What If I Knew You (Anaheim Stars Hockey #3) 11. Bodhi 37%
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11. Bodhi



“ Y our vanity is showing , Roche!” Coach Hicks shouts from the bench. “Play through it, not to it!”

“Shit. He’s right. He’s right,” I say to myself as Barrett sends the puck back up the ice for me to try again. I flicked the puck too hard and watched it slide to the net rather than following through and charging in for the rebound. This time though, when I have possession of the puck I take it down the ice and pass it to Ledger and then I hustle toward our goal to support his forthcoming shot. He dribbles the puck between his stick and then bounds around the net where he flicks the puck and sneaks it in for the score.

“Yeah! That’a boy, Roche.” Finally, Coach Hicks smiles and claps his hands. “Way to support your teammate. That’s how we get the job done gentlemen!”

Fuck yeah!

That actually felt damn good!

“Nice job, Pickle Pants!” Harrison says before we set up another play. “You might just learn how to be a team player yet.”

Griffin taps me with his shoulder as he skates by and then turns and skates backwards. “Yeah Roche. You’re a different player this morning. What gives?”

I give him an easy shrug. “Can’t a kid just learn from his teammates and get better?”

“Sure, he can. But when you’re on the ice your M.O. is to leave everyone else in the dust.”

“Well maybe I’ve decided I like dust.”

“You know, now that you mention it,” Ledger adds, listening to our conversation, “Pickle Pants did waltz into the locker room this morning with a little extra pep in his step.”

I roll my eyes but grin nonetheless because he’s not wrong. I practically floated into the locker room this morning.

I do have a little extra pep in my step.

A little jizz in my jeans…

Not that I should be at all proud of creaming my pants last night but I can’t stop smiling about it.

It’s not like I have a smoking hot woman wearing nothing but a pair of lace panties dry humping me every night.

Also, sidenote: She was anything but dry.

Watching Corri come undone under my touch, my tongue, my fingers…fuck me. There was no way I was going to be able to keep myself in control. I’ve never come at the hands…er…dry humping of a woman before so that was a first for me.

And by God, I hope it’s not the last.

But I’m not going to admit that to these assholes.

“I didn’t waltz to anything. I don’t even know how to waltz.”

“So, what’s got you so happy then Bodhi?” Griffin asks, his knowing smirk telling me he has a couple good guesses.

“Dude, why are you grinning like that?” August asks Griffin.

“I don’t know. Maybe you should ask Bodhi”

August turns his head and glances my way. “What’s going on? What did I miss?”

“Nothing. You didn’t miss a thing.”

“Not true.” Griffin shakes his head. “Pickle Pants is keeping something from us. I can see it all over his face.”

“What’s wrong with my face?”

“Alright, next play. Let’s go!” Coach shouts from the bench at just the right time.

Phew! Saved by Coach.

When we enter the locker room after practice though, Griffin still hasn’t let it go. “Did you win the lottery?”

“Nope,” I say, tossing my stick to the equipment manager.

“Get a new sponsored deal from your agent?”


“He probably had a hot date. Leave the guy alone,” Barrett chides, finally chiming in to the conversation. Leaning down to untie my skates, I don’t say a word and Griffin is quick to notice.

“Yeah! There it is!” he says with a snap of his finger. “You saw the girl.”

Oliver’s head snaps up. “What girl?”

“There’s a girl?” August asks.

Oliver wags his brows. “Well, who is she?”

“Wait, I was right? Bodhi’s got a girl?” Barrett scoffs. “Like for real?”

Why does that seem so hard to believe?

“Well, will you look at that,” Harrison says with a shit-eating grin. “Pickle Pants has found himself a pickle tickler.”

August laughs. “A pickle tickler. That’s amazing!”

“I didn’t say anything about a girl,” I tell them.

Griffin caps my shoulder. “Yeah but you didn’t say you weren’t with a girl either. And since I happen to know things, I’m now invested and need to see this through.”

“You know things?” Oliver questions. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

Ledger smirks. “He means Bodhi’s a little less experienced between the sheets than the rest of us.”

Fuck. Me.

If looks could kill, Griffin would be a lump of cold hard shit on the floor right now.

Barrett turns, shirtless at his locker. “How do you know this, Ledger?”

He shrugs. “Griffin told me the other night after our last away game.”

“Thanks Griffin,” I mumble.


“You’re welcome little buddy.” Griffin pats my back. “I told you it’s nothing to be ashamed of.” He stops and thinks for a moment and then asks me, “I did tell you that, right?”

“Not that I reca?—”

“No matter,” he says with a wave of his hand. “So, you’re a virgin. Big whoop. Lots of guys are virgins, right gentlemen?”

Crickets sound through the locker room.

Oh…that’s right. How silly of me.

There aren’t any crickets in the locker room because we’re not out in the middle of the goddamn woods so that would be ridiculous.

It’s eerily quiet in here as my gaze shoots around the room at each of the guys. Some are scratching their heads; the others are trying to do anything but look at me.

“Uh huh. Sounds like it, Griff. Thanks.”

“But hey!” Griffin raises his arms up in victory. “You were with a girl last night, no?”

“Wait, back up a second.” August has his hand raised. “Roche, are you really a virgin?”

I guess the cat’s out of the fucking bag now. No use denying it. None of them are going to let this go so I may as well come clean.


He shakes his head completely befuddled. “What…wh…how? Like seriously how?”

“Easy Blackstone. I keep my penis in my pants and out of any kind of hole.”

“That includes glory holes right?” Griffin winks and then leans in and loudly whispers, “You know I had to ask.”

“Bodhi Roche is a goddamn virgin,” August states as if him saying it over and over again will help him believe it. “But you’ve like, done stuff with girls, right? Like, you’ve made out with them and shit.”

I shake my head. “Nope.”

Barrett’s jaw practically unhinges from his face. “Nothing?”


“At all?”

“Nothing at all,” I say matter-of-factly. “Look long story short, my dad spent all his money on me growing up instead of on the cancer treatments he needed so how could I have ever disappointed him by making a colossal mistake and knocking up a girl and ruining my career? It was just easier to keep my nose to the grindstone and be the best fucking hockey player I could be.”

The expressions around the room change and they all begin to respond with agreeing nods and shrugs of understanding.

Oliver pulls off his shirt and grabs his towel. “So why the change now? Is your dad still alive?”

I shake my head. “Nope.”

“I’m sorry to hear that, man.”

“So yeah, it was at first me not wanting to disappoint my dad. But now, I’ve started to notice all the hockey greats settling down and I just think that now a relationship or a family might be something I would like. You and Scarlett seems happy.” I turn and gesture to August. “And you and Ella are good. You guys are great players and you have happy lives. I’m going to want that too one day but I don’t want to be the laughingstock of the hockey league by being bad in bed with the possible love of my life. Especially when the media has categorized me as a walking ladies-man. So, yes. I was with a girl last night.”

Whistles and cheers come from the guys as they each congratulate me. “Well, way to go, Roche!” August exclaims. “Did you stick your dick in her?”

“Yeah,” Ledger smiles. “Did you take her to Pound Town?”

“Whoa, wait.” Olver raises his hand. “Bodhi, forgive me for asking but I have to because you’re young aaaand a virgin therefore making you a little bit stupid, but please for the love of God tell me you didn’t hire a prostitute last night.”

With a roll of my eyes, I shake my head. “I did not hire a prostitute last night.”

He brings a hand to his chest and lets out a sigh of relief. “Good. Don’t do it. Ever. You don’t want that shit all over the tabloids. They will take that news and run crazy with it.”

“I would never do that. And for the record, no, I did not stick my dick in her.”

“So does that mean you asked her?” Griffin asks, plopping down next to me as I pull off my skates.

August’s brow furrows. “Wait, who is her? What girl are we talking about?”

“Okay, okay.” Harrison stands. “Storytime.Roche met some girl who texted the wrong number and accidentally reached him. He texted back and now they’ve been talking and I’m guessing he either asked her for some sex lessons or she offered or maybe they just went out to Chuck E Cheese for all I know.”

The guys chuckle around me.

Har har. Very funny.

“But Griffin and I encouraged him to find a friend to…you know…”

“Practice on?” August asks.

Harrison nods. “Yeah.”

“And?” Oliver prods.

I shrug my shoulder. “And she said yes.”

Griffin folds his arms in front of his chest and cocks his head. “Aaaand?”

“And we met last night for the first time.”

Griffin’s brow raises this time and I know he’s waiting for more.

“And she’s drop dead gorgeous and I don’t know how I got so fucking lucky.”

“Did she recognize you?” Harrison wonders.

“Not even a little bit. She asked what I did for a living and I told her I worked in team building and athletics. She could clearly see I’m physically fit so she didn’t question me any further.”

Griffin clears his throat, still staring at me and waiting. “AAAAAAND?”

“And I kissed her.”

Oliver smirks. “Did you use tongue?”

“Hell yeah, I used tongue.”

“Did she like it?”

“I believe her words were, ‘wow’.”

Griffin wipes his hand down his face. “For the love of fucking Christ, did you make her come, Roche? Did she teach you how to do that?”

A smile spreads across my face and I finally give Ollenberg a nod. “She taught me how to undress her. Nice and slow and then she asked me to touch her and once I had my hands on her breasts and saw her nearly naked in front me, my instincts sort of took over and she let me go. I fingered her while she dry-humped me and I got to watch her fall apart right in front of me.”

Griffin nods his approval with a satisfied smile on his face. “Alright. Way to go, Champ! Next time let’s get a little oral action up in there and then you’re well on your way to Pussy Palace.”

Harrison caps my shoulder before heading to the shower. “Proud of you Roche. You hit a milestone. Onward and upward from here.”

“Thanks Harrison.”

“Yeah man,” August claps his hands, “we’re happy for you.”

Griffin wags his brows. “And you know we’re all here to give you pointers along the way if you want them. Really even if you don’t want them. You know we’re going to tell you all kinds of shit.”

“Are you going to tell me there’s a special pair of virgin PJ pants out there?”

Griffin’s eyes grow huge and he gasps. “No but that would be amazing!” He snaps his fingers. “I need to think about this. Maybe something like chastity pants…” I watch amused as he walks away from me completely distracted by my idea and chuckle at how easily his brain switches from one topic to another.

As the rest of the guys disperse, I grab my towel and head to the showers feeling that little pep in my step the guys were talking about earlier. Because it’s true. I woke up feeling better this morning than I’ve felt in a long time. I laid in bed before falling asleep last night replaying every moment with Corri over and over again as many times as I could so I wouldn’t forget a thing.

I thought about what she looked like the first time I spotted her in that sexy green dress that showed every curve of her body.

I thought about the way she looked at me when I said her name. No judgement. No awkwardness. Just…Corri.

I smiled like an idiot thinking about the kiss we shared and the taste of her lips.


How soft her tongue was against mine.

How hungry for more she left me when our lips finally separated.

Her smile when she brought her fingers to her lips and said the word, “Wow.”

Her gentle guidance in having me remove her dress and then what she looked like standing in front of me in that sexy as fuck lacey bra and panties. I’ve never wanted to rip material from a woman’s body as much as I wanted to last night. Which reminds me, I need to find out where she got that bra and order her more as promised.

All in all, last night was one of the best nights of my life and I’m eager to do it again. After jerking off to thoughts of Corri, I slept peacefully through the night. Now, as the warm water hits my body, I work my way through this shower contemplating when I’m going to see her again.

Will she text me?

Should I text her?

What’s the protocol when you’re taking sex lessons from someone?

Is this a weekly thing, like taking trombone lessons?




Boner lessons…


Hell, I’m such an immature fuck.


If she’s giving me lessons, we never talked about payment.

Shouldn’t I be paying her?


We never discussed it.

I can’t see her again and make her think she’s doing all this for free.

I quickly rinse the soap from my body and then grab my towel and wrap it around my waist before moving to my locker to grab my phone.


Hey Diary Girl. I’m sorry for the straightforward text but it just dawned on me that we never discussed payment for your…you know. The lessons. Please name your price. I’ll pay whatever you want.


Uh…hi. Good morning. I’m good thanks for asking. And if you pay me even a dime that would make me a whore. And I’m not a whore sooo I don’t want your money.

“Shit! I didn’t mean for that to sound…” I stare at my phone, realizing I’m talking to it like Corri can hear me rather than texting her back.


Fuck, Corri I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make it sound like that. Please know that’s not how I feel. I just feel bad that you’re doing this for me, and I’m not really giving you anything in return. I’m happy to take you out. Dinner? Drinks? A beach day? Whatever would make you happy.


Orgasms make me happy, Alan. And you’ll be giving me multiple orgasms as you complete your…lessons. Consider that payment enough.


Then I guess it’s a win-win for both of us.


Hence why I agreed to this arrangement.


Well, now that we’re talking I’m really glad last night happened. And if it’s okay that I say so, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it.


What was your favorite part?


Uh, well, there was that part where we shared an amazing kiss. But then also your dress falling to the ground and you placing my hand on your breast. It’s a stunning breast by the way. Very…plump. Luscious. Soft in my hand. Pliable…Are they all like that?


I’m glad you liked them. I told you I have a nice pair of chesticles. And sadly, no. They’re not all like that. Boobies come in all shapes and sizes.


Well, I really like yours.


Of course you do. They’re all you know.


But I think my very favorite moment was watching you come apart with my fingers curling inside you. Touching you like that was like nothing I’ve ever experienced and I enjoyed every minute of it.


Me too, Alan. And I’m excited to get to play with you again soon.

Play with me again soon.

Like a play date?

Is that what we’re calling what we do?

Whatever she wants to call it is fine with me.

I’m all in.

And I’ll be thinking about it every minute of the day and night until the moment we meet again.

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