Chapter five
A fter being riled up by Gay at lunch, I’m ready for the Pancakes and Pronouns munch to be over before it starts. Normally the munch is the highlight of my month, outside of playing with Gay and doing aftercare at Randy’s, my munch is where I can be myself and also support others on their gender journey.
This second Wednesday in September I’m less enthusiastic.
“Put the skirt and fishnets back on, along with something to make sure you’re ready to go when we get home.” Gay instructs me to put a plug in under my knee-length skirt and tight but assless panties—she wants me ready in all ways—and I opt for a short tail to give me a little cushion and not be visible when walking.
In kink, I have no shame, but there is such a thing as appropriate for the public, and a tail butt-plug doesn’t fit the bill. We don’t need strangers taking pictures and them getting back to the law firm. What’s under my clothes doesn’t affect anyone but me… And Gay, to an extent. Though she knows what’s there, she doesn’t have the constant physical reminder.
As usual, I’m glad she senses when I need a heavier hand. I’m rarely in a subby mood outside of bratting at the club, but I need to get out of my head sometimes. This prolonged play helps and only Gay has ever been good at knowing when to push my buttons.
We walk to Randy’s and I regret the choice by the end of our block, where a few trees are starting to turn to their fall colors. Early Autumn is my favorite, with the rainbow of foliage and temperate weather. Crunchy leaves and a new wardrobe, what’s not to love?
Squirming when we hurry to cross the street at a flashing walk sign, I notice Gay’s smirk and keep my mouth shut. If I complain, she might make me wait longer. The trust to do things I used to only fantasize about is part of why I’m interested in dating someone who I can get my sadist side out with. Gay knows I like being denied so I can let my brat out while she ignores my no’s during sex.
My body is more than ready and I want to come so bad, but waiting is part of the fun.
“Your big birthday is coming up,” I mention to distract myself.
“It is. Though I’m not sure thirty is as big as eighteen or fifty.”
“I feel like thirty makes you a real adult,” I tease. Gay narrows her eyes and I stick my tongue out.
“Because having multiple degrees, being a partner in a law firm, and owning a home don’t already scream grown-up?”
“Nope. It’s turning thirty. Flips the switch.”
“I’ll remind you of that in a few years.” Gay raises a brow as we pass a park full of picnicking families, “Why do you bring it up?”
“Can I arrange a party where we give you thirty whacks?”
“And one to grow on?” Gay asks with a heavy dose of sarcasm.
“Ohh, yes!”
“No. But I can spank you.” She chuckles, “If I’m giving out spankings, we can’t have it at Randy’s like our last birthday celebrations.”
“Not that the servers or most regulars would complain. Half of them have been to the munch or chatted with us during Aftercare.”
“Are you volunteering to pull your pants down at Randy’s?”
“Or, and hear me out,” I start, knowing there are many steps to what I’m proposing. “We host an at-home dungeon party and find someone for you to give thirty spanks to.”
Gay tilts her head back and forth, and I count steps to keep myself from interrupting. Gay thinks through the ways we can’t do something and I tend to jump in, but I find the best course is to let her think. I count two hundred and seventy-six steps before she replies.
“I did close the Franklin case, so I have more time between now and then. We have more work to do in the basement before we can host.”
“It’s in over four weeks. We can do it,” I insist, seeing Randy’s a block away.
“If you’re willing to put in the work, then I’m down. Good motivation to finish the space before winter.”
“Awesome. I can invite the munch folx this evening?” I ask as Gay reaches for the door.
She opens the door for me and I notice some of the writers are still clacking away at their manuscripts, and the old guy, Archie, is at his usual spot by the window. No one for the munch yet, which means I’m not running late. Winning!
“Sure,” Gay agrees. “We know most of them well.”
We find our way to the back corner before Zo greets us. They have pink and silver hair at the moment, and a Xe/xem/xey pronoun pin. I love how Zo plays with gender like the fluid thing it is, sometimes changing pins between tables on the same shift. They and them are the ones Zo says always work, though.
“Are you joining us for the munch?” Gay asks Zo.
“Only as your server,” Zo winks and points to the board with the daily specials we usually ignore for our favorites. “Neve is the cook today, so beware the keto burger.”
Chuckling, I let Gay order us the usual pancakes and waffles with a side of fruit and pitcher of ice water. We’ve tried a few of Neve’s concoctions, and I’m not a fan, though Gay has enjoyed some of the healthier options. I don’t like to eat diet anything with my fast metabolism.
Sitting gingerly, I try to ignore the insistent tug on my ass. “I’m hoping the new guy who didn’t show up last month comes today. We’ve been chatting.”
Reaching out online, I sent RJ a quick, “Hi, I lead the Pancake and Pronouns munch and wanted to make sure you feel welcome to ask questions before you attend. ”
RJ replied a few days ago, saying he plans to attend and I told him about the number of people who come and confirmed buying food is optional. Studies show that money is often tighter for trans people than others, so I am sure to make sure we buy food and tip well enough to cover everyone.
“Goes by boy2000 , but his name is RJ and he’s twenty-four.” I fill Gay in, knowing she is always great about taking a newbie under her wing. “He’s new to Boston, only a month now, and hasn’t attended any munch or kink gathering in over three years. But he’s a boy and a masochist.”
“Mmm, I see. So you two chatted a good bit.” She smiles at my not so subtle hint about RJ’s kinks, laying out the name tags for me.
“He’s easy to chat with, though only a little over the past few days. We both put in long hours, though I’m not sure what he does. I know we both like fashion.”
“Where did he move from?”
“He said San Francisco for college, but Sacramento in general. A California boy.”
“Those are big cities. I know San Francisco has a big kink community since they host the Folsom Street Fair. I wonder what kept him away?”
“I didn’t ask.” I gasp as Gay plops down beside me and I feel the plug even from the minor movement. I pout in Gay’s direction, “You better keep good on your promise.”
“I always do, Kitten.”
Gay leans in to kiss me, deepening it in a way that has my dick straining under the waistband of my panties. We only break apart when Zo wolf-whistles and some of the regulars cheer along.
Yeah, I’ll be greeting people from my seat tonight.