He looked entirely too good on his knees and entirely too cute playing with the littles.
It was definitely going to fuck with my judgment but I wasn’t sure he’d want me to find it or my common sense.
Wynn seemed to be thoroughly enjoying my questionable logic so far, at least based on the way he was barking and wagging his tail. I wasn’t worried about how he was feeling at the moment, but going forward wasn’t as easy to sort out.
Playing with the littles came naturally to him and he didn’t second-guess running after a ball one of the older littles had thrown for him. He didn’t even seem worried about how he looked or what he was wearing, but that was probably because half the room went aww puppy whenever they walked by.
Of course, the more naked pups got a different kind of reaction, it was more of an oh the puppy .
I was glad they all seemed happy with their clothing decisions, but I’d promised or threatened a spanking and orgasm when we got home, and he’d eaten enough candy and cookies I was going to have to roll him home if he ate any more.
Not that it’d been my fault.
The littles were sneaky fuckers.
Every time I looked away it was one piece for the little and one piece for the puppy.
I couldn’t even get the Daddies to make it stop because they were glad their subs weren’t eating all the crap. They were sneaky fuckers too. Wynn was loving it, though, and had worn himself out playing.
He’d gotten so much exercise running around that he was going to need a shower at some point.
But that thought just gave me more thoughts.
How would he get a shower?
Who was going to give him a shower?
Was he going to shower alone?
Most of the questions came down to wondering how far he wanted me to take the Dom role and how far I wanted to take it. I had to admit we probably needed to err on his side of the limits rather than mine.
He wasn’t exactly inspiring a lot of logic in me…but there were a lot of other more fun things going on in me.
Especially when he raced over and flopped down at my feet, panting and making cute whines. “You were so fast, pup.”
Petting his head, I reached for the bottle of water with the straw in it. “Drink.”
He obeyed that order happily, but when his little friend yawned and tipped over into his Daddy, Wynn curled closer against me and relaxed. The sign about what we should do next was clear, but the rest was foggy.
Was I supposed to tell him to shift back into his person side?
Was there an order for that?
Giving him more attention and cuddles, I did my best to discreetly look around the room and see what some of the other more creative-type subs were doing.
Some were no help.
I wasn’t going to carry Wynn out like a sack of potatoes while he was pitching a fit for one more Snickers. But the other pup seemed to shift to his person side after his orgasm, so that was good to know, and a few of the littles had started to look…well, less little.
They had an amazing ability to shift from innocent little to tired, grown-up sub in the blink of an eye. It made me wonder what type Wynn would be because it hadn’t taken him long to find his pup side at all.
He was a slut for a little with a ball.
I was very grateful Skyler had stayed busy enough that he didn’t have time to throw a ball for Wynn the pup.
But as he cuddled and I petted his head, it seemed like yawns and quiet time brought out his inner human.
One second he was a happy, slightly exhausted pup and the next he was a curious human sub who was trying to look up at me subtly.
“There you are.” Just jumping right into it and trying to sound relaxed, I did my best to come across like a confident Dom. “Kneel.”
He blinked but it didn’t take long for his body to shift into the right position. Nothing in his reactions or even the look on his face said he was upset or had changed his mind, so I told myself I had to trust him.
“You have two options. Leash on as we walk home. Leash off as we walk home.” It was late as fuck on Halloween and he was fully clothed, so neither option would surprise anyone we ran into. “You can answer with words, or if you point to the leash, I’ll know to put it on you.”
Wynn licked his lips and blinked again, finally looking like the lights had gone on in his brain. “On.”
I was proud of him for answering but I simply nodded and waited because he didn’t seem done. The rest took a bit longer and involved a deep breath and a wiggle, but he didn’t back down from it. “You…you told me what the plan was already, right?”
It wasn’t a bad way to phrase it and he seemed at ease with what we’d talked about as I nodded. “Yes, my plans for us have not changed. Punishment and orgasm are the first part, but you’re going to need a shower before we talk about anything else.”
“Yes, Sir.” The simple response sounded calm and in control, but his erection was straining against the puppy costume and there was something needy in his eyes.
“Very good.” Clipping his leash on the costume, I made a mental note to start looking for real collars. Plastic was fun for Halloween but it wasn’t sturdy enough for everyday play.
Something about the praise had his shoulders relaxing and the desire in his eyes became more obvious. It seemed very clear to me that he was still in the headspace where he wanted to continue.
I could only wonder how long he’d been curious about this kind of stuff if he was stepping into it so easily, but knowing Wynn, he might’ve been trying to find a Dom back in college and it just hadn’t worked out.
But I had him for the time being, so as long as it was puppy play and easy submission, I wasn’t too out of my league.
He wasn’t the only one who’d been doing research.
Still, easing us into the shift from pup who played to sub who got spanked was probably the best idea…especially since orgasms were involved. So I gave the leash a tug, smiling as his eyes nearly rolled back in his head, and I shifted one foot so my shin was between his legs.
His eyes got wider as I moved it forward and ended up pressed against his erection. When he didn’t safeword and I could see he was still breathing, I rocked my leg back and forth just enough to rub his cock.
His very hard cock.
“I think you’d look very good in just a leash and collar when I put you over my lap.” The casual mention of the scene seemed to take a second to hit his brain, but once it did, he shivered and let out a soft, needy breath. “Just a leash and collar.”
The moment the image flooded his brain, he rocked against me to hump my leg. After a moment he realized what he’d done and stopped, but when he didn’t look around, I realized it was about being good for me and not about our audience.
“As long as you ask nicely, you can hump me.” I thought it was a reasonable response, but his whole body tensed and it took me a second too long to realize he’d almost come. “But if you come in your costume, you have to walk home like that.”
Worst-case scenario, I’d walk slightly in front of him and we’d say he spilled something on himself. There’d be enough drunk idiots running around in weird shit to make it reasonable. I wasn’t sure there was anything logical going on in Wynn’s head, though, so I kept that to myself. “Do you understand?”
Nodding slowly like the words were barely seeping into his brain, Wynn let out a soft moan as he started rocking against me again. Something about it had brain cells firing and he shivered as thoughts came back to life. “I…I was good. I played nice with the littles and I stayed close and I didn’t flirt with anyone.”
Yes, he’d been good.
“Is any of that going to get you out of being spanked?” I knew the answer before he shook his head, but I let him respond anyway. “That’s right. But it will help you get a bigger orgasm or maybe even two orgasms when we get home.”
I was starting to be very glad that we already lived together.
“Two. Can…can I have two?” Focusing right on the important issue, the pressure he was putting on my leg got harder. “Very good. I was a very good pup.”
Some of his sentences seemed to be getting stuck in his head, but he wasn’t wrong, so I nodded. “That’s right. And now you’re going to be a very good sub for me, aren’t you?”
Jerking his head up and down, he kept up the sexy humping as he tried to figure out what to say to get all the orgasms. “I can be a good sub. They…they follow rules and they answer honestly.”
That wasn’t bad for a guy with scrambled Cadburry eggs for brains.
“That’s right.” And since it was obvious what he wanted, I decided to give him a way to earn it. “If you stay hard on the walk home, I’ll give you two orgasms tonight.”
Something interesting must’ve fired through his brain because his body jerked and I could see him gathering up a few more random cells to work with. “You’ll…you’ll give me them? Not just…not just I can have them?”
How had I said it before?
Maybe he wasn’t the only one with scrambled eggs for brains.
“Yes. I will be the one to give you the orgasms.” Desire flashed in his eyes making his views on that plan very clear. “I will strip you down. I will touch your cock. I will decide how you’ll orgasm.”
“I can stay hard but…but how will you know?” Wynn’s good question said he could make his brain work when it was necessary.
“I’m going to keep touching you over your costume.” That almost made him come, and the only way I knew he hadn’t was because I could feel his erection pressing against my leg. “I will be very careful not to let anyone else see, though.”
Getting arrested was not in the plan.
“Oh.” That clearly hadn’t occurred to him based on how surprised his expression was. “Yes, thank you.”
Part of me was a dick and wanted to make a few stupid comments, but I stuck with simple because I wasn’t sure I wanted him to think clearly enough to roll his eyes at me. “You’re welcome.”
Yeah, sexy and slightly fuzzy-brained with desire was much better…and reaching out to stroke his cheek made it even more incredible.
His shiver and the way he leaned into my touch had me imagining doing all kinds of things to him, but it also made it obvious that I needed to know more about what he wanted.
And how long he’d wanted it.
And if he really wanted it with me.
And if he wanted anything else besides BDSM with me.
Yep, conversations were going to be necessary, and if I was being honest with myself, they’d probably been necessary for a while. Just thinking about how long it’d been since either of us had dated should’ve been a bigger clue.
“Are you ready to go home or do you want to hump me more?” It was a crazy question but I wasn’t fucking with him. “I know you’re having fun, and I like watching you, so I’ll let you decide.”
His gaze dropped down and he frowned like he wasn’t sure when his body had started moving, but I managed not to laugh as he looked back up at me. “Um, home.”
“Alright.” I approved because otherwise I was going to end up making him orgasm. It’d be fun but a voice in the back of my head said that we needed to have a discussion on limits before I had him orgasm in public.
I hated it when I was right.
“You’re going to stand up and walk with me. The leash stays on and I will lead you home.” The simple instructions had him nodding, and from what I could see, he was tracking the orders. “When we get back, unless you safeword, I will remove the costume and then you’ll get your spanking.”
“And then my orgasm, right?” Wynn’s brain was starting to work faster and it wasn’t happy when I took a breath before responding. “Right? I get two. I was really good. And fast. And nice.”
Being nice to the little who kept shoving chocolate in his mouth didn’t count as being nice.
“Yes, then you get your orgasm, but what do you have to do to get two?” Part of me was fucking with him because it was sexy but I wanted to make sure we were still on the same page too.
“Stay hard.” Wynn’s brain was focused on one thing and one thing only.
“I can do that. I’ve been hard since I bought the costume.” The way he looked down and frowned made me think he was being serious. “Nothing helps so I gave up jerking off.”
He’d been hard for two weeks?
For fuck’s sake.
It was going to take at least two to get him to bed.
He really should’ve told me that earlier…I’d have taken him home sooner if I knew we had so much to do before bedtime.