White Rabbit (Devils Night Massacre) 9. Puppet Master 64%
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9. Puppet Master

Chapter 9

Puppet Master


Laying here, broken and strapped to this cold metal slab while the monsters slice into my flesh, sewing me back up into the puppet they created. Only I’m not the same puppet, I’m so much worse. If anything, they are recreating me into a different monster.

One that is more lethal, more unhinged than they could’ve ever imagined.

Tears spill from my eyes as I fight the will to not be upset or scared, just embrace the pain they inflict on my soul. With each slice, more blood spills to the dirty ground as passersby point and laugh, not a soul giving a helping hand.

They all think it’s a part of the attraction as I scream and beg for mercy. They just keep walking to the next set.

Listening to their screams as my own throat becomes raw, deteriorating my psychosis, taking me deep into the abyss of my mind I kept locked away but is now begging to be unleashed. I fight within myself to get it together, that this will only last for a bit until I’m numb and they pull at my strings. But I’ll be free soon enough, hoping I can overcome the demands they will call upon me.

I’m stronger than I was all those years ago, locked in cages every time I went against them, every time I killed against their orders. Taking the lives of men who hurt the poor girls I grew up with.

The ones who took away their innocence, who hurt and killed most of them. I promised my friends that if I survived the game, I would avenge what they weren’t strong enough to do.

“Little Wench, you look so beautiful like this. Your blood is radiant against your porcelain skin. All these little slices I’m sewing, are for every time you disobeyed, all the years you’ve been gone, but most of all, for every time you let that man who wasn’t me, touch you.” He whispers as he pulls the string through my pussy lips, closing them shut with every turn. I wiggle my hips, but I can’t move being completely strapped like this. The only thing I can do is breathe and shed unwanted tears.

A blood-curdling scream leaves my throat as Louis adds another slice into my sensitive flesh, pulling the strings tight as he closes my pussy lips shut. I scream again as the burning pain of a needle penetrates my nipples only for Alistair to take each one into his mouth, sucking the blood from the mess he made.

“I’ve missed this, Little One, taking what I want from this gorgeous body. You’re perfect, even if I have to play mad scientist. You still make my dick hard after all this time.” He taunts with a sinister laugh. I hold back a scream as Louis pours rubbing alcohol over my pussy that he’s sewn shut.

Tears continue to pour from my eyes as both men riddle me with cuts and strings. Where is my Liam? I need My Romeo.

They're making me ugly. Liam will never want me again. How could he want a broken woman who’s riddled with scars? They took everything from me, and now they are taking my beauty, all because I don’t want to conform, because I ran all those years ago.

I’m a trafficked kid, stolen from the Bendetti Crime family who loves to import and export diamonds.

Still to this day, I don’t know why they chose me. Why, out of all the crime families, they targeted mine and stole me, killing all the guards that day in the car. My mind drifts back to when I was twelve as they pour more liquid all over my cuts, my body convulsing from the pain.

Sitting in the back of the SUV, we’re on the way to my last day of private school before summer break. I’m finally a middle schooler and can’t wait to spend a few months in Italy with my brothers and best friend, Logan.

Sliding my headphones in my ears, I hit my playlist and scroll social media on my phone while waiting to get to school. I was so deep into the drama of the new girl at school being exploited, that I didn’t hear all the yelling around me.

Suddenly I’m yanked from the car and a black sac is thrown over my head as I’m carried, thrashing against the person taking me. I cry out for my mother, scared to death that I’m going to be killed, but I feel a sting in my neck and it was lights out for me.

When I wake up next, I’m in a metal cage with other girls, huddled in a corner. I rub the sleep from my eyes as I take in my surroundings. I’m still in my school uniform but a shiver racks up my spine. I fold into myself trying to find warmth, but can’t because I’m terrified for what’s to come.

The cage door swings open and a big man takes the space as I crawl back into the group of girls in the corner, praying he isn't there for me. I shut my eyes tightly as the girls around me scream the closer he gets. Please don’t take me, please don’t take me. I keep chanting the words in my head, but I’m grabbed roughly by my hair along with another girl, and dragged as we scream for mercy out of the cage.

A knife to my neck takes me out of the memory and my eyes open.

Staring Alistair right in his violet eyes, I hold it, never letting him know he’s got me. He tilts his head, trying to read me, but I give him nothing. Louis pours more liquid on my wounds as I bite my tongue causing it to bleed. The taste of copper riddles my taste buds but still, I give nothing away, even if I want to scream bloody murder from the pain.

“Ahh, he’s arrived. It’s showtime, my Little Puppet. Don’t fear the Reaper.”


I’ve been searching for my Tigerlily for over twenty minutes now with no luck. Something is wrong, I can feel it in every fiber of my being. My mind races as I approach the House of Terror. Screams fill the air around me, mostly from the terrified guests, but I’m certain I heard Lilyanna’s voice mixed in.

Running through the front door, I hear her voice again. I walk through the mirrors, taking in my surroundings as I pass by a few of the sets.

As I round the corner, a metal table comes into view. I watch silently as shaking legs swing over the edge of the table and Lily sits naked in front of two dead men walking. She winces as her bare ass touches the table, and it’s only then I see the blood dripping from between her legs.

A few more drops hit the ground as one of the prick’s pulls her to her feet, grabbing her by the throat and spinning her back against his chest.

“Did you really think you’d have the element of surprise here, Liam?” The guy holding Lily asks. “That we wouldn’t expect you to come for her?”

“You need to take your hands off of my wife.” I say in a calm tone, even though I feel like my soul is being ripped in half. I hate the thought of what they’ve done to her. Her gorgeous skin is littered with cuts and gashes. She’s so fucking beautiful covered in blood, I can’t wait until their blood joins hers. “I won’t ask twice.”

“You didn’t ask anything.” The other guy speaks for the first time, and his voice grates on my nerves. “You made a demand. We don’t answer demands, we make them.”

“Show him, Little Wench.” The first man says before tapping her pussy. My fucking blood boils as she lifts her leg, angling her hips so I’m staring directly at the mess they’ve made of her.

My eyes lock onto hers, but there’s nothing there. She doesn’t react whatsoever as the other fucker reaches out and tugs on one of the stitches.

Armed with a six-foot teddy bear, and a knife, I step fully into view, making both men laugh as they take in the bear. Lily’s face still gives nothing away. Under normal circumstances, she’d be on her knees with my cock in her mouth already.

My Tigerlily loves stuffed animals almost as much as she loves eyeballs.

“Where are our manners?” The man asks his friend sarcastically. “My name is Alistair, and this is my business partner, Louis. Maybe you’ve heard of us? We played a pretty big part in Lilyanna’s upbringing.”

“Nope,” I answer quickly, “can’t say that I’ve heard of either of you; but clearly you’ve heard of me.”

“Of course, we know exactly who you are.” Louis says as he taps Lily’s arm and points to a chair in the corner. Alistair releases her neck and she walks over to the chair and sits down, her blank gaze making me nervous. “Both parts of you, actually.”

I drop the bear to the ground and take a few steps toward them. Louis takes a small step back, but Alistair doesn’t budge. If it wasn’t for the tiny twitch under his left eye, I would think he wasn’t intimidated at all right now.

“So, if you know about the other part of me, why are you messing with my wife?” I question, taking a quick glance at Lily.

“We always knew the Reaper would come for us, eventually.” Alistair starts, clapping his hands together and smiling at Lily. The second he said my name, I swear there was a flash of something in her eyes.

“When you ended up falling in love with my Little Puppet, it set this little plan into motion. You were never supposed to stop.”

“You did all of this to bring back the Reaper?” I arch a brow at them in confusion. “Why would you want him back, if you knew he’d come for you?”

“That’s the problem.” Louis speaks up, taking a step toward me. “We had to make the Puppet strong enough to kill the Reaper.”

I look into Lily’s dark blue eyes, completely void of the light she carries for a moment before she drops her head to her chest. With a sigh, I bend down and flip the teddy bear onto his stomach, shaking my head, “You won’t want to see this, little buddy.”

“Lilyanna!” Alistair commands as I stand to my full height. Her head snaps up, her eyes locking onto mine.

Pulling my knife from my pocket, a sinister smile spreads across my face. I wink at Lily, spinning the blade in my hand. “You wanted to play with the Reaper, baby? Let’s fucking play.”

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