A maros steps thorough the portal, and his angry glare immediately homes in on Zalore’s hand around my throat. He launches himself at Zalore and tackles him to the ground. The surrounding lost ones move in, but Zalore shouts at them to stay back as the men both jump to their feet.
“Think you can take me on your own?” Amaros taunts him as the two males circle one another.
Zalore throws his head back and lets out a throaty laugh. “No question.”
A subtle blue glow shimmers over Amaros’s skin, and I realise what he’s done. He’s been to the Spirit Realm and taken the orb, absorbing its power.
“How dare you put your fucking hands on my female!” Amaros shouts and takes a swing at Zalore.
Zalore attempts to pivot out of the way, but Amaros slams his fist into the male, sending him down to the ground again. He kicks Zalore in the side, but he grabs Amaros’s boot, pulling him down with him.
They wrestle about as I eye the portal behind them. Is that Silanthia? I reach for my ability and aim it at the portal, morphing it into a portal to the Realm of Lost Souls. It works.
Then I take control of all the lost ones within this room and guide them over to the portal. Zalore and Amaros are so caught up in their fight that they don’t even notice what I’m doing. The two burley males throw punches and charge one another, oblivious to anything else going on around them.
I send the lost ones through the portal, and once they’re all through it, I allow it to snap shut.
The chain around my neck weighs heavily, and I attempt to remove it, but it’s impossible. I reach for my mother’s locket and hold it against the metal, and it clicks open. I throw the thick collar to the ground, and it clatters as it hits the stone floor.
I consider attempting to open another portal back into Zarquon. It’s either that or sneak out of the main doors while the males are distracted. I wonder how far I can get before they notice I’m gone.
But I can’t risk it. I may not make it through the portal before one of these males catches me. I decide sneaking out of the room is my best bet. I can make a portal once I’m safely out of this god-awful castle.
I’m almost at the doors when I feel a strange pull. Spinning around, I watch in shock as Amaros pulls the Sword of Silanthia from the holster on his hip. Blood drips down his face as he stalks toward Zalore, who scrambles across the ground away from him. Amaros stands over him, lifting the sword high in the air before bringing it down with both hands and plunging it into Zalore’s chest.
I gasp as the male chokes on his own blood, and then he relaxes back against the cool stone floor, his lifeless gaze focused up at the ceiling.
My mouth gapes open as the realisation kicks in that he’s really dead.
Holy shit. Amaros killed him.
Amaros pulls the sword out of his lifeless body and allows the weight of it to drag on the ground as he turns to look for me. His gaze locks onto mine, his chest rising with each heavy breath.
Then he stalks toward me.
I turn back to the doors, trying to open them, but they won’t budge.
Please, please open.
I shake them, then peer over my shoulder to see him coming for me. I hold my mother’s locket up to the doors, but before I can get them open, he snakes his arm around my waist and hauls me backward.
My pulse roars between my ears, and my blood turns to ice in my veins. I scream as he throws me into the room, and I trip and land hard on my side. Shit, that hurt. I scramble onto my back and scuttle away from him. He holds the sword up, pointing the blade at me. Zalore’s blood drips off the end of it.
“I can scent it, you know,” he says, glaring. “The mating bond.”
Oh no. I get to my feet and back away from him. “Stay away from me, Amaros.”
He lowers the sword and laughs. “You still think you can make commands of me? Your King.”
There’s a dark and evil glint in his eyes that steals my breath. Each and every time I see him, it’s as if the darkness has pulled him farther in, filling his mind with a toxicity I don’t think he can ever come back from.
There’s not much left of the male I once liked. He’s been replaced with someone evil and cold, and he frightens me.
He tilts his head to the side as he studies me before walking right up to me. I hold my ground, refusing to allow my fear to play out across my features. I don’t know what this male has planned for me, but I will not be weak, nor will I back down.
He reaches out and caresses my cheek. “You are mine. My powerful Queen.”
I bat his hand away, and he chuckles.
“Together we will rule over the Kingdoms, as I always knew we would.”
I lean my head back and look him in the eye. “No. I am not your Queen. And I will never be yours.”
He slowly walks away from me, then abruptly spins around to face me again. He scratches his chin with his free hand. “I enjoyed killing Harlum. He should have never been King in the first place. I have been by his side for hundreds of years, waiting for the right moment. He wasn’t a god. He was never worthy to rule.”
I don’t dare speak. Anything I say is likely to anger him further, and I have to bide my time until I can find a way to escape from this. From him.
He stalks back over to me and leans in close, sniffing my neck before pulling back again and screwing up his face. He grabs me around my throat and shoves me back against the stone wall.
“You disgust me. I will kill Kyle for this, for putting his cock inside my female,” he warns.
His words swirl in the pit of my stomach, creating a wave of nausea, and I will myself to remain strong. My body trembles beneath his touch, and I fear for what he will do to me.
“Doesn’t matter though. I have ways to break the bond, and when I do, we will finally mate.” He traces his fingers down my neck, between my breasts, down over my stomach, and settles his hand between my legs. “There’s nothing to stop me from having a taste now, though. I know you want it. You always have.”
I struggle against him, but he has me pinned against the wall. “No! Get off me!”
My powers blast out of me in a powerful shockwave that shoots Amaros backwards. He drops the sword and lands hard on his back. Seeing my opportunity, I sprint for the doors, thankful they did unlock earlier, and yank them open.
“Zarla!” he shouts.
I make a beeline for the stone stairs leading down through the tunnels. Even if Amaros has been down here, maybe I can lose him in the tunnels. I’m fast on my feet, and he’s injured.
“Zarla!” he calls out again, his voice echoing down through the tunnels.
He’s on the stone staircase. That much I’m certain of. If there isn’t another way out of here, I will open a portal.
But first, there’s something I must do. I sprint as hard and fast as I can until I reach the end of the tunnel that opens up into the familiar cave below. I peer down, and my breath catches when I spot him.
Finlay’s lifeless body.
Hold it together, Zarla. You can’t break down yet. There’ll be time for that later .
I release my wings, swoop down, and land next to him. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I crouch down next to him as tears sting my eyes, and I roughly wipe them away.
“I’m so sorry,” I whisper, then lean down and hug him. His body is cool to the touch, and it startles me a little. “You didn’t deserve this. I should’ve been here.”
Taking a deep breath, I know what I must do. I get to my feet and reach for my ability then open a portal to the Realm of Lost Souls. I close my eyes, search for every lost one trapped in this Kingdom, and then take hold of them. I will them to come here, to this portal, so I can send them home. I remain focused as I control them, and soon, a buzzing noise comes from up above.
I glance up as hundreds of lost ones drift down and then pass through the portal. Despite the terrors these creatures have caused, it settles me knowing they are back where they belong. Once I am sure they are all through, I close the portal. I’m going to have to do the same back in Zarquon, and on Earth, too.
I then open a portal into Zarquon, thankful I still have the energy to do it. Taking hold of Finlay’s arms, I gently drag him through it and then lay him down on the soft grass. I breathe in the scent of salty sea air, thankful to be back here.
Then I notice I feel off balance.. I pat my hips for my daggers, but one is missing. Shoot. I step back through the portal into Galespo and spot it lying on the dirt ground.
I walk over and grab it, then slip it back into my thigh straps. I’m about to pass back through the portal into Zarquon when someone grabs me from behind.
“You really think I’m going to let you go back there? You’re coming home with me, where you belong.”
I struggle against his hold, and in doing so lose focus on the portal. It closes.
“No!” I scream.
“Shhh,” he whispers in my ear. “You’re safe now. Zalore’s dead, and he will never be able to touch you again. You are mine, and you’re not going anywhere.”
I use all my strength to struggle against the male to try to free myself, but it’s no use. He is way too strong for me.
Amaros frowns at me, his features twisted in confusion. “Why are you fighting this? We can finally be together. This is our Kingdom now. We can rule it, along with Silanthia and eventually Zarquon as well.”
I slap him. “No!”
He releases me for a moment as he rubs his cheek, giving me the chance I need. I blast him with my powers, then quickly open another portal into Zarquon. He storms toward me, but I blast him again then jump through the portal and snap it shut behind me.
I lie on the cool forest floor, breathing hard.
Kyle appears above me, his black wings outstretched at his sides. He crouches down and pulls me into his arms. I glance over at Finlay’s lifeless body, and Kyle follows my gaze.
My lip quivers, and before I can stop them, tears blur my vision.
“Thank the gods you’re here,” he tells me. “I’m so sorry I abandoned you. I tried to get back to you, but I couldn’t.”
“Zalore’s dead. Amaros killed him.”
“Did he harm you?” He scans my body, searching for injuries as I wipe my tearstained cheeks.
“Nothing I can’t handle.” Worry settles into my throat, and I try to swallow it down. “What if he comes for me?”
Kyle takes my face in his hands. “You’re safe here with me. I will never let anything happen to you again, I promise. I don’t care if he comes here. I hope he does so I can kill him myself.”
Although I believe Kyle’s words, I know he can’t make that promise. Amaros is out there, and he won’t stop until he has me. He has some strange delusion that I am his, and I don’t think he’s going to stop until I’m under his control. He also harnesses the power of one of the orbs, so he’s able to open portals now, too.
I glance over at Finlay’s lifeless body again and quickly avert my gaze. “We have to get him back to his family. It’s going to break them.”
He caresses my cheek. “I will arrange messenger angels to take him home. We can’t do it ourselves. It isn’t safe for us to venture into Silanthia.”
I nod in agreement, knowing he’s right. I wish we could bring him home ourselves.
“I’ll go and find someone. Would you like to wait here with him?” Kyle asks gently.
I look over Finlay’s body, still shocked to my core that’s he’s really gone. “Yes, I’ll wait here.”
Kyle kisses my forehead then takes off into the sky. I sit with my friend, thinking of all the wonderful memories we’ve shared together. I’m thankful to have known the real Finlay. He turned out to be so special to me, and I will never forget him. He touched my life, enriching it in so many ways.
I take in a deep breath, attempting to ease the ache in my heart, like a part of it is missing, and I wonder if it’s from our severed bond. My lip trembles as I lean over and hug my friend, sobs consuming me until I can barely breathe. An emptiness settles inside me, and I wonder how I will ever recover from this.
I stare at my reflection in the mirror, and I’m almost unrecognisable. The long white dress I’m wearing is such a contrast to my usual leathers. The thin straps and plunging neckline give it an elegant feel, and it hugs my hips before flowing out down to the floor in a puddle of silk.
Lacinda helped me choose it for my mating ceremony, but it’s bittersweet not having Lissian here to help with that sort of thing like she usually would.
I haven’t heard from her, or Mikel, or anyone else still stuck in Silanthia. I only hope they are being treated well. When I can, I will get them out of there. It frightens me knowing Amaros is out there, ruling over two Kingdoms now.
I can feel his betrayal deep in my bones. It scares me how much he has changed. Or perhaps he has always been this way, and I just didn’t see it. Caught up in my own delusions of who I thought he was.
But none of that matters right now. All that matters is Kyle. And that we finally get to celebrate our mating with those who matter most to us. Almost all of them. My heart aches at the thought of those who I have lost, like a deep wound in my heart that feels as though it will never heal.
I spent the last week opening portals within the Kingdom to send any remaining lost ones back. I did the same on Earth, and we are confident they are all back within The Realm of Lost Souls where they belong. Visiting the Spirit Realm frightened me, and I wasn’t able to take anyone with me.
No one else is able to pass through it. Just me. My ability feels like both a blessing and a burden at times.
Knowing Amaros can open portals himself concerns me. That and the fact he can get into the Spirit Realm.
Alaron is still missing, and I haven’t seen my father since I ventured down to Earth to ask Lacinda and Demetros to join us on our mission to Galespo. Where could he be? Why did he suddenly abandon us when we needed him most? When I needed him most.
And then a more sinister possibility crosses my mind.
Maybe he didn’t abandon me at all. Maybe Amaros got to him.
A gentle knock sounds at the door, stealing my focus, and Lacinda pops her head in.
“Oh, Zarla, you look beautiful!” she breathes, wiping her eyes.
“Are you crying?” I tease.
“They’re happy tears, I promise,” she says and slips inside the room, closing the door behind her.
I admire her gorgeous red floor-length gown as she crosses the room. It matches her red hair perfectly, which she has pulled back off her face in a loose bun on the back of her head. She drapes her arm over my shoulder while we both stare at our reflections in the mirror.
My hair is braided over my shoulder with a few loose waves framing my face. My lips are a deep pink, matching perfectly with some gorgeous pink flowers Lacinda found in the fields surrounding the castle that the keepers threaded into my braid.
I glide my fingers over my mother’s locket, wishing she were here for this special moment.
“A lot has happened in this last year,” Lacinda says.
I giggle. “You’re not wrong. I’m hoping the next year isn’t as eventful, but that may just be wishful thinking.”
She smiles. “No, next year will be great. Let’s remain positive. And today is a positive day. We get to celebrate you and Kyle. Are you ready?”
I brush my hands down my dress for the millionth time and blow out a long breath. “I think so.”
She reaches down and takes my hand. “Come on, then.”
She walks with me out of Kyle’s quarters and down the corridor. When we reach the doors on the patio area of the castle, everyone is already sitting on wooden chairs on the lawn, waiting for me. Kyle stands at the front dressed in a gorgeous navy tux with a black shirt underneath. By the gods, he looks good.
Lacinda opens the doors and walks with me over the grass, where someone has laid out hundreds of gorgeous pink petals. The sun beams down over us, and the sound of waves lapping in the distance creates the most perfect atmosphere.
Kyle’s Kingdom feels more like home to me now than my own does. It’s a bittersweet feeling that the home I once knew is lost to me.
Kyle’s mouth gapes open as he takes me in, and everyone stands while we walk past them. I don’t take my eyes off my mate. It helps to keep me calm and distracted from all the focus on me. When I reach him, Lacinda holds my hand out, and he takes it, threading his fingers through mine.
“You are breathtaking,” he whispers, kissing me gently on my cheek.
“You’re not too bad yourself,” I tell him with a cheeky grin.
I look out into the crowd and spot Zeta and Apollon seated at the front. Demetros, Lacinda, and Astelle are too. I smile at my sister, and my heart warms when she returns it. I haven’t had a chance to speak with Astelle properly, only briefly, and I know there is much to discuss. But we will, in time. We both must heal from all the hurt.
Nilo and a few other angels I recognise are seated farther back, and Em is nowhere to be seen, thankfully. I don’t want her to be here for this, knowing her thoughts about Kyle and me.
Our mating ceremony goes perfectly. It’s so special celebrating this amazing moment with everyone. Once it’s finished, a fire is lit in a gorgeous golden fire pit, and everyone mingles with one another as the sun makes its descent. We enjoy the delicious food the keepers have prepared, as well as bubbly drinks they hand out on golden trays.
I drink mine fast and then reach for another.
Kyle slips his hand around my waist and whispers in my ear, “Easy. I want you to last the night, especially for what I have planned.”
He tugs me over to a seat near the fire and pulls me into his lap, and a sense of pure happiness and serenity washes over me. Despite the torment we have all endured over the past few months, we have all managed to get through it. Now, here we are, able to celebrate what we have achieved but also celebrate the lives of those we have lost. So much has happened in the last year, and the best part of it was meeting Kyle.
I cup his cheek and gently press my lips to his. “I love you.”
His gorgeous steel-blue eyes bore into mine. “I love you, too, my mate.”
Movement catches my eye, and I spot Em watching us from near the side of the castle, her angry glare obvious even from this distance. Why is she here? Angels walk past, obscuring my view, and when I look again, she’s gone.
Nerves flutter inside me, and I can’t help but think about what she may do.
“For you,” a keeper says, stealing my focus as she holds a tray out to me with a glass of bubbly on it.
I eye the drink. “Only one? Where’s Kyle’s?”
The keeper gives me a kind smile. “He has one already. Your friend sent this over.”
I glance around, curious who that friend would be, before picking up the glass and taking a sip. My head spins and it tastes different to the last one I had, but I put it down to having a few too many of them and just brush it off, taking another sip.