Aftercare at Randy’s (Diner Days) 4. Gay 16%
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4. Gay

Chapter four


W atching my partner flit around the office with confidence is occasionally a distraction, though a welcome one. A year after making senior partner, I sometimes miss being able to see Cin from my new corner office. Now I get glimpses as they zip by, until I’ll inevitably look up to find them leaning on my door frame, insisting I eat.

Currently, Cin is delivering something to the founding partner’s assistant, Leif, and I can’t take my eyes off their smiling face. Cin made friends as soon as they started working here, and has a reputation for getting things done. Sometimes I regret not being able to claim my partner for myself at work as much as I do at home.

The other partners, Omari Berry and Erica Johnson, are twice my age and have been excellent mentors, so I don’t want to let them down. I refocus on the files in front of me, hoping we can get the Franklin case settled through arbitration today instead of taking it to court for months.

My notes are straightforward, and don’t hold my interest. I believe I can get my client what he deserves and cut back on working so many hours until the next case comes along. It’s noon, and my meeting with the arbitrator isn’t until three, so I decide I’ll find Cin for lunch this time.

“I told my mom I had a sore throat, fever, and felt like death, and wanted to get checked for strep. She told me to use VapoRub and save my money.”

Leif laughs and I think about Mrs. Santos. She doesn’t fully understand Cin’s gender identity, but their family is supportive and always friendly to me. Mine is not so great about my transition or queerness, though I’ve never been uninvited from family dinners. Since both families are Catholic, our moms are always telling us to get married and make babies. Neither of us has ovaries or an inclination to parent, so I doubt that will ever happen.

“I’m going to drag Gay away for lunch,” Cin turns to see me and their eyes widen like an anime character. “Oh, hi.”

“Hi,” I smirk, loving to surprise my brat. “I read your mind. Let’s get lunch.”

Cin smiles back at me and waves goodbye to Leif, “See you later.”

We head to Cin’s desk for their bag before walking hand-in-hand to the elevator. I never imagined having a partner at the firm who was a life partner and not in the lawyer sense. In law school, I’d been cautioned about getting serious with a paralegal or anyone I worked with, since it could cause people to question your choices on a case.

Things turned out pretty well for us, all things considered.

Leaning down to whisper in their ear since we aren’t alone after the elevator stops on the second floor, I decide to rile Cin up. “I miss seeing you from my desk. Planning how to punish you for teasing me all day.”

Cin draws in a quick breath but otherwise shows no signs of their reaction, as far as others can tell. Cin’s not always in the mood for me to dominate them, but their dilated pupils and shallow breaths tell me they’re game today.

We exit the elevator and make our way to the sidewalk. My normally chatty partner doesn’t say anything as we go around the corner to an Irish pub. We prefer the Taqueria near our building or a food truck most days, but the early September humidity isn’t great for a stroll or sitting outside.

I want a darker space with loud music for what I have planned.

We sit at a corner booth with Dropkick Murphys playing on the speakers overhead. Cin shows their brat side, sitting on the opposite side instead of beside me. They’re smug grin tells me they think the distance will keep them safe. They forgot about me wearing slip-ons today, along with having longer legs.

When the waiter, whose name I don’t pay attention to, takes our order, I slip my foot out of one shoe and run it along Cin’s ankle. They’re going to regret wearing a skirt.

“I’ll get the shepherd's pie and–” Cin’s voice cuts off for a second before they continue as if I’m not teasing my way along their calf, “and soda bread. Oh, and water, please?”

The oblivious waiter turns to me with her pad in hand. I run my foot up Cin’s fishnets, stopping at their knees, keeping their legs apart.

“Seafood chowder, for me. And an Arnold Palmer, thanks.”

He leaves us to get our drinks and I press in. Cin tries to stop me with their thighs, but I know their fishnets are crotchless. Today is a more femme day for me, and they taunted me by walking around in lace panties and fishnets while we did our makeup this morning.

Brats are teases who want to be tamed, if only for a quick fuck. I don’t have the time or space to pin my partner to a surface and punish them with a pounding during our work day, but I can edge them.

“Are you going to make me come right here?” Cin finds their voice and clears their throat. “Because you know I have a change of clothes in your office.”

Grinning, I don’t reply, only wiggling my toes until I find their dick, half-hard in their panties. Our drinks and utensils are dropped off, and I decide to up the game.

“You’ve mentioned a third lately. And co-topping. Tell me what you have in mind.”

Cin curses and tries in vain to squeeze me out. My heel is wedged against the seat under their balls, so I’m not going anywhere. With my bare toes, I wiggle to caress Cin’s dick through the thin lace. They harden further and I take a sip of my cold drink.

“You’re going to make me say dirty things out loud right here and embarrass myself, aren’t you?” Cin narrows their eyes at me like they’ve figured me out.

“Oh, no.” I shake my head, “I don’t want you to come. In fact, I plan to reward you this evening after Pancakes and Pronouns. If you’re good and keep it in.”

“Fuck,” Cin pants grips their water cup. “That’s not for another six hours, and then a couple hours more for the munch.”

“Can you be good for me?”

“Yes, I- I think so,” Cin’s answer is cut off by the arrival of our food.

“Thank you, it looks delicious,” I tell our waiter. Laying my napkin over my lap, I gesture to Cin, “Eat up and tell me what you’ve been thinking about.”

Cin has a huge appetite, and we both ordered heavy food—though is there any other type at an Irish restaurant? —but they only pick at their meal while answering my request.

“I want to find a sub to co-top,” Cin tells me what I already know. Pressing harder, I make it clear I want more. “A masochist I can torture or a little for you to cuddle after.”

“How about a subby little maso for both?”

“Yeah, and maybe we could have dates, together and separately.” This is news. Cin sighs when I release some pressure on their most sensitive bits.

“We haven’t dated anyone together before,” I point out, glad to see Cin eating a bite before setting their fork back down. “Is that something you want?”

“Yes and no. I don’t want to force it on someone who isn't a good fit for both of us. But…”


“The love and respect that triad from Randy’s had, I would love to try. So you–” Cin cuts themself off again, and I press until they’re squirming again. Cin is a talker, but sometimes keeps things to themself. I want all of their thoughts and feelings. “I’m never going to be a little and you’re never going to be a masochist.”

“I know. And I’m happy to have pick-up play,” I assure them with a hand over theirs on the table. “I’m asking what you want.”

“Pick-up play is great, but I can’t build up to some of the fun things I’d like with friends and strangers I don’t have experience to build a level of trust with. You know?”

“I see.”

Cin was framing the idea in a way they hadn’t before. I truly didn’t mind not having a permanent little, since I got to be partners with my bratty Kitten. They let me care for them in small ways everyday, doing the same for me. I met most of their needs in the bedroom, too.

Thinking about Cin not being able to have the same level of play which came in more committed relationships, reminds me of how I long to care for a little in a way I rarely admit to myself.

“You don’t have to date anyone at all, I only thought it might work for you and me, and our lifestyle,” Cin rambles, not letting me think without interrupting, but I don’t mind.

Giving them a reassuring smile, I tease their flagging erection. “We can only try and see. If we find two separate people to meet those needs, we will always have each other.”

“Yes,” Cin sags back into their seat and suppresses a moan.

“Do you want a box or dessert?”

The waiter pulls our attention and we get to-go boxes. His smirk tells me I might not have been as discreet as I thought. Still, the pub is only half-full with barflies and other business people on lunch. Slipping my shoe back on, we pay and head out.

On our way back to work, Cin uses the box of shepherd’s pie to cover their tenting skirt.

“Sometimes I think you’re the brat,” Cin tells me before we walk into work.

Kissing their temple, I lean in and promise, “Your suffering will be worth it, later, Kitten.”

Cin only grumbles and makes a bee-line for my corner office to put their food in my mini-fridge and change into pants. I’m sad to lose sight of them in their fishnets and flustered expression, but I have a meeting.

Having a second person to tease and work over is an intoxicating idea. And sharing them with Cin?

Let the fun begin.

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