A Halloween Kind of Night (One of Those Days #5.5) Chapter 4 40%
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Chapter 4


And he was going to get me naked.

And he was going to look at my ass.

And he was going to touch my ass.

And he was going to spank me.

Oh wow.

And he was going to touch my erection too…over and over.

“Yes, still hard. You’re doing very good, boy.” Boone’s soft pat over the front of my costume had my body trying to short-circuit but I managed to stay upright and keep walking.


“Thank you, Sir.” Other words might’ve made the staying hard instruction difficult but calling him Sir and thanking him for calling me a good boy was hot as fuck.


Wondering if he’d do that to me was also hot as fuck.

And made the staying hard part even easier.

He’d spank me and then when my ass was still aching and I was in that needy embarrassment phase the subs online talked about, he’d bend me over the back of the couch and—

“If you walk into a pole, you will not get a spanking or an orgasm.” Boone had been fast and somehow moved me away from the light pole that had popped up unexpectedly, but he was pissed and that was kind of hot too.

“I should get extra spanks to help me remember to pay attention to my surroundings.” Yes, that sounded like a great plan as long as I liked spanks as much as I thought I would.

Boone stepped closer, moving us to the edge of the walkway until I was almost pressed against a wall. It probably looked like he was going to make out with me, but he was pissed…or something close to that. “Who do you belong to right now?”

Oh, that was an amazing question.

Every curious inch of me loved it and I had to work at figuring out the right answer…because moaning wasn’t it.

“You, Sir.” Yes. He liked that answer. “I belong to you.”

Because he was my Handler?

My Dom?

I still wasn’t sure what would come next, but at the moment, he was in charge and that was going to get me an orgasm. So I wasn’t going to do something stupid like say I belonged to myself.

That would not get me spanked and orgasmed.

“Do not injure my property.” His rough tone sent a shiver through me, but his possessive words had my dick trying to jump out of the costume. “Is that clear?”




“Yes, Sir.” Keeping my response simple seemed like the best way not to get in trouble or possibly overshare since he might not understand how sexy he was when he glared at me like that. “I’ll pay more attention.”

I’d try at least…because he was right…damaging myself might lead to an ER visit and I was not doing that dressed like a beagle.

Tugging me closer using the leash, he brought me right up against him so there was no way he could miss how turned on I was. “I—”


“I will take away spanks and add lines if I need to make sure you don’t injure yourself.” Boone’s threat had me bouncing between getting even more turned on and being scared he’d actually do it. “We are almost home. Don’t blow your chance to be bent over my lap.”

He made the best threats.

“Yes, Sir.” I really wished I was more articulate but there wasn’t enough blood or brains in my head to have figured anything else out.

I might’ve managed to promise to be good but lying didn’t seem like the right way to get myself out of the situation. If he’d stopped tugging on the leash I might’ve managed another option, but he didn’t and it just kept doing crazy things to me.

Boone knew it too because every time I held back a moan his eyes flashed with some kind of wicked laughter that made him look mean and sexy. “That’s going to feel even better with a real collar.”




He’d done that on purpose.

Was he really going to buy me a collar?

Was I going to buy myself a collar?

He already knew about the submission and the puppy stuff, so he couldn’t be shocked if I brought one home. Buying one for myself wouldn’t be bad but I wasn’t sure it’d be as good as him buying one.

His tugging on my leash was definitely better than me doing it, so it stood to reason that him buying the collar would make it better somehow too.

Would him tugging on the leash while I wore my new collar make other things better too?

Would asking to wear my collar while he spanked me be weird?



Didn’t end up in the ER.

“Good boy.” As Boone slowed his walk, he reached out and patted my cock again. “Very good boy.”

Oh yes.

“What are you thinking about?” The question seemed so normal my brain answered without the rest of me having any input in it.

“If asking to wear the collar you’re going to get me while you spanked me would be weird.” Oh. I’d said that out loud.


Well, in for a penny and all that.

“And I was wondering if you were going to buy it and what it would feel like for you to tug on the leash while you were doing…things.” There weren’t that many people around but I wasn’t sure if he’d thought about the whole fuck me thing yet, so it seemed pushing it to spell that one out.

“Anything else?” Boone seemed more curious than worried, so my brain decided there was nothing to panic about yet.

And my dick decided that the conversation just kept getting hotter.

“Um, well, what it would feel like to be spanked because you keep mentioning that over-your-lap thing and then where I was going to sleep and that I ate too much candy. But those last two were kind of just random, fleeting thoughts. The rest were bigger.” When my rambling finally stopped, he reached over and patted the front of me again.

“Yes, definitely still bigger.” He seemed very proud of himself about that based on the smirk, so it was hard to get embarrassed. “As for the rest, I think those are all very logical thoughts.”



When I realized that was all he was going to say, I sighed. “Are we going to address any of them?”

“No.” Pausing, he stopped us and looked up at the sky. “We’re home and we’ve already got the next part of our night planned out.”

With my spanking…and orgasms.


I was going to get more than one.

“I stayed hard.” It probably wasn’t the right place to announce that since we weren’t alone on the street, but I didn’t really care about drunk idiots in half-naked costumes. “So I get two orgasms.”

And his smirk was back.

“You’re right. You stayed hard and that was the rule.” Tugging on the leash again, Boone brought me close enough I thought he was going to kiss me. “I’m going to enjoy rewarding you.”

Part of me was glad to hear that since I’d kind of railroaded him into the whole situation, but part of me wanted to bounce around and wag my tail. It didn’t seem like the best time for that last one, though, so I nodded and tried to give a more rational response. “I think I’m going to like making you happy.”

Boone flashed me a genuinely pleased smile before the wicked one was back. “That’s sweet, but it’s also a really subby thing to say.”

He wasn’t exactly wrong about that.

“Is that okay?” I was pretty sure I’d spent entirely too much time over the past year or two trying not to sound submissive, and I was kind of tired of overthinking everything.

“Yes.” Boone straightened, looking thoughtful about something. “The mental shift is just going to trip me up sometimes, but I like it.”

Me being submissive or the whole situation?

I wasn’t sure if I’d have asked that or not, but he killed all my brain cells again in one softly spoken thought. “And I’m going to like being in control.”

Oh yeah…I was going to enjoy it too.

“Do you remember your safewords?” He waited, his mouth pausing just out of reach.

“Yes.” I knew that wasn’t enough, so I licked my lips and tried not to think about how his would feel against mine. “Yellow pauses things. Red means stop. And with the stoplight system, green means go.”

Nodding slowly, he tugged on the leash. “Good boy. I think we’re ready to go upstairs, then.”

And spank me.

And give me orgasms.

And then…well, whatever he wanted because I wasn’t the one in charge.

“Yes, Sir.” Not being in control of what happened next might end up being my favorite part about submitting.

I was hoping spankings and orgasms would be the second.

Skyler certainly thought they were amazing and he hadn’t been wrong about much. He was a pain in the ass, but he was usually a correct pain in the ass.

Boone’s eyes flashed with something sexy but it was gone just as quick as he reached for the door of our building. He kept me close as we went upstairs, but he let the spanking and his promise of orgasms hang between us.

Part of me worried that the fantasy would stop as soon as we got back to the real world, but Boone didn’t seem any different as he led me inside and locked the door. I kept waiting for something to change or him to realize what he was going to do, but after he set all our shit down on the table near the door, he just walked us through the living room and to our oversized couch.

The whole situation had my brain whirling like it was ready to crash, but Boone was relaxed and confident as he stroked the leash. “I’m going to take your leash off now because your collar is part of the costume. But that doesn’t mean you’re not my submissive anymore tonight.”

Collar off.

Submission on.

“I…I like the leash and the idea of my collar but I’ll remember.” I wasn’t sure the right way to explain how the leash made me feel, but just pretending I had a real collar on had my dick trying to get even harder.

“I’m going to get you a collar tomorrow after we work out a few details.” His fingers slid up the leash, barely caressing around where a collar should really sit. “I have to decide if it will be something you can remove or something that will be locked around you. I think you might need two.”

So not questions about us but practical things?

“Okay.” I could find opinions on that if he wanted me to. “I…I like knowing what you’re thinking.”

Yes, knowledge was good as long as he was making the decisions.

“I’m glad.” Still gently petting my neck, he took his time studying me. “Some things are going to be my decision, though, but I’ll explain what I’m thinking as long as it’s reasonable.”

“Sometimes it might not be reasonable?” My own brain filled in the blanks as I asked the question. “Like when we’re with people who don’t understand the dynamics or if something is happening fast?”

“Yes.” His pleased smile sent a rush of happiness through me. “Or if I think we need to wait until you’re in the right frame of mind.”

Oh yeah.

“That makes sense.” I wasn’t always the most logical person when I was overworked or frustrated. “Like how you put the child lock thing on Amazon so I have to ask before I buy stuff?”


His head cocked as he finally realized the implications of that. “Yeah, that’s a good example of how I was already dominating you.”


“It’s annoying, but I kind of needed it.” I had impulse control issues when life got stressful. “I’ve got a savings account now and not as much weird shit randomly showing up.”

Boone’s smile went back to being happy and cute. “I’m proud of you for how well you’ve done with that. You did a good job understanding why I made the rule and submitting to it.”

That made my dick so hard it felt trapped and I had to adjust it, but as my hand shifted over, he shook his head. “No. Like Amazon, you’re going to need permission to play with that too.”


As I just stared at him dumbfoundedly, he raised one eyebrow. “Do you agree to that rule?”

He was giving me orgasms, spankings, and more rules?

That meant he was going to keep me as his sub, right?

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