Need…I needed to be spanked.
That was all I knew, so I pushed my ass up and whined. It must’ve been clear enough to Boone because he chuckled and gave each cheek another spank. It was like the first taste of something spicy that felt like it would be too much but quickly melted into something perfect.
There was too much going through me to understand why I loved the embarrassment of it all or why it made me so desperately needy, but the why didn’t seem to matter. Even Boone was just taking the confusing situation at face value and seemed to understand I couldn’t explain any of it.
He hadn’t even made me talk.
Best Dom ever.
And he said he was going to fuck me.
That was.
“Right there. Please.” Why some spots were better than others I didn’t know, but he’d found the perfect one that sent sparks showering through me. “Please. I. Please.”
“Such a good boy. Yes, I like hearing what you want.” Boone’s hand came down again on each side, giving me more of the incredible sensation. “Who do you belong to? Whose good boy are you?”
Good boy.
Yes, I was Boone’s good boy.
“Yours.” That earned me more spanks and it was like I could feel it from my head to my toes. “I’m your good boy. Your sub. I remember. Your sub.”
“Yes, my sub.” Boone squeezed my cheeks as he almost moaned out the words. “My good boy.”
Boone’s sub.
“Show me how much you like your spanking. Show me how much you like submitting to me.” Boone made a pleased sound as I pushed my ass up again and thrust down to hump his lap. “Oh, that’s such a good boy. So hard and so obedient.”
Making him happy sent the same rush of pleasure through me that the spanking did, and I found myself rocking my hips faster and whimpering as I ached for more.
More anything.
Boone knew what I needed, though.
He kneaded my ass before giving it another pop and chuckling as I sucked in a breath and shivered. “Yes, you’re going to be a good boy and come for me, aren’t you? I want your first orgasm tonight to be humping my lap. Yes, just like that.”
The briefs were down low enough that my dick felt slightly strangled as I thrust against almost too rough pants. Everything felt almost too much if I was being honest but that just made it better. Boone made everything better.
Racing toward my orgasm as he spanked me and played with my ass, a tiny voice in the back of my head pointed out that just being spanked by him was better than everything else I’d ever done.
And Boone just knew how to keep making it even more incredible.
“Such a pretty hole.” Boone barely ran his finger between my cheeks, circling the tight ring he was teasing me about and making it feel empty. “You keep teasing me with it.”
He was going to.
I was going to get.
“So needy and tempting.” All it took was him barely pressing his finger inside me and then every cell in my body exploded. “That’s right. Your body knows who you belong to.”
My Dom.
When the pleasure started to fade and I could think again, the first thing I noticed was the soft way he was stroking over my back and ass, and the second was him talking to himself. “That’s right. He’s relaxed. It looks good. He came.”
Yep, I was very relaxed.
My ass probably looked incredible.
And I’d come so hard I lost a few brain cells in the process.
My squirming had Boone’s cute list coming to an end, but it’d been enough of a peek in his head to let me know he wasn’t regretting it…for the moment at least. But that was what mattered, so I rolled onto my side and wrapped myself around him.
Boone made a pleased sound and one of his hands came up to stroke my head. “You did such a good job. I’m so proud of you.”
It felt kind of silly to be praised for being spanked, but I couldn’t lie that I didn’t like it.
That didn’t mean I had to talk about it, though, so I just pressed my face against him and hid. It made Boone chuckle and got me more cuddles. “Yes, I can be proud of you for submitting so perfectly and for trusting me and for letting yourself enjoy your spanking.”
Okay, maybe there were a few things I could be proud of.
I wasn’t going to admit that out loud, but I shrugged and that seemed to be good enough for him. “Come here. I’m going to cuddle you but I’m not your body pillow.”
Snickering, I let him shift me around so I was curled up on his lap like a baby. He seemed pleased with the new position or maybe just with everything in general because he had a happy, smug feel to him as he snuggled me against his chest. “Much better. We’re going to stay right here until you’re ready to move, then I’m going to get you all clean and put lotion on your ass.”
I couldn’t help giggling but it made him huff. “There are several different types of aftercare that are important, mental and physical.”
He was so cute.
“Okay.” I tried to stop laughing but it was difficult.
He finally decided to ignore it and huffed as he went back to telling me what we were going to do. “You need water and possibly real food if you get hungry before we go to bed. But I’m not going to harp on that.”
Good because I was pretty sure I’d never be hungry again.
“After you’ve had a chance to get clean and relax, we’ll go up to my bed since it’s bigger and then I’ll decide how you get to orgasm again.” He sounded a bit like he was listing off what chores he had for the day but it made me feel important in a strange kind of way.
I liked it.
“You are more than welcome to ask questions or tell me anything you want to share. You can even ask for a specific way to get your orgasm, but whose decision will it ultimately be?” His tone said we both knew the answer.
Like when he asked me whose turn it was to do the dishes when we both knew it was my turn.
Yep, he’d already been my Dom for longer than either of us had realized.
“Yours.” Even clearheaded again, the answer wasn’t hard. “You’re my Handler and Dom.”
“That’s right, and while it’s arousing, do I half-ass my jobs?” His question made me realize I was never going to hear another lecture about chores without getting hard.
“No.” He took every job and chore very seriously.
And it seemed like I’d made myself his number one focus.
“You take all your jobs and stuff like that very seriously.” He was going to drive me nuts. “But this means I’ll get sexy rewards when I get my stuff done, right? I think we talked about that, but I want stars on my chart and orgasms.”
If he was going to find new ways to be a pain in the ass, I was going to get a lot out of it.
Boone snorted out a laugh, but ultimately nodded, so I didn’t mind. “Yes, stars and orgasms.”
“Okay.” Trying not to sound too excited, I nodded and wiggled lower so I could rub my cheek against his chest. “You can be in charge. I like that anyway.”
Most of the time.
Boone was thinking that too. “We’ve certainly settled into that pattern, haven’t we?”
He seemed more thoughtful than worried, so it was easy to answer. “Yeah, it wasn’t until I started doing online research about submission that I realized it. There was this list about nonsexual things Doms can do for the subs in their life and I realized you already did that stuff with me.”
We just hadn’t noticed it at the time.
“I have to admit to mostly focusing on the sexual lists, but I can see the nonsexual aspects now that you mention it.” Boone sounded frustrated with having missed that part, but I was glad his focus was the sexy stuff.
Otherwise he might’ve freaked out on me more.
Being turned on had definitely smoothed over how pissed he could’ve been.
“That’s reasonable. I stumbled onto it and then started thinking about it. My first searches were sexual.” I was pretty sure that was how it was supposed to work.
I followed my dick to something interesting and then my brain eventually found something educational about it.
Boone barked out a laugh. “That doesn’t surprise me.”
Because he was smart.
“Does the puppy stuff surprise you?” The only reason I asked was because I was pretty sure about the answer.
“No. You’ve always been bouncy and you were really excited about that costume.” He chuckled again as he shrugged. “I was starting to think something was up, though, I just kept telling myself I had to be wrong. We weren’t like that.”
Mostly because the timing had always been wrong.
When I was going through my pan phase he’d been dating an asshole.
When he’d been trying to decide if he hated assholes or might like women, I’d been dating a professor.
We’d gone on and on like that for most of our friendship so that’d always kept us friend-zoning each other. I just hadn’t realized that until I’d taken the time to try to figure out what I wanted out of a relationship.
“Would you ever have asked?” That I wasn’t so sure about, but I asked it anyway. “You put up with a lot of shit from me before you call it out.”
He was a bit too patient with me sometimes.
His laugh said I was right.
“I think I’m going to plead the Fifth and promise you another orgasm in the morning.” His ridiculous way of avoiding answering made me laugh. “Ha. I knew that would work.”
Because he knew me too well…about most things at least.
“At some point I’m not going to let you bribe me with orgasms.” It was just going to be a while before we got there, though. “Eventually.”
Yep, I didn’t want him to think it would be anytime soon.
“You’ve been a bit caught up in the BDSM stuff and puppy stuff, huh?” He paused long enough for me to nod before he went back to working through his thoughts. “You were so…immersed in it, I guess is the right way to say it that I wasn’t sure how clearheaded you would be after your spanking.”
“It’s been…stuck in my head?” I wasn’t sure I had the right words for it. “The whole thing has been trapped in there and it’s made it hard to relax.”
And orgasm.
“We’re going to work through all of that shit in your head, but not tonight.” My sigh of relief made him laugh. “Yeah, I thought you’d like that.”
“Tonight is about cuddles and orgasms.” I already got my spanking so that was one thing off the to-do list. “And you making decisions.”
That was always nice, no matter if it was about chores or orgasms.
“Yes, and all you have to do is make sure I know if I accidentally run into a limit or if you need me to slow down on anything.” The hand on my head tightened and he started massaging his fingers into my scalp.
I moaned, not worrying about how I sounded at all since I was naked and he’d already figured out I liked him. “That’s so…”
“Another thing I should’ve realized.” He sounded vaguely sheepish when he realized how much I loved his touch, but I didn’t think it would last long.
“I didn’t want you to know.” He might’ve stopped touching me so much. “You’re important to me and I didn’t want to fuck that up.”
And younger me had thought pointing out how I felt would fuck things up.
Older me had the truth smacked in his face a few times by an insane barista, so I’d decided to grow up and hope it stopped him from chasing me out of the coffee shop for arguing with him.
“We’re not going to fuck anything up.” Letting out a sigh, Boone eased me back, tilting my head enough for him to see my face. “As long as we’re finally honest about what we want.”
Each other.
And he proved me right by leaning down and brushing his lips against mine.
It was barely a kiss but he looked pleased as fuck as he pulled away and straightened. “And what I want right now is to rub soap all over your body.”
Three cheers for honesty.