Wolf’s Mark Chapter 15 43%
Library Sign in

Chapter 15


S edona


Remembering the story had thrown me off guard. I’d forgotten all about it. I’d been maybe six, certainly not old enough to understand I’d been in the eye of a predator. I’d never seen the wolf before, nor had I seen him again. But I’d felt his presence even a few years later.

What I found the strangest of all wasn’t that I’d suddenly remembered the story, but that it somehow provided a sense of comfort. I was still freaked out by what had occurred in the morgue but no longer terrified. Maybe I was a wolf whisperer.

Maybe that’s why dogs seemed to love me.

I laughed and noticed Jax’s reflection in the massive window of his condo. His twentieth-floor location allowed a beautiful view of several businesses and restaurants as well as an area that had to be a park of some kind almost directly across the street. There were much taller buildings in the background, but they didn’t take away from the magnificent view.

But the best view of all was seeing Jax.

He’d removed his jacket and tie, once again unbuttoning his shirt and rolling up his sleeves. His strong forearms were truly muscular art forms. I was once again drawn to his tattoos.

“You’re staring at me,” he said. His deep voice sent a wave of tingles through me.

I shrugged as if I wasn’t paying any attention. “Just wondering about your tattoos.”

“Art I’ve had since I was eighteen.”

“Something personal that you don’t want to share.”

His chuckle was just as dark as his demeanor. “A bond with my brothers. This merlot should be to your liking,” he said as he eased a glass around my shoulder for me to take.

“Thank you. You’re close with your brothers?”

“Yes, very close. The artwork is also a symbol of our family as well.”

“No wolf?”

“You’ll find that somewhere else. A symbol on the cars we have built.”

“Ah, yes, rich men and their toys.”

He laughed. “We need something to entertain ourselves with.”

Seeing him in the dark inside my house hadn’t allowed me to explore his body the way I would have liked. I hoped to do that later. I was turning into such a bad girl.

Wouldn’t Mattie and the other girls be oh-so proud of me?

He crowded my space and while we weren’t touching, every hair stood up on my arms. He managed to fluster me more than any man I’d ever known.

“This place is amazing. I love the feel of the city. Not just sky-high buildings where you can’t make out anything below. There’s such an old world feel to this area. I can only imagine the stories created inside the buildings.”

“This particular area has been around for a very long time. My mother had a hand in the renovations, including dozens of visual projects located in various locations in a ten-block radius. Local artists provided the medium.”

“You own the buildings,” I said, certainly not surprised.

“We do, including this one.”

Sighing, I realized why I missed the city, but I honestly wouldn’t want to move back. The quieter life did have its benefits. “Well, you are a very lucky man and this is incredible.”

“It’s okay, although I prefer my house in the woods back in Cartersville. However, I won’t lie that being here is much better than staying in a hotel when I have back-to-back meetings.”

“Ah, yes, the famous Wolfen Industries. I’m sure you’re considered an important man.”

“You’d need to ask my family and my best friend whether or not that is true.”

“Oh, I will. Give me their numbers.” I backed against the window, curious as to his reaction. “No one ever teases you, do they?”

“Not if they want to live. My brother Riker does. He’s a big goofball. The comedian in the family.”

“I have a brother like that. He was always cutting up when we were kids, dragging me into trouble. But he was my big brother and I adored him.”

“You’re close to your family as well?”

“Yes, although Rick is serving our country in the Army. We don’t talk nearly enough.”

“Your mom and dad?”

“Considering a move to either Montana or Florida since their little girl graduated and moved on from college. Granted, they’ve been talking about this for three years now, but they love the little house I grew up in.”

He quietly sipped on his vodka. His choice of drink was just as surprising as the man. With him, I liked surprises all of a sudden.

“Go ahead and ask, Jax. I know you’re curious.”


“Don’t play coy. It doesn’t look good on you. I prefer the he-man barbarian in you.”

His eyes lit up and I was certain he was going to drag me to the couch, turning me over his knee.

Which in truth I wouldn’t have minded.

There was something awesome about his power over me.

“Tell me about your daughter.”

“Britney is a little mini-me and will be a holy terror when she grows up. I’m already counting the days until she asks about her first boy. Trust me, it will happen sooner than you think. She’s the light of my life and the reason for my being.”

“You had her young.”

“Yep. I made a huge mistake, but because I did, I have the best gift in the world. I wouldn’t change things for millions of dollars. She’s my world.”

“Is she close to her father?”

“He’s going through some issues right now and the courts deemed it safer for her to be with me full time. I won’t keep her from him when he gets better.”

“Mmm… I won’t pry.”

“Don’t. It’s very personal and you’re right. I just want to forget about my past and these last few days for a little while. Maybe that’s selfish, but Mattie will take good care of her while I’m gone.”

“As you know, my brother has kids, a boy as well. He still has his hands full even though the youngest will be going to college next year.”

“Happily married and living the dream life?”

His face clouded over. “No. Unfortunately, Riker’s life has seen a side of tragedy few should ever experience. But he’s a great dad and I envy him.”

“Well, you can babysit my precocious little girl any time you want to feel like a dad. I assure you that she’ll have you turned upside down and inside out trying to keep up with her. Then you’ll beg me never to ask you to babysit her again.”

He inched closer. “You underestimate me, lady. I’ll have you know I was considered the king of hide and seek and bath time antics when Daphne and Gage were little.”

“Well then, you’re hired to be her nanny.”

As he crowded my space, placing his free hand on the window, I was pushed away from all the other thoughts except for him.

“Right now, there’s no one else here but us. You’re mine for the night. Do you understand?”

“Mmm… Maybe. If you’re a good boy.”

Every time his eyes darkened, I could feel a shift in his desire. When his breathing became labored, I was thrilled. And when he lowered his head to kiss me, an entire swarm of butterflies descended into my stomach.

No man had ever had this kind of effect on me.

He kept his lips hovering over mine. I could also feel him daring me to kiss him. I used every ounce of self-control to keep from doing so.

“Are you afraid of heights?” he asked. His voice was huskier than before, another indication of his plans.

“Not particularly. Although you won’t find me skydiving.”

“I’ll keep that in mind.” He backed away by several steps, immediately grabbing my hand.

“Where are you taking me?”

“Somewhere very private.”

“Isn’t this very private?” I asked.

He didn’t bother answering or giving me a look of any kind. He led me through another room in the house to an elevator.

“A hidden door.”

He slipped a key into the single slot. The elevator doors opened immediately.

“No retina or fingerprint check?” I teased.

“The Wolf family isn’t the mafia.”

“But don’t you have enemies?”

He shook his head as he gently pushed me to the back. “You’ve been reading too many books or watching too many movies. It’s not like the days in the past where plans were stolen and executives or designers lured from one company to another.”

“I’ve read enough articles to know your family is a powerhouse.”

“Yes, but not in that way. I haven’t killed anyone in the last thirty days. I’m upping my game.”

I wasn’t entirely certain he was teasing me. “I wouldn’t put it past you.”

“What you think of me is fascinating.” The doors opened and he wrapped his massive hand around my eyes.

“You’re just upset because I don’t fall at your feet.”

“Yes, I am. You hurt my manhood.” He pushed me gently, so I’d move forward. “What do you hear?”


“We can change that. What else?”

I listened carefully and smiled. “A waterfall. Here?” We obviously weren’t in the building. The light breeze and crisp air had kissed my cheeks first, the lively sounds of the city welcoming.

“Here in the middle of Chicago.” He pulled his hand away and I didn’t see him at first.

Of course, I was gawking at the pool, tub, outdoor kitchen, a fire pit surrounded by luxurious furniture, and the incredible waterfall that spilled into the pool.

“How is this an underground pool?” I was shocked as I walked closer. The incredible fencing system surrounding the entire roof line enclosed everything while allowing for pristine and uninhibited views. This must have cost a fortune.

“When the building was designed, it was with the pool and this area in mind. The floor below holds a solid surface nestling the base of the pool while allowing access for needed repairs on the mechanical equipment.”

Suddenly, in addition to the glorious atmosphere of the roof top facility, I heard music. Incredible Spanish guitar, which happened to be my favorite.

Had the man been looking into my journal or something? Or my CD collection?

“Are you trying to impress me?” I asked as I tried to find out where he’d gone.

“Maybe so,” he said as he eased from the shadows. “How am I doing?”

“I don’t impress easily, and certainly not from wealth.”

“So a little shack in the wilderness is fine with you?” He took his time coming closer. As he’d done so many times during dinner, he wasn’t blinking. But he was gazing up and down the length of me, his nostrils flaring.

For a few seconds, I was certain the man was a true wolf. The silly thought almost made me giggle. It would seem I had wild animals on the brain.

“As long as there’s wood for a fire, then I’d be perfectly happy.” I was going to back away then thought better of it. I was a tough girl. Right? And no pushover.

“Something else I learned about you. Then on our next date,” he stated, daring to inch even closer, “I’ll take you to a non-glamorous camping site.”

“I would do just fine.”

“I’m certain you would. I don’t think there’s anything you can’t do.” He took the glass from my hand, placing both onto the table.

His stare became more pronounced. As he cupped both sides of my face, using his two thumbs to create a jolting blast of current, I shuddered visibly. I could feel it. I could also taste the desire welling up inside of me. There was a deep longing for the man, so deep that I was shoved into a fog.

“I could spend hours licking every inch of your body.”

“What’s stopping you?” I asked. He had such a presence that I closed my eyes. The light kiss on my neck was followed by a rough scraping of his teeth.

Another wave of chills rolled down my back.

“I have other plans in mind for tonight. But we’ll see.” His breath was hotter, sizzling in fact.

How was it that he was so intense with what he was doing?

I could tell I was swaying. The tingles were overpowering. He rolled his hands down my arms and I was pushed into some beautiful kind of limbo. With the light breeze, I knew I’d entered into a tiny slice of heaven.

He didn’t ask before slowly lowering the straps on my dress. My skin was already covered in goosebumps, but the slip of cloth certainly couldn’t provide any warmth.

But his body could.

As he pulled down the slender material, every sound he made was guttural. Almost animalistic with the dusky growls and scattered breathing.

Gravity helped the rest of the dress slip to the floor. Now standing in only a matching thong, a wash of warmth sped straight to my cheeks.

“No one can see us, Sedona.”

“Do you also read minds?”

“Maybe I do.” He cupped both breasts and I was floored how sensitive they were. I expected him to pinch my nipples, but he toyed with them instead. The light touch was just as arousing. I could also feel his hot breath as it tickled the skin of my face and neck.

I was surprised a man like him, so big and so powerful, could be so gentle.

He proved my point by crawling his long fingers down my stomach, circling my belly button. I was ready to laugh nervously when he continued his evocative travels. There was something so intimate about the way he rubbed the top of the elastic of my thong along with my skin, shifting back and forth from hip to hip.

I only heard my breathing, as if he’d stopped the action altogether. He knew how to tease a lady in the most seductive way. I wasn’t even aware when he shifted my feet, opening my legs so he could drive his hand between them.

His fingers found my swollen folds, rubbing with just enough friction I was forced to grab his arms.

“Oh, that’s… Amazing.” I opened my eyes, no longer shocked to see the change in his. They were so luminous, the moon adding the perfect shade of silver. Everything about him was alluring.

He rubbed continuously as he watched my reactions. But I knew it wouldn’t last for long.

I was right.

Jax slipped two fingers under the thin elastic of my thong, quickly snapping his wrist.

I gasped and laughed.

He growled and licked his lips.

The man just might be more beast than man.

I dug my nails into his forearms, also offering a wicked smile.

He thrust his fingers deep inside my pussy, a reminder that he wanted to be in full control.

The way he was driving his long digits into my pussy was incredible, pushing me into a moment of pure nirvana. I shifted my hips, providing him with a hot gyration that I could tell was further turning him on.

While I’d seen the way he could mask his emotions, there was no chance he could do so with his desire. At least around me.

I moved my hand down his chest, crossing to his forearm. As I traced the vines on the one, I noticed there was a crest of some kind. Lifting my gaze, I noticed he was fascinated with what I was doing.

But it didn’t stop him from driving me crazy, pinching my clit on and off. The ecstasy was building, my breathless reactions a clear indication.

Fighting the cresting climax, I managed to slide my hand to his crotch, squeezing his glorious bulge. Just the full feel of him in my hand was enough for me to gasp. His cock was throbbing, more so than two nights before.

And I could swear his shaft was much larger than it had been. Was it even possible he could be even more swollen?

Anything with him was. Of that I already had no doubt.

He shifted his gaze downward, watching my salacious actions before returning to his concentration on forcing me to come.

I held onto his arm while stroking him. If only I had more hands I could enjoy the feel of his hard cock in the palm of my hand. That would come soon enough.

As he added a third and fourth finger, I threw my head back to the moon. There was nothing I could do, his actions pushing me into a powerful climax.

The electrifying sensations nearly ravaged my body. I was thrown by them, more so than the night we’d already shared. He finally pinched my nipple as he thrust harder, pushing me from one crazy orgasm to another.

I didn’t recognize any of the sounds I was making, but it was a letting go and a feeling of utter freedom.

“My perfect baby.”

His baby.

I wasn’t certain how to take his three little words, but I loved them. I wanted to continue stroking him, the sensations were so powerful. But I was drawn by the intense throbbing and pulsing that pushed my mind into filthy places.

As I finally started coming down, he pulled me closer. Just the possessive way he wrapped his hand around the back of my neck was thrilling. He was making good on his words, sending all my senses skyrocketing.

I lolled my head as he lowered his, the bite on my neck creating another wave of desire. Even as stars floated in front of my eyes, I could sense this was just the beginning.

There was something awesome about a man taking what he wanted after pleasuring a woman so completely.

I wanted more.

Much more.

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