What A Witch Claims Chapter 6 64%
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Chapter 6

Tuesday evening, the Diner

After Ticia and the others arrived back in the valley yesterday evening, Ferdie had contacted several of the community leaders and advised them a meeting was needed.

She looked around the packed diner. There were witches, warlocks, Shifters of all kinds, the fairies, and assorted other magical creatures. These good people had recently defended the valley against the dark chaos magic of Iago le Fay and shortly before that a murderous vampire. It felt horrible to be the cause of more danger to the valley.

Ferdie stood on the small stage normally used for musical guests or karaoke contests. His gaze found hers and he gave her a reassuring smile then cleared his throat. "Thank you all for coming this evening. I asked for this meeting because yesterday I learned of a danger that could affect all of us."

The attending locals groaned. One of the bear Shifters said, "What is it this time … nuclear war?"

A warlock shouted, "Is Fate leaning on her Wheel to piss Baba Yaga off?"

Ticia flinched with each new speaker. Around her, those reticent to speak up muttered angrily. Her stomach sank. Wasn't this what she'd feared?

She stood up. "I'll leave. It's my problem, and not the valley's. I'm so sorry."

"Ticia—" Ferdie headed her way. "Wait."

No, she couldn't wait. She looked for a way out, but there was none. A flutter of fairies surrounded her, backed up by Jeeves, Sassy, Raisa, Clio, and Sheila.

"Please let me go," she pleaded, tears in her eyes. "I don't want to bring you anymore trouble. Especially since mine was because I was stupid enough to fall for a man's charm and good looks."

"Oh, girl." Raisa shook her head. "Most of us fall for good looks and charm. From what I've heard, your problem is with a human who had a serious lack of ethics and was not readable. So, you messed up. It happens. Besides, humans are such a primitive species. How much trouble could he bring? It's not as if he is a dark sorcerer like my problem was."

"Plus, you're mating with Ferdie so you can't leave," one of the fairies piped up. "Oops, we weren't supposed to let on we know that. Sorry."

The fairy looked so embarrassed, Ticia said, "That's okay. I know you all know. And Ferdie understands I'm still not quite ready to take the last step."

"Oh, luv, tell me about it," Ammy, the witch mate of the Assjacket police department's chief investigator, said. "I knew Kerr for only a day when he completed the mating bond. And I was gobsmacked. My sister Glory managed to hold out for two days before she consummated the mating bond with Liam."

Glory nodded. "The big bear simply swept me off my feet." She winked at Ticia. "You'll definitely want to stay with Ferdie for the mating sex alone. Am I right, folks?"

The locals burst into a buzzing of affirmatives and stories of their own mating heat sex. Some of the details were scary and the ones coming from the males were ribald and even amusing.

Ticia wiped away her tears and even managed to smile at some of the more colorful descriptions of mating. She'd obviously misread the initial grumbling. It seemed they were less concerned about her trouble than that she might leave Ferdie without a mate.

Ferdie had finally fought through the crowd and reached her. He anchored her to his side. His aura surrounded her, and she felt less anxious … she felt safe.

As the helpful hints kept coming, Ferdie muttered, "Don't listen to all their nonsense about mating. Each couple is different." Then he growled and shouted, "The next male who makes an outrageous recommendation on how my mate should handle my cock will get their pecker twisted off at the root and used for carp food."

Ticia covered her mouth as she erupted into giggles.

Some of the guys weren't being outrageous, toots. Woo-boy, some of those Shifters know how to give it to their mates. Though, I've heard trolls have some smooth moves, also.

Fate? Ticia spotted her at the back of the room. Standing next to Fate, Baba Yaga wore a glittery mini-dress and golden thigh-high boots which would be more at home in a disco than a country diner. The two gave her finger waves.

"Ticia—" Raisa's gaze was filled with understanding. "Face it. You're one of us now. You didn't know any of us when you moved here, but you didn't hesitate to step up to defend the valley when danger threatened. Your summoning the crows protected me when I really needed it the most. And I happen to know you surreptitiously helped during the hunt for the vampire."

Ticia noticed Baba Yaga nodding her head. That must be where Raisa had gotten her last bit of info.

Raisa continued, "When trouble comes for one of us, it comes for all. We're stronger when we fight together. Don't leave."

Ferdie grunted his approval and gave Ticia a gentle squeeze.

"Plus, your enemy is a mere human," Ammy said. "Luv, he's lost the fight before he even starts."

As everyone in the room who heard Ammy shouted in support, Ferdie muttered, "Damn straight."

Ticia looked at Ferdie. His soul and mind touched hers, sharing his need for her, his love. The connection between them was so strong that she'd be able to find him anywhere in the world, and he, her. While she might be able to outrun and hide from Alastair, she wouldn't be able to hide from Ferdie.

And did she really want to?

The answer came easily. No, she didn't. Over the last week, she'd spent every day working alongside him in his garden. In the evenings, they'd cooked and then eaten what they'd prepared. Each day with him had made her happier, so much so that she didn't want to envision a future without his quiet, calming presence. He'd become a crucial part of her existence.

During her exchange with Raisa and Ammy, the room had quieted, not even a squeak of a chair or a wheezing breath. The atmosphere was heavy with anticipation.

Looking into Ferdie's magnetic moss green eyes, she took a deep breath and slowly let it out, then opened the door in her mind which she'd instinctively kept shut once she'd realized Ferdie could touch her thoughts.

I'll stay.

"She's staying," Ferdie shouted, his eyes, his aura, glowing with his happiness.

The room erupted with cheers.

I love you, Morticia MacFebal. I will protect you. Forget all the mating advice you heard. When you're ready for the final bond, you'll let me know.

She buried her face against his neck and inhaled deeply. He smelled like home. Is … is the sex really that intense? I heard there's biting involved.

That's just the Shifters. They bite to mark their mates, usually where the neck joins the shoulder.

Ticia shuddered, but reminded herself this was Ferdie and not Alastair.

But trolls don't. I'll never do anything you don't like.

Ticia sighed with relief and nodded. Okay. Is nibbling allowed?

Ferdie chuckled and pulled back. Cupping her chin, he winked. "Yes, totally okay." Then he brought her face to his and kissed her for the first time.

His lips were warm and surprisingly soft. He brushed his mouth over hers, giving her light, teasing kisses. As he kissed her, he pulled her closer. His large hands were warm and strong on her back.

Ticia sighed and relaxed into his hold. Clutching his shirt with her fingers, she began to return the kiss. He groaned, and she felt it deeply in her core. When she slid her tongue into his mouth, he made a rumbling sound and took the kiss deeper, giving her his tongue. Their tongues tangled and the kiss went deeper and deeper. Moaning into his mouth, she put her arms around his neck and held on as she swore she saw stars, planets, and universes far beyond theirs.

When he finally pulled away, she almost pulled him back but recalled where they were. She licked her lips and blurted out, "Wow. From just a kiss? Holy moly, am I in trouble?"

Ferdie grinned and winked. "Only as much as you can handle, luv."

Baba Yaga and Fate appeared next to them.

"The Goddess can be an uppity bitch, but she does do good matching couples," Fate said. "Am I right, Baba Yo-Fro?"

"You're absolutely correct, G.I. Barbie," Baba Yaga replied. "Just dropped in to make sure Ticia stuck around. I need to blow this joint. Fabio and I have a booty-shaking party to attend. If you need me, just yell, and my honey and I'll come back. And don't you two new lovebirds do anything I wouldn't do. Ta!" Then she was gone in a flurry of pink and purple smoke.

"Since that broad does everything and invented even more of it, you have lots of options. I need to blast out of here, too," Fate said. "Got a war to end in one of those third world countries no one can point out on a map. And, yay, this time the good guys win. Woot!" She faded away into a mist.

Kerr stepped forward with his mate Ammy. "Ticia, I need some details about this human so I can shoot out an email with a photo and information to the valley residents. I'll also run a background check on him through NCIC and Interpol to see if he has a record."

Ammy added, "With the spells warning away humans, he shouldn't even get past the bridge."

"That's for sure," Bran said with Raisa hugged to his side.

Kerr smiled. "The keep-away spell is very strong. The only places outside of the protective bubble are Finds, Designs, and Blooms and some homes higher on the mountain where the avian Shifters live."

Ticia's aerie was close to where the crows lived … outside of the shield. Anxiety fluttered in her stomach.

Ferdie rubbed his hand over her back, soothing her. If you're ever worried, just transport to my home. You'll be safe there. His touch and practical suggestion calmed her jitters.

A woman with dark eyes and really long nails spoke up, "We'll be fine, Kerr. We can shift and fly away. A mere human wouldn't know the difference between us and any other bird. But I worry about the gals at the store being taken unawares. Most of their clientele is human."

Ticia glanced in worry at Clio, Sheila, and Raisa.

"They do have a security system and can easily contact their mates." Kerr paused. "Still, we'll add some magical alarms and a physical panic button that can send an alert directly to the station. How does that sound?"

"Sounds good to me," Clio said.

Sheila and Raisa nodded.

Ticia breathed more easily.

Kerr turned toward her and Ferdie. "Ticia, if you and Ferdie could stick around after the crowd leaves, I'll get the info I need on this human."

Ticia nodded. "I have my own file on him with everything I found out about him. Interpol will be your best source since he is British. But he also could have had issues in the U.S. which I haven't heard about. I know he had trouble in Europe and his noble family got him out of it."

"Noble?" Ammy asked. "Which family? Glory and I have met most of the nobles in Great Britain, human and non-human."

"Lord Alastair Buncombe—"

Before Ticia could finish, Glory shouted, "That cockwomble? My former sort-of-husband Percy liked getting it on with humans who did a lot of bloodletting and boozing. He and Buncombe hung around a human Hell Fire club. Alastair made a move on me once after he realized Percy was gay."

"What happened?" Ammy asked her sister. "How did I not know this?"

"I handled it." Glory waved it off. "I bespelled his dick so he couldn't get an erection and zapped him with a sleeping spell. Nothing permanent."

Ticia wished she'd been braver and given Alastair a solid and unforgettable reason not to come after her. But as a rule-follower, she hadn't. Lesson learned. Next time all spells and resources were on the table.


Once the diner was empty, Kerr locked the door and came to sit with Ferdie and Ticia.

Ferdie kept his arm around Ticia as she gave Kerr the basic info she'd shared with him, Jeeves, and Sassy yesterday. Ferdie felt her tension and did what he could to ease it. The earth energy he inherited from both sides of his lineage was strong, and much of it was healing.

"Ticia, send me the files you put together," Kerr said, handing her a card with the department's email address. "If I have questions, I know where you live."

"I'll be staying with her," Ferdie said. "She lives outside the bubble."

"Ferdie, you'd leave your troll bridge for me?" Ticia asked.

"Luv, I'd live in a submarine at the bottom of the ocean or an igloo in the Arctic for you."

"We'll go back and forth." His witch turned to Kerr. "Text us, and we can let you know where we'll be, or we can come to you."

Kerr smiled. "Sure thing." He stood. "Sticking close to Ferdie is a good idea just in case this human shows up. I'll do my best to get his current location. If he registered to attend that trade show in Cincinnati, I might be able to get some info from their registration data."

"How?" Ferdie asked. What if the human could track Ticia back to Assjacket in the same way? At the door registration, they'd had to enter an address.

"I'll have one of the pack rats hack in." Kerr chuckled. "They have a knack. Or as Loki told me, hacking is like taking physical things, but even easier."

Ferdie's rule-following mate said, "But that's illegal."

Kerr grinned. "Don't worry. Bucky makes them erase the data and then send the site they hack a patch for the door they found in. They are thinking of setting up a cyber-security firm, Hacks 'r Us."

Ferdie threw back his head and laughed. "I can see them doing it. Maybe it will cut down on what they steal from the locals."

"Doubtful." Kerr unlocked the diner door. "Just set the lock when you leave. Have a good rest of the evening."

Finally alone, Ferdie stood and pulled Ticia into his arms. "We'll go to your home tonight. Fee is there, and you'll be more comfortable. I'll bunk down on the couch."

"No, we'll share my bed." When he opened his mouth, she covered it with her hand. "It's huge. Ferdie, there are some things you need to know before we even think of making love."

The good news was she'd called it making love. The bad news? When Glory said Alastair had belonged to a Hell Fire Club, he knew the rat bastard had done something terribly wrong to his sweet witch.

"I want to know," he said. "But you can tell me when you're ready. You're tired and stressed. We'll go to your house, and you can get a good—"

Once more, Ticia covered his mouth with her fingers. "Ferdie, you need to know tonight … before we get closer physically. I need to tell you why I fled Paris, why I know Alastair is a violent, dangerous human."

He could hear the strain in her voice and hated it. He kissed her cheek and sent calming energy across their spiritual link. "Whatever it is, it was not your fault." He put his arm around her back and led her to the door. "I need to stop at my place and get a bag for overnight. I was marinating some steaks. We'll take those with us, and I can cook us a late-night supper. You need to eat."

"How can you tell?"

He grinned. "I can hear your stomach growling. Did you even eat today?"

"I wasn't hungry." Ticia kissed his cheek. "I'm so lucky to have found you. I think I started falling in love with you even before I sensed the bonds weaving together."

"I loved you as soon as I heard your voice." He looked at her beautiful face. "Then I turned around and fell to my knees at how beautiful you were. Too beautiful for an ugly old troll like me."

"Stop it." She pulled them to a stop. "Don't insult yourself. You have beautiful moss-green eyes and all that thick, healthy brown hair. Your broad shoulders give me shivers and I wasn't the only woman checking out your nice butt at the trade show."

She touched his face, tracing his features. He shuddered at how her gentle touch reached every part of him. He caught her finger and gave it a kiss, then took her hand and held it over his heart.

"I love how you look. You look exactly how a troll should look." Ticia smiled, her eyes a soft misty green. "But what I love most is your kindness, your gentleness, your intelligence, and your care of me. I've been happier this last week than I've been in a long time. I love you."

Ferdie couldn't believe what he'd just heard, but knew she'd meant every single word. Her mind had been open to him since she'd told him she'd stay. She only had one secret left, but he wouldn't pull it from her. Mates respected privacy.

"The Goddess probably told Baba Yaga to suggest you live here after you left Paris." He ushered her through the door and then locked it behind them.

"Probably." After a lengthy silence, she added, "Do you think we would've met even if I hadn't come here?"

"I'm sure of it," Ferdie said. "Fate was involved. This is our turn on the Wheel."

"Yes." Her tone muted, she added, "I just hope you won't be disappointed after you hear what happened in Paris."

Whatever she was going to tell him about what Alastair had down to her, Ferdie wasn't going to like it. But whatever it was, he'd find a way to help her get through it and heal. As for Alastair, he hoped the human did show up in the valley. The human needed to be dealt with, and Ferdie was just the troll to handle the rat bastard.

"There is no way I could be disappointed," Ferdie assured her. "You're more than I ever dreamed of in a mate. I am one fortunate troll."


Ticia's aerie

Ticia loved her kitchen, but having Ferdie in it, working side-by-side with her as they prepared a late meal? It was more than wonderful.

Fee obviously thought so as well. Her familiar was curled on top of a stack of cookbooks on the counter, purring contentedly. "It's as if you two have worked together before. Maybe in another lifetime?"

"If it were, it would've been long, long ago." He chuckled. "I'm five hundred years old, Fee."

"Whoa, that's Henry VIII old." Fee angled her head and blinked slowly. "Did you know him?"

Ferdie snorted and shook his head.

"What is your life span then?" Fee asked.

"Don't know." Ferdie shrugged. "My father was around seven hundred years old when he chose to leave the world to follow my mother into the Otherworld. He didn't look any older than I do now. We sort of mature and then age extremely slowly."

"How could your father exist in the Otherworld?" Ticia asked. "I know Bran went there to find Raisa. He'd thought she died. Living beings can't stay there for long."

Ferdie was silent for several long, uncomfortable seconds. "He wasn't alive when he went over."

"If it brings up painful memories, I don't need to know anymore." Heart aching for him, Ticia stroked his tense back in an attempt to lessen his pain.

Ferdie put down the fork he used to turn the steaks and took Ticia in his arms. "You're planning to share your bad memories with me. So, I can do no less with you."

His strong jaw was tight, his green eyes had darkened with the remembered loss.

On the counter, Fee set a paw on Ferdie's arm. The familiar undoubtedly could feel Ferdie's pain through Ticia's mate connection. Her cat had many past lives, one as a healer. Soothing warmth flowed from the cat to both of them.

"Okay." Ferdie took a deep breath. "It was a time of war. Father was a soldier for my mother's people. That was how they met and fell in love. It had been a forbidden match, but they cared not, and so I was born. My mother's family accepted the match as the Goddess herself had appeared and blessed it. My father was one of the estate's strongest warriors. War was as common as grass in those times. When my mother was killed during an attack on the family estates, my father secured my safety with my grandparents and then single-handedly defeated the enemy. He'd been badly wounded in the last battle and chose not to be healed so he could be with my mother. The bards wrote songs about his bravery, his anger, and his strength. The songs said he intended to die to be with his love and he took the last enemy along with him into death."

"I know that song." Ticia wiped her eyes on her sleeve. "Have you ever heard from them again? Some in the Otherworld do check on their heirs from time to time."

"It takes a lot of energy even for a demi-goddess." Ferdie smiled. "Mother contacted me for the first time in two-hundred-fifty years when she realized I was bonding with you. She is very happy for us. As for father, I doubt he has the energy to contact the outside world. Knowing my father, he'd approve of you. He appreciated beautiful women who could cook."

Ticia laughed. "I'm sure I would've liked both your parents. After all they brought you into the world to find me."

"That they did." Ferdie kissed her and whispered, "Thank you." He stroked Fee's head. "And thank you also." The cat inclined her head then turned to stare at the steaks. He chuckled. "I see where your priorities are, Miss Fee. They're ready. One medium-rare for Fee and two medium-well for us."

"The sides are ready also." Ticia turned to Fee. "Ready to eat?"

"I've been ready." Fee leapt gracefully from the counter and landed on all fours. Then jumped to her seat at the table.

During the meal, Ticia savored both the food and the amusing repartee Ferdie exchanged with Fee. It was wonderful that her familiar had one hundred percent approved of Ferdie. Her cat was a good judge of character—something Ticia should have remembered with Alastair. Ticia's instincts certainly had failed her.

Maybe after she and Ferdie were together longer, Ticia could begin to trust her own instincts again. Already she could feel parts of her healing with just the two bonds they currently shared. Her troll was good for her.

"Ferdie, I don't mean to be rude," she said. "But saying that, I guess I'm going to be … what I want to ask is—"

"You can ask me anything. For you and Fee, I'm an open book. We're already sharing random thoughts, and we'll share more as the bonds weave ever tightly."

Ticia nodded. "Okay, trolls as a rule are not restful beings, but you are. I can feel you actively helping me to stay calm. Was your father that way?"

"Nope. He was as surly and short-tempered as any troll." Ferdie smiled. "My mother tamed him, father said. Only with her was he able to control his temperament. My serenity comes from my mother, an earth and river demi-goddess. Because of her, I can grow things and calm turbulent waters. And I have a healing ability."

"Wow," Fee said, her chin braced on a paw. "You have interesting ancestors. So are Ticia's."

Ferdie nodded. "I know of the MacFebal clan. So, Bran is your cousin?"

"Yes, a distant one on my father's side." Ticia nodded. "Bran's mother was a MacFebal. My mother's line has lots of preternaturals, but the majority were witches and warlocks. I am mostly a witch with healer abilities and, like Sheila, an affinity to growing things and cooking."

"I'd say we're a good match." Ferdie raised his glass of wine. "To our future together."

Ticia raised her glass. "Our future."

Fee looked between the two of them, "Doesn't the poor familiar get a glass of wine?"

"No!" Ticia and Ferdie said at once, then they laughed at Fee's pouting meow .


After they cleaned up the kitchen, Ferdie pulled her down onto the couch in front of the fireplace. The evening air had turned cool, so the fire felt wonderful. What was even more wonderful was the way Ticia snuggled into his side with her head on his shoulder. They sipped, watching the fire in companionable silence.

Eventually, he could feel Ticia’s sweet body beginning to tense. To tremble as her thoughts darkened. He kissed the top of her head. “Tell me, Ticia.”

Ticia sat up and placed her glass on the side table then turned to look at him. "I, um—"

"Go on, sweetheart. Take your time. I've got you." He set his glass down, then pulled her even closer to his side.

"I'm damaged goods," she blurted on a sob. "That was why I ran away from Paris. To hide not only from him, but also from what he'd done to me."

Herne's bloody hooves, he couldn't stand to see her cry. He lifted her onto his lap and rocked her as her tears soaked his tee. Wrapping her in his aura, he sent tendril after tendril of calming energy through their spiritual bond.

He was no therapist, but he'd heard that healing sometimes only happened after the victim talked about it, brought the dark deeds into the light.

"Shh, luv." He rocked her. "It'll be okay. I promise."

"No, it won't," she cried. "He … he defiled me. I discovered later that he'd done things like that before."

Things like what? He hadn't said it aloud, but Ticia must have caught his thoughts. She pulled out of his arms, yanked off her shirt, then her tank top, and turned so he could see her naked back.

In the middle of the pale white skin of Ticia's back was a large red scar of an A and a D in a circle.

The sight had him growling low in his throat. He fisted his hands. If within reach, the rat bastard would've been dead. And no witch, warlock, or Shifter would've blamed him.

"The fucking bastard branded you?" Ferdie rasped. Raising his fist, he forced his fingers to relax. They trembled as he touched the scar. Reaching deeply, he sent healing energy into the scar tissue.

"Ferdie—" She sighed. "You don't need to—"

"Shh." Leaning in, he kissed a particularly thick area of scar tissue.

Ticia began to cry. He gently pulled her back onto his lap. Curling into a ball, she sobbed even more violently than before.

"Get it out, luv." He held her and stroked her shoulders and neck.

As she cried out her pain, anguish, and self-guilt, he alternately cursed and growled.

When her sobbing slowed, he spoke to her mentally. I love you, my little witch. It wasn't your fault. It was all the rat bastard's fault. He went on to vividly detail in the foulest terms possible all the things he'd like to do to the human.

Ticia jerked, then sniffled. "Cook his liver and serve it to Herne himself?"

She sniffled again and he detected a slight giggle.

"Does Herne really eat his enemies' livers?" With her head on his shoulder, she looked at him wide-eyed, her beautiful green eyes and lashes awash with unshed tears.

"Not when I've ridden with him." Ferdie brought her face to his and kissed her. "But there are rumors. Dale Deering also rides the Hunt. I'll ask him. If he confirms the rumors, I might even marinate the rat bastard's organ meat so it would taste yummy."

"Yummy?" Ticia let out a gurgle of laughter. "Oh, Ferdie, I love you so much for that." She sighed. "I'm sorry I'm scarred. It's so ugly, but I deserve it for being so damn stupid."

"You're not ugly and you're not stupid. I sense how tired you are. You can finish your story in bed and then we'll get a good night's sleep." Ferdie surged to his feet with her held securely against his chest. And tried not to react to the feeling of holding his half-naked mate in his arms. "If I have to say this every day until you believe it, you were not the one at fault. The rat-fucking-bastard was at fault, and I'll tell him that when I kill him."

Ticia shook her head. "Ferdie, you can't kill Alastair because you are a good soul."

"Not where this bastard is concerned, I'm not." Ferdie carried her up the stairs to the bedroom. He was impressed that the room took up the entire second level of her aerie.

Snoozing on Ticia's huge bed, Fee opened one eye, then both. After a long, obviously concerned look at Ticia, the cat rose. With her tail weaving patterns in the air, she leapt to the floor.

"I'll just make myself scarce for a bit." Fee sauntered toward the doorway. "Maybe I'll do some hunting around the greenhouse. Don't wait up for me."

"We won't," Ferdie replied. "Happy hunting. I think there are some chipmunks tunneling in the lettuce beds. No Shifters. Chipmunk Shifters know better than to make holes in my gardens. Chomp away."

In his arms, Ticia laughed. He smiled.

"Got it." Fee hurried out of the bedroom.

After laying Ticia on the bed, he stripped off his tee and handed it to her.

"May Herne strike me dead if I'm lying, but you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen in my life, but—" He blew out a frustrated breath. "You really need to cover up your gorgeous breasts, luv. You are far too tempting."

"You have to say that," she teased as she took the shirt and pulled it over her head. "We're mated."

"Did Herne strike me dead?" he asked.


"Then it's the truth." He sat on the edge of the bed and smoothed his hand over her glorious red hair. "Like silk."

"Ferdie, will you hold me, please?" Her voice was strained. "It'll make it easier for me to finish my story."

Over the centuries, he had seen the expressions on the faces of many victims of violence. He hated seeing that look on her precious face.

"Of course, I will. I need to hear what happened so when you're ready to make love with me, I won't accidentally trigger any bad memories." He crawled onto the bed and then lay beside her. "For now, and as many nights it takes for you to get comfortable with me, all I will do is hold and keep you safe as you sleep. When you're ready, you can jump my bones and do with me as you will."

She snuggled into his side. "Thank you."

He put his arm around her, then pulled the blankets up over them to ward off the night air. "It's a bit chilly. Does that feel better?"

"Yes. You're so warm." She nestled her head on his shoulder and began, he could only call it, petting him. "This is nice."

"Yes, nice," he murmured against her hair. He covered her hand. "While I love you stroking me like a cat, I'm on a hair trigger here, luv."

"Oh, sorry."

She stopped petting but left her hand where it was and that was fine with him. He needed that connection as much as she did as he waited to hear the story of the night she was branded.

"The fateful night wasn't that long after we'd gone back to Paris after being approved by his noble family." She snorted. "His mother said I'd be the making of Alastair since all his other business ventures had failed. That should've been my first clue to run away as fast as I could. But he'd been a decent business partner for as little as he did. He provided the start-up money and did all the public relations. I already had some fame from two published cookbooks and from working in some of the better restaurants on the continent after graduating from culinary school. I knew how to run a restaurant. So, I obtained the permits, created the menu, and hired and trained the help."

"Prior to that night, he'd shown no signs of being a monster?" he asked, keeping his voice calm, since he knew that was what she needed now.


"Okay, what happened that led to this?" He gently massaged her back, sending more healing energy into the raised scar.

"Because of his parent's approval of me, Alastair wanted to take our relationship to the next level." She sighed. "He'd already proposed several times before we went to England, and I kept saying no . The man hated the word no ."

"You can always say no to me." He kissed the top of her head. "I might not like hearing it, but I will not force the issue although … I'll probably pout."

"I trust you, Ferdie. And I promise to explain any nos I might send your way. Then I'll tickle you until you don't pout."

"Deal." He rubbed her tense shoulders. "Go on, finish it, luv."

She nodded. "For the week after we got back, he sent flowers. Bought me my favorite perfume. Sent other little gifts he knew I'd like. He wore me down. He said even if I wasn't ready to get married—and marriage had never even entered my head, he was human, after all, and I could not endanger our kind—he asked if we could take our relationship to a more intimate level."

"He was trying to buy your love."

"Yes. Fee said the exact same thing. She said any man who had to bribe a woman into bed had to have a wormy past. I should've listened." Ticia shrugged. "I'd had sex before and wasn't a prude. I like sex. He was attractive, had always been a gentleman, and I was interested." She shuddered. "So much for my judgement."

Ferdie tipped up her face and lightly kissed her lips, then cuddled her closer.

She rubbed her cheek on his shoulder and held on harder. "Fee trusts you. I trust you in a way I never trusted Alastair. Our spirit and mind bonds prove that. Even if I couldn't touch your mind or soul, I still would know you are a good man. Fate, the Goddess, and Baba Yaga wouldn't have led me here to you if you weren't the other half of my soul."

Ferdie picked up her hand and kissed her fingers. "You're exhausted. Finish the story, luv, so you can get some rest."

She nodded. "We went on a date—dining and dancing. The whole evening was foreplay, or that was how I saw it. We went to his place since I wanted to be able to leave if things didn't work out."

"See? You did sense something was off with him."

"Yeah, just not what happened." She shuddered. "After we got there, he poured me a glass of my favorite wine. But it had drugs in it. When I awakened, I was tied face down on the bed. He'd waited until I was semi-conscious to … rape me. I tried to transport, really, I tried." She looked at Ferdie, tears running down her face. "Do you believe me?"

"Shh. Of course, I believe you." He kissed away each and every tear, pouring his love for her across their bond.

She sniffled. "The drugs must have deadened my will. Or that's what Fee and I concluded afterward. So, I couldn't stop him. After he … branded me. He told me it was his forever-claim on me."

"Like fuck it is. The rat bastard is dead," rasped Ferdie. Anger swept through him like a lava flow. If Ticia hadn't needed him to be strong for her, he would've exploded. Taking several long and slow breaths, he beat back the need to rage and stomp and destroy things.

"No," she cupped his face, "you're not a killer."

"Ticia," he said softly. "I can and will kill when it is called for, especially when you are in danger of being harmed."

"I understand, Ferdie, but there are other ways to make him pay rather than darkening your soul. We'll cross that bridge if we ever come to it." She laid her head back on his shoulder and relaxed into him.

He rubbed his cheek over her hair and let her sweet scent calm him "How did you get away?" She had to have been in serious pain. Herne's vengeful sword, he hurt just thinking of it.

"Alastair fell asleep. While he was sleeping, the drugs began to wear off. My magic grew stronger. He started to wake up, so I resorted to a dark spell I had learned as a teenager, one that didn't use a lot of energy but was very effective. It knocked him out. Hard." She sniffled. "I hated using that spell. It made feel almost as dirty as Alastair's treatment of me did."

"You are not dirty." He lifted her face to his. "And if, the Blessed Goddess forbid, you ever are in danger and I am not there to protect you, you use any blasted spell you can to protect yourself. Okay? Promise me."

She stroked his face. "I promise. After I put the whammy on him, I used another spell and dissolved my bonds. I got dressed and went to a healer witch I knew in Paris who treated my injuries. Then I went home, packed a small bag, took some items I might need and then Fee and I transported to a health spa in Switzerland run by witches I knew and trusted to keep my presence secret."

Ferdie was silent, then asked, "Why didn't you report him to the police? To his parents?"

"I was embarrassed. Humiliated." She let out a rough sob. "I should've been smarter. Should've listened to my familiar. I couldn't read him, but still I should've realized after the trip to meet his family that something was off. But I didn't." She sighed, a watery sound. "I felt dirty, especially after having to resort to dark magic. I just wanted to run to someplace where he couldn't find me."

His heart swelled with love. She'd been hurt terribly, but she'd found the strength to get away from a monster and do what needed to be done. She was a lot stronger than she thought.

Ferdie gathered her close and muttered against her hair, "You didn't come here to live, you came here to heal, didn't you, luv?" He kissed her forehead.

"And to be safe. Baba Yaga came to me in Switzerland. I think one of the therapists there contacted her. She said Alastair was hunting for me. That the restaurant was failing and he needed me to make it work again in order to pacify his family. She told me about this protected valley and promised I'd be safe here. Safety sounded so wonderful, so here I am." She nuzzled Ferdie's cheek. "I didn't expect to find you."

"I'm very glad you did." He turned and kissed her lips. She tasted like … his.

"Me, too." She snuggled her head on his shoulder and yawned. "Will you hold me all night? I'll make you Eggs Benedict for breakfast."

"Ticia, I'd hold you all night even without the promise of Eggs Benedict for breakfast."

Her only response was a very dainty snore.

Ferdie followed her into sleep and was aware when Fee joined them on the bed.

I liked the part about cooking Alastair's organs. I'll eat them if Herne won't.

Ferdie smiled, pulled Ticia even closer against him, then went back to sleep.

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