White Rabbit (Devils Night Massacre) 4. Memories & A Dumb Twit 29%
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4. Memories & A Dumb Twit

Chapter 4

Memories I love scaring people in this place. It truly fucks with the mind's psyche when you're surrounded by nothing but mirrors and can’t find a way out. Ahh, I can feel the blood running through my fingers and hear it dripping onto the floor.

One, two, Lily’s coming for you.


After grabbing my mask from the table, I watch Lily as she saunters through the crowd toward the House of Mirrors, knowing that it’s one of her favorite attractions. My Tigerlily gets a thrill from scaring the shit out of people in there.

Chuckling to myself, I pull my mask over my face and head towards the corn maze. My plan was to walk through a few times, hopefully coming across a solo guest. I know Lily will try to cheat and say Lisa counts as her first kill, so I’m already losing this race.

Luck is on my side though, and I see a drunk couple stumbling into the woods surrounding the maze. Two birds, one stone, baby. Let’s fucking go! I follow the couple into the woods, keeping enough distance between us so they won’t know they’re being followed, but close enough that I don’t lose them.

When they come to a small opening, the woman pulls her shirt over her head, giggling. Her eyes go wide when another man steps out from behind a tree.

“What the hell, Brad?” She spits, trying and failing to pull her shirt back on.

“Don’t be like that, baby,” the new guy drawls, grabbing her shirt and tossing it to the ground. “You used to like when I fucked that tight pussy of yours.”

“Not anymore, Ryan.” She turns to walk away, but douchebag Brad grabs her hair and tosses her to the ground. “Don’t fucking touch me,” she shouts before Ryan crouches beside her, pushing his shorts down around his ass and slapping his tiny dick against her cheek.

“Be a good girl and nobody will hurt you,” Brad coos, stepping out of his jeans and boxers.

“Just let me go, please,” she begs, “I won’t say anything, I promise.”

“Open up for me, Layla,” Ryan grumbles, pinching her cheeks.

I step out of my hiding spot, staying completely silent as I sneak up behind Brad, pulling my knife out of its sheath, then plunging it into the side of his neck and pulling it free. He grabs at the wound as he falls to the side, gasping for air.

“Run along now, Little Rabbit,” I whisper to the girl as I help her get up and hand the shirt to her. She’s frozen in place, staring at my mask when Ryan jumps to his feet, swinging wildly at me. I dodge all of his blows and land one of my own directly to his nose.

A satisfying crunch fills the air a second before he hits the ground. I look Layla in her eyes and hold a finger up to my mask. “Shhhhhhh.”

She blinks her eyes a few times and takes off running in the wrong direction. “HEEELLP!” She shrieks as she runs. MOTHERFUCKER! I grab the blade of my knife and launch it at her. She stops running and slumps to the cold ground with my knife sticking out the back of her head.

“Why the fuck did you have to do that?” I seethe, stomping over to her. “I was going to let you live, but clearly that’s not what you had in mind.” She pulls herself across the ground, trying to crawl away from me.

Lifting my foot, I put a little bit of pressure on the handle of the knife, and she stops moving. The blade isn’t long. If I pull it out, she could probably be stitched up and back to normal in no time.

“P-p-please,” she rasps, turning her head to the side.

“Thank me for saving you,” I demand, reaching down to pull the knife from her head.

“AAAHHHH!” she shouts before I flip her onto her back. “Th-thank you for s-s-saving me,” she stutters while her eyes dart around the dark woods. Pretty soon, it will be too dark to see anything out here, so I need to get my ass in gear.

“You’re welcome, Layla.” Smiling behind my mask, I help her to stand once again. This time, I drive the knife right under her sternum and pull down, feeling her chest plate crack right between her tits. Slowly, I drag the knife through her chest cavity, letting the blood rush out of her body through my fingers. I don’t let up on the pressure until I reach her pubic bone.

Her body convulses against my knife as the blood drains from her insides. Leaning her against a tree. I get to work, pulling her ribs out to lay her lungs over them like wings. I’m going to be drenched in this girl's blood and I’ve only gotten started.

Taking a step back, I am not happy with my display, so I dig into her stomach, taking out her intestines and cutting two long pieces, wrapping each tit in a bow. “What beautiful wings you have Layla, my wife is going to love you.”

I pull my knife free and turn my attention back to Brad. Or is it Ryan? I can’t remember which one is still alive, but it doesn’t really matter. They’ll both be dead soon enough.

Crouching down next to him, I slap the side of his face to wake him up. “Ya know, Brad Ryan,” his eyes widen as he stares at my mask. “Fuck it, I’m just calling you Bryan.” I ball tap him, just for the fun of it.

“Ya know, Bryan, when a woman says no, it means fucking no.” Quickly sliding the blade across his throat, I watch as his mouth pops open and closed like a fish out of water, causing his own blood to spray the both of us. The warm liquid splatters against my neck. The one thing I hate about blood is that when it dries, it becomes almost sticky. Pisses me off.

“You do have some really cool eyes though, I’m gonna take them for my Tigerlily.” Gagging as I sink my fingers into each one of Bryan’s eyes, I pluck out his greenish blue orbs, put them in my pocket and grab Layla’s arm to drag her to the other side of the field. If I hang her on this side, Lily won’t get to see my masterpiece.

I’m exhausted by the time I reach the field with the other scarecrows. I lean against a tree for a few minutes, scoping out the perfect spot to display her.

Once again, luck is on my side, the scarecrow right in front of me is already falling off the post. I grin to myself as I untie the rest of the rope and the adorable little straw man hits the ground. There’s plenty of rope left over to tie Layla to this post, and it’s only a few feet from the path the hayride follows.

I’m happy as a clam as I make my way back toward the line for the hayrides, hoping that Lily isn’t already there waiting for me.

Lilyanna rings like a bell through the night, and wouldn’t you love to love her?

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