Wings of Betrayal (Kingdom of Angels #2) Chapter 2 7%
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Chapter 2


“ W hat the hell was that?” I breathe, the tiny hairs on my arms prickling.

Kyle takes hold of my hand and pulls me back into the room, and something about his reaction frightens me more. Clearly, this isn’t something he’s seen before, either.

I squeeze his hand to grab his attention, and he finally meets my gaze. “What was that?”

“Let’s find my parents,” he says, and with that, he’s leading me out of his room and down the vast corridor.

We pass the familiar wall covered in tiny shells, and its beauty catches my breath, much like the last time I was here. But there’s a feeling of unease creeping into my stomach that makes it hard to appreciate the beauty of the wall in this moment. I focus my attention on the warmth of Kyle’s hand instead, intertwined with mine, and it helps to settle the uncertainty inside me.

Whatever it was outside, it shouldn’t have been there. That much is obvious.

I really hope I don’t see it again, but something tells me that’s just wishful thinking.

We reach a set of double doors guarded by four guards, and they look a little hesitant when they lay their eyes on me, but they allow us to pass. We step into a vast room with high ceilings, and despite its size, it somehow feels cozy. Spaced around the room are several lounge areas with comfortable couches and small tables in between.

But it’s the impossibly tall bookshelves that grab my attention. It’s a library. Much smaller than the one in my castle in Silanthia, but it’s gorgeous.

The bookcases are made from some sort of dark hardwood, and they have an antique feel, with details of the ocean carved into them. Fish, waves, and other unknown creatures from the depths.

Zeta is sitting on a couch reading a book when we approach, and she sets it down to greet us with a wide smile. When she catches our expressions, her smile soon disappears.

“What’s wrong?” She’s on her feet in a flash, standing before Kyle.

I look at him and find that same concerned look etched into his features, his brows pulled tight.

“We saw something near the edge of the forest.”

Zeta waits for further explanation, but something about her lack of surprise tells me she’s aware already.

“There was some sort of creature out there. It was difficult to see clearly, but it had these?—”

“Glowing eyes?” she interrupts.

Kyle frowns. “How did you know?”

She takes in a deep breath and sits down, gesturing for us to join her. Kyle tugs me over to the couch next to hers, and we sit. My stomach swirls with nerves, not just from being around his mother again, but from what she’s about to tell us. I already know it’s nothing good.

“There have been attacks on Earth. Both guardians and archangels have been killed,” she says, her gaze moving between the two of us. “We’ve been hearing reports of creatures being seen on Earth, just as you have described. But until now, we haven’t seen one within the Kingdom.”

I take in a sharp breath. How have I not heard about this? My mind immediately jumps to thoughts of Demetros and Lacinda. Gods above, they better be okay.

Kyle sits forward. “Shouldn’t we alert the guards?”

She shakes her head. “The guards are aware of the situation, and we have increased our border patrols. Whatever the creature is, it must be alone to have slipped through. It won’t make it any closer to the castle, though, so no need to worry. Our wards are strong, but this is a good indication that we must strengthen them around the borders of the Kingdom, as well.”

The doors open, and Apollon enters. Zeta stands and embraces him with a kiss to his cheek.

His gaze shifts to Kyle and me, and we stand. “Zarla, nice to see you again. Our son has been worried about you.”

I don’t miss the protective glint to his words, but I understand. It devastated me to be away from Kyle, and I knew what was keeping me from him. Kyle was completely in the dark about it all. As far as he knew, I didn’t want to come back the night I left. As if sensing my change in mood, Kyle reassuringly rubs my back.

“I went through a difficult time back in Silanthia and wasn’t able to get back to Kyle,” I explain.

He nods. “I see. Well, for my son’s sake, I am happy to see you here.”

For the first time, I think he may actually mean that. “Thank you.”

I can’t help but wonder what Kyle went through while I was gone, not knowing whether I was okay. I went through something similar after the watchers attacked us on Earth, and Amaros forced me back to Silanthia, leaving Kyle alone and injured. It was unbearable.

“Father, we saw one of the creatures near the edge of the forest,” Kyle explains. “You must alert the guards. Increase protection.”

Apollon glares at Kyle, and the tension in the air kicks up a notch. Apparently, the King of Zarquon doesn’t enjoy being told what to do, even by his own son.

“I can handle it,” he coolly replies.

Kyle nods. “Of course, Father.”

Sensing a change in topic, Zeta takes my hand. “Zarla, shall we go for a walk, just us girls?”

Kyle gives my other hand one last squeeze before letting go. I follow Zeta through the large room to a more private area, leaving Kyle and his father to discuss what we saw.

We take a seat at a small table, and one of the keepers brings us some herbal tea in a fancy blue teapot with gold detailing on a gold tray and sets it down on the table before us. Zeta pours some into two glass teacups, and the colours are gorgeous. The tea swirls in layers of pale pink down to a darker shade of pink, and I can tell there’s something magical about this tea.

“It’s a calming tea,” she explains. “It will help us relax a little, and given the evening’s events, it’s probably a good idea.”

I pick up my teacup and immediately scent a sweet and floral aroma that makes my mouth water. I take a sip, and the warm, delicious liquid travels down my throat, relaxing every muscle in my body as it flows through me. It’s incredible.

Her lips twitch, and she takes a sip before setting her teacup down. “Nice, isn’t it?”

I set mine down too. “It’s delicious. And it works. I feel relaxed already.”

She brushes her hands over her deep-burgundy gown, the fabric shimmering with the movement.

“The reason I wanted to talk to you in private, aside from getting to know you better, was that I wanted to clear something up. Kyle confided in me what happened when you were last here.” She holds her hand up when I open my mouth to speak. “It’s all right. He and I are close, and he confides in me often. I know it must have been difficult coming here and seeing how close he and Em appear to be, but I can assure you—that’s all on Em’s side.”

She tilts her head as she studies me, and my cheeks flush.

“My son is quite smitten by you. I have never seen him like this before. Yes, I know he was on Earth for a decade of his life, but I know my son. He doesn’t look at just anyone the way he looks at you. You’re special, Zarla, just like your mother was. We all sense it.”

I swallow the lump in my throat at the mention of my mother. Zeta’s comments are unexpected, and they send warmth through me, knowing that I am as special to Kyle as he is to me.

“Em has always had feelings for Kyle, but he has never reciprocated them.”

I nod before meeting her eyes. “I appreciate you telling me.”

She studies me for a moment, and I have to look away. I really like Zeta, but I don’t know her well enough yet to feel completely comfortable around her. I can’t wait until we have that relationship, but it takes time to build that connection and trust.

“Did you know he tried to get into Silanthia to find you?”

I knit my brows together as I stare at her. I didn’t know that, and I can’t help but wonder why he wasn’t able to get through.

“The Gateway wouldn’t allow him through. We believe someone sealed it somehow, but I’ve never heard of such a thing. Someone has gone to great lengths to keep the two of you apart. Do you have any idea who that could be?”

I do. Amaros. But I’m not ready to talk to her about it. I’m still trying to understand his motives and whether they are sinister. Yes, he told me he wanted to rule the Kingdom with me someday, but he also deeply cares for me, and I don’t believe he would hurt me. But keeping Kyle and me apart? That isn’t okay.

She raises her brows at me, and I shake myself out of my own thoughts.

“I’m not sure,” I admit. “It could have been Hethenos, but I don’t know.”

I don’t know if she believes my answer, but she lets it go.

“I must admit, I always thought Kyle and Em would end up together.”

I tense at her words. The thought of Em and Kyle together does not sit well with me. I don’t think of myself as a jealous female, but maybe I’m overthinking it, and maybe that’s all this is. I don’t know her like Zeta does, like Kyle does.

She raises her hands in the air and chuckles. “I can feel that possessive and jealous energy. What I mean is I once thought that, but I do not believe it to be true any longer. You and Kyle are… How do I put it?” She pauses as she thinks of the right words, her features wrinkling ever so slightly. “You are destined for one another. I can feel it.” She places her free hand over her chest, emphasizing her words before picking up her teacup and taking a sip.

“I think so too. Whenever I’m around him, I feel at ease. I feel whole. Like he completes my soul somehow. It’s hard to explain, and that probably sounds silly.” Heat rises in my cheeks as I reach for my teacup and finish it.

“Not at all. It sounds like love.”

Sensing my discomfort, she changes the subject.

“There’s something else I wanted to ask you. Due to the rising tensions, it’s been difficult to meet with or even send word to Harlum. But I fear this situation cannot go on. We need to meet to discuss the situation on Earth. Zalore, too. Angels from both Kingdoms are being slaughtered, and no King wants that.”

I place my teacup down and run my fingers through my hair. A meeting with Harlum is a big ask. He does not like the archangels, and I doubt he’d even listen to me anyway. But I have to try. Zeta is right—this situation can’t continue unchecked. And I know he wouldn’t want innocent blood on his hands.

“I’ll ask,” I say. “But I can’t make any promises.”

She gives me a small smile. “I understand, and I appreciate that. Your words hold more weight than ours. I will hold on to hope that his concerns mirror our own.”

I pick at my nails in my lap, thinking of the best way to ask Zeta something that’s been on my mind for weeks now. Taking a deep breath, I build the courage to ask.

“A memory came back to me from when I was young. A memory of my mother’s murder.”

Zeta’s eyes grow wide, and she leans in toward me, taking my hand. “Oh, Zarla, I’m so sorry.”

I swallow hard before continuing. “It was Hethenos. And she has paid for what she has done. But there’s something else. Harlum isn’t my real father.”

I await her reaction, and any sign that she knew, but she appears just as shocked as I hoped her to be.

I clear my throat. “After she was murdered and Hethenos, Harlum, and Amaros left her room, a male appeared. He had these huge gold wings, blond hair, and green eyes. I swear he recognized me. He looked so familiar. He then picked her up and took her away.”

She covers her mouth as tears well up in her eyes. “I am so sorry you witnessed such a thing. That can’t be an easy memory to hold. This male you describe… He sounds like a male we know. His name is Atticus, and he was Serona’s true mate. They were deeply in love before she disappeared, and we then found out she was living in Silanthia with Harlum. It was strange, and we never understood how that came to be.

“But we haven’t seen him in many years, and we feared he may have been killed. But now that you mention Amaros was involved, it makes sense. He is a powerful god, Zarla. He can manipulate the mind, take and give memories. Apollon knew him long ago. He’s dangerous. He betrayed them, and he cannot be trusted.”

Nothing she says truly surprises me. I know Amaros is powerful and dangerous. I say the name Atticus in my mind, sitting with it for a moment to see if it feels familiar, but it doesn’t. And there was no mention of it in my mother’s journals. Could this male really be my father?

“The male I saw… I think he’s my father.”

She leans back in her seat as she studies me. “I can certainly see a resemblance to Atticus. But I don’t want to get your hopes up of seeing him again. We don’t know where he is or if he’s still alive.”

I nod, my stomach sinking. Of course, I can’t hold any expectations. I have never known my real father, but if he is alive, I have to find him. He holds the answers I need, the missing pieces to my puzzle.

“You okay?” Kyle asks as we walk through the gardens outside.

The gardens are beautiful, filled with flowers in every shade imaginable. Large trees dot the castle grounds overlooking the ocean, their vast branches providing much-needed shade as the sun beats down on us.

Kyle sits down on the luscious grass, and I join him, enjoying the cooling sensation.

“Yeah, it’s just been a big few months,” I say. “A lot has happened. I think I’m still trying to adjust.”

It had been a good chat with his mother last night. It helped clear some concerns I had about Em, as well as how they felt about Kyle and me being together. Knowing she feels we are destined for one another, the same way I feel we are, reassures me. Despite how it seems like everything is working against us to pull us apart, I feel strong being here with him, knowing that we will always find each other. Nothing can tear us apart.

Kyle leans in close and tucks a lock of hair behind my ear, his fingers lingering as they trace across my cheek. Our eyes lock.

“So beautiful,” he whispers, causing my cheeks to flush.

I shift my focus to his full lips, and I wet mine before he moves in, curling his hand around the back of my neck. Our lips meet, and this time it’s a softer, gentler kiss. And gods above, Kyle can kiss. I feel myself melting into him, and he pulls me into his lap. I straddle his hips as he deepens the kiss that I never want to end.

After a while, we both part, panting hard as we catch our breaths. His blue eyes bore into mine, and each time we kiss, each time we look at one another, I can feel our connection growing deeper still. He takes my hand as something cool slips over my finger, and I glance down to see a ring there. It’s a gold band with intricate gold detailing that reminds me of waves encrusted with tiny deep-blue stones.

He then slips a ring onto his own finger, and the moment he does, our connection intensifies, and I can feel him on an even deeper level, as if our souls are joined. I take in a sharp breath as I try to understand the feelings and sensations coursing through me. I can feel him in a similar way that I can Finlay, but it’s a deeper connection somehow.

“Woah…” I breathe as our eyes lock once more.

He chuckles. “The gods handcrafted these rings. Long ago, my father had them made for him and his future wife. When he met my mother, their relationship was hard from the start, with him being a god. Her family didn’t approve, and they were worried about her. These rings gave them a connection, much like the mating bond gives. It allowed them to know if the other was in trouble until they were ready to seal their mating bond. He gave them to me, for us to wear.”

My vision blurs as tears sting my eyes. Apollon gave them to us? This is so incredibly special. I know we will seal our mating bond eventually, but until we’re ready to do that, this is perfect. Tears flow over, and Kyle wipes them away with his fingers.

“This is amazing,” I say, almost lost for words.

His gaze runs over my face as he takes in my reaction. “Now I will know if you are okay, no matter where you are. I will be able to find you and be able to sense you as if we were bonded mates. I love you, Zarla Quinn.”

“And I love you, Kyle Laskaris.”

Before I can say another word, his lips are on mine, and I find myself lost in his embrace. No one has ever been so thoughtful, so caring toward me to go to these lengths. It means everything to me, knowing Kyle feels so strongly for me. He is my fated mate. I can feel it with every cell in my body, and I can’t wait to make it official.

“I can’t wait either,” he says with a cheeky grin, catching his breath before his lips find mine once more.

I don’t mention that the bond I share with Finlay reignited the moment he returned to Silanthia. I’m worried about how it’ll make Kyle feel. It’s not something we can control, as the gods bestowed the bond upon us. I really need to talk to Finlay too.

I break the kiss, despite how hard it is.

“I’ve got to head back to Silanthia,” I tell him as I rest my forehead against his.

He lets out a frustrated grunt, and I laugh.

“I know, but it’s important. Your mother asked me to arrange a meeting between her, Zalore, and Harlum. It’s pretty urgent. We can’t allow any more angels to be slaughtered.”

He slides his arms around my waist in a firm hold, and something tells me he doesn’t want me to go anywhere. I arch a brow at him, and he sighs, letting me go.

“I will come back. I promise.”

Kyle gets to his feet and pulls me up, and we head to the border, our hands woven tightly together. Leaving him after such a short time weighs heavy on my heart. I want to stay here forever, in all honesty. I can see us living here together. His Kingdom is amazing, but I have to go since it’s important.

I let out a whistle, and my Zelon, Keva, soon lands. Kyle takes a step back, his eyes wide as he takes in Keva.

“It’s okay. This is Keva,” I tell him.

Keva grunts, pawing at the ground before kneeling down to show Kyle he can approach. Kyle takes slow steps toward him and rubs his neck, and then Keva licks Kyle’s cheek. He laughs and wipes off the saliva.

I take Kyle’s hands and kiss him once more on the lips before climbing up onto Keva. Taking the Gateway of the Gods would have been quicker, but Keva enjoys flying together, and I haven’t flown with him this far before. I must admit, thoughts of bumping into one of those white-eyed creatures hangs heavily on my mind. But Keva and I can handle anything.

“See you soon,” Kyle says.

I blow him a kiss, and then Keva takes off into the sky. We leave Zarquon, flying out over the ocean back toward Silanthia. The sun is setting over the horizon, giving way to the most beautiful sunset with shades of yellow, orange, and pink strewn across the sky.

After about an hour of flying, we’re nearing the Galespo borders when movement catches my eye. I don’t want to take any risks, so I raise my veil over both Keva and me. As we get closer, I sense something is seriously wrong. It’s one of the creatures, just hovering there. But as we near it, I realise it’s an angel.

But it’s not okay. Its white wings are straggly and sparsely covered in feathers. There’s blood. A lot of blood, dripping from its wings, its long grey hair is thin and matted, revealing a flaky scalp. Its grey skin is flaking off, and I soon understand why. It’s dead.

Please don’t see me, please don’t see me.

As we fly past, it snaps its head in our direction, its milky-white eyes staring right at us.

It can see us.

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