A fter the show ended, Clara insisted that Waffle Princess read her a book before bedtime, and Brooklyn wholeheartedly agreed, saying she loved a good bedtime story. I headed into my own room, where I could brush my teeth and put on some shit that made me smell good while the two of them went through Clara’s nighttime routine without me.
It was fucking surreal. But in the best way.
I stopped in Clara’s bedroom on my way back downstairs and gave her a good-night kiss and hug. And when Brooklyn finally started walking down the stairs to join me, my breath caught in my throat. She looked like she belonged here, in this house, with us, all comfortable and familiar.
“Thank you for doing that. You didn’t have to, you know,” I said as she made her way toward where I currently stood in the kitchen, her red hair tossed behind her.
“I was happy to do it. She’s a really great kid.”
“I think so, too, but I’m partial,” I teased, trying to lighten the heaviness that seemed to descend over me whenever someone complimented Clara. I’d never been comfortable with them, always assuming that I was failing her somehow.
“You’re definitely partial. But you’re not wrong. You’ve done such a good job raising her,” she said.
I fought against the tightening in my chest as she took a step to close the gap between us.
All I wanted to do was cross that imaginary line and end all the back-and-forth bullshit that I knew I was responsible for.
“Thank you,” was all I managed to get out. “You know, you’re really good with her too.”
“She makes it easy. Unlike her father,” she teased, and I reached for her waist, my fingertips gripping her tightly as I pulled her closer.
“That damn mouth,” I grumbled.
Her eyes started to flicker, her lips parting as her body swayed toward me of its own accord. She wanted this just as badly as I did. My free hand reached for her cheek, cupping it right as my motherfucking cell phone vibrated across the granite countertop.
I exhaled through my nose as I dropped my hand away from her face, but kept my other hand right where it was. Her eyes shot open, finding mine before looking down at the phone screen. I wanted to ignore it, but knew that no one except my family typically called me at night.
Reaching for it, I noticed Matthew’s name and professional hockey picture staring back at me.
“It’s Matthew. I’ve got to answer this,” I said.
Brooklyn gave me an understanding nod as she peeled my fingers away from her lower back and folded her arms across her chest, like she wasn’t sure what to do with them.
“Yes?” I said as I answered the call, hoping he would hear the annoyance in my tone and get the message.
“Grumps,” Matthew slurred into the phone.
“This’d better be good,” I insisted as I pressed the phone harder against my ear. The background noise was so loud that I could barely hear him over it.
“I think Brooklyn’s dickhead of an ex is here at the saloon,” he shouted.
I quickly looked at Brooklyn to see if she’d overheard that or not. Her green eyes watched me, but there was no recognition there, thankfully. I moved away and paced the living room.
“Tell me,” I ground out.
“He’s talking mad shit about her, and I was going to shut him the hell up, but I thought you might enjoy doing it more,” he said with a sinister laugh that I found myself appreciating.
It had been a long time since the O’Grady brothers had put anyone in their place.
“Is he still there right now?”
“Yeah. It’s not pretty. He’s being a fucking prick. Better hurry up, or I’ll handle him myself. This guy’s on my last nerve,” Matthew said before abruptly ending the call.
Brooklyn hadn’t mentioned any other issues with her ex since that day at work, but then again, had I even asked?
No, I hadn’t.
I hustled over to where she stood with an unreadable expression on her face. I unfolded her arms, reached for one hand, and planted a soft kiss on top. “Can you stay here while I go handle something?”
Her eyes narrowed. “Is everything okay? What is it? Is Matthew all right?”
“It will be. Can you stay? I can’t leave Clara here alone.”
“Of course I’ll stay. Will you tell me what’s going on though?” Her face was still pinched with concern.
“I’ll tell you everything when I get back. Promise,” I said before leaning down and kissing the top of her head.
“Be careful,” was the last thing I heard as I practically sprinted into the garage, the door slamming behind me.
B y the time I pulled into the saloon, my blood was already fucking boiling. This guy wasn’t giving up his crusade to slander Brooklyn’s name publicly, and I was putting a stop to it. Tonight. I’d truly thought we’d already ended this bullshit, but apparently, he needed another reminder.
Shoving the doors open, I puffed out my chest as I entered the busy establishment. Adrenaline and anger coursed through my veins as I scanned the darkened space. I spotted Matthew immediately, sitting at one of the stools at the bar. Bella was near him, an uncomfortable look on her face like she knew what was coming.
Eli, Brooklyn’s ex, was a few stools away from Matthew and hadn’t noticed my arrival yet.
I’d catch this motherfucker off guard.
At least, that was my plan until my brother’s face damn near lit up like a Christmas tree once he saw me. He pushed off of his stool and basically announced to the whole bar that I was there.
“Finally,” he said as he gave me a quick slap on the back.
Eli spun around on his stool, a nasty look plastered on his smug face as he eyed me. “Figures you’d show up.”
“Does it now?” I stood my ground, refusing to move an inch.
“I call my wife a cheating whore, and you come running,” he said before grabbing his drink and downing it. “I’ll take another, sweetie.” He directed toward Bella, and I saw Matthew’s jaw clench in response to the nickname.
“Down boy. This one’s mine,” I said quietly toward my brother.
“I think you’ve had enough.” Bella’s voice rang out, and she had to know that would only anger the guy further.
Telling a drunk person that they’d had enough to drink was like throwing gasoline on a fire. You only made it rage more.
“Bitch,” he mumbled under his breath, and I had to physically restrain Matthew from going after him.
“You seem to have a problem respecting women,” I ground out.
“You seem to have a problem staying away from the ones who are married,” he fired back, and I heard gasps from all around me.
It was a ridiculous accusation to hurl. Anyone who knew me at all knew that I wasn’t the kind of guy to screw someone else’s woman. And him talking shit about me didn’t bother me in the slightest. He could tell lies until the sun came up, and it wouldn’t affect me at all.
But calling Brooklyn disparaging names and telling the whole damn town that she’d cheated on him pissed me the hell off. Because I knew it wasn’t true. And so did he.
“I’ve already told you this once, but since you’re too fucking stupid to listen, I’ll tell you again,” I started to say, my voice filled with anger as Eli stood up from his seat, his frame inches shorter than my own. Not that it mattered.
“I didn’t sleep with Brooklyn while you were married to her. And we both know she isn’t the type of person to cheat on anyone. You’re doing all this to feel better about your shitty, miserable, pathetic life. Not to mention the fact that you lost the best woman you’ll ever have. Not even sure how you got her in the first place.”
“Fuck you, O’Grady.” He gave me a shove, but my body was barely effected.
Matthew placed a hand on my shoulder to steady me even though it wasn’t necessary.
“You fucked my wife. Got her to leave me and then gave her a job for it. How cliché can you be? What does she have to do to get a promotion? Screw someone else in the family?”
“She’s not your wife,” I ground out.
He’d called Brooklyn his wife twice now, and it burned me from the inside out, just hearing him say it.
“Brooklyn. She’s not your wife anymore. She’s your ex-wife.”
My insides were on fire, and Matthew laughed from somewhere behind me, spurring me on.
“She was my wife when you fucked her. How many times did you do it? How long was it going on? I bet you’re not the only one. You probably think you’re special.”
This guy was completely unhinged, and I wondered if he actually believed the vile things he spouted off or not. It was obvious the guy was hurting and clearly embarrassed that Brooklyn had left him, but, holy shit, take some accountability for your role in the demise of your marriage.
“Grow the fuck up,” I said.
“What did you say to me?” He tried to sound tough, but it was weak.
“I said, grow the fuck up. You just want to blame someone for your marriage ending, and heaven forbid you look in the mirror and blame yourself.” I ran a hand down my face. “Brooklyn did not cheat on you, and you know it,” I shouted at him before turning around to address the entire saloon, who was watching and listening. “Brooklyn did not cheat on this asshole.” I thumbed behind me. “Although I’m not sure why not when all he likes to do is play video games with his buddies.”
I spun on my heel to face Eli once more, leaning in real close to make sure he heard every word. “Can’t believe you actually left the house tonight. Don’t you have some game to play? Oh, that’s right. You can’t... what did you call it?” I tapped the side of my head before pretending to remember what he’d practically cried about at the resort. “Level up anymore without Brooklyn’s money.”
More gasps and a few laughs hit my ears.
“You don’t know shit. She’s nothing but a trash-can whore. And she did cheat on me. She might not have been fucking you, but she was definitely fucking someone.”
Every word out of his mouth was a fucking lie.
“Call her a whore again,” I spat, having enough of this.
“Your girlfriend’s a whore. A cheating fucking slut. A no-good, lying bitch,” he spewed with such vitriol that spit hit my cheek.
I didn’t care how hurt this guy was that she’d left him. This was beyond forgiving. No more making excuses for his wounded ego.
“That’s it.”
I shoved him so hard that his back flew into the edge of the bar, and he let out an oof sound as he collided with it. The idiot tried to lunge at me, but I stopped him cold with one fucking well-placed punch to the side of the jaw.
The contact made a loud crunching sound.
People gasped as he went down.
My hand instantly ached.
I dropped to my knees as his eyes fluttered open. He at least needed to be conscious for this next part.
I lowered my voice, making sure he understood the severity of what I was about to say. “Call her names again, accuse her of cheating one more time, and I’ll make sure you’re fired from your job for harassment and anything else I can think up between now and then. I’m very fucking creative. I’ll also drive Brooklyn to the police station so we can get a restraining order against you, and I’ll make sure the whole town knows that you’re unstable and possibly unsafe.”
He groaned.
“Tell me you understand what I’m saying. Tell me you’re listening. Tell me you’re at least smart enough to shut the fuck up about this woman who did nothing but love you, until she couldn’t do it anymore.”
“I hear you,” he said, but his tone wasn’t as compliant as I would like. It was petulant and bordering on sarcastic.
“This shit with Brooklyn is done. Over. Find a new girlfriend and move on.”
I started to stand as Matthew extended his hand in my direction. I took it, and he pulled me up, slapping my back once I was standing upright once more.
“That was badass.”
“My hand hurts like hell,” I said as I looked at it, already discolored and bruising. “Thanks for calling me. I’ve got to get back home.”
His brow furrowed. “Yeah, how’d you get here so quickly anyway? Who’s watching Clara?”
I bit my bottom lip and gave him a grin before answering, “Brooklyn.”
He shouted something in response, but I was already halfway out the door, apologizing to Bella on my way.
I needed to get home. My two girls were waiting there.