K yle’s first client of the night was a skinny, dark-haired twink a couple of years younger than him, whose hands were constantly in movement. Clasped in front of him, behind, on his hips, scratching at his neck.
Kyle, whose own thumbs had been hooked through his belt loops since he walked into the dimly lit bedroom, standing shirtless and with one hip cocked, could practically feel the anxiety radiating from the man.
“What’s your name?” he asked gently, not commenting on the awkward fidgeting.
Kyle offered a warm smile. “First time?”
“I’m not a virgin!”
“Didn’t say you were,” Kyle said easily, not letting any judgement or disbelief into his tone. This was a safe space for clients, and it was vital they felt comfortable. “I meant your first time with me. I’d remember such a pretty face.” He winked, enjoying the way the boy instantly flushed scarlet.
“Oh. Yeah.”
“Are your hard and soft limits the same as you put on your form?”
Danny frowned. “The form I filled out ten minutes ago?”
Kyle smiled. “Sometimes it feels different out there in the foyer, here. With me.”
The boy inhaled sharply.
“Do you remember everything they told you at the front desk?” Kyle continued, leaning back against the wall to put him at ease while they talked about the serious matters. “Unless you have your own safe word you prefer to use” – he paused for Danny’s headshake before continuing – “we utilise the traffic light system in Coterie Houses. Green for everything is fine and you want to continue. Yellow to slow down. Red to end everything immediately, and that goes for either of us. Does that make sense?”
“You don’t need to patronise me,” Danny shot back sulkily. “I may only be a Lower, but I have seen traffic lights before.”
“Ones that were actually working?” Kyle joked instead of admonishing the man. It was important that he took their safety measures seriously, but Kyle didn’t want to put him on the defensive so soon. He’d be sure to check in with him frequently during their session to make sure Danny was comfortable with the safe words before anything got too serious.
Danny’s mouth quirked up at one side. “True. The runes seem to be failing a lot more these days.”
At that reminder, Kyle snuck a glance down at the dog tags where they hung over his bare chest, checking that their runes still glowed.
“And you’re aware that we have cameras in every room which are continuously monitored for both of our safety?” he asked, gesturing at one where it protruded from the ceiling in the far corner.
Danny nodded slowly, his delicate throat bobbing as he swallowed. “But they’re not...recording?”
“No,” confirmed Kyle. “No copies are made, and no footage kept. There’s just a regular person like you and me keeping a casual eye out to make sure everyone is staying safe.”
Kyle highly doubted that Danny was anything like flamboyant Misha or the eager trainee Deacon, but the words seemed to relax his client, who gave a determined nod.
“Let me know if anything changes,” Kyle offered, pushing off the wall and reaching up to stroke Danny’s cheek.
The boy all but collapsed at his feet.
Sometimes clients wanted to make the first move, to initiate the scene on their own terms, and sometimes they preferred him to do it. This one was far too nervous to have made the decision either way, and would likely have stood there trembling for the whole hour if Kyle hadn’t pushed.
“Is there anything you particularly want from tonight?” he prompted, turning Danny around with a firm hand on the back of his neck and nuzzling beneath his left ear. He thought it might make it easier for him to answer if there was no eye contact between them.
Danny shuddered under his mouth and hands before voicing what had brought him to a brothel. It wasn’t any of Kyle’s business why a client sought his company, although some of them volunteered the information regardless, as if worried he’d assume it was nothing more than for the high of cheating on their significant others. “I’d like...I’d like to start with...could we possibly try…um, ropes?”
Kyle smiled into his skin. “Of course we can try ropes,” he said softly, kneading his thumbs into the back of his client’s shoulders and feeling him settle.
And then Danny stiffened again as if expecting to receive a blow. Kyle lightened his touches, moving slowly until the man gave a deep exhale and snuck a suspicious glance over his shoulder.
“Aren’t Dominants meant to be mean ?”
“Not necessarily,” Kyle said, petting his cheek. “It depends on what you’re into. Some are very strict and don’t let you fuck around without coming down on you hard.” That was Sanjay’s thing. “Some are daddy Dominants” – like Eric – “and others are soft and nurturing.” That was Mish, although if you dared call him soft, he’d show you that he could be otherwise, too.
Danny frowned. “And what type are you?”
“Whatever you want me to be,” Kyle said. He could do hard-ass as well as sweet, but his favourite style was somewhere in the middle, and he suspected that was exactly what Danny needed. Firm, yet fair. Kyle would demand obedience and punish when it wasn’t given, but also reward good behaviour that the stricter Doms would just take as expected.
Sensing he wasn’t going to get an answer – it seemed Danny was very early in the kink awakening he’d trusted Kyle and House Epsilon to help him with – Kyle continued to massage his shoulders for a moment before lowering his mouth back down to the boy’s ear.
“I’m going to tell you what I want to do to you, and you’re going to tell me if that sounds like something you’d like, okay?”
A faint nod.
“I’m going to tie your hands behind your back to keep you still, and then I’m going to suck you off,” Kyle murmured to him, gauging Danny’s interest in the idea from how he squirmed. And as he’d guessed, it seemed Danny was keen to have Kyle dictate what he did with his fidgeting hands, to relieve him of the stress of having to work it out himself. “If you move your legs from where I put them, I’ll tie them down too.”
His client hissed in a sharp breath.
“This is the part where you tell me yes or no,” Kyle said, sharpening his tone slightly into clear command. That, and the way he dug his fingers down into his shoulders at the same time, brought a whimper to Danny’s lips.
“Ye...yes,” he gasped out, practically choking on the words as if what Kyle had proposed was the most debauched thing he could possibly think of. Kyle hid his smile in his neck and then gave him a gentle push.
“On the bed. Start face down and we’ll see how it goes.”
When the man started to clamber up onto the bed, Kyle tsked.
“ Naked , Danny,” he chided, and the boy scrambled to obey, hurriedly reaching for the buttons on his shirt.
Kyle grinned with the anticipation of having this delicious little morsel on the menu for the next hour. He loved his job.