Zack (Austin Fusion Book 1) 20. Courtney 100%
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20. Courtney


I standat the bathroom sink. The test that will change our lives forever sits in front of me as the hourglass on the screen blinks. The next three minutes will probably be the longest three of my life.

After our engagement three months ago, we decided not to really try but also not prevent getting pregnant, so when I started feeling a little off this week, I figured it was a good time to take a test. Today also happens to be our wedding day. A surprise wedding for our family and friends. We had to tell Ryan and Allison a week ago, as we asked Ryan to officiate and needed to have him get licensed to do so. They were over the moon excited for the two of us and have kept their lips sealed about our plans.

After returning from the beach, we sat down to figure out when we wanted to have our wedding. It is almost impossible to have one during the season, and Zack didn”t want to wait until the next offseason, so we came up with the idea to have a backyard wedding just before the season started.

I”ve spent the last ten weeks planning everything. From the tent for the backyard, to the food, drink, our outfits, and first dance song. All of it has been my focus. We surprised the boys last night and told them, asking them to help us pull off the surprise today for everyone.

The test screen finally stops flashing at me, changing from the hourglass to the word I”ve been waiting for.

I leave the bathroom with a million things to do before people start to arrive in seven hours. Everyone invited thinks they are coming for an engagement party that we waited to have until the guys were back from camp before the season started.

”Hello, my beautiful bride,” Zack greets me as he enters the kitchen. His hand slides around my waist, settling on my abdomen. ”I can”t wait to slide into you tonight as my wife,” he whispers before nipping at my ear.

”Good morning.” I turn in his arms and bring my own up and around his neck. ”Patience, my future husband.”

”What do you need me to do this morning?”

”Just be here to let the rental company in the backyard. They should already have the layout of where to set everything up. The food truck will be here at two. The florist is coming at ten and the baker around two. I should be back around noon with hair and makeup done to get dressed in my pre-ceremony outfit.”

”I can”t believe we”re pulling it off.”

”It will be a miracle, but no matter how it goes, as long as I”m yours at the end of the night, that”s all I care about.”

”Love you.” He leans in and kisses me.

”Love you, too. I have to go so I”m not late.”

”Drive safe,” he says as I grab my keys and purse and head out the door.

Everyone is here and mingling.They still don”t realize that we”ll be getting married in just a few minutes. The time has come for me to get changed, so I give Ryan and then Zack the signal they are expecting. I sneak away to go back up to our room to change into my dress. Ten minutes later, I hear Zack enter the bedroom to change into his suit that is laid out on the bed. I”m hidden away in the walk-in closet so he doesn”t see me until I walk out downstairs.

Once Zack returns, he and Ryan will ask all of our guests to turn their attention to the back door of the house and I”ll appear, in my wedding dress, walking toward my future.


I standat the closet door; Courtney is just on the other side of it, dressed and ready to become my wife. ”Are you ready, sweetheart?”

”More than anything,” she says confidently.

I crack the door open, only enough to reach my hand in. She links our fingers together, and I give them a little squeeze.

”I love you. See you in just a couple of minutes, wife.”

”Sounds good, husband.” One last squeeze of our fingers and I pull away and leave the bedroom. I take in a few deep breaths before I descend the steps and back into the party.

”Damn, man, why are you looking so sharp?” Graham asks. ”Oh shit.” He brings his fist to his mouth. ”This isn”t a damn engagement party. This is your wedding day,” he states loudly, which gets the attention of a lot of the guests. A hush comes over the group, and that”s my moment to shine.

”Hello, everyone, and thank you for coming. I”d like to ask everyone to gather outside under the tent, then turn your attention to the back door of the house where my bride-to-be will be making her exit. Thank you.”

The murmurs that quickly spread throughout the crowd have everyone moving to the tent outside. I walk up to the front, where we”ve decorated to be where we”ll stand and exchange our vows. Ryan follows me up there, taking his place as the officiant.

I wait what feels like forever for the back doors to open and for Courtney to emerge. She”s drop-dead gorgeous in her white gown. It takes my breath away seeing her walking the short distance to me. The way she glows as she walks with Jax by her side. He escorts her to the front, then gives me a fist bump before joining Sawyer not far from us.

”I love you,” I mouth to Courtney as she stands facing me. We link our hands together as Ryan starts the ceremony. We decided to go with a very simple and basic ceremony with the standard vows. With all the other planning we did on such short notice, we decided this was the easiest way.

”By the power vested in me by the state of Texas, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Zack, you may kiss your bride,” Ryan says, and I don”t hesitate. One hand goes behind Courtney”s neck to support it and the other behind her back as I lay my lips to hers and kiss while dipping her back.

The crowd cheers loudly as we continue to kiss, and I”m pretty sure I hear one of my teammates yell at me to get a room.

When we break apart and turn to face everyone, Ryan pipes back up. ”I”d like to introduce to you for the first time, Mr. and Mrs. Zack Blackburn.”

We walk down the makeshift aisle to the congratulations of our friends and family.

”I think we successfully pulled that off,” I tell Courtney when we”re back inside.

”I think so. When did everyone figure it out?” she asks as we hold one another and have a moment to ourselves.

”Graham figured it out when I walked out in my suit. He made one comment, and that got a lot of people”s attention, so I used that moment to ask everyone to head to the tent,” I tell her.

”You”re married!” Allison exclaims as she comes around the corner and finds us.

”We are!” Courtney exclaims. ”Thank you again for your help this week.”

”Of course. I just can”t believe you did it so quickly. It feels like just yesterday when we were making all the plans for Zack to pop the big question.”

”Speaking of popping the big question, when is my brother going to get off his butt and ask you?”

”You”ll have to ask him that,” Allison says as she looks around for Ryan.

”I”ll start giving him more nudges and hints,” Courtney tells her.

”It will happen when it happens. No rush,” Allison states.

We”re quickly swept up by everyone wanting to congratulate us and shocked that we were able to trick them with such an important event. It was everything we wanted.


”May I have this dance, wife?”Zack asks as the music flows. The day and night have been amazing. My dream wedding come to fruition. I wouldn”t have changed anything about today.

”Of course,” I tell him as I slip my hand into his. He leads me out onto the dance floor, spinning me out and then into his arms. I bring my arms up and behind his neck, then look up into his eyes. I see them filled with so much love and devotion. ”Thank you for today.”

”I”m the one that should be thanking you,” he replies.

There are only a few other couples out on the dance floor with us. The crowd has started to thin out as the hours have ticked by today. The music is just loud enough to drown out the chatter from those talking, whether on the dance floor or just in the backyard.

”I have a wedding present for you,” I whisper into Zack”s ear.

”You are my present, and I plan to unwrap you very soon. We just need to kick everyone out first.”

My head tips back as I laugh at him. I knew that kind of response was coming. ”That isn”t my gift.”

”What more could you top off this day with?” he asks.

I lean up on my tiptoes, bringing my lips to his ear so only he can hear me. ”We”re pregnant. We”re going to have a baby.”

”Are you serious?” Zack pulls me back, looking me in the eyes.

”Yes.” I nod, tears already threatening to spill from my eyes.

”Fuck yes.” He sighs as his lips crash to mine. ”How long have you known?” he asks once he pulls back.

”I took a test this morning, so only today,” I tell him.

”I can”t believe you held it in that long.”

”I wanted to surprise you.”

”Well, you accomplished that.” He tugs me in for a hug and buries his face in my neck. ”I love you so damn much, both of you. And the boys, too.”

I chuckle at how he keeps adding people to that statement.

”We”re going to have one big, happy, blended family,” I tell him.

”I can”t wait. Sounds like the perfect life to me.”

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