Wrath (Dirty Soul MC: Long Beach #2) Chapter 38 98%
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Chapter 38

T he club seems far too quiet when Rocco drives through the gates. Aaron couldn’t wait to get me off the phone when I called him, and Rocco’s been acting strange all morning. The way he keeps smiling at me is odd and he seems nervous. Anyone would think it was him who had to do a presentation in front of one of Hollywood's biggest producers.

“Where is everyone?” I ask, following him into the yard. Outside, the clubhouse is empty. Trinity and her crew aren’t hanging out where they usually do either.

“I don’t know. How would I? I’m just a prospect.” He spits his words out far too fast.

“Rocco, are you okay?” I check.

“Me? I’m fine. Are you okay?” He starts scratching the back of his neck and looking all kinds of freaked out. “Laura.” He looks up past my shoulder, toward the door to my room. “Your friend, she’s here. You should head on up and ask her why she came.” He spins on his feet and races off through the clubhouse door, leaving me confused as hell.

I look up at the balcony and, sure enough, Laura is standing there outside my door. I have no idea why, we haven’t spoken since I found out about her father’s agreement with mine, and I have to admit it feels good to see her. Aaron’s clearly busy with club stuff, so I guess it’ll be good to celebrate the success of my day with someone. I climb the stairs and when I get to the top and see the big, red box she’s holding, I’m curious as to what she’s brought with her.

“I know you probably don’t want to see me right now, but I’ve got something for you.” She smiles at me cautiously, stepping out of the way so I can unlock the door. I’m a little ashamed of the mess inside, the place is crammed full of mine and Aaron’s stuff. I told him I wouldn’t move onto the houseboat until I knew what was happening with my dad. If he’s only gonna be here for a few weeks I want to stay close to him. This past week I’ve spent getting to know Vex has been incredible, and although we haven’t spoken much about the decisions he made for me, I’m starting to understand his actions a little better.

“You coming in or standing out there?” I hold the door open for her, and she smiles with relief as she scurries inside and places the box on the bed.

“What's that?” I stare at it.

“Never mind that for a second. First, I need you to know that I’m sorry. I was a young girl, instructed to do something by my father, and I know the foundation of what we started on wasn’t legit, but the way we grew close was. I’ve never ever had a friend like you before, Eden.” She reaches forward and takes my hand. “I don’t want to lose you over this. And I know it’ll take some time for you to trust me again but–”

“Come here.” I pull at her arm and drag her in for a hug.

“Let's just forget it and move on. I’m so done with the past. No more lies, no more pretending.” I let her go and when we pull apart I suddenly pay attention to the way she’s dressed.

“You going somewhere fancy?” I laugh, looking at the satin, navy dress she’s wearing. Her hair’s pinned up and looking far too formal for a visit to this place.

“Oh, this? I, errmmmm…I had an idea, and I’m going to need you to just roll with it.” She chews on her lip.

“ Roll with it? Who are you, and what have you done with my best friend? The Laura Collard I know has never rolled with anything in her life,” I giggle.

“Maybe I’m a changed woman. Mom always did say you were a bad influence.”

“Is that really what she said?” I almost choke.

“I’m sure she didn’t mean it—but come on…she always knew who you were, and who your father was.” Laura lowers her voice like she’s afraid of being heard.

“Okay, what’s this idea of yours?” I still haven’t gotten round to telling her that I got the job for the new movie. I’m far too intrigued by this big, red box.

“Well, you remember you designed your original wedding dress?” Her lips raise into a smile.

“The one your mother deemed unsuitable?” I remind her.

“Yes, but it was beautiful.”

I think back to the hours Laura and I spent, turning my design into my perfect dress. It all seems like such a waste now.

“It was but?—”

“Open the box,” Laura interrupts me, barely able to contain her excitement.

“Is that?—?”

“Will you just open it?” She gets impatient, and when I step forward and lift the lid off the box, I smile when I see the dress we made together inside it.

“It really is beautiful.” I slowly pull it out and hold it in front of me.

“You should put it on.” Her eyes widen like a kid at Christmas.

“Why?” I laugh, is everyone around here taking something today? No one seems to be acting normal.

“It’s part of my idea. You know I’ve been wanting to set up my own business for a while, and I love doing wedding designs. I made this dress I’m wearing today, and I played a part in making this one too.” She takes hold of the long, lace train from the dress I'm holding. “I thought we could go down to the beach, and take some photos of us in them so I can get my website up and running.” She looks at me, hopefully. It’s been a long time since I've seen her look so excited, and who am I to stand in her way of getting her dream job, especially today, when I’ve just got mine?

“Sure.” I shrug my shoulders and take the dress with me into the bathroom.

“You’ll have to do me up.” I step out a few minutes later and when I see my reflection in the long-length mirror I’m reminded why Trisha hated the design so much. The lace covers most of my body but the way it clings doesn’t leave much to the imagination. Laura steps up behind me and I suck in while she does up the zip.

She spends a few seconds staring through the mirror at our reflection and looking pleased with herself.

“We should fix your hair.” She snaps herself out of her trance and drags me over to the dressing table that I’m using as a desk. “Sit.” She slams me down hard onto the seat and starts gripping and tugging at my hair.

“Don’t you think you're going a little extra?” I laugh at her.

“This is the most important daaaa– photo of my career. Do you want your hair to look bad?” She points out.

“You know, all this is so rushed. We could hire proper models and a photographer, if it’s going on your website it should be done properly.”

“No, we made that dress to fit you, it’s not going to look anywhere near as good on anyone else, and to hire people costs money. I don’t want to have to ask my parents for that.” She makes a valid point, so I let her continue and when she’s finally done with the extra makeup she insists I wear, I have to admit she’s done a great job. I actually look like I’m getting married today.

“You're ready.” She steps back and admires me with tears in her eyes.

“Okay.” I laugh to myself as I stand up and make my way toward the door. I hold up the train of my dress as I take the steps down and Laura quickly stops me when I try to go through the arch into the parking lot.

“Wait, where are you going?” She looks panicked.

“There's a gate at the back of the lot, it’s the quickest way to the beach,” I explain.

“Oh, no. You are not dragging that train through a dusty parking lot, we’ll go through the clubhouse.” Taking my arm, she tries tugging me in that direction.

“Are you crazy? I can’t go in there dressed like this.” I look down at myself. “What the hell do you suppose Aaron will think if he sees me? It looks as if I’m hinting at something.” I feel my cheeks flush, especially when I remember that this isn’t the first wedding dress I’ve worn in the club.

“Don’t be ridiculous, we have a perfectly logical explanation. Besides, the balcony is the perfect place to get some good shots.” She lifts her shoulders and gives me a pleading smile.

“Fine.” I sigh in defeat and re-lift my train as I march toward the clubhouse door and pull it open. I expect the silence as I’ve just walked into this clubhouse for a second time wearing a damn wedding gown. What I don’t expect is the emptiness, there is not a single soul in sight.

“Where is everyone?” I look around in shock. It’s a Saturday, the club is always busy on a Saturday. “What the hell is this?” I look at the trail of flower petals that are on the floor and lead all the way to the balcony door. Laura simply shrugs back with a huge, toothy grin on her face.

“Is this for the shoot? How did you talk Raze into letting you do this?” I laugh as I barge through the side door and march onto the balcony then nearly jump out of my skin when a huge cheer and loud claps come from a crowd that's gathered on the beach. I follow the long gap between the chairs and when I see Aaron, my heart starts to beat real fast.

He looks so handsome in the suit he’s wearing, his hair is tied neatly back and he’s got a nervous grin on his face

“What’s happening?” I cover my mouth with my hands, and when I look to my left I see that Laura is now standing with Alicia and Peyton, I realize they are all wearing the same navy dresses and have matching bouquets. Peyton has a huge smile on her face as she leans forward and hands me a much bigger one.

“You look beautiful.” She wipes a tear from her eye as she gets in position behind me.

“Shall we?” My brother steps forward wearing a suit that looks as if it matches Aaron’s and when he offers me his arm, I slide mine through it.

“Is this…am I getting married, today?” I laugh at everything that’s playing out in front of me in disbelief.

“I sure hope so, or my VP’s heart is gonna be broken.” Raze steadily guides me down the stairs following the petals onto a deck that’s been set up on the beach, it forms an aisle between the rows of chairs that will lead me right to Aaron. I try to take everything in but I’m overwhelmed, and when we step up to the first row of chairs and my father stands up to take my other arm, I burst into happy tears.

“Wrath thought you’d want us both to give ya away, but I understand if ya want me to sit my old ass back down,” he croaks at me.

“Not at all.” I smile at him through my tears, shaking my head because I still can’t believe what's happening here. My brother and father escort me down the aisle toward Aaron, who’s still got that nervous smile on his lips when I finally reach him. He looks me up and down, rolling his tongue around the inside of his cheek, and I can tell he likes what he sees.

“Damn.” He flicks his eyes back up to mine and blows out a breath.

“Did you do all this?” I look at the arch of flowers in front of us, and all the pretty jars of matching flowers on the end of each row of chairs.

“I had a little help from my friends.” He smiles back at me.

“You know, most guys pick a fancy restaurant and get down on one knee.” I look over my shoulder at all the club members and people that are here, and Anita dabs a tissue to her eyes as she smiles at me.

“You want me on my knees, all ya gotta do is ask.” He steps closer to me and when I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him, it causes more whistles and cheers from the members.

“We aren’t quite at that part yet.” The minister blushes as I pull away.

“So, how about it?” Aaron asks.

I glance at my brother, who’s got a huge, proud grin on his face, and when I turn back to Aaron and nod, everyone cheers even louder.

“Well, let’s get started.” He turns us both to face the minister, and we make our vows in front of the ocean and all the people that matter to us. I smile to myself when Ruckus hands me the ring to slide on Aaron’s finger, it matches my brother’s and I know it's a big deal for a member to have one.

“I now pronounce you husband and wife. Now , you can kiss your bride.” The minister smirks at us both and Aaron wastes no more time. He pulls me in tight and kisses me in a way that no father or brother should have to witness.

“Congratulations! How does it feel to be Mrs Adams?” Peyton asks, excitedly.

“She’ll never know,” Aaron interrupts, shocking everyone in the little crowd that's gathered around us.

“What are you saying?” I ask curiously.

“I’m saying that there is no way we are startin’ our future carryin’ that name.” He shakes his head

“So what, we’re just gonna make one up?” I giggle.

“He’s takin’ ours.” My dad shocks me when he speaks up.

“Troj told me about a guy from the Colorado charter who did the same thing when he married Jimmer Carson’s daughter. Ours might not be the proudest name to carry, but I know he won’t let it down.” Raze explains as he squeezes Aaron’s shoulder.

“You don’t have to do this.” I look at my new husband as fresh tears threaten to spill out and ruin all of Laura's hard work.

“I wanna do this. You spent a long time of your life pretendin’ to be someone else. Now ya get to be who you always should have been. Eden Ashford.”

“That really means a lot,” I tell him, trying my best not to cry.

“You better hold them tears in. I made your daddy a promise to never make you cry, and you know how he can be.” Aaron glances over at my father, who shakes his head and rolls his eyes. “Come on, Mrs Ashford, we gotta party to get to.” He makes me gasp when he lifts me off my feet, carrying me down the aisle, and up the stairs to the clubhouse.

“Hey, where’s Jenika?” Rocco asks as he slides past us with more stock for the bar.

“Did she not say goodbye? She took a late-night bus back to Washington, I convinced her to patch things up with her folks.” I can’t help feeling proud of myself for making a difference. I’m gonna be busy with my upcoming costume designs, but I’ve been thinking about getting involved and doing some kind of volunteer work with victims of sexual abuse. It felt good to help.

“She caught a bus by herself?” Rocco’s shock almost takes over his disappointment.

“I know, I’m so proud of her. I guess knowing that the man who took her couldn’t hurt her anymore gave her some confidence.” I know exactly how she feels, knowing that I don’t have to look over my shoulder anymore is a relief I can’t explain. I just wish more could have been done for the girls he murdered. They will remain Jane Does, their families will never get to grieve them. I really hope Cliff Adams is burning in Hell.

“I guess being with family is what's best for her.” Rocco shrugs.

“She’s promised to stay in touch, I could always pass on your number.” I offer, knowing that Rocco took an interest in her while she was here. Jenika is a pretty girl, and once she started coming out of herself it became clear how intelligent she was. I still didn’t get to hear her sing though.

“Sure.” He shrugs his shoulder as if it’s no big deal, but makes fast work of writing down his number on a beer mat for me.

I’m introduced to a lot of people over the next couple of hours, the person who interests me the most has to be Jessie. He’s the president of the club’s Colorado charter and around the same age as Aaron. From what I’ve observed he seems familiar with my dad. Jessie and the other member of his charter that he came with, have spent most of the day talking to him. It makes me wonder if he’s one of the men who have been trained by my father to kill.

When Aaron introduces me to him we talk a little about Anita, and I ask him if he ever thinks Grimm will come clean to his mother about who he is.

“Right now, he’s just gettin’ his head around everythin’.” Jessie looks across to the corner where Anita is sitting talking with his old lady. “He’s grateful for what you're doin’ here. She’s been sendin’ letters to the fake address he uses and she seems real happy. She speaks highly of you.”

“Where did she tell him she is?”

“She’s told him that she’s stayin’ with friends.” Jessie smiles as he watches her enjoying his wife's company.

“She’s welcome to stay as long as she needs to. She ain’t no trouble. In fact, the place has never been cleaner,” Aaron assures him.

“Grimm appreciat?—”

“She wouldn’t care.” The words blurt out of my mouth and both my husband and Jessie look confused. “Tell Grimm, that if he’s worried about her thinking differently of him, he doesn’t have to. She loves him so much. She won’t care that he’s a Soul, just look at how accepting she is of everyone here.” I hope my message gets back to little Richie Carter and he comes to visit his mom sometime soon, it would make her so happy.

The clinking of a glass interrupts us, silencing the room and everyone forms a circle around my brother, ready to hear what he has to say.

“I know, I know, you’ve all had enough of speeches, and I promise this won’t go on as long as the best man’s did.” Raze looks to Ruckus and lifts up his eyebrows. “Before we get back to the party, and these girls take over my clubhouse with their dancing, I wanna talk about someone who’s here.” Aaron squeezes my hand as if he knows what's coming.

“A lot of you won’t have met my father, Vex, and that’s because he’s spent the best part of fifteen years livin’ in the ass- end of nowhere in a cabin in the mountains.” I look across the room at my father and see him looking just as surprised as I am. “He’s gonna hate me for sayin’ this, especially on a day like today, but some things have to be said, and you’ll soon understand why.” Raze clears his voice before he continues. “My father’s a great man, he’s a foundin’ member of this club, and he made himself a nomad and hid out in that cabin because he was ashamed of himself.” The silence in the room turns to shock and my father suddenly looks real angry. “For years, my father has plagued himself with guilt over somethin’ that happened. Somethin’ that he could never have predicted, or controlled. He focussed everythin’ on the one person he taught, who turned out bad. Today, I wanna take the opportunity to remind him of the men he made good.” Raze nods his head and, one by one, members who traveled miles from other charters to be here, all step forward. Including Jessie and his friend. “Jessie’s father used to be president of our Utah charter. He was a founder too, and when he died, Jessie had a whole lot of anger for the world. My father taught him how to control that anger and use it when it’s needed and deserved. Jessie’s our club president, now.” Jessie moves forward to shake my dad’s hand and I notice how his eyes well up with tears.

“Brax.” Raze looks at the guy who came with Jessie and nods his head. “One of the best enforcers this club has, he’s been doin’ some trainin’ of his own lately, passin’ on the knowledge that Vex taught him. He’s found a life and family among this club, and a way to channel that aggression that all enforcers know we’ll never be free of.” Brax slaps his palm into my brother’s before moving over to stand beside my dad too. “We got Cobra from Utah, here. Warwick from Idaho. Sid. Loran. All these men didn’t just come here today to party, they came here to take the opportunity to say thank you.” Raze focuses all his attention on our father. “ I wanna thank you. For the values you taught me and all those hard lessons it was vital that I learned. I never thought I’d say it, but standin’ here today, I’m proud of myself, and the man I’ve become. I’m proud to be runnin’ this club and turnin’ it into what our foundin’ members wanted it to be. And I’m proud to be your son.” A tear spills over Dad’s cheek when Raze smiles at him. “I want ya along for the ride, old man.” Raze slams a Long Beach patch on the table in front of my father and it puts a lump in my throat. This is my brother, telling him how much he means to him. This Raze him asking him to stay.

“Ya don’t need an old man like me, I can’t ride no more.” Dad shakes his head and tries to hide the fact his eyes are brimming.

“Ya may not be able to ride, but you can advise us, ya can still raise your hand to vote, and you can sure as hell still put this away.” He lifts up our dad’s empty glass and makes everyone in the room laugh. “Stay…Look around ya, look at all the good you’ve done,” Raze tells him, and when Jessie and Brax both nod their head in agreement, Dad heaves out a tired breath and lifts up his glass.

“Pol, you better put another one in there.” He smiles and reaches his other hand forward, clutching the patch in his fist. He waits for Polly to top him up before he clinks it against the one Raze is holding.

“Cheers, Prez.” He smiles, and I quickly wriggle my hand out of Aaron’s grip so I can run over and join them. I don’t know who to hug first so I grab them both, dragging Raze down to our dad’s level and squeezing them so hard they both moan.

“I can’t believe this happening. I got married today. You’re staying and you….” I slap my brother in the chest. “You said some real nice things.”

“I can be nice, ya know,” he assures me.

“Is this real? I’m scared I’m going to wake up and be back in that chapel, deciding whether I should run or not.” I laugh to myself, as tears of happiness stream over my cheeks.

“It’s real.” My husband joins us, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his cheek on my shoulder.

“And I wouldn’t look too happy about it. You got three very protective, overbearin’ men on your back, now,” he reminds me.

“You ain't nothing I can’t handle,” I assure them all. “Now, if you’ll excuse us, I’m gonna dance with my husband, who…” I spin around and hold my finger up between us before he can argue. “...can’t refuse, because it’s a tradition.” Wrath shrugs at my dad and brother as I lead him onto the dance floor and, with his arms around my waist, we slowly sway to the music that's playing.

“Are ya happy?” he asks.

“The happiest I’ve ever been,” I assure him, stepping back and letting him twirl me around. “I still can’t believe you did all this.” I laugh and cry a little at the same time. “How did you plan an entire wedding without me noticing?”

“What can I say? You married a man of many talents.” He slides his tongue over his bottom lip and makes my clit pulse.

“Do you like the dress?” I look down at my own design, knowing from the way he’s been looking at me all afternoon that he’s desperate to get me out of it.

“I like it so much that I’m gonna feel real bad for ruinin’ it,” he whispers, keeping us moving to the music.

“You think anyone would notice if we snuck off, you know to consummate?” I tease him a little by brushing my lips over his neck.

“I wouldn’t care if they did. You’re my wife and I get to do what the hell like with ya.” He moves his hands lower and firmly cups my ass cheeks.

“We didn’t cut Alicia’s cake,” I point out, making sure our bodies remain tight together.

“They can cut it without us.” I feel his smile against my jaw as he kisses his way up to my ear.

“My brother and my father won’t be happy,” I tease a little more.

“I’ll take the consequences.” He almost knocks the wind out of me when he crouches slightly and hauls me up onto his shoulder.

“Thanks for comin’, everyone. It’s appreciated. But my wife is tired and it’s my duty to get her home to bed.” He ignores all the whoops and cheers that come from around us, and I avoid looking over to Raze and my father as he marches out the door, into the fresh air with me on his shoulders.

“You're crazy, everyone in there is gonna know exactly what we're doing,” I giggle as he races for the steps to the motel and places me back on my feet.

“Do ya care?” he asks with a mischievous grin on his face, and when I shake my head back at him, he kisses my lips and makes that pulse turn into a throb.

“You know this is your last night sleepin’ here?” he tells me as we climb the stairs to my room, “We’re married now. Your dad’s a fully-patched member and he’s goin’ nowhere, there’s no excuses for ya not to move into the houseboat.”

“I guess not.” I smile.

“First compromise of our marriage. Done.” He pushes open the door and lifts me back off my feet. Then lying me down on the bed, he pushes the bottom of my dress all the way up my legs and leaves soft kisses in its trail. “And now for the second…” He looks up at me with those bright blue eyes.

“And what's that?” I smile down at him dreamily.

“When are ya gonna let me knock ya up?”

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