Wrath (Dirty Soul MC: Long Beach #2) Chapter 2 8%
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Chapter 2

“ I don’t know about this, Peyton. Raze is gonna be mad.” I shake my head as I stare at the double doors that are currently acting as the barrier between me and Aaron.

“You leave your brother to me,” she assures me, taking my hand and squeezing it tight. “We both know the reason you came here was to have things out with Wrath, you’ll feel much better once you do that.”

It’s strange hearing people call Aaron by a different name, it’s also a reminder of all that’s changed between us.

“Problem is, I don’t know what to say to him.” My feet tap nervously on the sticky, wooden floor while my head protests at the fact I’m even here.

“You just have to be honest. Something made you run from that chapel and come he–.”

“I saw him.” I blurt out the words I’ve been holding in all night. “Last week, I saw Aaron ride past a bar I’d just come out of.” Hearing it out loud makes my reason sound even more pathetic.

“And he’s been on your mind since then.” The girl my brother’s in love with looks as if she might understand when she tilts her head at me sympathetically.

“Yes. But he shouldn’t have been. I’m happy. I have the perfect fucking life.” I stand up and realize how loud I’ve raised my voice. I can’t even be mad at anyone. I’m still furious, and so confused, and I’ve only got myself to blame. “Screw this.” I head to the bar and grab the closest bottle I can get my hands on.

“You want some?” I unscrew the top and hold it out to Peyton.

“Eden, it’s ten-thirty in the morning.” Her eyes go all wide and judgy on me.

“I know. And I should be in Mexico on my honeymoon. Also…” I pause so I can knock back the bottle and let the alcohol burn my throat. “ name isn’t Eden anymore, it’s Katie.”

“Sorry, I was ju?—”

“How do you even start off that kinda conversation anyway? Oh, hey Aaron, long time no see. You rode past me the other night, so I just thought I’d steal a minister's car and run out on my wedding.” I toss the bottle at the wall, smashing it to pieces and making Peyton jump.

“You stole a minister's car?” She stares back at me looking stunned.

“It was the closest vehicle to the back door of the chapel.” I throw my hand in the air. How I got here isn’t what matters. It’s how the hell I’m supposed to fix the mess I’ve caused that I need to focus on.

“I should go. I need to speak to Mark. I should never have?—”

“Whoah!” Peyton races to the door, blocking it before I get there. “You don’t want to do that. Raze wouldn’t want you to leave, neither would Wrath. You came here for something, maybe it’s answers, maybe it’s clarity. Whatever it is, don’t leave without it.” She makes that smile again, one that almost convinces me that things could be alright.

“I like you, Peyton.” I look at the girl who’s far too young for my brother but seems so put together. I can see why he likes her so much.

Suddenly the double doors open behind me and after an encouraging smile, and a shrug from Peyton, I slowly turn around.

Aaron is the first person I set my eyes on, and unfortunately, his face is still just as handsome as it was yesterday when I punched it. I can’t deny finding satisfaction in the fact his cheekbone is a little bruised from the impact my fist made.

“Peyton, what did I tell you?” My brother starts stepping toward me and when I look up at him and shake my head, he looks past my shoulder toward his old lady. The growl he makes as he backs down tells me he’s not happy, but I guess he knows when and where to pick a fight. I smile at him gratefully, but it quickly fades when suddenly I realize that there are no more barriers between me and the boy that broke my heart.

“We need to talk.” I step closer to Wrath, ignoring all the club brothers who are standing behind him. “Alone.” Keeping my head held high, I move past him, and as the rest of the men clear a path for me, I start moving toward my brother's office. When I hear his footsteps follow after me, I close my eyes and breathe a sigh of relief.

“You wanna start?” Aaron closes the door after him, and I try to find the words while he steps over to rest his ass on the desk.

“I don’t know how to,” I admit, my voice coming out weak, which was not what I intended.

“It’s good to see you,” he whispers, and when I’m brave enough to look up at him, his crystal blue eyes hold so much pain inside them it makes me want to cry.

“I shouldn’t be here.” I shake my head. I was sure that I’d cried all my tears out at my brother’s beach hut last night, but fresh ones build and my lips start to quiver.

“But ya are.” Aaron keeps his eyes focused on mine as he stands up straight and steps closer, and when he reaches out his hand to take mine I shake my head in refusal.

“Did someone hurt ya?” His forehead creases from the concerned frown he makes.

“Yes, Aaron, someone hurt me. You hurt me,” I admit, and the devastation I see on his face puts a hard lump in my throat that I can’t seem to swallow. Why is it impossible for me to hate him?


“I’m not called Eden anymore. I have a new life. I’m a different person now. One who was supposed to get married yesterday to a sweet, caring man who wanted to take care of me for the rest of my life.” I slide both hands over my face in frustration.

“But ya didn’t,” he reminds me, and his arrogance only aggravates me more.

“No, I didn’t.” I laugh at myself when I realize what an idiot I’ve been. “I’ve got to fix this. Aaron, I’m sorry I came here. I’m sorry I punched you in the face… Kinda… I need to go.” I turn my back on him and head for the door.

“Wait. Go where?” He rushes to put himself in front of me, the same way Peyton did.

“To try and salvage this mess. To beg and grovel to the man who I just humiliated in front of everyone he knows to give me another chance.” I shove past him, but before my fingers can reach the handle, he grabs my waist and spins me around. All that devastation in his eyes has turned to anger and I feel the tension from his fingers as he forces me against the door.

“You do not grovel to anyone,” he growls, and when my eyes look up into his I have to remind myself to breathe.

“Get off me.” I shove him away and while I try to pull myself together, he rests his palm against the door to block it.

“Move, Aaron.” I let him see how pissed I am.

“Not until you tell me why you came here.” He refuses to break eye contact, and it makes everything feel so tense.

“I don’t even know the answer to that. I guess it was just a stupid, impulsive decision, which I regret. Now, let me leave so I can try to fix it.” He doesn’t budge, and the clever smirk he makes tells me I’m going nowhere.

“You're lyin’.” His eyes narrow.

“Aaron, I have no reason to lie to you.”

“You're lyin’ to yourself,” he tells me softly, and this time it’s me who draws closer to him.

“You don’t know me anymore,” I remind him, reaching my hand behind my hips so I can take the door handle.

“Eden, we both know you came here because you didn’t wanna marry that man, and you knew...” He reaches back and takes my wrist in his hand, bringing it to rest between his chest, “...that if I’da known about it, I would never have let ya.” His grip on my hand is so tight I’m not sure which of us is trembling.

“My name isn’t Eden. It’s Katie,” I remind him…again.

“Not to me it ain’t. You’re always gonna be Eden to me. My Eden.” He pulls the neck of his tee down, showing me a tattoo on his chest that wasn’t there ten years ago. I take some time to study the thick, trunked tree and its deep-tangled roots. All of it, including the leaves, are shaded in darks and grays, except for one single bright-red apple that hangs from one of the branches.

“The garden of Eden,” I whisper, bringing up my free hand to trace a finger over the beautiful artwork. Now, it’s definitely me who's trembling.

“The start of everythin’, and the forbidden fruit.” He’s wearing that cocky smile on his lips again when I look back up at his face.

“Nothing about any of this is funny, Aaron.” I slam my palm at his chest and when it frees my other hand, I take a step back from him and let out a long deep breath. Being this close is starting to feel dangerous.

“Grrrr!” I turn away from him, slamming my palms on my brother's desk and dropping my head between my arms.

I can’t believe I’ve let myself get into this situation. This time yesterday, I had it all, and now…Now, I’m back to being that girl who had her heart ripped out of her chest.

“Listen to me.”

My body stiffens as he steps up behind me, and when his hand rests on my shoulder, I curse myself for taking some comfort from it. “Why don’t ya stay here for a few days? Just till you get your head straight. I promise I’ll keep my distance if that’s what ya need.” Having him touch me again after all these years makes me realize that it’s not what I need at all. I need him close, but I can’t admit that, to him or to myself. “You and Raze have a lot of catching up to do, and you should get to know Peyton, she’s good for him. You'll like her.” His voice is a soft whisper that seems to be getting closer and closer to the skin on my neck.

“Fine.” I spin around, gasping when I realize just how close he is. Close enough for our lips to almost be touching. “I’ll stay, on one condition.” I manage to gain some strength, rubbing my lips together and trying not to think about how it would feel to kiss him after all these years.

“Anythin’.” His eyes are focused on my lips as if he’s thinking the exact same thing that I am.

“I need you to return the car I stole from the minister.” I smile at him awkwardly

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