Wildfire Witch (The Cursed Coven of Spells Hollow) 17. Nix 81%
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17. Nix


Accounting for traffic and various stops for restroom breaks, gas, and more travel snacks, it was past three in the afternoon the next day when we finally reached our destination.

“This isn’t quite Spells Hollow. The ruins are cursed and uninhabitable, but this little road stop is the closest thing to it,” Ceridor explained from the passenger’s seat. He snuggled me tight with a blanket between us so I didn’t take on any more of his chill. I was wrapped up like a burrito and fuzzy headed off of a nap, warm and comfortable.

We’d all rotated through the different seats in the car over the course of the trip. The men drove and divided the “cuddle Nix time” between them equally. After so long trapped in the car together, it was the only way to keep the peace. There were only so many rounds of twenty questions we could play before even the usually calm Seth got snippy.

Ceridor had taken a shift in the driver’s seat overnight, as he was quickly recovering. Enough to remain lucid during late-night traffic, at least. He held me to his not-wounded side, as the site of the bite wounds was still tender to the touch.

Rusty guided the car to a parking spot in front of an old-timey diner. My mouth watered at the idea of a sit-down meal. I’d spotted a motel and a gas station on the other side of the road, but it seemed like those were all the landmarks of note around us.

I got unwrapped from my blanket burrito and trotted into the diner eagerly. We got seated at a booth by a window and I slid into one side before realizing there was unspoken tension between the three men, who stood in a cluster and gestured my way. Sighing, I said, “Rusty should sit with me.” He was biggest and I was smallest. Besides, his dragon side was growing testy with leaving me unclaimed. Something as simple as a touch was enough to quell it in the meantime.

“Hell yeah,” he said, sliding in next to me. Seth and Ceridor, in his human glamor, fit in across from us.

A woman with her brunette hair up in a messy tail came to our table with menus and a pad. Her nametag stated her name was Ruth. She took another look at our group and scowled. “More visitors for the ruins?” she grumbled.

Seth flashed his toothpaste-perfect smile. “Yes, ma’am.”

“Been lots of groups like yours lately.” She circled her pencil to encompass the four of us. “Do yourselves a favor and turn around. Most tourists who go for a visit in the ruins don’t come out again.” After a moment, she added, “I’ll give you a few minutes with the menu.”

Once she was out of earshot, Rusty whistled low. “Ray of sunshine, there,” he muttered.

A smiling second waitress stopped by after a few minutes. “Hey there, I’m Liv. I’ll go ahead and take your orders,” she said cheerfully. She noted down the feast the four of us collectively ordered, her customer service expression never dimming.

Ceridor waited until we had our drinks delivered before he said, “I think we head into the ruins tomorrow. It’s a long, rough drive up the road and we don’t want to get caught in Spells Hollow after dark.”

“How do you know that?” Rusty asked, stirring a squeeze of lemon into his unsweet tea.

“I’ve been there many times.” The fae’s gaze landed squarely on me, and I nodded in understanding. He came back there looking for me. “In the meantime, we get two rooms in the motel. I’ll see if I can unearth my noise-canceling headphones from all our bags.”

Seth covered his mouth, hiding a snicker. Whatever Ceridor was implying went straight over my head until Rusty grinned over at me with the hint of sharp teeth. “Oh. You think he’s going to be that loud?” I asked.

“One hundred percent,” Ceridor deadpanned.

I scowled up at Rusty. “Don’t get us kicked out of the motel.”

He rested an arm over my shoulders. “I make no promises, mate,” he said, full of draconic pride.

“I have an idea for that, anyway,” I said, waving vaguely. “I’ll tell you later.” Rusty cocked a curious brow, but didn’t press for details.

We waited a while from there for our food, but a still-smiling Liv delivered it just as my belly grumbled about how hollow it was. “Say, you folks heading to the ruins?” she asked, once all the plates were distributed.

“Yes, ma’am,” Seth answered her warily.

“Oh, how darling. It’s especially quaint after dark. I suggest you go as soon as possible. All the ghost hunters talk about how thrilling it is,” she said with a giggle. “Well, I’ll let you folks eat so you can go see it for yourself!”

The shivering, quiet phoenix in my heart cracked open a metaphorical eye and scoffed. “Odd,” she commented, before curling back up.

None of us seemed to know how to react to that, except for Ceridor, who shook his head. We tucked into the food instead. It was better by miles than what the fire bros ate. It was hot and filling, which was exactly what I needed.

Afterwards, we made our way to the motel, and Seth headed inside the main office. I was back in my blanket, more loosely wrapped and resting in Ceridor’s arms. “So, how are the woods? Are they safe?” I asked him.

“Last I noticed, there’s wolves. Not of a shifter sort,” he answered.

“Oh, okay.” Something I thought Rusty or I could handle if we spent some time outside.

“While you two are…getting acquainted,” he continued. “Seth and I will scout the town and surrounding area for any sign of fire bros.” After a while in the car together, I’d had to explain why I called the Fire Brotherhood members that, and it seemed to be sticking.

I drew breath to reply, while Rusty rumbled in excitement. Seth burst from the motel at the same time, adjusting his glasses and looking sheepish. I rolled down the window, and he said, “They only take cash.”

Ceridor threw up his hands. “Who carries cash nowadays?” he grumbled.

“Actually, I have some. Pop the trunk,” I said to Rusty. I got out and unburied my backpack, producing the wad of cash I’d stashed there. Running my thumb along the few bills coiled there, I remembered when I thought this was all the riches I had in this life. Things had changed so quickly for me. I passed it without a second glance to Seth, and he counted it out while we went back to the passenger’s side.

“It’s probably enough for a couple of days in one room. If that’s cool with you guys,” I continued. “We can check around town together, and then I can take Rusty out into the woods before bed.”

“What?” Ceridor asked, aghast.

Rusty pumped his fist. “Sounds like a roaring good time to me, mate,” he said.

Seth left with the money as the fae stated, “In the woods .”

I leaned down, resting my crossed arms on the doorframe. “Well, I figured…I bonded with you and Seth while you had access to your elements. Maybe Rusty and I need to do the same thing.”

“I think it’s a fantastic idea,” the dragon said, speaking over Ceridor’s response.

Seth soon reappeared with a room key in hand, so we began unloading the car. Its back half lifted as we relieved it of all that weight. The room wasn’t anything special and was significantly smaller than the rooms at our last stop. But it had a large bed, which would have to fit all of us at some point, as the only other furniture was a chair in one corner.

Once everything was unloaded, we headed out in pairs to visit the town and surrounding area for any sign of a large group of shifters moving in. I was partnered with Rusty, who led me into the woods. While he scented the air and inspected the trees with his eyes shifted to his dragon side’s vision, I scoped out the ground for tracks.

“I don’t see anything,” I said.

“Yeah, I don’t think they’re here yet. The smell of other shifters is very distinct.” He turned to me, probably catching the not-so-respectful glance I was giving his tight butt in the jeans he wore.

I cleared my throat. “I have a question.”

“All ears, mate,” he said, a hint of the dragon there in his lower tone.

“In the car, you said something about a dominance match. What is that?”

He rumbled. It was the aroused one—I was beginning to tell the differences in pitch and length. If we were pressed together, I’d be able to feel the vibrations of this one to my core.

“It’s a shifter thing. No matter the size of a group, we always need to know who’s dominant. When you’re a dragon like me, most of the time there’s no question. Other shifters’ animal sides bow their heads to mine. But say there are two wolves, and both seem equally dominant. Sometimes, they fight to see who the true leader between them is,” he explained.

“Okay, like real animals,” I said, nodding.

He nodded as well. “No matter what, all shifter matings start with a fight. It’s usually a wrestling match, since no one really wants to get hurt. The dominant mate fucks the submissive one and that becomes their dynamic. Don’t worry.” He put on a toothy grin. The man was fully aroused just by talking about this, pitching just as impressive a tent as the first time I’d ‘teased’ him. “I’ll be gentle. But I’ll have to follow my instincts, and they say to pin you to the ground first before I claim you.”

“Mmm. Well, you are quite strong.” He took that as an invitation for him to flex, which caused the seams of his shirt to creak in agony. “Can I use magic to even the odds a bit?”

“Sure, mate,” he said. I noted the casual arrogance. He definitely didn’t think it would make a difference.

I glanced around to make sure we were well out of sight of the town before I stripped. The sun was setting, painting the autumn forest in fiery shades, despite the chill in the air. Goosebumps erupted up my body as soon as I dropped my clothes and toed out of my shoes, but I would be warm again soon.

Rusty froze for a moment, his green-brown dragon eyes practically glowing. He didn’t know what I intended yet, but he rushed to strip too with the kind of eagerness that ripped his shirt up the side. “Oops,” I chuckled.

He rumbled in a grumpy way and tossed it aside, revealing more and more of his earthy brown skin and the tattoos that ran down his thickly muscled torso. I’d have to ask him about the designs, figuring there was as much history there as with Ceridor and his few scars. Later, though.

I put my shoes back on my bare feet before watching him take the rest off. Rusty was going commando under those jeans, as his impressive length bobbed free the moment he shoved them down his legs. My palms tingled. It was the moment I was waiting for. “Hey, Rusty,” I said.

“Yeah?” he growled, glancing up at me. I twinkled my fingers at him before turning and dashing into the forest. There was an excited roar behind me.

I ran as fast as I could, holding in a thrilled laugh as I went. I’d guessed right, challenging his predator side like this. When he caught me, though, I was in for the ride of my life.

“Nix, mate. Haven’t I told you not to run from a shifter?” he said somewhere behind me. When I glanced over my shoulder, there was no sign of him.

“What if I want my dragon to chase me?” I answered, dodging around a thicker cluster of trees and bushes. Branches cracked underfoot, and I was glad I’d thought to put my shoes back on.

“I’m not going to be gentle after a chase,” he warned, this time closer and more to my right.

A surge of excitement thrilled down my belly. “What if I don’t want you to be?” I challenged. His answering growl told me I had his dragon’s attention.

“Ah, mate. Be careful. I’m going to fuck you on your hands and knees very soon.” He didn’t even sound winded as he kept pace behind me. The hair on the back of my neck lifted, but I didn’t glance back this time.

I shivered and pushed myself harder, twisting and turning through the natural maze the underbrush made. I wasn’t completely idle with my magic as I ran into the deepening shadows of evening; I probed the ground for signs of water. It must’ve rained recently, as there were ambient motes of water underground, waiting to be called upon.

Once I found a clearing, I slowed to a stop and caught my breath, holding my knees. Goddess, I was out of shape. The deep, aroused rumble from the tree line told me I was as good as caught, and that Rusty was probably admiring my naked ass.

“How do you feel about children, mate?” He was still in motion, not quite behind me anymore.

I called on my magic, more specifically the extra air motes that’d come from Ceridor. Loops of lightning circled my torso, less thick and deadly than the versions I’d shot at Benedict.

“I’ve always wanted a few, but…” I answered breathlessly.

“But?” He prompted. He was circling me like I was cornered prey.

“After everything my body’s been through, I don’t know if I can even have kids,” I told him.

“I’ll put a dragonling in your belly. No problem, mate,” he rumbled. This had to be his dragon side fully in the driver’s seat, the primal part of him seeing me as his prey to claim and breed. A drip of wetness leaked down my thigh and I heard him sniff and shuffle nearer, through a drift of crunchy leaves.

My heat thumped in my ears, equal parts excitement and exertion thrumming through me in the moments that followed, heavy with anticipation. “Why the hesitation? You want to ride me, right?” I teased, while pivoting and trying to spot him. He fit into the underbrush far too well for a giant, naked man.

But I saw the glow of his dragon eyes out of the corner of my eye as he crept up on me. He leaped without further warning, moving much faster than an ordinary man. All I had to do, however, was point.

The small bolt of lightning streaked out at my command, hitting him square in the chest. I sidestepped, and he landed in the leaf litter on his back, open-mouthed with surprise. His fingers twitched as he fought the stunning static lingering in his muscles.

There wasn’t much time before he got up and pinned me down with his superior bulk. I followed up with water, wrapping living tendrils of it around his limbs. This was inspired by Seth’s expert control in the shower, and my imitation was chaotic at best.

Rusty could’ve easily shrugged off the grasping water, but didn’t, a huge grin full of fangs on display when I came to stand over him. My feet planted on either side of his torso, fists on my hips. I smiled too, way too proud of myself. “Look who’s dominant,” Rusty practically purred.

His arm twitched with some residual electricity. Oh, I guess I hit him harder than expected, but he didn’t seem hurt. I got down on my knees, one hand on his chest, the other cupping his face as I leaned down and whispered, “Guess I’m riding you tonight.”

“Fuck, yes,” he hissed. “I mean…fuck me .” He tilted his head back, showing his throat submissively.

I was flushed with heat from using all this magic, which helped warm my skin on this chilly evening. My slit still felt the cold, already wet from the run. It was as good as foreplay, except I wasn’t sure I could handle his huge cock. I dismissed the water holding him down and grasped his wrist, bringing his hand to the apex of my thighs. “Play with me first,” I said.

“Anything you say,” he answered, obediently sinking his thick index finger into me. He crooked it just right, brushing an ultra-sensitive patch that had me gasping. The second one he worked into me was already stretching my pussy.

“Perhaps my female would like a seat on my face?” he asked with an eager gleam in his draconic eyes.

He waited for my nod before hauling me up to straddle his head. He spread my knees further and leaned up, licking and sucking on my pussy like it was his personal feast. The rumble he made as he licked up the slick line of my slit went straight to my core. His tongue delved into me and his growing beard scratched up my inner thighs deliciously.

Rusty was the first lover to eat me out with such unbridled enthusiasm. If he really was going to let me be the dominant one between us, I would have his mouth on me every night. The wet lap of his tongue, the hot breaths and the way he inhaled my scent as if it were a perfume, it all made me realize how much he was enjoying this.

The bridge of his nose nuzzled up into my clit for a starburst of sensation. I clenched a hand around the back of his head, threatening to drown the poor dragon as I came. He made a muffled sound of delight, loosing a long, pleased growl. His large palms cupped my ass and held me in place while he lapped up my come.

“Is it time you claimed me?” he suggested against my pussy lips in a bass growl.

Feeling like my brain was still scrambled from the first high he’d delivered, it took me a moment to reply. “Yes, I think so.”

“May I sit up against a tree? I wish to touch my mate as she fucks me.” That talented tongue ran around my clit before giving it a flick. I jolted with a moan.

I shook my head to clear it. He was asking questions and making suggestions about what he wanted and letting me decide. He awaited my desires as the submissive partner.

“That’s a great idea,” I said.

He stood and lifted me along with him, grinning at my surprised yelp when he lifted me by the hips. After selecting a sturdy tree, he put his back to it and settled me in his lap. His cock jutted up, awaiting me to have a seat. The tip glistened with his arousal.

I stroked and admired Rusty’s muscular chest, molding my hands to the shape of his abs while I leaned forward and kissed him. He deepened it and I tasted myself on his tongue. I swallowed his hiss when I took him in hand, guiding him into me and sinking down on the first couple of inches of him.

Holy hell, he was huge. I slowed, wiggling a little more of him into me and pausing, waiting for my body to adjust to his size. “That’s it, take me. Take all of me,” he murmured.

“You’re so big,” I huffed.

He nosed into my hair. His broad hands took my breasts, kneading their softness. I moaned as he brushed a thumb over one nipple. “Take your time,” he said. “We’re almost mated. Then you’ll have me for life.”

While he played with me and ran worshipping hands over my curves, I grew slicker and sank further on his length. By the time our hips met, he was seated about as deep in me as anyone could go. “Rusty,” I moaned, digging my nails into his shoulders.

His answering growl was all his dragon. Muscles tensed under my hands. He was fighting his instincts, I thought. Letting me stay in control. “That’s it,” he hissed. “Now ride me, my delicate, dominant female. I’m yours.”

I felt a wave of warm affection for this shifter, who knew I needed to connect to his dragon to stabilize my magic. There’d never been a moment of hesitation or doubt for him. And when I moved, lifting and rolling my hips to ride him, he waited until he clearly couldn’t hold back any longer before he grabbed me and slammed me down on his cock.

The evening air filled with the sound of slapping flesh. He leaned forward, clasping my shoulder with his mouth. Sharp teeth pressed against my skin without breaking it, just holding me in place as he pumped into me at a merciless pace. “And I’m yours,” I gasped out. His agreeing growl shook my frame, vibrating my bones and shooting pleasure straight to my core.

As the pressure mounted and I held fast to his arms for an anchor, he released his bite and rumbled in my ear, “Claim me, mate. Leave your mark on me.”

I hesitated, so close to the precipice of a release. “Like, bite you?”

“No. Brand me. Use that magic,” he grunted. His fingers flexed on my hips in reflexive jerks. He was about to come too.

I didn’t question it. Marking and claiming mates was a shifter thing, the most intimate act they could do to one another. A needle had already left plenty of symbols on him, but there was one in particular that I thought to cover with a brand. My palm heated, landing on the Fire Brotherhood tattoo on his arm with a sizzle.

Rusty lifted his head, baring a whole mouthful of sharp teeth as he gasped. I made to withdraw my hand before I seriously injured him, just for him to grab my wrist and press my fingers deeper into his skin.

As we both came, he twisted his head and latched his mouth down at the top of my arm, mirroring the wound I gave him. My eyes rolled back, feeling the bond form between us, tethered in place by our matching injuries. The pain sharpened, then changed shape with shifter magic as we both let up on one another. Darkness closed in on the edges of my vision.

The next thing I knew, Rusty was patting my cheek. “Nix. Nix! Wake up.” His concerned face swam back into sight as I came back from the edge of unconsciousness. Motes of warm earth were in my bloodstream now, dancing happily with the earth that came naturally to me as a green witch. I felt whole in a way I hadn’t experienced since before I was cursed.

I smiled to reassure him, laughing. He was still hard and inside of me, I realized with a thrill. “That was amazing,” I breathed.

“Completely agreed. Look, you’re mine now.” His finger traced a path on my arm, exactly where he’d bitten me. There was no pain, just a tingle of awareness. Somehow, the wound had become a tattoo that shimmered with shifter magic as it set on my skin. A miniature earthen dragon looped over the site of his bite. As the sun narrowed to a sliver of light, I had to squint to see the details.

It looked like the dragon’s front arms were wrapped around a diamond as big as its head, an inch or so, and it was cut to round, gleaming facets. “I think a diamond suits you,” Rusty continued, as I rubbed it and watched it sparkle. “You are a diamond, formed from heat and pressure. And look at what your claim did to me.”

He tapped his arm, and I looked, relieved to see the Fire Brotherhood tattoo shifted to a new form. A beautiful red phoenix, with threads of white in her long tail, was holding the flame in her talons. She struck a proud pose, wings spread to carry the fire away. “You’re not a fire bro anymore,” I said happily, tracing the outline of the tattoo’s wings.

“Never again,” he agreed, rumbling with interest while his tattoo shimmered. “I’m property of Phoenix the Mighty now.”

His soft, playful roar caused me to quiver all over, aware over again that he hadn’t softened a fraction. I undulated my hips, breath catching as we slid together again. “That’s my great wyrm name, hmm?” I teased.

Rusty sat up and twisted me around without trouble, so I landed on my hands and knees on the ground while he pumped into me from behind. He leaned over, covering my back and growling possessively. “Yes. But when you birth my dragonling, we’re not telling the Arax clan shit. I’ll protect our family with my life, even your other males. Make no mistake, though. You’re still mine, my diamond.”

He kept me screaming for him well into the night.

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