Wrath (Dirty Soul MC: Long Beach #2) Chapter 14 38%
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Chapter 14

I ’ve just got back to the houseboat when my cell starts to ring and when I see that it’s my dad calling I decide not to answer. Things are starting to get real out of hand with him, especially now that Raze ain’t around. There’s no one else at the club brave enough to stand up to him, not even Davy who’s an original Dirty Dozen.

Whatever he’s calling me for will undoubtedly lead to trouble. I don’t understand why but he’s becoming more and more desperate to bring me into his little fold, and I want no part of it. Way I see it, the sooner I get my patch, the sooner my opinion starts to matter. Ruckus may only be a prospect right now, but he’s coming to the end of his probation. There are members I know can be trusted – Sasquatch, and the new guys Dev, and Saint who transferred from our charter in Nebraska. Dev came highly recommended by their president, Slick, when we needed an enforcer to replace Raze. If I can get them on board I think we stand a chance of getting the club back to where it should be.

I’m about to take myself to bed for an early night. I got a long drive in the morning to South Boise and it ain’t gonna be easy asking Raze if I can make his sister my girl.

My cell starts to vibrate again, and when I see his name continue to flash, I figure it must be important, so I shake my head and quickly answer.

“What’s up?” I ask, letting him know that I’m pissed off at the interruption.

“Hey, son, I need ya to come to the warehouse,” he tells me, sounding much friendlier than normal. Perhaps he’s not with Rex and Mac, he’s always more of a jerk when he’s around them.

“The warehouse?” Now I’m fuckin’ intrigued. Dad’s taken great pleasure in ensuring all the hours Raze put into training me don’t get put to use. Dev’s in charge of any retributions now, and although I know Dev would have no issue with an extra set of hands, leaving me out of it is how my father chooses to punish me for my loyalty toward Raze.

“You know, the warehouse.” He laughs.“You and Raze were always hangin’ out here.” He sounds so condescending that it makes me wanna rip his tongue out.

“Is Dev not available?” I check, really needing to get some rest.

“I’m afraid not, this job’s a special one, you’ll wanna be here for it.”

“Fine, I’m on my way.” I give in to curiosity and slip my boots back on.

Everythin’s silent when I get there, one of the other cages is parked up by the back entrance and is the only sign that anyone else is here. I pity the poor fucker that’s earned the punishment I’m here to serve. It’s been a long time since I’ve been let loose, and being summoned on such short notice has put me in a real bad mood. It’s hard to believe that just over an hour ago I was kissing my girl good night. Now, I’ve been dragged here to make some sorry-assed fucker bleed.

I swing open the back door and when I see Cliff, Mac, and Rex all gathered in the corridor I frown.

“All of ya here, and ya need me?” I shake my head, these fuckers really are lazy. “So, what we dealin’ with?” Being back here’s already got me in the mood for causing some pain. My only concern is the fact it’s these three who are behind it and I’ll put my money on what they want me to do, not being a club decision.

“How long ya been prospectin’ for now?” My dad stands in front of me. “A little over three years,” I remind him. My probation period must be the longest one in Dirty Soul history.

“Bout time ya made the cut, don’t ya think?” The smile on his face almost looks like a proud one and the fact that Mac and Rex both look pleased for me sets me a little on edge.

“What the fuck is this?” I shake my head, knowing that whatever it is, the stakes are high. Dad knows how much I want the cut, and I know how hard he’s tried to hold me back.

“This, son, is your initiation.” He moves forward and slaps me on the shoulder. “I’ve been harsh on ya, but only because I see somethin’ special in ya. You're clever, you’re one helluva fighter; there's just one thing you gotta work on.” He wraps his arm around my shoulder and walks me to the door of one of the side rooms. Rex grins at me as he flicks open the door and when I step inside and see a hunched-up figure curled up in the corner, I immediately freeze when I see it’s a female. She’s shaking and sobbing and the long, dark hair that hangs over her face prevents me from seeing what she looks like.

“No women or kids, that’s a club rule.” I look back at my father, starting to panic

“Sometimes, when ya really wanna make it, rules have to be broken.” He smiles at me and when Mac flicks on the bright UV light above us it almost blinds me.

“Are ya gonna explain what the fuck this is? Because I’m tellin’ ya, right now, I ain’t fuckin’ up no female.” I let ‘em hear the anger in my voice as I look between the three of ‘em.

“Lift ya head, pretty girl.” Dad’s lips pick up into a smile as he gestures his eyes back over my shoulder toward the victim on the floor, and when I turn around and she does as he tells her, my heart stops beating.

“ Eden! ” Her wild, scared eyes stare back at me and she shakes her head, desperately begging me to do something. I hear the scrape of metal come from behind me and when I look back around, I see Mac has bolted the door.

“This is gonna be the most valuable lesson you’ll ever learn, son.” The man who calls himself my father chuckles as he grabs himself a chair and takes a seat.

“I won’t hurt her, and I won’t let any of you hurt her, either,” I say it loud so she knows it too, and all three of ‘em look amused as they stare back at me.

“Just try to stay calm. I’m here now,” I call over to Eden, refusing to back down. I’m so fuckin’ angry I got the adrenaline of an army coursing through me. I know for sure that can take all three of these fuckers on.

“You’re takin’ this too far,” I warn my father, hoping that he’s gonna back down.

“Son, I’m doin’ this because I want ya to succeed. This club needs ya workin’ to your full potential and ya can’t do that when ya got a female inside your head. They make ya weak, they have ya questioning all your decisions. You’ve let this pretty, little girl get too close, now it’s time to make your choice.”

“There is no choice. I won’t fuckin’ hurt her and I’ll die before I let any of you,” I warn him…again

“Oh, son, that’s not what we want ya to do.” He moves over to Eden, grabbing a fist of her hair and making her squeal as he uses it to raise her onto her feet.

“Get your fuckin’ hands off her!” I rush toward them and when my dad starts to laugh, all I see is pure fuckin’ evil.

“We brought ya here to show this girl a good time.” The way he grips each side of her cheeks and squeezes so her lips pout, makes me shudder.

“Get the fuck off her,” I growl.

“C’mon, ya know how to do it right, or do ya need Uncle Rex to give ya a demonstration?” He laughs.

“It’s not happenin’.” I shake my head at him, feeling my chest heat with enough rage to ensure there’s nothing left of these three cunts when I’m finished with ‘em.

“That’s a shame because, one way or another, this girl’s gettin’ fucked tonight. Remember what I said the other day about makin’ choices? Well, this one’s yours. It can either be you, or it can be them.” Cliff looks to the back wall where Mac and Rex are now standing with smug-as-fuck grins on their faces,

“They’ll have to go through me first,” I tell him, doing everything I can to avoid looking at Eden. Cliff’s right about one thing, she is my fuckin’ weakness and right now, only my strength is gonna save her.

I raise my hands and get ready to fight, I’m more than happy to kill these fuckers. Rex looks me up and down and laughs as he moves toward the door on the other side of the room.

“You think it would be just us three?” Cliff laughs with him as I watch Rex open the door, and when three brothers from a different charter and two nomads step inside, I feel my heart sink. The one I recognize from our Nebraska charter slides a set of brass knuckles onto his right hand, and when I see a bat wrapped with barbed wire in the hand of the guy standing beside him, I feel all my anger turn to fear.

“Aaron,” Eden’s voice whispers from behind me.

“It’s okay, I won’t let ‘em hurt ya,” I promise, despite knowing that there's no way I can take on eight men by myself. That don’t mean I won’t die tryin’.

“Aaron, listen to me.” She sounds so scared it’s already fuckin’ killing me.

“You better not try to run girl.” I hear my father warning her as I eyeball all the men standing in front of me, figuring which one of ‘em to take on first. The big nomad is gonna take some energy to put out, so I figure he’s my best option.

“Aaron.” I hear my name again, and I close my eyes when I feel a soft, shaky hand touch my shoulder. I take my time spinning around and when I see her big, blue eyes all swollen with tears and looking up at me, my heart breaks because I know I can’t save her.

Her wrists have been untied, and her chest is making scared little breaths as she tries to show some bravery,

“You have to do as he says,” she tells me, in the faintest whisper I’ve ever heard.

“ What? No. I’m not gonna do that here, in front of them.” I shake my head, getting mad at her for even thinking I could do that.

“I don’t think we have a choice, you heard what he said. It’s you or it’s them. I won’t survive them, Aaron.” She looks past my shoulder at the huge, brutish men that are lined up ready to rape her. “Please, Aaron, just do as he says,” she begs me.

“She’s a brave girl, son.” Cliff slaps me on the back before he walks over to join his friends, and taking Eden’s hand, I drag her into the corner and stand over her like a shield.

“Eden, I can fight, and you can run,” I whisper under my breath. “You head for the door I came through, you take a left and the cage is right outside.”

“Aaron, there's eight of them. They’d chase me, and they’d catch me. You can’t beat them all.” She smiles at me sadly, and strokes away the hair that's fallen onto my face.

“I can’t do this, Eden, you’re better than this, it’s your first time, it’s gonna ? —”

“We gonna see some action or do ya need me to warm her up?” Some mouthy cunt wearing the Illinois patch calls over.

“Please, Aaron, just do it. As long as it’s you I’ll be okay.” Her voice trembles, and I slam my hand into the wall behind her head in frustration. Of all the fucked-up situations for my father to put me in, I never could have predicted this one.

“I don’t want the damn cut.” I turn back round and face him.

“Ya think that makes any difference? I’ve been tellin’ these boys about your cute, little friend for weeks. Some of ‘em rode a real long way to be here. This ain’t just your initiation, Aaron. This is a reward for the efforts they’ve all been puttin’ in for me.”

“You’re all sick!” I shake my head at them. “Do you all know that this is Raze’s baby sister? She’s the daughter of Vex. D’ya really wanna be a part of this?” I scan each one of their faces and wait to see some fear.

“I’d take that as a yes they do,” Cliff chuckles when everyone remains silent.

“Vex is a mess, Raze is in jail, these boys are happy to take their chances because they know where the club is headin’. We’re one percenters, Aaron, we ain’t supposed to be the good guys.”

“No.” I shake my head. “Ya can’t force me to do this.”

“You’re right, but we can tie ya to that chair and force ya to watch while we do.” He shrugs.

“ No! ” The terror in Eden’s voice causes me physical, fuckin’ pain and when she rushes to put herself in front of me, she takes my face in her hands and forces me to look at her.

“Aaron, listen to me…” Her pupils are double their usual size from her panic. “You have to do this. I can handle them watching, I won’t be able to…” She looks back over her shoulder at them all. “There's eight of them.” She looks back at me helplessly, and all my defenses drop when it sinks in that there really is no gettin’ outta this

“If I do this, you’ll let her go straight after?” I check, unable to look at her. My chest has already started to tighten and I feel fuckin’ sick.

“You can take her home, yourself.” Cliff nods his head and when I finally make eye contact with the girl who deserves the whole world, I hate myself for failing her.

She nods her head and smiles through her tears, encouragingly, and it doesn’t just break my fuckin’ heart…it destroys it.

“Okay,” I whisper, keeping my eyes fixed on hers as I agree to my father’s disgusting terms.

“Boys, it looks like we got ourselves a show.” I hear Rex clap his hands together as I take Eden’s hand and lead her back over to the corner.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper, swallowing the huge lump in my throat and wondering where the hell to start. I’ve thought about this moment so long and during none of those times did we have an audience, nor were we in a damp, cold warehouse.

“Get on with it then!” One of them calls over, making me close my eyes and fist my hands.

“Rip those fuckin’ clothes off. I wanna see some tit.” Another voice comes from behind me and when I go to spin around and land one on the fucker, Eden grabs my arm and forces my focus back onto her.

“It’s fine.” She takes another stuttered breath as she starts to unbutton her blouse, revealing the cute, white cotton bra she’s wearing beneath it. Taking my wrist she pulls my hand up to cover over one of her cups and earns herself a cheer from the sick bastards behind me.

She blushes, nervously, and waits for me to make the next move.

“I can’t.” I look down between us and feel my cheeks heat with blood as I point out the obvious problem. I spend half the time that I’m around Eden trying to stop myself from getting hard, now under these circumstances it looks like I’m having the opposite problem.

“It’s okay.” Her palm presses against my stomach, as her trembling fingers slide inside the waistband of my jeans, delicately brushing against my cock and attempting to stir it to life.

“I’ll be okay, Aaron,” she promises and I hate the fact, that despite what’s happening to her, she feels the need to reassure me. She leans forward, pressing soft, tender kisses on my neck, and it doesn’t take long for my cock to react to how good they feel.

“I’m not afraid,” she whispers, “just stay with me and I won’t be scared.”

“C’mon, take off her damn clothes!” Another impatient voice comes from behind me and this time I step up and help her shrug out of her shirt, then dropping it to the floor I take her chin between my thumb and finger and raise her mouth up to mine. The least I can do is kiss her and try to distract her from the fact we’re being watched.

Her lips tremble and when her tears flow freely, I taste the salt from them as they slip between our lips.

“It’s just me and you, forget about them, okay?” I loosen my belt, as she continues to stroke her fingers against my cock, and when she pulls her hand away so she can pull down her own jeans, I let my cock spring free.

“It wasn’t supposed to be like this,” I whisper in her ear, scrunching her hair in my fist as my cock falls against her stomach. I use my body to shield as much of her as I can, and as she looks down between our bodies and she sees me hanging outta my jeans her eyes widen.

“I was gonna take my time, and make it as perfect as I could.” I keep my voice low so no one else can hear.

“It’s gonna hurt,” She can’t hide how scared she is, not from me.

“I’m sorry.”

“I’ll be okay.” She looks up and smiles through her tears and her courage makes that lump in my throat even tougher to swallow.

“I wish it were different.” I wanna tear down the fuckin’ walls around us and raise Hell, and I swear each fucker standing behind me is gonna die for the part they’ve played in what’s happened here tonight.

“Times tickin’, son.” I hear my father’s voice and Eden shocks me when she reaches between us and takes me in her hand, pulling me through her dainty, little fist to turn my semi-hard cock painfully solid.

“I’ll be okay,” she promises me again.

“I don’t wanna hurt ya.” I lift under her thighs and raise her up against the wall, letting my cock slip between her pussy lips and hating that I’m starting to feel some pleasure from this fucked-up situation she’s in because of me.

“I think that's inevitable.” She smiles, still trying so hard to be brave, but I see the fear in her eyes and I’d tear out my own soul to make it go away.

“Just you and me,” I remind her, taking my cock in my hand and guiding it toward her tight, virgin hole.

“Just you and me.” She nods, unable to stop herself from gasping as I gently press inside her.

“C’mon, these boys traveled out here for a show, fuck her like she’s a whore.” The voice sounds like it belongs to Mac, and I do my best to ignore it as I slide another inch of my dick into Eden's warm, unexplored pussy.

“Ya good?” I check, bracing myself against the wall with one hand and holding her against me with the other.

“I’m fine.” She takes a steady breath and nods for me to continue then when she glances over my shoulder she makes a horrified gasp and quickly closes her eyes. Her whole body tenses and her breaths get faster and outta control. I grab her jaw and force her to look back at me.

“Listen, don’t think about them, focus on me. It’s just me and you, how it was always supposed to be,” I whisper, as I slide deeper inside her resistant walls. “Open your eyes. Look at me,” I tell her and when she does as I say, I find the strength inside myself to smile. “It’s just us, focus on me,” I remind her, pushing my cock all the way inside her and feeling her tear and stretch to make me fit. Her mouth drops open and her eyes stream more tears and I feel like the most useless bastard on the planet.

I’m ashamed of myself and I can’t imagine how humiliating this must be for her.

“I’m gonna move again now,” I warn her. Sliding out of her and then slowly thrusting back inside, I can feel her body clamping around me, holding onto me like a vice despite the pain in her eyes, and as hard as I try to drown out all the cheers and encouragement that’s coming from behind me, I can’t.

“Fuck her harder, son. Smash that tight, little cunt. She can tell her brother all about it when she visits him in South Boise.” My dad roars with laughter and as much as I wanna smash his face in I have to remain calm, I can’t lose control right now. I have to get us through this

“You can go faster, I can take it.” She slides her hands into my hair and drags me closer to shelter her face.

“Ya sure?” I check, wanting to end this and get her the fuck outta here.

“I’m sure. Just do it.” She grips her hands tighter around my neck and when I thrust inside her a little harder the squeal she makes turns my stomach.

“I think she’s startin’ to enjoy it,” Rex calls out.

“I don’t wanna fuckin’ hurt ya,” I growl, dropping my head into her shoulder and cursing myself for the fact my cock is harder than it’s ever been before.

“Aaron, I love you,” she tells me, as I pull out and thrust back inside.

“Just us,” I repeat over and over, as I continue to pump myself inside her, faster and harder, willing to end this fuckin’ torture for her.

“Come on boy, fuck her properly!”Another voice heckles; this time, it’s her breath in my ear that keeps me grounded.

“It’s just us, alone, on your houseboat.” Her breath hitches. “Kiss me,” she begs, and I pin her to the wall with my hand and kiss the fuck outta her mouth.

“I love you,” I tell her, hardly letting our lips part, and I feel my cock start to slide a little easier between her walls.

“You’re so fuckin’ tight.”

“I’m sorry.” She apologizes to me, and I shake my head because this girl is unreal.

“Don’t be sorry. It feels good….I mean it’s…I’m sorry.” I cuss myself for saying that out loud. I shouldn’t be taking any pleasure from this at all.

“I’m okay,” she promises me, her legs gripping tighter around my hips, “This shouldn’t feel good,” I say more of my feelings out loud and close my own eyes to avoid seeing her reaction.

“But it does.” Her nails drag through my hair and across the back of my neck, setting off a shiver that travels down my spine.

“Fuck, I’m gonna come.” I grip her tighter, slamming her body hard into the wall, and ignoring all the noise echoing around us, I look her straight in her eyes.

“Just us,” she tells me one more time before I spill the heavy load that's built up inside me into her freshly-broken pussy. I growl deep and slam my hand into the wall behind her as it keeps on coming. Then catch my breath, remaining hard and still inside her as my hand slides down her body and holds her tight. I must have blocked ’em out, because suddenly all the cheers and claps that come from behind us, bring me back into the fuckin’ room. Reality hits and my chest drops into my stomach.

“I’m sorry,” I whisper weakly, pulling myself outta her and steadying her onto her feet.

“Good job, son.” My dad steps up behind me and looks down at my cock, he sniggers when he sees the blood that's mixed with my cum, and shakes my shoulders.

“Looks to me like ya were this young lady’s first. Ya never forget your first time.” He smiles at Eden, while she quickly pulls on her panties and jeans and covers herself back up with her blouse. I act on impulse, spinning around and landing a heavy right hook on his jaw, it knocks him back a step and when Mac and Rex move to come at me he holds up his hand to keep ‘em back.

“Nah, nah, it’s all good. I’m proud of my son, he became a man tonight.” He laughs to himself as he wipes the blood from the corner of his mouth. “Best take your little whore home before her parents start to worry,” he snarls, and as much as I wanna make him suffer, I wanna get her outta here more.

“Come on.” I reach behind me and take her hand, feeling how shaky it is as I march us toward the door and undo the bolt. Pushing her through it, I take one last look around the room, and every fucker inside it.

I remember all their faces and vow that when they each meet their maker, my face will be the last that they see.

I hear my phone buzzing again and pray to fuckin’ God it ain't the start of the nightmare all over again. Scrubbing at my eyes, I reach for my cell and when I see Eden’s name flashing, I answer it straight away.

“You okay?” I ask, looking up at the clock and seeing how late it is.

“Yeah, I’m good.” I can tell from her voice that she’s lying to me. I know I should’ve listened to my instincts and stayed at the club tonight. Just because she’s mad at me, and Raze is back home, back doesn’t change the fact there’s a killer on the loose. “Actually I’m not, can you come here?” She sounds scared and vulnerable and I rush to get up, holding the phone between my ear and shoulder as I slide into some jeans.

“Eden, did somethin’ happen? Are you in danger?” I check, feeling that fear pick up in my chest again.

“No, I just…I just need you,” she tells me. Never before have four simple words ever sounded so good.

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