M y arrival back into Silanthia is chaotic, to say the least. Angels are rushing about, no doubt to prepare for the upcoming council meeting. It’s the first time the three Kings have come together like this in, well, gods know how long. Centuries, most likely.
Finlay follows me into the castle, despite assuring him I don’t need a guard in my own home.
I suppose that’s not entirely true, though. There have been plenty of times when a guard would have come in handy, even here in my castle.
“You good?” he asks, and I realise I’ve been silent the entire way back.
I lean up against the corridor wall and run my hands down my face, hoping it may help calm my racing mind. It doesn’t.
“Yeah, I’m okay. There’s just a lot going on.” I meet his gaze, and he gives me a sympathetic nod.
“I’m going to head back to my castle real quick and change. Can’t attend this meeting looking like this.” He gestures to his dirty, blood-stained leathers from the fight down on Earth.
I curl my lips into a smile. “I think that’s probably for the best.”
He shoves his hands into his pockets and walks backward toward the main entrance. “I’ll be back soon. I’ll wait outside your quarters.”
I let out a long breath, push off from the wall, and bump right into Lissian.
“Oh, I’m sorry,” I say, holding my hand over my heart.
She chuckles. “It’s all right. Are you ready for the meeting?” she asks, eying my outfit.
I know I look like a right mess after everything that happened on Earth and then the healers in Zarquon attending to my wounds. I really need to get cleaned up.
I tuck my hair behind my ears. “About as ready as I can be. I am going to change, though.”
She narrows her eyes, placing her hand on my arm. “Are you okay?”
She has always been able to read when there’s something wrong. It’s a gift of hers. Although I’m not entirely sure I’m trying to hide it at this point.
“I’m okay. I’ll talk to you about it later.”
She caresses my cheek. “Very well. You best hurry and get yourself presentable. We leave in an hour.”
I hurry down the corridors toward my quarters and come to a halt when I spot Amaros waiting for me. We lock stares, and I compose myself enough to keep walking.
“What happened on Earth?” he asks with urgency.
Ignoring his question, I unlock my door and step inside. I’m not surprised when he follows, and my stomach flips in his presence, but I do my best to hide it. He approaches me from behind and gently runs his hand down my back.
I spin around to face him, and his unkempt appearance surprises me. It looks like he hasn’t slept.
“What happened?” Concern laces his voice, and I don’t blame him.
My clothes must be shredded from the lost one’s claws.
“There was a fight between a group of archangels and lost ones. Kyle was there, and they were in trouble. He was hurt, and then I got blindsided by one. It scratched my back.”
He instantly rushes forward, taking my face between his hands, and I jolt at his touch. There was a time not long ago I would have probably enjoyed his proximity, and in an annoying way, I still do a little. But I do not need him touching me right now, not after everything.
He holds his hands up. “I’m sorry. I just… Are you okay?”
I swallow the lump in my throat. “I think so. But these lost ones are dangerous. I couldn’t move after it slashed my back.”
His jaw tenses, and he reaches out to me. “Can I see it?”
Unsure how this will help, I agree anyway, turning around and lifting my top up. After a moment, his warm fingers brush over my skin, and I shudder.
“The healers in Zarquon helped me. I’ll be fine.” I pull my top back down and face him once more.
He shakes his head and runs a hand through his thick, black hair. “You shouldn’t have gone without me.”
I fold my arms over my chest. “I had Finlay and Nilo, as well as several other guards. Powerful angels I trust.”
His features shift, and the hurt there is clear. He knows he has damaged the trust between us, and I will not pretend he hasn’t. He should feel bad about it.
“I never meant to hurt you. It wasn’t my secret to tell. About Harlum.”
“And what about you being a god? You could’ve told me that. That was your secret, and you kept it from me. You’ve lied to me and misled me many times, and I can’t trust you anymore.”
He rubs his hands over his jaw.
“Finlay is my guard. I don’t need you watching over me anymore.”
He drops his hands to his side. “I will always watch over you, whether you like it or not.”
I grit my teeth, and he reaches out and takes my hand.
“Zarla, I’m sorry. I never intended to hurt you. I hope you can believe me.”
I tug my hand free from his grasp and step back. Maybe in time, I will be able to forgive him. But for now, I can’t.
“I’ll leave you to it,” he says, crossing toward the door. “I’ll see you at the meeting, then.”
I don’t respond, and he eventually leaves me alone, closing the door behind him. There is a part of me that knows he’s only ever tried to protect me, in his own twisted way. But it still eats me up, knowing what he did. What he kept from me. We grew close in the past few months. He had many opportunities to open up to me, but he chose to keep things from me he didn’t need to.
I change into fresh guardian leathers and strap my daggers to my thighs. Glancing in the mirror, I feel ready for this. Whatever this meeting entails. We have to come to some sort of arrangement with the other Kingdoms if we have any chance of understanding what’s going on with these lost ones and why they are suddenly attacking angels on Earth.
Once I’m ready, I step into the corridor and find Finlay waiting for me, as promised.
“You ready?” he asks, pushing off from the wall opposite my door.
I crack my knuckles. “Not really. You?”
He laughs, raising his hands. “We’ll find out, I guess. Let’s go.”
We make our way outside the castle entrance where all the angels are gathered, ready to head to the council meeting. Harlum, Mikel, Lissian, Amaros, Astelle, and Nilo are waiting in a group, and we head over to join them.
“Attention, please,” Harlum says, and everyone stops talking amongst themselves to listen to their King.
Amaros and I lock stares, and I glance away, breaking the contact to focus on Harlum.
“We are living in unprecedented times. This is a meeting unlike any other we have attended, and it is important that we remain composed but vigilant. I ask that every one of you puts forth your best. But be ready to strike. Do not let the archangels or watchers intimidate you. We must put to bed any previous grievances with the watchers in order to make this work. The watcher attacks were rogue watchers, acting alone. Do I make myself clear?”
I bite my tongue to stop myself from arguing. There is no way those were rogue watchers. They were planned attacks, orchestrated amongst our own ranks and the watchers. But I’m not about to cause a scene, so instead, I keep my mouth shut.
Everyone is decked out in their leathers and strapped to the nines with their weapons. Nilo and Mikel stay close to Harlum and Lissian, and Amaros and Finlay stay close to Astelle and me. Astelle doesn’t make eye contact with me, or speak to me, and I wonder how long she plans to keep this up. We haven’t spoken a word since she stabbed me. And I would like to clear a few things up with her.
Harlum releases his wings first, followed by every other angel nearby, and takes off up into the air. Several of Harlum’s guards fly out in front, and I take a deep breath before releasing my wings and following them. We head to the Gateway of the Gods in silence, and I can’t help but wonder what to expect once we pass into the unknown destination.
I’m not concerned about an ambush. I know Amaros and Zalore are close. They would have planned this whole thing out, and there won’t be any surprises, I’m sure. Or, at least, I hope there won’t be.
I’m thankful we don’t have to travel outside the Kingdom boundary. I don’t care to see another lost one as long as I live. Although I know that’s just wishful thinking at this point.
Harlum is quiet on the specifics of this meeting, so instead, we all have to blindly follow him through the gateway to the destination of the meeting. Once everyone else has jumped through, it’s just Finlay and me.
He gestures for me to go first, and I do. I close my eyes to stop myself from getting motion sick. The spinning and swirling can be a lot to handle.
We free-fall for some time before landing with a thud on hard ground. I open my eyes to find we’re in a clearing surrounded by trees and mountains on the edge of a cliff. The cliff overlooks barren land, as far as the eye can see. It’s as if we are on some sort of oasis on the border of a desert.
I scan the area and spot a circular stone ground where a large carved wooden table rests. Surrounding the stone are watchers stationed every few meters near lanterns on wooden posts, burning with fire to illuminate the area. We must be in Galespo.
Kyle stands near his mother and father, Em at his side, with Klara and several other archangel guards next to them.
My stomach twists at Em’s proximity to Kyle, but I shove that feeling aside. Harlum was specific about not causing any tension or issues during this meeting.
Kyle’s gaze finds mine, and a mix of his emotions swirl through me. Regret, longing, and even sadness, before he composes himself once more and refocuses on the wooden table in the clearing.
I swallow down my emotions, along with any other feelings of weakness, and await the next move.
Zalore is standing near the head of the table, flanked by several guards. Apollon and Zeta step up to the table, and I wait for Harlum to follow suit. He turns to Astelle and me and gestures for us to follow, so we do. We all stand around the table and await Zalore’s signal for the meeting to begin.
Amaros seems to have some sort of silent exchange with Zalore I don’t understand. Zalore then signals for everyone to sit, and I wait for Harlum to do so first before I take my seat. My chest tightens at the amount of watchers stationed around the table, guarding Zalore.
“Thank you all for joining me here in my Kingdom of Galespo,” Zalore states in a cocky manner.
I side-eye Astelle and she continues to ignore me.
Zalore winks at her, stealing her focus. She rolls her eyes and looks away, and he chuckles.
Apollon clears his throat, and everyone’s attention shifts to him. “May I address the attendees?”
Zalore simply nods.
Apollon locks his gaze on Amaros.
“I am surprised to see you, Amaros,” Apollon says. “It’s been…what? A few centuries since our last exchange?”
Amaros remains composed, and I wonder just how long these two have known one another. Amaros tilts his head in recognition but doesn’t speak, his expression unreadable.
“This meeting has been of utmost importance to the angels of Zarquon. There have been numerous attacks on Earth, and we have lost many archangels. These creatures are believed to be lost ones, or lost souls, from the Realm of Lost Souls. Are any of you aware of this?”
Harlum shifts nervously in his seat. “Yes, we have received reports from guardians and seconds down on Earth that this has become a serious problem. One of these creatures chased my daughter Zarla.”
All eyes shift to me, and I gulp. I catch Kyle’s concerned gaze, and I reluctantly sit forward, assuming everyone wants some sort of explanation.
I clear my throat. “Yes, when I was heading back from Zarquon, I spotted one near Galespo. I had my veil up, but it still saw me. My Zelon, Keva, and I flew as fast as we could and evaded it once we crossed into Silanthia.
“My Zelon was also attacked within our Kingdom. At least, that’s what we think happened. I know because I was attacked by one down on Earth. The healers in Zarquon saved my life. It slashed my back, and it paralysed me.”
There’s a unified gasp as everyone takes in what I have just said. I look at Kyle again, and he glances down. But not before I catch the pained look in his eyes.
Harlum narrows his gaze at Zalore. “I can’t shake the feeling that you know more about this than you’re letting on. I’m not aware of any watchers being targeted.”
Zalore visibly tenses. “Because my watchers are too strong to be killed by the likes of a lost one. And I do not appreciate the accusatory tone, Harlum.”
“What do you expect us to make of it, then?” Harlum questions.
Everyone starts arguing and talking over one another, and I look at Kyle, who appears just as over it as I am. Why can’t they just agree this is a problem and discuss a solution? Bloody males.
Em shifts in her seat and somehow manages to move closer to Kyle, and I grit my teeth. Kyle doesn’t seem to notice as she gives me a knowing glare.
I shift my focus back to the males who are acting like children. Gods above, someone needs to do something. But before I have a chance to speak up, Lissian stands.
“Enough!” she shouts.
Every angel stops arguing, and they all look at her.
“This meeting wasn’t called for you to argue amongst yourselves like children. It was to come to an agreement on a course of action! The lost ones have found a way out of the Realm of Lost Souls. Or someone is letting them out. However this is happening, we need to do something!”
Harlum doesn’t appear impressed. In fact, none of the males do. Everyone looks around at one another, but I find Zalore’s demeanour suspicious. As if he knows something we don’t.
Zalore stands, his eyes blazing with fury. “How dare you!” he bellows, stabbing his blade into the wooden table. “Harlum, control your female!”
Lissian visibly bites her tongue and looks to Harlum, who gestures for her to take a seat. She is a strong female, and I applaud her for having the courage to stop these males from bickering. She dips her chin in a forced apology and takes her seat.
Zalore sits back down and clears his throat. “May I remind you all, you are guests in my Kingdom. And I demand you show a little respect.”
Apollon and Harlum both nod. Thank the gods they aren’t arguing with this arrogant male because one more outburst and he may just kill someone.
I nervously bite my bottom lip, unsure how things are going to improve from here.
“I am well aware of where the Lost Ones reside,” Zalore says. “I do not need a history lesson from a female on such topics. Nor do I need one to tell me how to do my job as King.”
I roll my eyes, and Kyle glares at me, silently telling me to behave. I glance around, somewhat thankful Zalore didn’t see.
Just keep it together, Zarla.
“I apologise for Lissian’s outburst,” Harlum chimes in. “But I tend to agree with her. We need to know how the lost ones have escaped. We cannot afford for our angels to be carelessly slaughtered as they are.”
“Nor can we,” Apollon adds.
Zalore leans back in his chair and runs his fingers along his jawline as his focus shifts around the table from one angel to another. “It has been an age since the three Kingdoms united for the greater good. I am willing to call a truce, even a temporary one if need be, so we can all focus our interests in the same direction.”
Harlum and Apollon exchange looks, and Harlum leans in to whisper to Amaros. I narrow my eyes at them. It bugs me that Harlum still sought his counsel. Does he know the depths of Amaros’s deception?
After they speak for a moment, Amaros looks at me. I hold his gaze, as if I can somehow understand what he’s thinking the longer I stare. Gods above, this male is infuriating.
Harlum leans forward, resting his arms on the table. “I propose each Kingdom puts forth their strongest and fiercest angels to protect those down on Earth. Each Kingdom should increase their border security, if you haven’t already, and we need to be vigilant. We must allow free travel between our Kingdoms so we can work together until this matter is resolved.”
Apollon opens his mouth to speak, but Zalore silences him with a wave of his hand. I’m surprised the male listens to him, but then again, we are in Galespo, and Zalore seems to be in charge of this council meeting.
“It’s settled, then,” Zalore states. “I will instruct my guards to allow angels to come and go at will. If any angel takes advantage of my generosity, mark my words, we will not hesitate to kill.”
Apollon stands, which seems to agitate Zalore further. I’m guessing no one is to do so before him. But he seems to allow it nonetheless.
“We, too, will allow free travel into Zarquon,” Apollon announces. “For the time being, and only to report to us or to seek counsel on the evolving situation.”
Ignoring the fact Zalore is still seated, Harlum stands. “We agree to do the same. But if any archangel or watcher takes advantage of this, there will be repercussions.”
Zalore chuckles then shoves his chair back and stands. “Steady on, Harlum. I wouldn’t go threatening the gods. I will send watchers to patrol the borders of the three Kingdoms for suspicious activity.”
There’s something about the smirk on Zalore’s face that sends a pang of unease through my chest, but now’s not the time to show my concerns, so I bite my tongue. Again.
After the meeting, everyone mingles for a while before they disperse back through the Gateway of the Gods. Kyle is standing near the cliff edge overlooking the barren lands below, and I walk to his side. He looks my way and gives me a tight-lipped smile.
“You didn’t mention you were ambushed by a lost one. I sensed you ran into trouble, but by the time I got there, you were gone.”
I raise my brows. “You came looking for me?”
He turns to me and cups my cheek, gently tracing his thumb over my skin. His eyes hold concern and regret, but what could he regret?
“Of course I did. How are you feeling?” he asks. “Can I see your back?”
I bite my bottom lip and turn around, moving my cloak out of the way so he can see. I’m not entirely sure what it looks like now. There must be a scar there, because when he glides his fingers across my skin, it feels raised in places. I shiver under his touch, and when he removes his hand, I miss it. I allow my cloak to fall back into place and catch Em watching us. She’s standing with her mother, Klara, Apollon, and Zeta.
“I’m glad you’re okay. I’ve been worried about you.”
I refocus on Kyle, who is looking at me through worried eyes. His dark lashes appear longer, framing his blue eyes in the most mesmerizing way. I swallow hard as my mind drifts to thoughts of kissing him. Gods above, I want to kiss him, but I can’t. Not here, in front of everyone.
I reach out to take his hand, but he shifts out of the way. I frown at him, and he glances down.
“What’s wrong?” I ask.
His forehead creases. “I can’t risk getting you hurt again, or worse. It’s my fault.”
What in the gods is he talking about? “ Your fault? Nothing is your fault, Kyle.”
“Those creatures were after me. You were right. Everyone saw it. I won’t risk you getting hurt again because of me.”
He finally looks at me, and I can already see the distance he is creating between us, like an unavoidable black void.
“Don’t do this. Please.” I sound pathetic.
He looks back toward his mother and father.
I reach out and touch his arm. “I can take care of myself. Don’t do this. I’m finally allowed out of my Kingdom. We can finally be together.”
He takes a small step back, and I drop my arms at my sides.
“I’m doing this for you, to protect you. It’s better this way,” he says.
I frown at his words. “For whom? You?”
I can’t help but look at Em, who seems far more invested in our conversation than she should be. She’s loving this, and I want to storm over there and slap her.
“Has this got something to do with Em?” I demand.
His gaze snaps to mine. “Of course not.”
“Kyle?” his mother calls out.
He looks back at them again. “I’ve got to go.”
I reach out to him, but he’s already walking away to join his family by the Gateway of the Gods. Em pauses at the Gateway and shoots me a smug look before placing her hand on Kyle’s back and following him through. I suck my bottom lip between my teeth. What a bitch.
Amaros is watching me, his broad arms folded across his chest, clearly having witnessed my entire exchange with Kyle. I turn around to wipe my eyes, hoping he didn’t notice the tears. I know he’s heading my way and can practically feel his presence when he stops behind me. He places his hand on my shoulder, and it drops away when I walk over to the edge of the cliff.
Of course he follows me, never one to respect boundaries. He stands at my side, and we both look out over the barren lands of the Kingdom.
“You okay?” he asks, his voice gentle yet concerned.
I don’t reply, unable to voice how I’m feeling at this moment. Has Kyle ended things with me? Does he really blame himself for what happened?
“I saw what happened just now. He’s not good enough for you. You need someone to be there for you, now more than ever. Someone who won’t just abandon you when things get tough.”
My lip trembles, and I will myself not to cry, but it’s no use. I let out a whimper, and he moves closer, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pulling me to his side.
I don’t have the energy to fight him, and honestly, right now, I don’t want to. I need comforting, and if I can’t get that from Kyle, then I’ll accept it from Amaros.
“Come on. Let’s get you back home.”
I nod, and he turns me to face him then wipes my tears away with his fingers.
“I will always be here for you, even if you hate me,” he says, then takes my hand and leads me through the Gateway of the Gods.
We pass through the other side back into Silanthia, and I feel no better. It’s as if my heart is slowly shattering, one piece at a time, and I can’t bear the pain. Glancing down at the ring on my finger Kyle gave me, I twirl it around before slipping it off and putting it in my pocket.