I wasn’t sure if it was a better rule than the Amazon one or not, but something had him staring at me like I was an alien…a sexy alien, but still an alien.
Being patient was the only thing I could do since he wasn’t safewording or arguing, so I just stood there letting him process.
And process.
And process.
After what had to be at least thirty seconds, he came back to life and nodded slowly. “Subs get rules. That’s a common one.”
“Are you saying that you agree to that rule and you understand why I’m making it?” My question had him starting to nod and then stopping.
So maybe?
“I agree. It’s going to be frustrating but it’s hot.” His unprompted response to explain at least part of what he was thinking made it easier to relax and wait for more. “Um, but you’re making it because you’re Type A and like to control random shit? Like the chore chart?”
The chore chart was not me controlling random shit.
“You bounce from one job to another without the chart and you never finish anything.” Before the chore chart, I used to find the bagged garbage left in the strangest places because he’d get distracted and wander off. “You like earning your stars.”
God, I really had been dominating him already.
“Yeah.” Wynn shrugged but his scrunched-up expression said he’d realized that too. “I like my stars. But I think we’re going to need to reevaluate my rewards now.”
“I think that’s a good idea.” Stroking my finger up his neck got another shiver from him. “Maybe we should pick out your favorite ways to orgasm?”
And his brain stopped again.
That time the break in reality only lasted about twenty seconds, so I thought we were making progress.
“What if you don’t like my favorites?” Wynn’s question made me think that he was picturing something specific, but I couldn’t think of anything weird enough for him to worry about it.
Maybe he wanted to come as a pup?
He’d liked the humping part.
“We’ll go over our limits, but I’m certain we can find options we’ll both enjoy.” Seeing might be believing, though, so I released the leash and draped it around his neck before reaching for the zipper on his costume. “You can list out your favorites…say the top five and that will give me plenty of options to choose from.”
His gaze dropped down and he watched the zipper slowly open as he stared with wide eyes. “I…I can make a list. But…but you have to tell me if I ask for something you don’t want to do with me.”
I was missing the subtext, but with Wynn, that didn’t surprise me.
“What could you want that might make me hesitate?” To me, the answer should’ve been related to something embarrassing like him having a secret thing for fucking himself with the zucchini, but I wasn’t sure what Wynn would say.
He made me be patient again, though, so I continued to ease the zipper down, making sure he had time to safeword if he needed to.
When the zipper was all the way down and he was still thinking, I went to work on the arms, going just as slowly as I had before.
“I think I want sex as a reward.” Wynn was quiet for long enough that his voice almost made me jump as he pulled his first arm out. “You know, like the penetrative kind.”
“Let me clarify that I see penetrative sex and all the other kinds as part of this new dynamic unless you’re going to specify otherwise.” I probably shouldn’t have, though. “That’s a bit presumptuous of me, but in my defense, I’m your Handler and we’re talking about spankings and orgasms, so it’s where my mind automatically went to.”
Wynn nodded slowly as I started on his other arm, and by the time I was stripping off the costume, he’d gathered his thoughts. “I think that’s logical. I’m just glad we’re in agreement on that.”
That was good to know.
“We are.” It seemed we were in agreement on a lot of things. “And we’re going to figure out all the other topics we have in common as well.”
Once it was time to sit down and talk about everything.
“But I get my spankings and orgasms first, right?” Looking down his body, Wynn gestured toward the bulge in the tiniest briefs I’d ever seen. “I stayed hard. That means I get two, and you didn’t say anything about conversations first.”
That attitude was not going to work.
Grabbing the looped leash with one hand and his bulge with the other, I gave him a firm glare and waited for him to stop shaking. Once I had his attention and his eyes stopped trying to roll back in his head, I decided it was time to remind him of how our new dynamic worked. “That attitude is not acceptable.”
When it seemed like he understood, I continued. “Questions are going to be highly encouraged, but that attitude…it’s a no. Now, would you like to try again?”
He managed to nod, but his dick kept jerking in my hand like he was trying to orgasm. My makeshift cock ring seemed to be the only thing holding it back, so I kept it in place while he did his best to get his brain to work.
“Good. You are also going to explain what you did wrong.” I wasn’t sure if it would be too much for his brain to process but he wanted to come bad enough he did his best.
“I…I was rude and…and I was bratty, I think. Something like that. I’m sorry. I…God, you’re hot like that. Sorry.” He gave his head a shake like he was clearing out the junk running around in it. “I…I want to make sure I understand our plan correctly, Sir. Are…are you going to wait until later for our talk?”
“Much better.” He was enjoying the manhandling, though, so I didn’t release him yet. “We are going to keep our plans the same. Spanking. Submission. Orgasms.”
That got me another shiver and his eyes nearly glazed over.
It might’ve been something I said or just something his brain popped up with, but I knew better than to move my hand yet.
When he could process again and his body had stopped trying to orgasm, I nodded and continued. “We might start our conversation tonight in bed, but aside from touching base on limits or things like that, the rest of our discussion will wait until morning.”
Coffee and WTF seemed like a good plan.
“Thank you, Sir.” Wynn was looking at me like I was fucking amazing, but he’d also started gently rocking back and letting out a breathy sound every time he shifted.
“Are you trying to get off using my hands?” I wasn’t sure how else to word it. “Did you ask to play with yourself like that?”
Blinking, Wynn looked confused as his gaze dropped again. “Um, I don’t know…and no.”
It took him another few seconds to stop tugging on himself, but eventually, he came to a stop. “Sorry?”
“Do you like the tugging sensation everywhere or just on the leash?” I was pretty sure it was both, but he wasn’t really clear.
“I don’t…let me…” Closing his eyes, he rocked back again, that time a very deliberate movement. “Both. Definitely both.”
When he stopped right away, I decided the experiment wasn’t something I was going to punish him for. I’d technically asked a question he’d needed to move to figure out, so I was going to give it to him unless he tried to find other ways to cheat. “I’ll remember that then.”
Tightening my grip on his cock, I smiled when his eyelids fluttered and he gave me that you’re incredible look again. Tugging slightly, I watched in awe as his body clenched and shivered. Wynn was struggling to stay upright, but he fought to stay still like he was afraid I’d stop if he was too wiggly.
He was smart.
“I…I…” Barely getting words out, Wynn whined and took a deep breath. “I like that. Thank you. Green. It’s good. I…I like that.”
He’d probably come from it too, but that wasn’t the plan, so I slowly relaxed my grip as I mimed for him to take another deep breath. Wynn obeyed, managing to get more air and to control his orgasm as I released his dick.
I kept the tight hold on the leash.
“Good boy.” Barely tugging on the soft leather, I looked down at his feet. “Step out of the costume. Let me see you.”
He was basically naked except for the strip of fabric that was barely containing his erection, but something about stepping out of the costume turned Wynn on even more. His shiver and the needy expression on his face made that clear.
Wondering if he was feeling more naked and that made him react so strongly, I trailed one finger down his chest. I’d seen him shirtless before, but never like this. It made me question if I should’ve read into how careful he’d always been around me to stay clothed with his dick covered.
“Turn around in a circle.” Relaxing my hold on the leash just enough that he could obey me, I watched as he rotated and made a pleased sound as I saw his ass. “It’s going to look very nice when it’s spanked. I’ve always liked how full your ass is.”
Wynn squeaked but his ass cheeks clenched as he finished and faced me again. “Um, thank you?”
He was such a dork…but he was my dork.
“You’re welcome.” I thought I’d been clear, but I decided not to risk confusing him. “Now, I’m going to enjoy spanking you, but we are doing this to make it clear who you belong to and that I expect a certain level of behavior going forward.”
And the lights upstairs went off again.
His dick was still enthusiastically paying attention, though, so I waited for his brains to come back online. A few seconds and some blinks later, he nodded. “Yes, I’m your sub and my behavior wasn’t…well…I should’ve handled things differently.”
Ya think?
Holding back my sarcasm physically hurt, but I was a good Dom. “Unless you safeword, we’ll do this often enough that it helps you to remember to tell me things instead of fucking with me, and it will help you remember who you belong to.”
The kink he seemed comfortable with…me…well, that was what he was questioning.
“You…I…I belong to you.” He tried to sound confident but it wasn’t believable. “I’ll remember not to fuck with you again.”
That was believable.
“Good.” We’d see how long he could keep that promise, but for the time being, we were going to help him submit and figure out the answer to his spanking questions.
No matter how sure he was that he wanted to be bent over my lap, there had to be things he was second-guessing about it.
“I’m going to spell out what’s going to happen even though it might seem like it’s obvious. You need to tell me if something I’m assuming surprises you or you want to talk about limits.” It wasn’t a question, but I waited to continue until he nodded. “I’m going to put you over my lap. I’m going to bare your ass. I’m going to give you at least three spanks on each side. If it’s painful and not arousing we’ll stop there as your consequences. If you like it, I’m going to continue and I’ll play with your ass while you hump my lap.”
He looked like his body couldn’t decide if he wanted to orgasm or blush and was trying to do both. “That’s…yes, no surprises.”
No bad ones, at least.
My spelling out that I was going to touch him seemed to be making it more real to him, though.
“I may decide to let you finish that way for your first orgasm, but I might change my mind and do it another. No matter what happens, you’ll get an orgasm after your spanking.” His reaction before said his brain needed to keep hearing it, and just watching him relax made me realize he’d been edging himself with the costume a bit too long. “Once that part of our night is over and you’ve recovered, I’ll tell you what happens next.”
“Because you’re the Dom.” He said that so easily, I knew at least part of his brain was fully functioning.
“That’s right.” We’d see how if his spanking melted the rest. “And right now, what is your Dom going to do to you?”
“ Spank me .” The way he sighed out the answer made me want to smile, but I kept a straight face as I nodded.
“That’s right.” Stepping back, I carefully tugged on the leash that was looped around him and nodded toward the couch. “Come with me.”
There was no hesitation in his walk or the hungry way he was looking at me, but it took an incredible amount of focus for him to make it across the room. It brought back the memory of how distracted he’d been as we’d walked home, and I decided I was grateful he hadn’t hurt himself.
I wasn’t sure if I should expect more words from him, but he was quiet and vibrated with energy as I sat down. My best guess was that his brain was at max capacity as far as casual conversation went. I knew he could talk, though, so the safeword part still seemed like it would work.
Sitting as far back as I could, I gave him plenty of room on the couch as I put pressure on the leash to make sure he could feel it. “Stretch out across my lap. Your whole body on the couch.”
So he didn’t wiggle off my lap or feel unsteady.
Wynn didn’t like feeling wobbly, and it would be distracting as fuck if he felt unsteady over my lap.
His head bobbed up and down, but it took his body a few more seconds to catch up. Once he started to move, he sucked in a breath and little mumbled words escaped without him realizing it. “Spanked. You’re going to. Yes. He’s doing it. That’s so.”
Nothing added up to a sentence, but his moan cut off the rambling as he finally got into position. Since that seemed to be approval to keep going, I draped the strands of the leash down his back and wrapped one arm around his torso to keep him steady.
It was definitely a good idea because just being in the spanking position had his muscles jerking and I could feel his erection digging into my thigh. Everything in me said stretching it out would just be needlessly fucking with him, so I eased down the back of his briefs and ran my hand over his smooth cheeks.
Every muscle in him clenched and he let out another needy moan as he relaxed back against me, pressing his face into the couch. I knew I wouldn’t get another more perfect moment where he wasn’t tense, so I brought my hand down on his ass in a quick smack.
I’d been careful to make it more sound than pain, and everything I’d read online said I’d done it right, but I found myself holding my breath to see what he’d do.
He moaned.
Thank God.
There was a gasp and a wiggle that came first, but his moan was sexy and deep as he pushed his ass up again. “Fuck.”
It was a good fuck not a bad fuck, so I spanked his other cheek before giving both pink sides soft caresses. “Who do you belong to, pup?”
He whimpered and went back to hiding against the couch, but he didn’t ignore the question. “You. I’m sorry I manipulated you, Sir.”
Taking my time stroking his ass, I made a soft sound and nodded in case he was able to see me. “I forgive you and you’re not going to be allowed to worry about that going forward.”
His head jerked and he sucked in another breath. “I’ll…I’ll tell you what I’m thinking next time.”
“Good boy.” Giving him two more spanks, one on each cheek, I kept them on the lighter side and watched his reactions carefully.
He was definitely emotional but the way his ass pushed up after each spank said he liked the pain so far.
“We’re going to talk about assumptions we’ve been making and you’re going to let me know what you need.” I’d always thought that wasn’t me, so yeah, the assumption thing was something we were going to talk about in great detail.
But as I spanked him again, letting the heat sink into him, I knew that at the very least he needed to submit and he needed to come. It’d clearly been entirely too long since he’d been able to let go, and I was going to be the one to help him with that.