Wings of Betrayal (Kingdom of Angels #2) Chapter 10 33%
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Chapter 10


T he Zelon, or whatever the heck it is now, bares its teeth at me. It lets out a deep, throaty growl that sounds much more dangerous than a regular Zelon.

I continue to back away.

“Run!” Finlay shouts again.

This time, I do. The creature screeches again, but I don’t dare look back as I run as fast as my legs will allow through the forest. I release my wings and take to the skies. I know it’s following me by the sound of large, swooping wings cutting through the air behind me.

Finlay! Help me! I scream through the mind link.

What do I do? he asks, panicked.

I take a sharp turn and dive back down toward the forest floor where I fly low, darting between trees in an attempt to lose it. It screeches again, and the sound is deafening as it echoes throughout the forest.

An idea pops into my head that could either go incredibly well, or it could be incredibly stupid. I spin around and fly backwards, facing the creature as I build my powers between my hands.

It’s much closer than I expected, and its head thrashes about as it flies with erratic and sudden movements. Once my power is strong enough, I blast it at the creature and knock it to the forest floor. It rolls a few times and crashes into a tree, snapping the tree in half.

I hover in the air a moment before deciding it’s safe to land, then gently glide down to the ground. I ready another burst of power and aim it at the creature. It moves its head in my direction, much slower this time, and lets out a weaker, almost muffled growl.

Blue blood oozes from the corner of its mouth, and although a part of me doesn’t want to harm this creature, I know I don’t have a choice. I blast it with my power, and it streams into the creature, absorbing quickly. The creature’s skin cracks as white light bursts from within it, blasting it into pieces.

Zarla, what’s happening? Finlay asks. Where are you?

Sucking in a breath of air, I stretch my arms above my head, cracking my back. I’m not entirely sure, but I think I’m near the Gateway. I’m okay.

My mind reels. If that can happen to a deceased Zelon, what can happen to an angel? Is that how the lost ones are made? Once a creature is marked by a lost one, if they die, they become one of them? I instinctively reach around to my back to where I was scratched. Does this mean that if I die, I will become one, too?

A shift in the air steals my focus, and Finlay swoops down, his large silver wings blowing my hair up around my face as he lands before me.

He surveys the area before settling his gaze on me. “You okay?”

I bite the inside of my cheek. “I think so. That was insane.”

Voices sound nearby, and we both turn in that direction.

“Let’s check it out,” I suggest.

We wander through the forest toward the voices, keeping as quiet as possible. It’s difficult with leaves and sticks covering the forest floor, crunching beneath every step we take, but we manage to keep noise to a minimum. I spot the clearing through the trees where the gateway is located, and angels are gathered there. We move closer until we’re able to get a better view.

Who is that? Finlay’s voice sounds in my head, and I’ve never been happier to have this annoying, but handy, gift.

I squint into the darkness as I try to make out who it is, and then I gasp. It’s Amaros.

I can practically feel Finlay tense beside me, and I stifle a laugh. He doesn’t like the male, and I don’t blame him.

What is Amaros up to? We need to get closer. I gesture for Finlay to follow me as I creep over to the tree line surrounding the clearing and duck down behind a large fallen log.

Angel hearing and sight are heightened compared to other creatures, particularly humans, so I can see and hear, even from this distance.

Several watchers stand near the gateway, their brows furrowed and their bodies tense. They’re clearly having an in-depth conversation about something pretty important by the looks of it.

Amaros gives the watchers a nod and walks away.

Follow him. And be discreet, I tell Finlay.

Finlay nods and disappears back into the forest.

The watchers chat amongst themselves for a moment before passing back through the gateway.

Keep this between us for now, okay? I say.

Yeah, okay, he replies. There’s something else I need to mention. I saw Amaros visiting Astelle in her quarters earlier. Just thought you might want to know.

Thanks for letting me know. Be careful, I reply.

I think I may need to pay Astelle a visit myself. We should clear the air, if at all possible.

I will, Finlay says.

I wait a while until I’m sure the watchers are gone, and Amaros and Finlay are long gone, too, before I emerge from the Dark Forest. I want to check on the Zelons who saved us. Although their healing abilities are impressive, we have to be careful. As long as none of them die anytime soon, we should be okay.

I fly at speed toward the castle and land on my balcony. I decide that to avoid questions, I’ll take a shortcut through my room and head straight for Astelle’s. The castle is quiet, and I only spot a few keepers wandering about tidying, as per usual. Astelle may even be asleep since it’s late.

I stop outside her quarters and calm my nerves by taking a deep breath before knocking. Movement sounds from the other side of the door as she crosses the room to answer.

She takes one look at me and attempts to slam the door in my face, but I’m much quicker, and I shove my leather boot inside the gap before she has the chance.

“It’s important,” I tell her.

She grits her teeth and takes a moment as she considers her options before stepping back. I gently push the door all the way open and walk inside.

I have never been inside Astelle’s quarters before. Everything has an elegant feel to it that matches her entire attitude and the way in which she holds herself. The walls are a turquoise blue with gold trim. Her four-poster bed sits in the center of the room, with luscious white silk draped over the top. There’s a white marble fireplace across the room with two comfortable-looking cream armchairs positioned in front of it.

The decor is simple, yet stylish. It’s very…Astelle.

I follow her across the room, where she sits in the armchair by the lit fire and gestures for me to do the same. She crosses her legs, and the long black nightgown she’s wearing opens to reveal her polished, tanned skin. The warm crackle of the firewood helps to calm some of the tension.

“I’m going to get straight to the point,” I say, and she raises her brows. “Why did you stab me?”

She smirks, and I can tell it’s a fond memory of hers.

Right. Okay, then.

“It seemed like a good idea at the time. No one would question it, given the injuries caused by the explosion.”

I scratch my chin as I mull over her blasé way of explaining it, as if it’s no big deal.

She watches me closely and folds her arms across her chest while the smirk leaves her lips. “I am sorry for it, by the way. I shouldn’t have done it. But my entire life, you have stolen the spotlight from me. And now you’re trying to steal the one male I actually care about.”

I lean forward on the edge of my chair. “That’s not what’s going on here. Amaros told me he loves me. There have been many things I have learned about him, and I don’t trust him like I once did. He’s being sneaky, and it seems like he’s saying the same things to the both of us.”

Astelle narrows her eyes at me then glances down at her perfectly manicured gold nails. “I don’t believe you. Why would he tell me he loves me if he loves you?”

I shake my head. “I don’t really know what he’s trying to do, but I plan to find out. There’s a lot to talk about, more important matters.”

I pause to survey her expression before I continue. “My mother told me that Harlum isn’t our real father.”

Her eyes widen, and she parts her lips and sits forward. “Why would you lie about such a thing?”

“I’m not lying, Astelle. It’s true. In my mother’s journals, she wrote about how I had my father’s green eyes. Harlum’s eyes aren’t green. And…your mother confirmed it as well.”

She glares at me without saying a word, and I decide while I have her attention, and before she potentially kicks me out of her room, I better finish.

“A memory came back to me from when I was young.” I swallow hard. “The memory of Hethenos killing my mother. I’m sorry to tell you this, but it’s true. I remember, and Hethenos admitted it. And…Amaros was there, too. Then my real father, our real father, showed up and took my mother away. He had green eyes, just like mine. You look like him, too. He’s a very handsome male. He has blond hair, and he’s huge. A powerful male, with these amazing gold wings. I think… I think he’s a god.”

Astelle abruptly stands, pinching the bridge of her nose as she squeezes her eyes closed for a moment. “I have no idea what kind of kick you’re getting out of telling such lies, but I won’t listen to any more of them.” She presses her hands on her hips and glares at me. “It’s your fault my mother is dead, and now you’re trying to take my father, and Amaros, away from me too!”


“My mother warned me about you. She warned me you might try to lie to me about important parts of my life, and to never believe you.”

I get to my feet and hold my hands up in defence. “Astelle, that’s not what I’m doing?—”

“Get out!” She points to the door.

“But it’s true! All of it! After Hethenos killed my mother, Amaros whispered in my ear that one day I would be a powerful Queen at his side, and that we’d rule the Kingdoms together.”

She covers her face and screams, and I jump at the sound.

“Get. Out,” she orders.

I reluctantly leave her room, but I pause in the doorway and look back. “Just be careful around him, okay? He’s not who you think he is.”

She storms toward me, and before I can dodge it, she slaps me hard across the face. “You’ve always been jealous of me, and now that I’m with Amaros, you can’t handle it. Stay the hell away from us!”

She slams the door in my face, and I’m left startled in the corridor.

The weight of everything in my life presses down on my shoulders, and for the first time in a while, it’s almost more than I can bear. I brace my hand against the wall as tears sting my eyes, and I bite my bottom lip in an attempt to get my emotions under control.

It doesn’t work. Taking deep breaths, I make my way through the castle and back into my quarters.

Everything okay? Finlay’s voice fills my mind.

It’s as if my throat is closing, and I can’t get enough air. I can’t breathe. I rest my forehead against the cool wood of the door as sweat beads on the back of my neck. Maybe I’m dying. Is this it? Not a Zelon attack, not killed by a lost one, but by a damn panic attack?


I suck in several slow breaths, and when my heart pumps at its normal rhythm again, I respond, I’m okay.

Like hell you are. I can feel you, remember? You’re far from okay. I’m coming.

He can’t have been that quick, but I swear, only a minute later, there’s a knock on the door that startles me. I immediately sense Finlay on the other side, so I open it to let him in. I’m in his arms in an instant, and he rubs soothing circles over my back.

“It’s gonna be okay.”

My lip trembles, and I swallow hard, but it’s useless. Tears flow freely, and I subtly wipe at them with the back of my hand while Finlay holds me.

Gods above, he’s a good friend. The mind link we share has gone from being one of my least favourite things to one of my most valued.

“You want to tell me what’s got you so upset?” He gently moves back.

I wipe my fingers under my eyes to get rid of the remaining tears. “Astelle.”

He nods as if that’s explanation enough.

I elaborate anyway. “I went to see her. I needed to clear the air. It was time.”

He closes the door and leans against it, crossing his thick arms over his chest. “Let me guess. It didn’t go so well?”

I snort. “You could say that. She kicked me out, but not before she slapped me.”

He raises his brows. “Ouch. Why’d she do that?”

I cross the room and sit on the edge of my bed. “Because she didn’t like the truth.”

He tilts his head and studies me a moment before joining me. “Care to explain?”

I blow all the air out of my lungs in preparation to explain what the heck happened. “I’ve messed everything up. Kyle hates me, and so does Astelle.”

He drapes his arm around my shoulder and tugs me closer. “None of it’s your fault. Amaros is a manipulative son of a bitch, and we can’t trust him.”

“I know that. And I tried to explain that to her, but she won’t listen. She thinks I’m lying that Harlum isn’t our real father, or that Amaros told me he loves me. She thinks I am the one she can’t trust.”

He removes his arm from around my shoulder and tilts my chin up to look at him. “I know it doesn’t feel like it at the moment, but it’ll be okay. All of this will work out in the end. You just have to ride the waves, and soon you will find calm waters.”

A smile tugs at my lips, and I can’t help but feel immense gratitude for having him in my life. What a turn of events, going from being one of my most disliked angels to one of my favourite.

“Now that’s the Zarla I know. Keep smiling, beautiful, because your smile can light up the entire Kingdom.”

I wrap my arms around him, and he pats my back. “Thank you.”

He laughs. “Anytime. Now come on. We have somewhere to be.”

I pull back and stare at him in confusion. “Where?”

“The academy. We’ve been asked to help train the future guardians and seconds for battle to potentially fight the lost ones.”

I’m unsure exactly how my expression reads, but he quickly adds, “It’ll be a good distraction.”

And then I’m sold.

We fly to the academy, and the Master is waiting for us outside on the grass as we descend. I retract my wings and walk over to greet him.

“Master,” I say with a nod.

He smiles gently, and then Finlay joins me and gives the Master a nod in greeting. The Master looks between Finlay and me several times, as if he’s considering something.

“I am pleased to see you two getting along so well. I always knew you would. Eventually. The gods have plans for us all.” His focus settles on me. “I am proud of you, Zarla, and I know your mother would be, too.”

Thinking of my mother sends a pang through my heart. Although I was able to spend a little time with her in recent months, I haven’t found a way back to her since. I’m unsure if she’s preventing it on purpose, or if something darker may be at play.

“Why do you appear so sad, my dear?”

I blink a few times and replay the Master’s question through my mind. “Oh, I was just thinking about her. There’s something you should know. I have visited her a couple of times now.”

He frowns. “I don’t understand. Your mother is in the Spirit Realm.”

I swallow hard and side-eye Finlay, who appears as confused as the Master.

“I have been to see her. I don’t know if it’s the Spirit Realm, but I have visited her, wherever she is.”

The Master clasps his hands behind his back and narrows his gaze at me. “Zarla, no angel can pass through to the Spirit Realm. At least, not one who is still alive. It is unheard of. Are you sure this wasn’t just a dream?”

“I’m sure.”

He frowns for the briefest of moments before what looks like realisation crosses his features. But as quickly as it appears, it vanishes, replaced by his usual calm demeanor.

What was that all about?

“Come. Let me introduce you to some students.”

That was strange. Finlay’s voice fills my mind. And when were you going to tell me about your mother?

It was. He knows something. And I’m sorry. There’s been a lot going on at the moment, but I was planning to, I promise.

Okay, he says, but you are going to tell me about it later, all right?

I can’t help but giggle. Yes, all right. Now, let’s focus.

There’s definitely something the Master isn’t telling me, but I decide to leave it. For now, at least.

He leads Finlay and me around the arena, introducing us to various angels, all of whom seem to know who I am, which is strange. They even seem to hold great respect for Finlay, which I think he needed to see and hear. I know he still beats himself up for the way he behaved over the last few months.

The Master stops near a group of angels training on one of the fighting mats. “These angels are impressive. They are all just about ready, too.”

They pause their fighting, and all gather around Finlay and me. There are four males and four females, and they must be around sixteen. Maybe younger, but you wouldn’t know it by looking at them.

That’s the thing with most angels. We are all built tall, some more muscular than others. Compared to humans, we appear older than we are, just because of our size, I think.

“Recruits, this is Zarla Quinn and Finlay Kallis. Zarla has a few words to say to you all.”

I stare wide-eyed at the Master. A few words? What? I try to scramble my brain into gear. What could I possibly have to say to these angels?

But then somehow the words come to me, and I step forward. “I was once in your shoes. And although I was never trained for a potential battle such as the one we may face here in Silanthia, or down on Earth, I have fought many battles of my own. I can help prepare you all for what you may face.”

I pace slowly before them. “I want to teach you a few of the tactics I have picked up from my experience in battling angels, watchers, and lost ones.”

The angels before me gasp and whisper amongst themselves. Hearing about the lost ones is new to them, I’m sure. But the more they know about them, the better.

The Master instructs all the angels in the arena to break into ten groups containing twenty angels each. We then show each group a new fighting tactic for them to practice. Despite the old rule in the arena about no powers allowed, the Master has agreed, given the circumstances, that we need to teach them how to use their powers. However, to avoid damage to the building’s infrastructure, we have decided to practice that outside another time.

I approach the group containing the same angels I spoke with before. “You must never, ever allow a lost one to scratch you with their claws.”

One of the females speaks up. “Why’s that?”

Her expression holds a mix of uncertainty and fear. Good. They need to be afraid.

“Because if one scratches you, and you die…you will become one of them,” I explain.

Finlay moves to my side. They’re not bad, right?

No, they’re pretty good, I reply. I can’t remember whether we were as good. It feels like a lifetime ago.

He scoffs. We were much better. And yes, it does, doesn’t it?

I can’t help but smile at that. Typical Finlay with his “I’m better than everyone” attitude. Got to love him for it, though. Confidence is never a bad thing.

Some students whisper amongst themselves.

“What is it?” I ask.

One male steps forward. He’s stocky with black hair and pale skin, and he towers over even Finlay. What in the gods are they feeding these angels?

“Is it true? That you’ve ridden a Zelon?” he asks.

I laugh as the image of Keva immediately shifts to the forefront of my mind. “Yes, it’s true.”

They gasp and all start asking questions at once, and I have to raise my hands to quiet them down.

“One at a time,” I say.

“Do you have one as a pet?” a female asks.

“Sort of. Although I don’t consider him so much of a pet as I do a companion. We share a mutual bond, and we help one another as equals. Zelons are special creatures within our Kingdom. They are the protectors of Silanthia.”

The angels remain silent, staring at me in awe.

Then I have an idea. “Who wants to meet them?”

They all raise their hands and take a step forward, but one female hovers at the back.

“Everything all right?” I ask.

She folds her arms across her chest and narrows her eyes at me. “Is it true a lost one almost killed you?”

“It is,” I say.

She tilts her head to the side. “So then why should we take your advice? You’re no expert.”

The others gasp and whisper amongst themselves, but I can’t help but admire her confidence. She has a point.

“You’re right. Believe me, I wish there were someone else for the job. Lost ones are terrifying creatures, and you never want to encounter one if you can help it. But as a survivor of an attack, I may have some pointers for you all that could help save your lives.”

She continues to stare at me. “How do we know you survived an attack, and you’re not just making it up?”

I raise my brows. “I suppose that’s a fair question.”

Zarla, you don’t have to prove shit to any of them, Finlay says.

I know, I reply.

I spin around and lift my leathers up to reveal the scars from the lost one’s attack, and they all gasp.

Lowering my leathers down, I face the female. “Satisfied?”

She drops her arms to her sides and nods.

“Now, for those who are up for a bit of danger, follow me.”

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