J ax
I felt her presence even before she walked into the kitchen. The burning sensations were more intense than before, my hunger entirely different. Our connection was growing stronger with every encounter.
“There is nothing quite like watching a man washing dishes with a towel stuck into the side of his pants. I must admit, pretty sexy. But I do have a dishwasher.”
Only after finishing washing the last plate and placing it in the dishrack did I turn around to face her. The shorter skirt accentuated her long, tan legs, the flimsy tee shirt unable to hide her fully aroused nipples.
I yanked the dishtowel into my fingers, wiping my hands as I allowed my gaze to fall. “I thought I’d keep myself busy while you were getting Britney to bed.”
Sedona walked further into the room, taking a deep breath as she did so. “You are quite the hit with my daughter.”
“I am, huh?” I returned the towel to the spot where she’d hung it over the stainless rung on the microwave and leaned against the counter. “How so?”
“She won’t go to sleep without a story, but tonight she had me make up one about her new doggie. She calls him her best friend and decided to name him Jax.”
“Oh, really?”
“Yes, I told her it might be confusing since there was a Jax that might come around from time to time, but she insisted.” She walked a little closer and the scent of her perfume was nearly as intoxicating as her fragrance of desire. The sweet scent left a cloud of evocative lust surrounding us like a beacon of sin.
“I’m glad she likes the present.”
“Likes? The dog is sleeping next to her and they barely fit in the bed together, but she wouldn’t have it any other way. Thank you for making her birthday so special.”
I pushed off the counter, moving toward her slowly. It was another one of those moments where words weren’t needed. I didn’t need to read her mind to feel her longing.
With her long, soft hair crowding her shoulders, and what seemed like a permanent furrow of her brows, she was pulling on every heart string.
“Whew. I don’t feel like such an idiot then,” I told her.
“Oh, I still have my doubts.” This time, she allowed her gaze to fall ever so slowly. When she lifted her head, it was all I could do not to slide my arm across the kitchen table, shattering our wineglasses and the mostly empty bottle of wine. Then I’d fuck her like some crazed madman who couldn’t get enough of her.
That wouldn’t be polite or easily explainable if Britney woke up needing a glass of water.
But I couldn’t seem to keep my hands off her. I tried to make my actions simple, non-threatening in any way. I rolled the tip of my pinky down her slender arm, indulging in her perfume.
It had been a hell of a long time since I’d enjoyed myself as much as I did being with her. And with Britney. We’d laughed. I’d listened to Britney’s soft giggles and watched Sedona blossoming more like the perfect rose by just watching her daughter’s reactions to me.
I’d heard Sedona call it a normal, boring evening that she was fearful I wouldn’t like. However, around her, nothing was boring in any way, shape, or form.
“You have a lovely home,” I told her as I used a second finger, my wolf returning to the surface for a completely different reason. I looked down at her breasts, adoring the rise and fall with her increasing libido.
“I’m certain you’d call it quaint.”
“There’s nothing wrong with quaint.” I longed to use my keen senses, rubbing my face and lips down the length of her body, inhaling until I was fully intoxicated.
I longed to brush the roughest part of my tongue between her breasts, taking my time nipping first one nipple then the other. I moved closer, daring to lick along the underside of her neck.
Her moan was another in a series of sweet rewards.
“Do you know what I thought about this morning?” I asked her.
“I’m afraid to ask.”
“Remember, little wolf. Sometimes asking for what you want is a requirement for receiving it.”
“Then please share what you were thinking so very early in the morning.”
“I was thinking about how beautiful you were. How much I enjoy your scent. The moment I woke up and you weren’t lying by my side, I thought about how much I wanted to kiss your soft lips. I thought about your incredible voice and hearing it whisper my name as I dragged my tongue down the side of your very. Long. Neck. And I was dreaming about kissing all the way down your stomach to your sweet little pussy. I imagined driving my tongue deep inside, lapping your sweet cream as you moaned and begged me for more.”
She seemed breathless, trying to avoid the flurry of sensations but failing. “Then what?”
“Then I headed for the shower where I wrapped my hand around my cock, a vision of your face in my mind as I masturbated under the hot water. Wishing you were there.”
“Oh… My.”
I moved to her jaw, dragging my tongue from right to left before kissing the edge of her mouth. Tonight I was willing to take my time, even if the beast inside of me wanted to rip off her clothes.
Her hand fluttered from my chest to my arm. As her long fingers squeezed my muscles, a flash of white-hot heat tore through me.
“I want you, baby,” I told her and she exhaled with tiny whimpers in the middle.
Yet she pushed me away gently, and I could sense she was in a playful mood. “Why not go out to the back deck. The moon is full. I heard the news calls it a blue moon. I wonder if all creatures come out to play on such a glorious night.”
She moved to the kitchen table, pouring the rest of the wine into our glasses. After grabbing one, she gave me a sultry look and headed out of the kitchen.
The woman was as enticing as she was frustrating. I allowed her to be alone for a couple of minutes before heading to the back door. While her home backed up to a group of woods, she had a beautiful half acre or so of perfectly green grass in the back, about the same in the front. She’d taken the time to place flower boxes in the three windows, more in two pots on her small front porch.
The house was much homier than either location where I slept and changed.
Truthfully, neither one was really a home.
Some said home was where the heart was and, in my mind, a woman’s touch added to that.
She was leaning over the railing, staring at the moon as if perhaps the giant orb would provide her with all the answers for the deep mystery she’d found herself in.
“I’ve started running tests, but I don’t know how long it’s going to take. Nothing conclusive as of yet, but at least I’m in the process. I wasn’t bothered by the agent yesterday or today, which I’m thrilled about. But I suspect she’s going to appear sooner versus later.”
I said nothing as I moved closer to the railing, taking my position a few inches away.
“I did something today that is bothering me. I told you about the tarot card reading. Right?”
She had, but I didn’t confirm or deny.
“I know I did. Anyway, I went by the little shop in town after shopping just to talk with her again. I wanted to know what she meant.”
“She’s dead. She was killed and her own father beheaded her to keep her from shifting. People know. They know what’s going on, Jax. That means it’s only going to be a matter of time before more people know. Then what?”
I slipped my hand to the back of her neck, pulling her around to face me. “Stop worrying about things you have no control over.”
“That’s the problem. I have no control and it’s driving me crazy.” She nuzzled against my hand as I shifted it closer to her cheek. “I really am a part Wolfen. Aren’t I?”
“Yes. I know that upsets you.”
She rubbed my face. “I’m not certain it does any longer.”
“That’s good to hear.” Her arousal was increasing.
“Your eyes are glowing. Do they always glow in the moonlight?”
“I honestly don’t know.”
“I think they’re perhaps the most beautiful pair of eyes I’ve ever seen.”
“Do you want to talk about my eyes?” I was still burning for her, even more so now.
“Not really,” she mused.
“Good, because I need to devour you.”
Her lips parted as if in a blatant invitation, which I took. At this point, I would refuse to allow her to say no. I crushed my lips to hers, feeling the quiver of her body against mine.
She was more nervous than before. Perhaps she was fearful I’d make good on my promise of ravaging every inch. She moaned into the kiss and the sound shot straight through me.
Tasting the combination of pizza sauce and wine, spicy pepperoni and Italian sausage was almost as much of a powerful aphrodisiac as the look of her voluptuous body.
I thrust my tongue inside, tasting every centimeter of her wet mouth. Just like I would her sweet pussy in a short time.
She tugged on my shirt as I drove my thigh between her legs. The heat was explosive. She felt it too, her entire body shuddering from the blazing fire between us. As she rubbed her hand up my chest, curling her fingers over my shoulder, my balls tightened to a painful point.
My cock was throbbing as well, so much so I wouldn’t be able to hold back for long.
Now she had her fingers tangled in my hair and I hated to break the kiss, but did so long enough to place both our glasses on the outdoor table.
I slid my hand under her skirt, cupping her molten pussy through the soaked lace.
“Tell me you want me, Sedona. Tell me now.”
“Don’t hold back. And don’t you dare lie to me.”
Her breathless pants were mixed with another round of alluring whimpers. “Yes. I want you.”
I pushed my finger through the lace, creating a hole large enough for me to swirl the tip of my finger around her clit. “What do you want?”
When she didn’t immediately comply to my order, I pinched her already swollen tissue. I issued a slight growl, my wolf enjoying himself.
Her eyelids fluttered open, long eyelashes skimming across her shimmering cheeks. “Bad man.”
“Bad indeed. Tell me. Now.”
“Fuck me. Please just fuck me.”
Her words were the sweetest music in the world. I grabbed a handful of lace, snapping my wrist.
She laughed before moaning again. “Oh, you are very bad.”
“You have no idea.”
“Yes, I think I do.”
I wasn’t willing to wait any longer. I needed to be balls deep inside of her. I spun her around, pitching her against the railing. Forget taking time. I would do that later. My wolf wouldn’t allow the tenderness I’d planned on using.
“Fuck me,” she repeated.
The moment I yanked up her skirt, I split her legs far apart with my knee. The adrenaline rush was heightened by her scent of desire and I thrust my cock deep inside.
She threw back her head, biting back much of a loud moan, but it was enough to entice my wolf. As much as he hungered to come out and play, I pushed him back. This was my time. But my beast was furious, driving my canines to burst past my gums.
With a single bite, I could begin our mating process, but the man inside of me insisted it wasn’t time.
Our bond needed to grow, her trust in me complete. That had yet to happen.
But it didn’t prevent me from fucking her, my rough actions driving her into the railing. She didn’t seem to mind, tossing her head back and forth as pleasure turned into rapture.
I could easily do this all night long, my stamina increasing every time my cock became soaked from her sweet juice.
My mind was in a different place, the primal need the only thing I could think about or process.
She dug her fingers into the railing, meeting every brutal thrust. I wrapped one arm around her, yanking on her top until I could slip my hand underneath. The moment I cupped her breast, she bucked hard against me.
The bra was easy to maneuver and I resisted ripping it to shreds. That’s what I craved doing, tearing off every stitch of clothing. Fucking her in the moonlight was an indulgence and one I intended on repeating.
Our physical need for each other was powerful, the current soaring to an entirely new level. I sensed she could feel it too.
I fucked her long and hard, driving into her to the point her moans became the same deep growls I was issuing. At this moment, we were more beast than man and woman, but it didn’t matter. We were together.
Where we would be for the rest of our lives.
As soon as I sensed she was drifting into a state of euphoria, I slowed my pace, allowing her to enjoy the moment even more.
“Don’t stop,” she whispered, tilting her head over her shoulder.
“I have no intention of doing so. You can come for me, my sweet wolf. Come on my cock.”
The words had a profound effect on her. She shivered all over again, closing her eyes and dropping her head.
As her pussy muscles clamped around my cock, I strained to keep control. Around her, that was a difficult prospect. She had that strong of a pull on my wolf and the man at the same time.
Her entire body tensed as she allowed her mind to be freed, drifting off into the sweet moment of ecstasy.
I adored every sound she made.
I craved the way she touched me more so now than ever.
But being inside of her was a necessary evil.
She truly belonged to me.
Within seconds, a powerful orgasm swept through her. Her body bucked, her moans stifled yet floating into the sky. I was shaking from tension and the increased pheromones, doing what I could to hold back as long as possible.
One climax drifted into a beautiful wave and she threw her head back until it was resting on my shoulder. With no control left, the moment she began to slide down from euphoria, I allowed myself to fulfill the need that was insatiable around her.
Within seconds, I released deep inside, filling her with my seed.
Soon, I would mark her as my own in the right way, my teeth sinking into her long neck.
Then and only then could I fully claim her as mine.