S edona
“I refuse to call you saying that there’s an emergency with Britney. That’s one of the oldest tricks in the book and guess what? Men know what you’re doing. They never buy the babysitter-calls-with-emergency bit any longer,” Mattie said in her usual demanding way.
“They do if you want it convincingly!” A damn driver honked at me, suddenly riding my bumper. If I wasn’t going nearly eighty miles per hour and climbing, I would have happily stepped on my brakes. I needed a new car anyway.
“Bullshit, and you’re not getting out of this that easily. You agreed to the date. Remember?”
“I was… coerced.” Bullshit, but I couldn’t admit how excited I was to my bestie. She’d never let me live it down. “Just do it, pretty please?”
When the jerk pulled around me, shooting me the finger, I couldn’t help pressing the window button and screaming at him, “Back at you, son of a bitch.”
“Jesus, girl. You need some anger management classes,” Mattie suggested, laughing.
“I’ve had a tough week.” I’d been almost completely unprepared for the group of six men, all in dark suits like they were some hot dudes from Men in Black arriving unannounced. They’d swarmed the office, immediately searching for every scrap of information from the autopsy. They’d kept me at arm’s length, yanking open every drawer and cabinet. Including looking into my personal things.
I’d had a blip of a second to glance at Daphne, thankfully confirming she’d managed to make copies of everything prior to their arrival.
The jerks had even scrubbed my phone, almost removing pictures of my baby. That’s what had really pissed me off.
“Boo-hoo, girl. Suck it up and enjoy your night. Maybe all night. Va-voom.”
“Stop it. I don’t know him that well. Please, just call me. You don’t need to mention Britney. Just that… there’s an issue. You can make something up.”
Her silence was unnerving. She had a way of making me feel so small when she was thinking of the perfect words to chastise me. “You didn’t mention Britney to him. Did you?”
The guy would have needed to be blind not to notice her room. Although it had been dark and we’d both had something else on our minds. “It hasn’t come up yet. I’ve had one drink with him and he dropped me off, not even coming inside.”
Liar. Liar. Pants on fire.
Great. Now I was singing to myself in my head about all my bad deeds.
“Uh-huh,” Mattie snapped. “Fine, I’ll text you, but you’ll need to take it from there. I won’t do all your dirty work for you. But I will never speak to you again if you come home a little while later.”
“Nah. You love me. Remember?”
“You’re such a putz. Go enjoy your night. Goodbye.”
She’d had enough of me. I was ready to think I’d had enough of myself. As the traffic started to slow, I tossed my phone onto my seat.
Since the gruesome group of six had left only a couple of hours before, all I’d been able to think about was what I’d gotten myself in the middle of. What was next? Was one of the agents going to erase my memory like in the movies?
At this point, I wouldn’t put it past them.
I’d loved living in Chicago when I attended the university, but I hadn’t needed to drive anywhere. I’d been fortunate enough to find a little place I’d shared with a roommate within walking distance of most of my classes as well as alternative dining and even a couple of grocery stores.
Driving in the crazy conditions was something else altogether.
My teeth were gritted the entire time. Even my knuckles were white from gripping the steering wheel.
Maybe I should have allowed the man to order up his driver. Then I could have sat back drinking champagne while being chauffeured. The thought was luxurious but impractical.
I need my car in case anything happened with Britney.
She adored Mattie. The two of them played games and watched kids’ movies. Yet after the last couple of days, I was certain my luck wasn’t going to change.
At least the office and examination room were back in order, the one door replaced while the hinges on the other had been repaired.
I checked my GPS, thankful I was close to the exit where the secret location of our dinner festivities would occur. Jax had refused to share with me any details other than to wear a nice dress and heels.
I’d splurged, racing into one of the dress shops where I knew I could find something, thrilled I’d discovered the perfect dress on sale. To say I was eager was an understatement.
Needing a break had never been my objective, but I was still having creepy crawlies. Daphne had worked magic, able to clear up the photographs. They were even more terrifying.
Whatever was going on wasn’t just about national security.
The exit was clogged with traffic, but I zipped along, weaving past a couple of vehicles. All I knew was that the place was on the water.
When I finally make the turn, I was surprised at the beautiful setting even from the front of the restaurant. There were white string lights crossing the entire front of the building, twinkling lights in the trees.
The bright moon set it off nicely, although it was another reminder of what I’d seen. As I stepped out, I immediately heard music. I was also able to gather a scent of food. Finally, my stomach was rumbling. I hadn’t been able to eat for a full day.
Hopefully, I wouldn’t make a fool of myself and eat like a pig.
I laughed as I smoothed down the dress. He’d also been cryptic about where he planned on meeting me, simply saying to provide the hostess with my name.
When I did, her smile was immediate.
“I’ll take you right there. Mr. Wolf is waiting. And not so patiently I might add.”
I was five minutes late. Five. I thought that was pretty good. My nerves were kicking in. I wasn’t good at dating. I hadn’t dated in years and the last time before Daniel had been awkward at best.
The restaurant was crowded and I could see a bar on the other side, catching a quick glimpse of an empty dance floor. There was band equipment placed on a small stage. I could only imagine this place got lively later in the evening.
What I also noticed was how loud it was inside. We certainly wouldn’t be carrying on a big conversation.
That was fine. I’d sit and stare at him.
I didn’t see any open tables and for a few seconds, thought he might have left. When she led me through a set of doors onto an incredible deck with a gorgeous view of a huge body of water, all I could do was smile.
The moment I noticed there was a table near the back with a single person sitting and waiting, I was floored.
“Your party rented out the entire deck for your evening. I do hope you enjoy.” She led me to a table, waiting as Jax slid my chair out, motioning for me to sit.
“Are you ready for your champagne now, sir?” she asked.
“Yes, I am. Make certain it’s ice cold.” He wasn’t looking at her as he answered.
He was staring straight at me.
“Yes, sir.”
The music was jazz, the moon providing beautiful ambiance along with the thousands of twinkling lights. “This is incredible.” He took a deep breath as he slid my chair back in.
“You’re incredible. You smell divine.”
“You’ll learn I’m just a geeky girl.”
“Not a chance. Although I do enjoy hearing about how you perform your job.”
“You’re into blood and gore, slippery organs and snippets of tissue?” I honestly thought I was going to die a little inside. The man was perfectly exquisite on the moon-kissed night. Dark suit. Red tie. White shirt.
His scent was to die for as well, and his lust-filled look as he eased onto his chair was making me swoon.
But something inside of me told me this… thing, whatever we were doing, wasn’t going to last. My heart couldn’t take another disappointment. Not so soon. Not after… I needed to do what was right for me, which was something I’d thought about more than once.
Stay alone.
Ridiculous? Maybe, but practical and right now, after all the shit that had occurred in forty-eight hours, that seemed like all the excitement I could handle.
“Yes, I do. Does that shock you?” he asked as his gorgeous form leaned over the table.
My instinct was to sit back, trying my best to keep him at arm’s distance. He obviously noticed and cocked his sexy head. Just the way a lock of hair slipped down his high forehead was enough to create a moment deep inside. A burning moment.
“Very little shocks me. However, men who are into blood and body parts do make me nervous.”
“I make you nervous?”
My laugh confirmed it. “Right now, a shit ton of things makes me nervous.” Including being nearly killed by a werewolf.
My thoughts sounded insane. Maybe I was insane.
“Do you know a girl by the name of Daphne Wolf? I know you can’t walk down a street without finding dozens of people with the last name of Wolf in our town, but I was curious if you knew her.”
He seemed surprised. “She’s my niece. Why?”
I’d spent more than a minute or two hoping my friend and employee wasn’t his daughter. That would make this even more awkward.
“She works with me.”
The news didn’t just surprise him, he was perplexed.
“You don’t know what your niece does for a living?” I asked him rather coyly.
“You don’t understand my niece. She’s highly independent, doing her best to break family ties.”
“Now, why is that? Are you bad people?”
“Why, yes, we are. She’s twenty-something years old. She’s just a kid.”
“Careful there, buster. I’m barely twenty-seven. What are you, sixty?”
“Touché. Old enough I should know better than to ever mention a woman’s age.”
“Very true,” I told him. “She’s an amazing and talented woman. You should get to know her.”
“That would mean we’d need to share something in common, which we don’t.”
Could I be considered more of a bad girl since I was thrilled he wasn’t closer to Daphne? Maybe, but the truth was that if he was, I’d be hesitant in continuing the date. Good employees were tough to find. I’d tried to remind myself, including when Mattie had called grilling me about him, that I’d sworn off men. How many times had I made the vocal proclamation that it wouldn’t matter if the hottest man in the man insisted on dating me, I wouldn’t be interested?
What was I supposed to say to him? I wasn’t good at chit-chatting.
I was saved by the arrival of champagne, the waitress fawning over Jax as if he was the celebrity of the year. I’d glanced at the man’s profile on Google, curious if my bestie was accurate in her statement regarding Jax and his wealth.
She was.
The perfect candidate for a dream date.
After the champagne was poured, I was even more hesitant to allow the evening to continue.
He still didn’t bother glancing in the direction of the girl who’d served us, even after she’d all but exposed her voluptuous boobs right in front of him. His eyes were unblinking, locking onto mine with such intensity I was afraid I’d run out of breath.
“There’s no reason for you to be nervous around me. I might be many things from dangerous to a merciless man in business, but I will never hurt you.”
Maybe it wasn’t his actions I was concerned about. Maybe it was the way I might feel after all was said and done. “I don’t think this is a good idea. I’m sorry.”
The moment I tried to get up from the table, he slapped his hand around my arm.
“Sedona. You’re not going anywhere.”
“And why not?”
“Because I said so.”