When Stars Align (The Road to Rocktoberfest 2024) Epilogue 100%
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Two years later...

If someone told me two years ago that I’d be living my best life at forty-four, I would’ve laughed in their face and told them to fuck off. When you grow up like I did, survival is all you can hope for. Thriving? Being happy? That felt like some fairytale that was never meant for me. But then came the person of my dreams.


This man—my man—has redefined what it means to truly live. We’re both survivors, sure. But we’re more than our pain, more than our trauma. We’re more than anything I ever thought possible. Together, we’re something infinite. We are us. We are love.

Sometimes, when I look at his beautiful face, when I listen to him talk, when I watch him become —become more confident, become more sure of who he is—I simply smile. He once told me I’d seen the ugliest parts of him, but he’s wrong. I’ve never seen anything ugly in him. He’s beauty, through and through. And that beauty has only deepened in these last few years as he’s grown, as he’s flourished through Surface Beauty, changing lives with his words, his courage.

One regret stays with me, though. My mom never got to see this—never got to meet the man I love, the man I plan to marry. But I like to believe she’s watching, smiling down on us. And tonight, I think she’s with me, cheering me on, because this moment is the biggest of my life.

Tonight, I’m going to ask Savion to be mine forever.

We’re back at Griffith Observatory—his favorite place in the world. We’ve hiked here so many times, walked the trails at sunset, taking in the city lights from the hilltops. But tonight, it’s different. For the first time, we’re actually inside the observatory together. Just us. He must’ve noticed by now that we have the entire planetarium to ourselves, but he’s too caught up in the magic to question it.

A hostess leads us to a table, perfectly set in the center of the room. Candles flicker softly, their light dancing across the domed ceiling, stars painted on the walls. It’s like we’re standing in the universe itself. I watch him take it all in, his eyes sparkling like the stars he loves so much. His smile is brighter than the sun.

And then, when he turns to face me, I’m on one knee.

His mouth falls open, his hand flying to his chest. I’ve played in front of thousands, faced crowds screaming my name, and I’ve never felt nervous. But now, with just him—my whole world—I’m shaking. My heart’s pounding, my throat’s dry, and sweat’s beading on my forehead.

“Savion Hayes,” I say, and I have to clear my throat to keep my voice steady. “You’re the brightest star in my universe. And I want you to be mine forever. Will you marry me, Savvy, and make me the happiest I’ve ever been?”

For a moment, time stops. I hold my breath, waiting, hoping. Then, a squeal of joy bursts from him, lighting up his face. His chair tips back as he throws himself to the floor, right in front of me. “Yes, Declan. Yes! Yes! Yes!” His arms wrap around my neck, pulling me close, his lips raining kisses on my cheeks, my lips, my forehead. His laughter echoes around us, filling the planetarium like music, like a song only for us.

“Love you so much, beautiful,” I whisper, and I pull the small velvet box from my pocket. When I open it, his eyes go wide, blinking like he’s making sure this isn’t some dream he’ll wake from.

And me? I feel the same. The man I love—the man who’s my entire universe—just said yes. He’s going to be my husband.

“Forever,” I whisper, slipping the ring onto his finger.

His eyes well with tears, but his smile never falters. “Forever.”

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