Wings of Betrayal (Kingdom of Angels #2) Chapter 8 27%
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Chapter 8


A maros releases my hand, and it falls to my side. He pales while I wait for him to say something.


I point my finger at him. “Don’t you dare lie to me, Amaros.”

He rakes his hand down his face and lets out a sigh. “I don’t know what you think you know, but it’s not true.”

And there it is. The denial. I should’ve seen it coming, after all the lies he’s already told. Lying comes as naturally to him as breathing. I can’t deal with this. Not now. I shove off from the wall and walk away, but he follows me.

“Zarla, wait. Listen to me!”

I reluctantly halt but don’t bother turning around.

“I have finally gained your trust again. Why would I risk lying to you about something as important as this?”

I spin around and slap him hard across the face. His jaw tenses and his nostrils flare as he breaths hard.

“I remember everything, Amaros! All my memories you stole from me! I have them all back. How dare you stand before me and lie right to my face!”

I slap him again, and he bares his teeth and grabs me, shoving me up against the wall again.

I fight against him, but he’s too strong, and he pins my arms down.

“Zarla, listen! I did that to protect you. I would never do anything to hurt you!”

I narrow my eyes at him. “Too late. You have hurt me. I know what you did. I know you stole Kyle’s memories of me and stole my memories of him, so it was as if he never existed in my mind. How could you? Those were my memories. They were not for you to take! I can’t trust you. I will never trust you again! And I will never be a Queen at your side.”

He lets go of me and slowly backs up. “You remember that?”

“I. Remember. Everything.”

He blinks back tears, which eventually fall down his face, and he harshly wipes them away with the back of his hand. “It was only ever to protect you. You could never truly be with an archangel from our enemy’s Kingdom. It would never work. I was saving you from all the heartache and misery I knew it would bring you. And I was right because look at you,” he says with a wave of his hand toward me. “It has brought you heartache, hasn’t it?”

He steps closer to me, and I don’t bother moving. I feel numb, as if this is some kind of awful dream.

“We can be together, Zarla. We belong together.”

What is wrong with him? Not even an hour ago, he was almost having sex with my sister. My stomach turns and I grimace at the male who feels more and more like a stranger to me. I rear back slightly.

“No. I can never be with you. Not after everything you have done. Do you really plan to take over the Kingdoms? Is that what you were helping Hethenos do?”

He shakes his head. “Of course not. I only meant that one day, when you took over the Kingdom from Harlum, that we could be together, that we could rule together.” Sensing my doubt, he adds, “Astelle means nothing to me.”

He reaches out to touch me, but I flinch back.

“No! Do not touch me!” I run down the corridor and outside the main doors, then release my wings and take off into the sky.

I don’t bother looking back to see if he’s following me. There is somewhere I need to be. The only place I should be. I fly to the Gateway of the Gods and cross into Zarquon then make my way to Kyle’s castle. The guards allow me in, and I’m barely down the corridor when I spot Kyle heading in my direction.


I rush into his arms as tears flow down my cheeks, and he holds me, rubbing soothing circles over my back.

“It’s okay,” he tells me as I sob into his shoulder. “What happened? Why haven’t I been able to sense you?” He pulls back and looks at my hand. “You’re not wearing your ring?”

I suck in a breath so I can respond. “I took it off after…”

He pulls me in close. “I’m sorry.”

“Amaros knows. He knows my memories are back. I need you, Kyle. You’re not putting my life in danger because you are my life. You are everything to me.”

He gently steps back so we’re staring at one another, and I reach up and brush my fingers over his lips. Gods above, I’ve missed him. His steel-blue eyes search mine, and I can sense his worry for me, which soon morphs into lust.

His lips crash against mine, and I am consumed by him as we devour one another. Our mouths move in sync as if we are made for each other, and I’m starting to believe that we are. His hands twist in my hair, and he grips hold of the back of my neck and tugs me closer.

Too soon, he’s breaking the kiss, leaving me panting hard.

“I missed doing that,” he says. “I missed you .”

He strokes my cheek, his touch electrifying my skin.

It’s amazing how he can do that. How we can have that kind of effect on one another.

“I have missed you more than words can express,” I tell him, then reach up and cup his cheek. “Don’t abandon me like that ever again. Okay?”

He pulls me into his chest and holds me, and it’s the best feeling in all the Kingdoms being in his arms.

“Never again. I promise.”

I breathe in his delicious scent, and it instantly calms my anxiety from the argument with Amaros. Gods above, what must Amaros be thinking? I’m not looking forward to going back home, but I know I need to. Harlum will send messenger angels to take me back if I don’t.

I reluctantly break the hug and step back to look at Kyle. “Come with me. To Silanthia.”

His brows draw together, and I tense, awaiting his answer. He’s been there before, and although he doesn’t have the greatest memory of my Kingdom after what happened to him, it’s still my home. I’ve visited him in his many times now. I need him to visit mine again.

He takes my hands in his and stares into my eyes. “Are you sure I’ll be welcome?”

“Of course. You were at the council meeting. The three Kings agreed to allow angels to move freely between the Kingdoms. And yes, I know that was regarding lost ones, but I’m the King’s daughter. At least, he still thinks I am. So I have more freedom. No one will question it.”

He arches a brow at me. “No one?”

I know he’s referring to Amaros, who, of course, will question it. In fact, he’ll be pissed. But I don’t give a shit. He doesn’t own me, he’s not my father, and he’s not my guard anymore, either. I can do what I want.

“I don’t care what anyone else thinks. I want you there with me. Please.”

He takes in a deep breath and looks up at the sky for a moment before blowing it out. “Okay, I’ll go.”

I leap up and down with excitement and clap my hands, and he laughs.

“You’re adorable,” he says and plants a kiss on my cheek. “I’d better let my parents know so they don’t send a search party looking for me.”

“Okay, probably a good idea.”

He pulls me closer, taking my face between his hands, and kisses me. “I’ll meet you on the other side.”

He leans down and presses his forehead against mine for a moment before heading off to find his parents. I step through the gateway and back into Silanthia to wait for him in the Dark Forest. Less than thirty minutes later, the gateway glows, and then Kyle crosses through it into the clearing.

He pulls me into his chest for a brief hug. “Hey.”

My heart warms at simply being in his presence. “Everything go okay?”

He presses his lips together, and I’m guessing it may not have gone as well as he hoped.

“My father didn’t think it was a good idea to come here, but he understands why I needed to.”

Great. His father already seems to dislike me. I hope this doesn’t make it worse.

Sensing my concern, Kyle rubs my cheek. “Don’t worry. He doesn’t blame you. He just doesn’t trust the angels here, that’s all.”

That’s not great, either. We all need to learn to trust one another if we’re going to get through whatever’s going on with these lost ones. But I understand his hesitation. After what Hethenos did to Kyle, I don’t blame his father for not trusting us.

“Why don’t you take me to your castle?” he suggests, pulling me from my thoughts.

I release my wings, and he shoots me a wink then releases his. I take off into the sky, and he follows alongside me. It’s nice not having to hide him under my veil like the last time he was here.

His dark hair blows gently in the breeze, and he’s just as gorgeous from the side as he is from the front. He catches me gawking at him, which flushes my cheeks. I quickly refocus my attention to where we’re going, and soon we land on my balcony.

Yeah, it’s a bit of a cowardly move not going through the main entrance, but I just don’t want to see Harlum, or especially Amaros, just yet. I know Amaros will be difficult to deal with, not to mention rude to Kyle. Their last run-in after the explosion at the Great Hall didn’t go well, and I know he hates Kyle because I believe him to be my fated mate.

Tough shit, Amaros.

Kyle follows me into my quarters, and we’re barely through the door before his hands are on me, and he’s lifting me into his arms. Our lips crash in a passionate frenzy, and we fall back onto my bed. He removes my leathers quickly, exposing me to him before tugging his shirt over his head and tossing it to the floor. My focus drops to the rippled muscles of his chest and abs. He looks like a god, now more than ever. I wet my lips as I take him in, my gorgeous archangel.

He pulls back, and his eyes practically glow a pale blue as his lustful gaze scans my body.

“Remember how I wanted to wait to do this once you remembered me?” He plants his hands on either side of my head and leans down to kiss me again. Only this time he takes it slowly, gently exploring my mouth with his tongue.

Gods above, he tastes so damn good. He cups my breast and pinches my nipple, and I arch up off the bed as a soft moan escapes my lips.

A low growl rumbles in his chest, and I shiver in response. This male is pure dominance, and I can scent his desire for me. His need to claim me. And I want him to. I need him to.

He settles between my legs, and his hard length strains through his leather pants. He kisses his way down my body and hovers at my thighs. Without breaking eye contact, he slips his fingers under the band of my underwear and tugs them down my legs.

He spreads my legs apart and plants kisses along my inner thigh. His breath is warm against my delicate folds as he swipes his tongue over my core. I buck up off the bed and grip the covers while he swipes his tongue over my clit before he slips a finger inside me. By the gods, it feels good, and I moan his name in response.

A knock at the door startles us both.

“Zarla?” Amaros’s voice sounds through the door.

Kyle and I stare at one another, and he narrows his eyes before climbing off me and tugging his shirt back on. I find my clothes and shuffle myself back into them quickly.

Bastard. Of course he has to interrupt at the worst possible time. We should’ve pretended we weren’t in here, although it would have been bad if he had come in anyway.

“Zarla, you in there?”

“Give me a second!” I call out angrily before turning to Kyle. “We need to finish this again soon, okay?”

Kyle is dressed now, leaning against the wall with his arms folded and his jaw tense. He’s not impressed. And to be fair, neither am I. This had better be damn important.

I yank the door open, and Amaros steps into my quarters without asking, gently shoving me aside as he scans my room. His focus locks onto Kyle, who has moved toward him.

There’s a stare-off for some time before I clear my throat. Bloody males.

“Amaros, you remember Kyle?” I ask, my tone conveying my frustration.

He doesn’t answer me, which is answer enough.

Kyle smirks. “Good to see you again. But maybe next time, you could wait at the door.”

I hurry to Kyle’s side as Amaros flares his nostrils.

“He has a point,” I say. “You need to respect my space. What do you want?”

My tone is harsher than I mean it to be, but after our last encounter, he deserves nothing less.

“Can we speak? Alone?” He doesn’t take his eyes off Kyle, who growls in response.

His growl does something inside me, hearing the protective nature of his feelings for me rise to the surface. He reaches down and wraps his hand around mine. So no, clearly he is not willing to allow me to speak with Amaros alone. And I don’t want to anyway.

Amaros catches the movement and stares at our joined hands before dragging his gaze back up to meet mine. “Please, Zarla?”

Damn, this male is crafty. His eyes moisten slightly, and the hurt there is palpable. Sadness tugs at my heart to see him like this. How can he do that to me, after everything? Why does he have such a hold over me? I bite my bottom lip and give a gentle shake of my head. I don’t think I can speak just yet.

Kyle looks at me then responds on my behalf. “I think you have your answer. She’s not interested in hearing your lies.”

Amaros balls his fists. “I wasn’t asking you, archangel.”

His voice is dark and laced with anger, and it scares me a bit.

Kyle immediately shifts his body so he’s standing in front of me. “I think you should leave.”

Tears spill over as I lock stares with Amaros. Any trace of the hurt that was there is replaced now with rage, and it’s difficult to know whether it’s directed at me or Kyle. Maybe the both of us.

I can sense Kyle’s powers building, waiting just below the surface, ready if needed. Amaros appears to sense it too as he shifts uneasily from one foot to the other. He drops his focus to our linked hands, then abruptly turns and leaves my quarters.

I let out a long breath, and Kyle takes my face between his hands.

“Are you all right?”

“No,” I reply honestly. How can I be all right? This whole situation is so bad. “But I will be.”

He studies my face for a moment. “I hate that you have to be here with him. I don’t trust him.”

I swallow hard, and he gently catches my tears with his thumbs and wipes them away.

“I know,” I say, “and I don’t either. But there’s nothing I can do. I’m just so glad you’re here with me.”

He tugs me into his chest and holds me until I settle down, and there’s nowhere I would rather be.

I take Kyle into the city and show him around. He didn’t get to see much of my Kingdom the last time he was here. It was such a brief visit.

We head to the Dark Forest next, and I show him the huts we built together when we were young. His eyes light up at the memory as he steps into the bushes to check them out.

“Wow. They’ve held up pretty well, too.” He ducks down low and squeezes his enormous frame through the entrance, and I follow behind him.

There’s not much room in here, so it’s just as well we don’t mind the proximity to one another.

A smile tugs at my lips as the memories of being here with Kyle filter through my mind. Warmth swells my chest to have them back. He reaches out and tucks my hair behind my ear so he can better study my face, and I turn to him.

“I can’t believe we knew one another. It’s no wonder you felt so familiar to me that first time I saw you,” I say quietly.

A gust blows past the door and ruffles the trees outside, and I huddle closer to Kyle. He wraps an arm around me as I lean against him.

“Pretty crazy, right?” he says. “And also pretty special.”

I stroke his muscular arm wrapped across my chest, circling the dragon tail tattoo there with my finger. It’s mesmerizing and stunning all at the same time.

“Really special,” I agree.

Footsteps sound outside the hut, and Kyle immediately climbs out the entrance and draws his sword. I follow quickly behind him to see two messenger angels, looking a little uneasy in the presence of Kyle.

“Miss Quinn,” one of them says and clears his throat as he eyes Kyle’s sword. “Your father has requested that you and your…guest join him and Lissian for dinner this evening.”

Kyle and I look at one another, and he puts his sword away.

“Oh, okay, sure,” I respond. “Where will it be?”

He eyes Kyle cautiously. “In the red dining room at the castle, miss. In one hour.”

The messenger angels both nod before taking off and disappearing into the sky.

“Are you okay having dinner with us?” I ask nervously.

Kyle takes hold of my hand and gives it a squeeze. “More than okay with it. It would be good to get to know Harlum better.”

My heart warms at that. “Okay, then. Well, we’d better go.”

We head back to my quarters where Lissian has kindly left a change of clothes for Kyle, and I’m amazed she knows his size. The black tux fits him like a glove, and I can’t stop gawking at how handsome he looks in it. I’m wearing a fitted golden gown that just touches the floor. My hair is clipped to the side, and my thick waves hang over my left shoulder. We look pretty good together.

“Stunning,” Kyle says as he eyes me up and down, and my cheeks flush.

He extends his elbow out, and I link my arm through his, then we make our way down to the red dining room. Harlum and Lissian are already there, seated at the table, and they both stand as we enter. The room is, of course, red, hence the name. From the walls, to the carpet, to the candle and flower display in the center of the table. Red and gold are the royal colours of our Kingdom, and Harlum wanted a room to represent that.

“My beautiful daughter.” Harlum embraces me with a kiss on my cheek. He then extends his hand out to Kyle. “Kyle. It’s good to finally meet you.”

“And you, sir.”

Lissian hugs me and then hugs Kyle too, who for a moment seems unsure how to respond. I know he’s probably worried whether Harlum will mind, but he eventually returns the hug.

“It’s lovely to see you again, Kyle,” Lissian says. “I remember how cute you were as a young angel, and here you are as big and handsome as ever.”

Harlum clears his throat, and she swats his arm, then gestures to the table.

“Shall we?” she asks.

We sit down at the table set for four, and I wonder why Astelle isn’t here. But before I can ask, the keepers enter the dining room and place a small salad in front of each of us.

“So, Kyle. How have you found Silanthia?” Harlum asks before tucking into his salad.

Kyle absent-mindedly drags his fork around his plate, moving the lettuce leaves about. “It’s been great. Zarla showed me through the city earlier, and we visited the Dark Forest. I have fond memories of this place. Now, at least.”

“I’m glad to hear it.” Harlum takes the last bite of his salad, and the keepers return to clear the plates away, despite the rest of us not being finished yet.

Always on the King’s terms.

“I know it must be strange being here,” Lissian says. “We are all on edge after everything that has happened with the lost ones. I’m sure Zarla appreciates your company during these dark times.”

Kyle places his hand on my thigh beneath the table and gives it a reassuring squeeze. I smile at him, and then the doors burst open.

A visibly angry Amaros enters the room, followed by two distraught-looking guards. Oh no.

“Amaros, you cannot disturb the King’s private meal!” one guard firmly states.

He ignores him and approaches the table. He narrows his eyes at Kyle before focusing on Harlum. “I apologise for the disruption, Harlum. But there’s something your guest needs to know.”

I frown at him. What in the gods is he talking about?

I abruptly stand. “Amaros, you need to leave.”

Kyle laughs. “What is it I need to know, then?”

A smirk spreads across Amaros’s face, and my heart drops because I immediately know this can’t be good.

“Amaros, please don’t,” I beg.

“Don’t what? He deserves to know about us.”

And there it is. I close my eyes before shifting my gaze to Kyle, who appears more confused than ever and is no longer smiling.

“Enough of this.” Harlum stands. “Amaros, now is not the time for this. This is a private family dinner. You need to leave.”

Ignoring Harlum, Amaros presses on. “Zarla, do you want to tell him, or should I?”

He pins me with a knowing stare, waiting for my reaction and more than looking forward to the fallout.

A boiling heat grows in my chest, and I shake my head at him as I desperately try to contain it.

“No? Very well, then. Did Zarla mention our kiss?”

All eyes shift to me, but the only pair I’m worried about are Kyle’s as they bore into mine.

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