Assjacket, end of summer
Ferdie tipped back his head and breathed in the scent of a late summer afternoon. The day was warm, but there was a hint of autumn on the light breeze.
He and Ticia sat on a blanket at the beach Baba Yaga had decided Assjacket needed. When asked why a beach? The wily old witch had smiled and replied, "Why should we have to go to some ocean shore to enjoy sun and sand when we can make a beach of our own right here?"
Since no one could refute her thinking, Assjacket now had a sandy riverbank near the Troll Bridge. The strongest weather witches and warlocks promised to schedule at least four sunny, warm days each month during the late fall, winter, and early spring for the locals to make use of the beautiful area.
Since Ferdie had grown quite fond of the home he and Ticia had made by adding onto her aerie, his old home had become what Baba Yaga called a cabana, used for food, drink, and showers.
Smiling, Ferdie pulled Ticia closer. He grew more deeply in love with his mate as each day passed.
"What do you think?" Ticia pointed to the sandcastle she'd created along with Fee. The cat had curled next to the masterpiece and was taking a nap.
"It's a work of art, luv."
"Thank you." She stood and adjusted her bikini bottom.
As he checked out his witch's bottom, his beast awakened and tented his surfer baggies.
"Ferdie. Again?" Ticia giggled. "I thought I took care of your monster before we came to the beach."
"You did." He gave her a naughty wink. "But we both like second breakfasts."
"Later, mo leannan . We came to celebrate our friend's good news." Ticia looked over at Bran and his mate. Raisa didn't look pregnant, but all too soon she'd be showing. "They look so happy, don't they?" She returned to lie next to him on the blanket.
"They do," Ferdie said. "Bran is busting his buttons that they're having twins. Not sure why since several of the witches mated with Shifters are also having twins. The way things are going Assjacket's population will be doubling."
"We're one very fertile valley, that's for sure." Baba Yaga approached, carrying a charcuterie board. "Food's here. Come and get it."
"And drinks." Her lover Fabio followed with a tray holding fruity drinks with umbrellas.
Bran and Raisa spread their blanket near Ferdie and Ticia's.
"No alcohol for the mommas-to-be, hot stuff," Baba Yaga said.
"I know, my love." Fabio smiled as he handed a drink to Raisa and one to Ticia. "Just fruit juices and soda, ladies."
"Wait—" Ticia's jaw dropped. "Mommas, like plural?"
"I'm going to be a daddy?" Ferdie was shocked, but then joy surged through him.
"Yes and yes," Baba Yaga said. "I'm thinking this morning was a bull's eye. And considering your randy actions, I am surprised it took this long."
"Here." Fabio handed Ferdie a drink. "This one has rum." He smiled. "I think you need it."
"Herne's balls. I'm going to be a daddy." Ferdie jumped to his feet and shouted the news to everyone on the beach. "Isn't that amazing?"
Bran laughed as Raisa said, "Congratulations, you two."
"A toast." Baba Yaga raised her glass. "Congratulations to the parents-to-be, both sets. Oh, and FYI, I'm not babysitting. Neither is Fabio. Cheers."
Sitting down, Ferdie wrapped Ticia in his arms and looked her in the eyes. I love you.
And I you.
Lifting his glass, he said, "To us and our wonderful future."
She tapped her glass to his. "To us."
And the Wheel was balanced for yet another Goddess-Blessed couple.
~The End~