Xerxes Descendant (House Epsilon Duology #1) 46. Akira 74%
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46. Akira



W hen Akira returned to House Epsilon a few hours later, his exhaustion making him want to go straight home to bed and everything else compelling him to stay, the front desk directed him to room eight.

Akira paused in the doorway, resting his head against the frame. Ben was stretched out on his back, completely naked, and fussing over the thick red ribbon that Kyle was using to tie him to the bed in the way his next client had asked for.

But it was Kyle who had Akira’s complete attention. The way the black jeans hugged those thighs...stars, his fucking thighs.

“He likes the reef knot, Sir,” Ben protested, bringing his left hand over to tug at the end of the ribbon his other wrist had been bound with. Kyle playfully slapped his fingers away. “You’re doing it all wrong.”

“The request specified single column ties.”

“Yeah, he always says that,” Ben retorted, his voice rising to almost a whine. “But he means reef knots.”

“Fine,” said Kyle easily, loosening the ribbon and beginning to retie it. Akira watched how his fingers danced through the intricate knot. “You’re the one the client will punish if it’s incorrect.”

From the broad smile that washed over Ben’s face at that, Akira wondered if that had been the boy’s intended outcome.

But the final win was had by Kyle, who, once he had all four limbs secured, grinned down at the helpless submissive and ran his fingernails lightly up his prick.

Ben half-laughed, half-gasped, his back arching from the bed. “ Sir!”

“I seem to have some spare ribbon,” Kyle declared, producing another length of it from his pocket and deftly tying it around the base of Ben’s cock. Now that was a compelling sight, with the blood-red silk wrapped in a pretty bow around his now hard, straining length. Akira would be surprised if the client didn’t tip generously for that alone.

“Master Epsilon,” Kyle said casually without turning around.

Akira felt his mouth twitch into an affectionate smile that he tried to dampen when Ben raised his head as far as he could to look over at him.

“Master!” Ben exclaimed delightedly. “I’d greet you properly, but I seem to be tied to the bed.”

“As you should be,” said Akira.

Kyle chuckled.

“I came to see what was going on,” he added with a quirk of his eyebrow. “No whore of mine would be squirming so vigorously before his client had even stepped through the door.”

“But Master, Kyle is teasing me!”

“I see no teasing,” Akira lied as Kyle dipped his hand between Ben’s legs to stroke a thumb against his exposed hole. “Only more shameless wriggling.”

“Urgh,” Ben complained, throwing his head back down onto the pillow. “You’re both the worst. Just send my client in already.”

“I’ll think about it,” said Kyle.

He shot Akira a warm grin and they slipped from the room, letting the door latch shut behind them.

“Come here, you,” Kyle murmured, his arms already wrapping around his waist with insistent demand. Akira let himself be drawn in, revelling in the feeling of Kyle’s taut, muscular body pressed against his own. “I’m glad you’re home.”


They stared at each other for a moment in the temporary privacy the empty corridor gave them, and then Kyle cleared his throat, glancing away with a slight pinkening in his cheeks.

“Well, I’m sleeping here for now, so technically it is kind of...”

He trailed off.

Home is exactly where we are, Akira silently pleaded with him, but his tongue got stuck in his mouth when he thought about saying it out loud. You don’t need to explain it away.

Kyle disentangled them from each other, smoothing down the front of Akira’s suit jacket in absent movement.

“As much as I’d love to shirk my responsibilities and dive into bed with you for the rest of the night,” he said wistfully, “I expect my boss would have my ass for it.”

“He would,” Akira agreed.

“And that’s not nearly as fun as me having his,” Kyle continued with an amused smirk, reaching out to mess up the clothes he’d just straightened. Akira rolled his eyes.

“Must you?”

“I must. The waiting seems eternity.”

A flicker of recognition lit up in Akira’s head at the words…in a kind of magic, one might even say. “The day will dawn of sanity,” he responded carefully, watching Kyle’s face.

It didn’t disappoint. The blonde blinked, gaped, and then his expression slowly morphed into a broad grin.

“ You know the lyrics to Queen ?”

“I know the lyrics to every song you’ve ever mentioned,” Akira said, knowing he shouldn’t admit such a thing but unable to help himself. How could he not have consumed Kyle’s passion for 80s rock with a fervour as equally obsessive, when it brought him closer to the man he yearned for?

Kyle’s mouth dropped. “So every time – in the last five fucking years – that I made a reference and you just looked at me blankly?”

Akira offered him a bland smile.

“Ahh.” Kyle made a noise that sounded equal parts amused, excited, and frustrated. “I will have to test your claim on every song. But sadly I also have to go and collect Ben’s client, and ensure Eric is back from his late lunch break, and check on how Rick’s going down on the front desk, and room four needs more rope-”

Akira leaned in and kissed his cheek, cutting off the rambling. Kyle blinked.

“You’re doing an excellent job,” Akira assured his House manager. “You head downstairs, and I’ll get Sanjay his rope.”

“But I’ll see you later, right?”

Akira shot him a smouldering stare full of all the pent-up frustration that had built in him from Kyle’s earlier command not to come: one that had seen him endure nine orgasms over the course of the night…and not a single one his.

“You certainly will. You won’t be able to get rid of me even if you ordered it.”

Kyle laughed. “If that’s the kind of disobedience I can expect from you, I’ll make you suffer in ways you can’t get enough of.”

Akira hummed thoughtfully as he turned away. He could make that work.

“Make sure you grab the white rope for Sanjay!” Kyle called after him as he ascended the stairs to the storeroom. “He says he can only tie in white!”

“Of course he does,” Akira muttered, shaking his head.

He hurried, hoping to catch Kyle alone for another few minutes before the end of the night. Only shortly after he’d delivered the rope, Rick notified him that a client had vomited all over room seven. Then the lighting runes started flickering on the second floor, requiring each one to be manually reset. Even after House Epsilon had seen off its last satisfied client and the staff began to drift off home, there were still all sorts of things to sort and clean, including the rope in room four that needed to be wiped down and recoiled – and surely Sanjay was just fucking with them now because there was no way he’d used all of that on one person – and then Kyle’s cats to feed and brush and pamper, and then finally, finally, it was just him and Kyle alone in the House.

Standing on the other side of the foyer, Kyle’s face cracked into a sly grin that held twice as much mischief as usual.

“Sweetheart,” he purred as Akira closed the door on Adam’s departing form, holding out both hands to him in invitation. “Come here-”

Someone caught the door from the other side before it could latch closed. Akira startled.

“Ah, Epsilon,” Master Theta said smoothly, nudging it back open and offering a smile that was as wide as Kyle’s yet held none of its sincerity. He stood on the doorstep wrapped in an elegant charcoal-wool coat, and raised one hand to display a full bottle of brandy. “May I join you for the evening?”

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