Zack (Austin Fusion Book 1) 10. Courtney 50%
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10. Courtney


Zack,our two boys, and I all arrive at the venue. Both boys are practically bouncing in their seats in the back, and I can”t help but laugh at their enthusiasm.

”Are the two of you ready to have some fun?” Zack asks, and both boys cheer.

”Let”s go, then,” I say.

We make our way inside, and Zack gets us checked in. An employee shows us to our bay and gives us the rundown of how things work. Zack and Sawyer have been here before, so this isn”t new to them like it is to me and Jax. I try to take in this place through his eyes, which are big as he takes everything in.

”Hi, I”m Macey, and I”ll be taking care of y”all today. Can I get a round of drinks? Maybe some appetizers for everyone to share?”

”That”d be great,” Zack tells her. ”What do you boys want?”

”Mom, can I have a Sprite?” Jax asks.

”Yes,” I tell him. ”He”ll have a Sprite. If you have a cup with a lid, that might be best for the safety of things getting knocked over,” I tell Macey.

”Not a problem.” She smiles at me as she taps at her little tablet. ”What else can I get put in for you?”

I snag the menu and look it over. ”I”ll have a water and the spiked strawberry lemonade.”

”Got it,” Macey says.

”Another kids Sprite, and I”ll take a Blue Moon,” Zack tells her. ”Do some pretzel bites and the chips and guac or queso sound good to get us started?” he asks me.

”I”m good with that.”

”Did you want an order of both the guac and queso appetizers?” Macey asks.

”Why not? We”ve got two more coming, so I”m sure none of it will go to waste.”

”Perfect. I”ll get these going and be back in a few minutes with your first round of drinks. If you want to get started before the rest of your party arrives, feel free to do so. It”s easy to add them once they arrive,” Macey says.

”Can I go first?” Jax asks.

”Sure can,” Zack tells him as he gets the game all set up on the computer. ”For this first game, we”ll keep it easy, just aim for any of the flags out there. Let”s find a club that fits you,” he tells him as he pulls out a few of the clubs from the bag an employee dropped off for kids. He finds one and is happy with how it fits Jax. ”Alright, buddy, you need to stand within this box. Don”t step over the line as you could fall off. Otherwise, have fun and see how far you can hit it.”

I watch Jax step up and place his club next to the golf ball. He concentrates on the ball, then looks out to the open space with all the targets. He swings back and expertly hits the ball, sending it sailing into the air. It has a good arc to it, and he somehow manages to land it directly in the middle of a target.

”Yes!” He jumps in excitement. ”I did it!”

”Careful, buddy, come this way,” I call out to him, and he runs over to me.

”That was awesome!” Zack tells him and holds up a hand for a high-five, which Jax slaps hard.

”Was that you?” Ryan asks as he steps into our bay.

”Uncle Ryan!” Jax jumps up and runs into his arms. ”Yes, that was me. Did you see it?” he asks.

”Some of it. You”re a natural, my man.” He ruffles the top of Jax”s head.

”Nice of you to join us,” Zack says as they smack hands.

”We were a little tied up.” He smirks, and I don”t miss the innuendo that goes right over the boys” heads.

”Ryan.” Allison smacks his chest as her cheeks tint pink.

”Hi, I”m Courtney, this goon”s sister.” I also smack my brother”s chest. ”You must be Allison. It”s so good to meet you.” I offer a hand to her in greeting, and she accepts it.

”Nice to meet you, Courtney. I”ve heard so many good things about you. It”s nice to finally put a face to the name, other than the pictures I”ve seen.”

”Don”t believe a word of it unless it was good, then believe that,” I joke.

”I”m not going to tell her things that will scare her off,” Ryan states.

”It”s all been good, I promise. I was thinking that maybe we could get together, though. Maybe get to know one another a little better. I”m new to the area, so I don”t have many girlfriends yet.”

”I”d love that. Let”s exchange numbers and we can plan something.”

Macey returns for Ryan”s and Allison”s orders while we all enjoy talking and watching the boys finish the first game. Jax continues to impress all of us with his beginner”s luck. He”s got an eye for hitting the ball exactly where he wants it to go.

The second game is finally starting, and this time, we are all joining in. I grab my club and go to stand in the box. I have no clue what I”m doing, and I swing and miss the ball terribly on my first attempt.

”Need some help?” Zack asks as he comes up behind me. His arms wrap around my body, and he moves my hands on the club. My body does this strange thing, tensing but instantly relaxing in his touch. My ass presses against his crotch, and there”s no missing the growl in my ear. ”Woman, we”re in public. You keep pressing that ass against my dick, and things won”t be PG for much longer.”

”I have no idea what you”re talking about,” I tease and lightly rub my ass across his thick cock. I have to hold back the moan I want to let escape. Teasing him is doing nothing but teasing me just as badly, and makes the wait until next weekend feel like a lifetime away.

”Just hit the damn ball,” Ryan calls out.

”Bring the club back like this and straight back down,” Zack instructs and helps me through the movements. The club connects with the ball, and it goes flying off the deck. It doesn”t go as far as Jax”s ball, but at least it hits the greens a little way away from the building. ”Good job,” Zack says before pressing a kiss just below my ear.

He steps back, and I instantly miss the feeling of his body pressed against mine. I follow him off the tee box and let Allison take her turn.

We have a really good time over the next couple of hours. Eating, laughing, playing, and just getting along in general. I can see why my brother is so infatuated with Allison. She seems good for him, and I hope their relationship continues. I also look forward to getting to know her better because, like her, I don”t have many girlfriends here. I might have grown up here, but my circle was small. I realize now that was mainly due to Chad and his controlling ways. I need some friends in my life, and Allison seems like a safe place to start.

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