Chapter 4
I kneeled before the lumens, smoothing back Parvus’s ear while carefully examining his leg. I had no doubt it was broken, and looking at Rauca’s, I knew hers were, too.
I whispered, “ Sarchio ” and watched as my dark green magic swirled around Parvus’s wound in an attempt to mend what bone had been broken when he had fallen into the tunnel.
Long, pale fingers, cold and soft, covered my hand as black wisps of the Blightress’s power swirled with mine. Parvus whimpered, and I looked into those eerie, iridescent eyes in panic, thinking she was doing more harm and already betraying her word.
She grinned, her wide mouth red and lovely, as she murmured, “Look, Karus. Look at what we have done together.”
I turned my head back to the lumen’s broken leg and watched it straighten and grow stronger, the fur repairing itself before my eyes. Parvus stood slowly, then stretched with his front legs forward, yawning in a nervous way before walking to Rauca to inspect her.
I took the Blightress’s hand and moved both of us to the lumen, whispering the healing word over her back legs, and again watching in disbelief as both of them healed quickly.
I had never mended anything so fast before. Clairannia had recently taught me more of her medicus magic, and though I had seen some success with my words, nothing had been remotely close to mending bone.
I stood as Rauca did, the lumens giving each other licks and assurance that they were alright.
I turned to the Blightress. “You are still so powerful. After centuries…”
She stood as well, that wide grin gleaming across her face. “Yes, Little Sprout. I still hold power, for there is power in wrath, as you have recently discovered.”
I shook my head and let loose a breath, reminding myself I needed this and that I’d only be gone for a short while.
“I am listening then. You have done as I’ve asked so far, so I will listen. Tell me your story.”
She stroked the top of Parvus’s head, her long black nails scratching behind his ears as he panted happily, his tongue lolling out of his mouth now that he was out of danger.
The opening above us began to close in a groaning portrayal of roots weaving together to shut us out from the surface.
In the last glimpse of light before we were flooded into pitch black, the Blightress pointed down the tunnel. “Use your light, Karus, to see. For I have something to show you.”