“Man. This thing is fucking itchy. How long do we need to wear these ugly ass pieces of cloth?” Dex Foster tugs at his new blue and gold jersey compliments of Griffin Ollenberg, as the rest of his teammates stand next to him on the ice.
“Tell me about it,” Bodhi says yanking the Chicago Red Tails jersey he’s sporting. “Who thought this was a good idea?”
Zeke Miller gestures to Barrett standing down on the end also sporting Red and Black instead of his usual Blue and Gold.
“That would be Cunningham.” He defiantly raises his middle finger at his rival goalie as the rest of the guys laugh over the stupid wager between Milo and Bear last night.
“Calm your tits, Miller,” Bear laughs. “It’s not my fault you let in a few extra pucks.”
“Yeah, yeah. Keep talking, Big Bear. See if I don’t shove a few of those pucks right up your ass.”
“It’s fine guys.” Oliver throws his arm around his brother-in-law, Milo Landric, a cheesy grin on his face. “We took pity on your loss and decided to join you in the switching of the jerseys. It’s for a good cause and all so, thank you, and you’re welcome.”
“Magallan has a point,” Carrissa Nelson starts. “For as convoluted and creative as your wager was, this is going to be fantastic marketing for both teams.” She lifts her phone as the Stars’ official team photographer snaps a few photos of the guys posing together in each other’s uniforms. “So, say cheese, fellas, and pretend you like each other.”
They all groan, but there’s no pretending here. Just watching the guys on both teams together, anyone can tell they’re all family to each other. They may play like rivals on the ice, but when they’re not in game-mode, they joke around with each other like brothers and that’s what makes being around them so much fun.
This is comradery between professionals.
This is friendship between athletes.
This is love between friends.
This is our hockey family.
Any one of these guys would do anything for each other.
“Thank you also to both teams for your generosity and gifts for Pacific Children’s Hospital,” Layken tells them all as she stands with me, her hand over her heart. “I had no idea any of this was going down tonight so to say you pulled off a huge surprise is the understatement of the century.”
“But what’s this about a best ass competition?” Griffin glances behind him and then rubs his own ass with his hands. “Because I think that’s something I should get in on.”
“Yeah. I’ll be a willing judge,” Layken jokes softly by my side. Her suggestion makes me giggle right along with her.
At some point I’ve got to get her and Griffin together. She’d be just the person to tame that teaser.
Dex nudges him, nearly knocking him off balance to the amusement of the rest of us. “Get outta here. Everyone knows I’ve got that title in the bag. Your ass couldn’t hold a candle to mine anyway.”
“Best ass competition?” Harrison asks. “Is that a thing?”
Colby Nelson nods. “Hell yeah, it’s a thing. I won the title the first time around.”
“Yeah but that’s only because you were proposing at the time.”
Bodhi snorts. “Dude, you used your ass to propose to your girl?”
He wags his brows. “She said yes, didn’t she?”
Bodhi bends over and twerks her fine ass in the air. “What do you say, Corrigan? Want to marry me?”
“Not on your fucking life, Roche.” My dad roars in laughter next to Coach Denovah of the Red Tails. “If and when that time comes, you sure as fuck better have a heavy diamond ring for my daughter finger instead of that round sweaty rump of yours.”
Colby claps Bodhi on the back. “Sorry, Bud. You better leave the ass shaking to me.”
The guys finally pause long enough to snap a few more pictures and then Jerseys come flying off and are traded back to their original owners.
“Well speaking of Weddings,” Oliver says. “As Scarlett and I are in the middle of wedding planning, we were thinking about taking a little wedding planning break and celebrating in Napa. We’d love it if you all could join us.”
Eeek! Napa!
Bodhi meets my glance and winks at me.
“Doesn’t take a genius to know what’s on his mind, Corri,” Layken giggles in my ear. “Wine and sex in Napa…that’s kind of hot.”
“He’s not the only one thinking about it, I assure you.”
We share a knowing glance and a quiet laugh between us as the guys talk out a few details and then they’re all shaking hands and giving each other bro hugs before dispersing to separate locker rooms to shower and change into their street clothes.
Lumin skates over to where Layken and I are standing and then pulls off her head.
Yep. It’s weird every time.
“You guys heading to Jay’s tonight?”
“Nah. I’m beat,” Layken tells her. “I think I’ll be heading home and falling right into bed. I’ve got a meeting at the hospital at eight.”
Ella wrinkles her nose. “Gross.”
“Tell me about it.”
“Corri?” She asks me. “You and Bodhi coming?”
“We’ll probably stop by but I can’t say we’ll be there long.” The blush on my cheeks totally gives me away making Ella laugh.
“Ah. I get it. I suppose his gesture was pretty damn sweet tonight, huh?”
“Yeah. A little.”
“He really loves you. You’re a lucky girl.”
“I am. And I plan to get very lucky tonight. More than once.”
Ella winks. “Girl, you and me both. What is it about hockey players, am I right?”
Layken pouts in front of us. “Well thanks a lot, bitches. Now I’m going home tired and jealous. I want a hot hockey player to take me home and make me a lucky girl too.”
I take her hand and give it a squeeze. “I promise you, I’m going to work on it.”
“Ooooh!” Ella’s eyes widen. “Are we setting her up with one of the guys?”
I shrug. “Maybe.”