triumphant as he removes the scrap of material that once formed my panties. I can’t help but giggle, the feeling of his hands on my skin and the thought of his gaze tracing over every inch of my body sends a ripple of excitement coursing through me.
“Stop teasing, just...do it already,” I whisper, my voice breathy and soft as I try to hold back my anticipation. My heart is beating faster and faster with every second that passes, adding to the flush in my cheeks and the heat in my core.
“Your wish is my command, baby.”
The accompanying wink and demonic grin makes me wonder what the hell I’ve let myself in for.